Abstract:Hybrid CNN-Transformer models are designed to combine the advantages of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers to efficiently model both local information and long-range dependencies. However, most research tends to focus on integrating the spatial features of CNNs and Transformers, while overlooking the critical importance of channel features. This is particularly significant for model performance in low-quality medical image segmentation. Effective channel feature extraction can significantly enhance the model's ability to capture contextual information and improve its representation capabilities. To address this issue, we propose a hybrid CNN-Transformer model, CFFormer, and introduce two modules: the Cross Feature Channel Attention (CFCA) module and the X-Spatial Feature Fusion (XFF) module. The model incorporates dual encoders, with the CNN encoder focusing on capturing local features and the Transformer encoder modeling global features. The CFCA module filters and facilitates interactions between the channel features from the two encoders, while the XFF module effectively reduces the significant semantic information differences in spatial features, enabling a smooth and cohesive spatial feature fusion. We evaluate our model across eight datasets covering five modalities to test its generalization capability. Experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, with particularly superior performance on datasets characterized by blurry boundaries and low contrast.
Abstract:Small lesions play a critical role in early disease diagnosis and intervention of severe infections. Popular models often face challenges in segmenting small lesions, as it occupies only a minor portion of an image, while down\_sampling operations may inevitably lose focus on local features of small lesions. To tackle the challenges, we propose a {\bf S}mall-{\bf S}ize-{\bf S}ensitive {\bf Mamba} ({\bf S$^3$-Mamba}), which promotes the sensitivity to small lesions across three dimensions: channel, spatial, and training strategy. Specifically, an Enhanced Visual State Space block is designed to focus on small lesions through multiple residual connections to preserve local features, and selectively amplify important details while suppressing irrelevant ones through channel-wise attention. A Tensor-based Cross-feature Multi-scale Attention is designed to integrate input image features and intermediate-layer features with edge features and exploit the attentive support of features across multiple scales, thereby retaining spatial details of small lesions at various granularities. Finally, we introduce a novel regularized curriculum learning to automatically assess lesion size and sample difficulty, and gradually focus from easy samples to hard ones like small lesions. Extensive experiments on three medical image segmentation datasets show the superiority of our S$^3$-Mamba, especially in segmenting small lesions. Our code is available at https://github.com/ErinWang2023/S3-Mamba.
Abstract:The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has demonstrated outstanding adaptation to medical image segmentation but still faces three major challenges. Firstly, the huge computational costs of SAM limit its real-world applicability. Secondly, SAM depends on manual annotations (e.g., points, boxes) as prompts, which are laborious and impractical in clinical scenarios. Thirdly, SAM handles all segmentation targets equally, which is suboptimal for diverse medical modalities with inherent heterogeneity. To address these issues, we propose an Efficient Self-Prompting SAM for universal medical image segmentation, named ESP-MedSAM. We devise a Multi-Modal Decoupled Knowledge Distillation (MMDKD) strategy to distil common image knowledge and domain-specific medical knowledge from the foundation model to train a lightweight image encoder and a modality controller. Further, they combine with the additionally introduced Self-Patch Prompt Generator (SPPG) and Query-Decoupled Modality Decoder (QDMD) to construct ESP-MedSAM. Specifically, SPPG aims to generate a set of patch prompts automatically and QDMD leverages a one-to-one strategy to provide an independent decoding channel for every modality. Extensive experiments indicate that ESP-MedSAM outperforms state-of-the-arts in diverse medical imaging segmentation takes, displaying superior zero-shot learning and modality transfer ability. Especially, our framework uses only 31.4% parameters compared to SAM-Base.
