Abstract:Datasets nowadays are generally constructed from multiple sources and using different synthetic techniques, making data de-noising and de-duplication crucial before being used for post-training. In this work, we propose to perform instruction tuning by iterative data selection (\ApproachName{}). We measure the quality of a sample from complexity and diversity simultaneously. Instead of calculating the complexity score once for all before fine-tuning, we highlight the importance of updating this model-specific score during fine-tuning to accurately accommodate the dynamic changes of the model. On the other hand, the diversity score is defined on top of the samples' responses under the consideration of their informativeness. IterIT integrates the strengths of both worlds by iteratively updating the complexity score for the top-ranked samples and greedily selecting the ones with the highest complexity-diversity score. Experiments on multiple instruction-tuning data demonstrate consistent improvements of IterIT over strong baselines. Moreover, our approach also generalizes well to domain-specific scenarios and different backbone models. All resources will be available at https://github.com/JiaQiSJTU/IterIT.
Abstract:Understanding visual semantics embedded in consecutive characters is a crucial capability for both large language models (LLMs) and multi-modal large language models (MLLMs). This type of artifact possesses the unique characteristic that identical information can be readily formulated in both texts and images, making them a significant proxy for analyzing modern LLMs' and MLLMs' capabilities in modality-agnostic vision understanding. In this work, we select ASCII art as a representative artifact, where the lines and brightness used to depict each concept are rendered by characters, and we frame the problem as an ASCII art recognition task. We benchmark model performance on this task by constructing an evaluation dataset with an elaborate categorization tree and also collect a training set to elicit the models' visual perception ability. Through a comprehensive analysis of dozens of models, results reveal that although humans can achieve nearly 100% accuracy, the state-of-the-art LLMs and MLLMs lag far behind. Models are capable of recognizing concepts depicted in the ASCII arts given only text inputs indicated by over 60% accuracy for some concepts, but most of them achieves merely around 30% accuracy when averaged across all categories. When provided with images as inputs, GPT-4o gets 82.68%, outperforming the strongest open-source MLLM by 21.95%. Although models favor different kinds of ASCII art depending on the modality provided, none of the MLLMs successfully benefit when both modalities are supplied simultaneously. Moreover, supervised fine-tuning helps improve models' accuracy especially when provided with the image modality, but also highlights the need for better training techniques to enhance the information fusion among modalities.
Abstract:Deep learning benefits from the growing abundance of available data. Meanwhile, efficiently dealing with the growing data scale has become a challenge. Data publicly available are from different sources with various qualities, and it is impractical to do manual cleaning against noise and redundancy given today's data scale. There are existing techniques for cleaning/selecting the collected data. However, these methods are mainly proposed for offline settings that target one of the cleanness and redundancy problems. In practice, data are growing exponentially with both problems. This leads to repeated data curation with sub-optimal efficiency. To tackle this challenge, we propose InfoGrowth, an efficient online algorithm for data cleaning and selection, resulting in a growing dataset that keeps up to date with awareness of cleanliness and diversity. InfoGrowth can improve data quality/efficiency on both single-modal and multi-modal tasks, with an efficient and scalable design. Its framework makes it practical for real-world data engines.
Abstract:Continual learning (CL) can help pre-trained vision-language models efficiently adapt to new or under-trained data distributions without re-training. Nevertheless, during the continual training of the Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model, we observe that the model's zero-shot transfer ability significantly degrades due to catastrophic forgetting. Existing CL methods can mitigate forgetting by replaying previous data. However, since the CLIP dataset is private, replay methods cannot access the pre-training dataset. In addition, replaying data of previously learned downstream tasks can enhance their performance but comes at the cost of sacrificing zero-shot performance. To address this challenge, we propose a novel method ZSCL to prevent zero-shot transfer degradation in the continual learning of vision-language models in both feature and parameter space. In the feature space, a reference dataset is introduced for distillation between the current and initial models. The reference dataset should have semantic diversity but no need to be labeled, seen in pre-training, or matched image-text pairs. In parameter space, we prevent a large parameter shift by averaging weights during the training. We propose a more challenging Multi-domain Task Incremental Learning (MTIL) benchmark to evaluate different methods, where tasks are from various domains instead of class-separated in a single dataset. Our method outperforms other methods in the traditional class-incremental learning setting and the MTIL by 9.7% average score. Our code locates at https://github.com/Thunderbeee/ZSCL.
Abstract:Data pruning aims to obtain lossless performances as training on the original data with less overall cost. A common approach is to simply filter out samples that make less contribution to the training. This leads to gradient expectation bias between the pruned and original data. To solve this problem, we propose \textbf{InfoBatch}, a novel framework aiming to achieve lossless training acceleration by unbiased dynamic data pruning. Specifically, InfoBatch randomly prunes a portion of less informative samples based on the loss distribution and rescales the gradients of the remaining samples. We train the full data in the last few epochs to improve the performance of our method, which further reduces the bias of the total update. As a plug-and-play and architecture-agnostic framework, InfoBatch consistently obtains lossless training results on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet, and ImageNet-1K saving 40\%, 33\%, 30\%, and 26\% overall cost, respectively. We extend InfoBatch into semantic segmentation task and also achieve lossless mIoU on ADE20K dataset with 20\% overall cost saving. Last but not least, as InfoBatch accelerates in data dimension, it further speeds up large-batch training methods (\textit{eg.} LARS and LAMB) by 1.3 times without extra cost or performance drop. The code will be made public.