Abstract:Privacy-preserving network anomaly detection has become an essential area of research due to growing concerns over the protection of sensitive data. Traditional anomaly de- tection models often prioritize accuracy while neglecting the critical aspect of privacy. In this work, we propose a hybrid ensemble model that incorporates privacy-preserving techniques to address both detection accuracy and data protection. Our model combines the strengths of several machine learning algo- rithms, including K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), XGBoost, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), to create a robust system capable of identifying network anomalies while ensuring privacy. The proposed approach in- tegrates advanced preprocessing techniques that enhance data quality and address the challenges of small sample sizes and imbalanced datasets. By embedding privacy measures into the model design, our solution offers a significant advancement over existing methods, ensuring both enhanced detection performance and strong privacy safeguards.
Abstract:Computational paralinguistics (ComParal) aims to develop algorithms and models to automatically detect, analyze, and interpret non-verbal information from speech communication, e. g., emotion, health state, age, and gender. Despite its rapid progress, it heavily depends on sophisticatedly designed models given specific paralinguistic tasks. Thus, the heterogeneity and diversity of ComParal models largely prevent the realistic implementation of ComParal models. Recently, with the advent of acoustic foundation models because of self-supervised learning, developing more generic models that can efficiently perceive a plethora of paralinguistic information has become an active topic in speech processing. However, it lacks a unified evaluation framework for a fair and consistent performance comparison. To bridge this gap, we conduct a large-scale benchmark, namely ParaLBench, which concentrates on standardizing the evaluation process of diverse paralinguistic tasks, including critical aspects of affective computing such as emotion recognition and emotion dimensions prediction, over different acoustic foundation models. This benchmark contains ten datasets with thirteen distinct paralinguistic tasks, covering short-, medium- and long-term characteristics. Each task is carried out on 14 acoustic foundation models under a unified evaluation framework, which allows for an unbiased methodological comparison and offers a grounded reference for the ComParal community. Based on the insights gained from ParaLBench, we also point out potential research directions, i.e., the cross-corpus generalizability, to propel ComParal research in the future. The code associated with this study will be available to foster the transparency and replicability of this work for succeeding researchers.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit strong contextual understanding and remarkable multi-task performance. Therefore, researchers have been seeking to integrate LLMs in the broad sense of Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) field. Different from the traditional method of cascading LLMs to process text generated by Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR), new efforts have focused on designing architectures centered around Audio Feature Extraction - Multimodal Information Fusion - LLM Inference(Speech LLMs). This approach enables richer audio feature extraction while simultaneously facilitating end-to-end fusion of audio and text modalities, thereby achieving deeper understanding and reasoning from audio data. This paper elucidates the development of Speech LLMs, offering an in-depth analysis of system architectures and training strategies. Through extensive research and a series of targeted experiments, the paper assesses Speech LLMs' advancements in Rich Audio Transcription and its potential for Cross-task Integration within the SLU field. Additionally, it indicates key challenges uncovered through experimentation, such as the Dormancy of LLMs under certain conditions. The paper further delves into the training strategies for Speech LLMs, proposing potential solutions based on these findings, and offering valuable insights and references for future research in this domain, as well as LLM applications in multimodal contexts.
Abstract:Epileptic seizures cause abnormal brain activity, and their unpredictability can lead to accidents, underscoring the need for long-term seizure prediction. Although seizures can be predicted by analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, existing methods often require too many electrode channels or larger models, limiting mobile usability. This paper introduces a SlimSeiz framework that utilizes adaptive channel selection with a lightweight neural network model. SlimSeiz operates in two states: the first stage selects the optimal channel set for seizure prediction using machine learning algorithms, and the second stage employs a lightweight neural network based on convolution and Mamba for prediction. On the Children's Hospital Boston-MIT (CHB-MIT) EEG dataset, SlimSeiz can reduce channels from 22 to 8 while achieving a satisfactory result of 94.8% accuracy, 95.5% sensitivity, and 94.0% specificity with only 21.2K model parameters, matching or outperforming larger models' performance. We also validate SlimSeiz on a new EEG dataset, SRH-LEI, collected from Shanghai Renji Hospital, demonstrating its effectiveness across different patients. The code and SRH-LEI dataset are available at https://github.com/guoruilu/SlimSeiz.
