Abstract:Recent advancements have established Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) as a dominant framework in generative modeling. Building on this success, Lumina-Next achieves exceptional performance in the generation of photorealistic images with Next-DiT. However, its potential for video generation remains largely untapped, with significant challenges in modeling the spatiotemporal complexity inherent to video data. To address this, we introduce Lumina-Video, a framework that leverages the strengths of Next-DiT while introducing tailored solutions for video synthesis. Lumina-Video incorporates a Multi-scale Next-DiT architecture, which jointly learns multiple patchifications to enhance both efficiency and flexibility. By incorporating the motion score as an explicit condition, Lumina-Video also enables direct control of generated videos' dynamic degree. Combined with a progressive training scheme with increasingly higher resolution and FPS, and a multi-source training scheme with mixed natural and synthetic data, Lumina-Video achieves remarkable aesthetic quality and motion smoothness at high training and inference efficiency. We additionally propose Lumina-V2A, a video-to-audio model based on Next-DiT, to create synchronized sounds for generated videos. Codes are released at https://www.github.com/Alpha-VLLM/Lumina-Video.
Abstract:Recent Large Multi-Modal Models (LMMs) have made significant advancements in multi-modal alignment by employing lightweight connection modules to facilitate the representation and fusion of knowledge from existing pre-trained uni-modal models. However, these methods still rely on modality-specific and direction-specific connectors, leading to compartmentalized knowledge representations and reduced computational efficiency, which limits the model's ability to form unified multi-modal representations. To address these issues, we introduce a novel training framework, Alt-MoE, which employs the Mixture of Experts (MoE) as a unified multi-directional connector across modalities, and employs a multi-step sequential alternating unidirectional alignment strategy, which converges to bidirectional alignment over iterations. The extensive empirical studies revealed the following key points: 1) Alt-MoE achieves competitive results by integrating diverse knowledge representations from uni-modal models. This approach seamlessly fuses the specialized expertise of existing high-performance uni-modal models, effectively synthesizing their domain-specific knowledge into a cohesive multi-modal representation. 2) Alt-MoE efficiently scales to new tasks and modalities without altering its model architecture or training strategy. Furthermore, Alt-MoE operates in latent space, supporting vector pre-storage and real-time retrieval via lightweight multi-directional MoE, thereby facilitating massive data processing. Our methodology has been validated on several well-performing uni-modal models (LLAMA3, Qwen2, and DINOv2), achieving competitive results on a wide range of downstream tasks and datasets.
Abstract:Fully-supervised salient object detection (SOD) methods have made great progress, but such methods often rely on a large number of pixel-level annotations, which are time-consuming and labour-intensive. In this paper, we focus on a new weakly-supervised SOD task under hybrid labels, where the supervision labels include a large number of coarse labels generated by the traditional unsupervised method and a small number of real labels. To address the issues of label noise and quantity imbalance in this task, we design a new pipeline framework with three sophisticated training strategies. In terms of model framework, we decouple the task into label refinement sub-task and salient object detection sub-task, which cooperate with each other and train alternately. Specifically, the R-Net is designed as a two-stream encoder-decoder model equipped with Blender with Guidance and Aggregation Mechanisms (BGA), aiming to rectify the coarse labels for more reliable pseudo-labels, while the S-Net is a replaceable SOD network supervised by the pseudo labels generated by the current R-Net. Note that, we only need to use the trained S-Net for testing. Moreover, in order to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of network training, we design three training strategies, including alternate iteration mechanism, group-wise incremental mechanism, and credibility verification mechanism. Experiments on five SOD benchmarks show that our method achieves competitive performance against weakly-supervised/unsupervised methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Abstract:We present a simple yet effective method to address loop closure detection in simultaneous localisation and mapping using local 3D deep descriptors (L3Ds). L3Ds are emerging compact representations of patches extracted from point clouds that are learned from data using a deep learning algorithm. We propose a novel overlap measure for loop detection by computing the metric error between points that correspond to mutually-nearest-neighbour descriptors after registering the loop candidate point cloud by its estimated relative pose. This novel approach enables us to accurately detect loops and estimate six degrees-of-freedom poses in the case of small overlaps. We compare our L3D-based loop closure approach with recent approaches on LiDAR data and achieve state-of-the-art loop closure detection accuracy. Additionally, we embed our loop closure approach in RESLAM, a recent edge-based SLAM system, and perform the evaluation on real-world RGBD-TUM and synthetic ICL datasets. Our approach enables RESLAM to achieve a better localisation accuracy compared to its original loop closure strategy.
Abstract:This paper studies the problem of detecting novel or unexpected instances in text classification. In traditional text classification, the classes appeared in testing must have been seen in training. However, in many applications, this is not the case because in testing, we may see unexpected instances that are not from any of the training classes. In this paper, we propose a significantly more effective approach that converts the original problem to a pair-wise matching problem and then outputs how probable two instances belong to the same class. Under this approach, we present two models. The more effective model uses two embedding matrices of a pair of instances as two channels of a CNN. The output probabilities from such pairs are used to judge whether a test instance is from a seen class or is novel/unexpected. Experimental results show that the proposed method substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a stochastic Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient (PDHG) approach for solving a wide spectrum of regularized stochastic minimization problems, where the regularization term is composite with a linear function. It has been recognized that solving this kind of problem is challenging since the closed-form solution of the proximal mapping associated with the regularization term is not available due to the imposed linear composition, and the per-iteration cost of computing the full gradient of the expected objective function is extremely high when the number of input data samples is considerably large. Our new approach overcomes these issues by exploring the special structure of the regularization term and sampling a few data points at each iteration. Rather than analyzing the convergence in expectation, we provide the detailed iteration complexity analysis for the cases of both uniformly and non-uniformly averaged iterates with high probability. This strongly supports the good practical performance of the proposed approach. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the efficiency of stochastic PDHG, which outperforms other competing algorithms, as expected by the high-probability convergence analysis.