Abstract:Synthetic data is gaining increasing popularity for face recognition technologies, mainly due to the privacy concerns and challenges associated with obtaining real data, including diverse scenarios, quality, and demographic groups, among others. It also offers some advantages over real data, such as the large amount of data that can be generated or the ability to customize it to adapt to specific problem-solving needs. To effectively use such data, face recognition models should also be specifically designed to exploit synthetic data to its fullest potential. In order to promote the proposal of novel Generative AI methods and synthetic data, and investigate the application of synthetic data to better train face recognition systems, we introduce the 2nd FRCSyn-onGoing challenge, based on the 2nd Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data (FRCSyn), originally launched at CVPR 2024. This is an ongoing challenge that provides researchers with an accessible platform to benchmark i) the proposal of novel Generative AI methods and synthetic data, and ii) novel face recognition systems that are specifically proposed to take advantage of synthetic data. We focus on exploring the use of synthetic data both individually and in combination with real data to solve current challenges in face recognition such as demographic bias, domain adaptation, and performance constraints in demanding situations, such as age disparities between training and testing, changes in the pose, or occlusions. Very interesting findings are obtained in this second edition, including a direct comparison with the first one, in which synthetic databases were restricted to DCFace and GANDiffFace.
Abstract:Synthetic data is gaining increasing relevance for training machine learning models. This is mainly motivated due to several factors such as the lack of real data and intra-class variability, time and errors produced in manual labeling, and in some cases privacy concerns, among others. This paper presents an overview of the 2nd edition of the Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data (FRCSyn) organized at CVPR 2024. FRCSyn aims to investigate the use of synthetic data in face recognition to address current technological limitations, including data privacy concerns, demographic biases, generalization to novel scenarios, and performance constraints in challenging situations such as aging, pose variations, and occlusions. Unlike the 1st edition, in which synthetic data from DCFace and GANDiffFace methods was only allowed to train face recognition systems, in this 2nd edition we propose new sub-tasks that allow participants to explore novel face generative methods. The outcomes of the 2nd FRCSyn Challenge, along with the proposed experimental protocol and benchmarking contribute significantly to the application of synthetic data to face recognition.
Abstract:Recently, there has been considerable attention towards leveraging large language models (LLMs) to enhance decision-making processes. However, aligning the natural language text instructions generated by LLMs with the vectorized operations required for execution presents a significant challenge, often necessitating task-specific details. To circumvent the need for such task-specific granularity, inspired by preference-based policy learning approaches, we investigate the utilization of multimodal LLMs to provide automated preference feedback solely from image inputs to guide decision-making. In this study, we train a multimodal LLM, termed CriticGPT, capable of understanding trajectory videos in robot manipulation tasks, serving as a critic to offer analysis and preference feedback. Subsequently, we validate the effectiveness of preference labels generated by CriticGPT from a reward modeling perspective. Experimental evaluation of the algorithm's preference accuracy demonstrates its effective generalization ability to new tasks. Furthermore, performance on Meta-World tasks reveals that CriticGPT's reward model efficiently guides policy learning, surpassing rewards based on state-of-the-art pre-trained representation models.
Abstract:This paper reports on the NTIRE 2023 Quality Assessment of Video Enhancement Challenge, which will be held in conjunction with the New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement Workshop (NTIRE) at CVPR 2023. This challenge is to address a major challenge in the field of video processing, namely, video quality assessment (VQA) for enhanced videos. The challenge uses the VQA Dataset for Perceptual Video Enhancement (VDPVE), which has a total of 1211 enhanced videos, including 600 videos with color, brightness, and contrast enhancements, 310 videos with deblurring, and 301 deshaked videos. The challenge has a total of 167 registered participants. 61 participating teams submitted their prediction results during the development phase, with a total of 3168 submissions. A total of 176 submissions were submitted by 37 participating teams during the final testing phase. Finally, 19 participating teams submitted their models and fact sheets, and detailed the methods they used. Some methods have achieved better results than baseline methods, and the winning methods have demonstrated superior prediction performance.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce Gradient Siamese Network (GSN) for image quality assessment. The proposed method is skilled in capturing the gradient features between distorted images and reference images in full-reference image quality assessment(IQA) task. We utilize Central Differential Convolution to obtain both semantic features and detail difference hidden in image pair. Furthermore, spatial attention guides the network to concentrate on regions related to image detail. For the low-level, mid-level and high-level features extracted by the network, we innovatively design a multi-level fusion method to improve the efficiency of feature utilization. In addition to the common mean square error supervision, we further consider the relative distance among batch samples and successfully apply KL divergence loss to the image quality assessment task. We experimented the proposed algorithm GSN on several publicly available datasets and proved its superior performance. Our network won the second place in NTIRE 2022 Perceptual Image Quality Assessment Challenge track 1 Full-Reference.