Abstract:This paper proposes an efficient federated distillation learning system (EFDLS) for multi-task time series classification (TSC). EFDLS consists of a central server and multiple mobile users, where different users may run different TSC tasks. EFDLS has two novel components, namely a feature-based student-teacher (FBST) framework and a distance-based weights matching (DBWM) scheme. Within each user, the FBST framework transfers knowledge from its teacher's hidden layers to its student's hidden layers via knowledge distillation, with the teacher and student having identical network structure. For each connected user, its student model's hidden layers' weights are uploaded to the EFDLS server periodically. The DBWM scheme is deployed on the server, with the least square distance used to measure the similarity between the weights of two given models. This scheme finds a partner for each connected user such that the user's and its partner's weights are the closest among all the weights uploaded. The server exchanges and sends back the user's and its partner's weights to these two users which then load the received weights to their teachers' hidden layers. Experimental results show that the proposed EFDLS achieves excellent performance on a set of selected UCR2018 datasets regarding top-1 accuracy.
Abstract:Full truckload transportation (FTL) in the form of freight containers represents one of the most important transportation modes in international trade. Due to large volume and scale, in FTL, delivery time is often less critical but cost and service quality are crucial. Therefore, efficiently solving large scale multiple shift FTL problems is becoming more and more important and requires further research. In one of our earlier studies, a set covering model and a three-stage solution method were developed for a multi-shift FTL problem. This paper extends the previous work and presents a significantly more efficient approach by hybridising pricing and cutting strategies with metaheuristics (a variable neighbourhood search and a genetic algorithm). The metaheuristics were adopted to find promising columns (vehicle routes) guided by pricing and cuts are dynamically generated to eliminate infeasible flow assignments caused by incompatible commodities. Computational experiments on real-life and artificial benchmark FTL problems showed superior performance both in terms of computational time and solution quality, when compared with previous MIP based three-stage methods and two existing metaheuristics. The proposed cutting and heuristic pricing approach can efficiently solve large scale real-life FTL problems.
Abstract:Object detection is one of the most important and challenging branches of computer vision, which has been widely applied in peoples life, such as monitoring security, autonomous driving and so on, with the purpose of locating instances of semantic objects of a certain class. With the rapid development of deep learning networks for detection tasks, the performance of object detectors has been greatly improved. In order to understand the main development status of object detection pipeline, thoroughly and deeply, in this survey, we first analyze the methods of existing typical detection models and describe the benchmark datasets. Afterwards and primarily, we provide a comprehensive overview of a variety of object detection methods in a systematic manner, covering the one-stage and two-stage detectors. Moreover, we list the traditional and new applications. Some representative branches of object detection are analyzed as well. Finally, we discuss the architecture of exploiting these object detection methods to build an effective and efficient system and point out a set of development trends to better follow the state-of-the-art algorithms and further research.
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the hybridization of constraint programming and local search techniques within a large neighbourhood search scheme for solving highly constrained nurse rostering problems. As identified by the research, a crucial part of the large neighbourhood search is the selection of the fragment (neighbourhood, i.e. the set of variables), to be relaxed and re-optimized iteratively. The success of the large neighbourhood search depends on the adequacy of this identified neighbourhood with regard to the problematic part of the solution assignment and the choice of the neighbourhood size. We investigate three strategies to choose the fragment of different sizes within the large neighbourhood search scheme. The first two strategies are tailored concerning the problem properties. The third strategy is more general, using the information of the cost from the soft constraint violations and their propagation as the indicator to choose the variables added into the fragment. The three strategies are analyzed and compared upon a benchmark nurse rostering problem. Promising results demonstrate the possibility of future work in the hybrid approach.
Abstract:Previous research has shown that artificial immune systems can be used to produce robust schedules in a manufacturing environment. The main goal is to develop building blocks (antibodies) of partial schedules that can be used to construct backup solutions (antigens) when disturbances occur during production. The building blocks are created based upon underpinning ideas from artificial immune systems and evolved using a genetic algorithm (Phase I). Each partial schedule (antibody) is assigned a fitness value and the best partial schedules are selected to be converted into complete schedules (antigens). We further investigate whether simulated annealing and the great deluge algorithm can improve the results when hybridised with our artificial immune system (Phase II). We use ten fixed solutions as our target and measure how well we cover these specific scenarios.