Abstract:Recent advances in generative AI technologies like large language models have boosted the incorporation of AI assistance in writing workflows, leading to the rise of a new paradigm of human-AI co-creation in writing. To understand how people perceive writings that are produced under this paradigm, in this paper, we conduct an experimental study to understand whether and how the disclosure of the level and type of AI assistance in the writing process would affect people's perceptions of the writing on various aspects, including their evaluation on the quality of the writing and their ranking of different writings. Our results suggest that disclosing the AI assistance in the writing process, especially if AI has provided assistance in generating new content, decreases the average quality ratings for both argumentative essays and creative stories. This decrease in the average quality ratings often comes with an increased level of variations in different individuals' quality evaluations of the same writing. Indeed, factors such as an individual's writing confidence and familiarity with AI writing assistants are shown to moderate the impact of AI assistance disclosure on their writing quality evaluations. We also find that disclosing the use of AI assistance may significantly reduce the proportion of writings produced with AI's content generation assistance among the top-ranked writings.
Abstract:This study investigates the computational processing of euphemisms, a universal linguistic phenomenon, across multiple languages. We train a multilingual transformer model (XLM-RoBERTa) to disambiguate potentially euphemistic terms (PETs) in multilingual and cross-lingual settings. In line with current trends, we demonstrate that zero-shot learning across languages takes place. We also show cases where multilingual models perform better on the task compared to monolingual models by a statistically significant margin, indicating that multilingual data presents additional opportunities for models to learn about cross-lingual, computational properties of euphemisms. In a follow-up analysis, we focus on universal euphemistic "categories" such as death and bodily functions among others. We test to see whether cross-lingual data of the same domain is more important than within-language data of other domains to further understand the nature of the cross-lingual transfer.
Abstract:Federated learning effectively addresses issues such as data privacy by collaborating across participating devices to train global models. However, factors such as network topology and device computing power can affect its training or communication process in complex network environments. A new network architecture and paradigm with computing-measurable, perceptible, distributable, dispatchable, and manageable capabilities, computing and network convergence (CNC) of 6G networks can effectively support federated learning training and improve its communication efficiency. By guiding the participating devices' training in federated learning based on business requirements, resource load, network conditions, and arithmetic power of devices, CNC can reach this goal. In this paper, to improve the communication efficiency of federated learning in complex networks, we study the communication efficiency optimization of federated learning for computing and network convergence of 6G networks, methods that gives decisions on its training process for different network conditions and arithmetic power of participating devices in federated learning. The experiments address two architectures that exist for devices in federated learning and arrange devices to participate in training based on arithmetic power while achieving optimization of communication efficiency in the process of transferring model parameters. The results show that the method we proposed can (1) cope well with complex network situations (2) effectively balance the delay distribution of participating devices for local training (3) improve the communication efficiency during the transfer of model parameters (4) improve the resource utilization in the network.
Abstract:Transformers have been shown to work well for the task of English euphemism disambiguation, in which a potentially euphemistic term (PET) is classified as euphemistic or non-euphemistic in a particular context. In this study, we expand on the task in two ways. First, we annotate PETs for vagueness, a linguistic property associated with euphemisms, and find that transformers are generally better at classifying vague PETs, suggesting linguistic differences in the data that impact performance. Second, we present novel euphemism corpora in three different languages: Yoruba, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese. We perform euphemism disambiguation experiments in each language using multilingual transformer models mBERT and XLM-RoBERTa, establishing preliminary results from which to launch future work.
Abstract:Africa has over 2000 indigenous languages but they are under-represented in NLP research due to lack of datasets. In recent years, there have been progress in developing labeled corpora for African languages. However, they are often available in a single domain and may not generalize to other domains. In this paper, we focus on the task of sentiment classification for cross domain adaptation. We create a new dataset, NollySenti - based on the Nollywood movie reviews for five languages widely spoken in Nigeria (English, Hausa, Igbo, Nigerian-Pidgin, and Yoruba. We provide an extensive empirical evaluation using classical machine learning methods and pre-trained language models. Leveraging transfer learning, we compare the performance of cross-domain adaptation from Twitter domain, and cross-lingual adaptation from English language. Our evaluation shows that transfer from English in the same target domain leads to more than 5% improvement in accuracy compared to transfer from Twitter in the same language. To further mitigate the domain difference, we leverage machine translation (MT) from English to other Nigerian languages, which leads to a further improvement of 7% over cross-lingual evaluation. While MT to low-resource languages are often of low quality, through human evaluation, we show that most of the translated sentences preserve the sentiment of the original English reviews.
Abstract:This paper presents The Shared Task on Euphemism Detection for the Third Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2022) held in conjunction with EMNLP 2022. Participants were invited to investigate the euphemism detection task: given input text, identify whether it contains a euphemism. The input data is a corpus of sentences containing potentially euphemistic terms (PETs) collected from the GloWbE corpus (Davies and Fuchs, 2015), and are human-annotated as containing either a euphemistic or literal usage of a PET. In this paper, we present the results and analyze the common themes, methods and findings of the participating teams