Abstract:Diffusion Transformers have emerged as the preeminent models for a wide array of generative tasks, demonstrating superior performance and efficacy across various applications. The promising results come at the cost of slow inference, as each denoising step requires running the whole transformer model with a large amount of parameters. In this paper, we show that performing the full computation of the model at each diffusion step is unnecessary, as some computations can be skipped by lazily reusing the results of previous steps. Furthermore, we show that the lower bound of similarity between outputs at consecutive steps is notably high, and this similarity can be linearly approximated using the inputs. To verify our demonstrations, we propose the \textbf{LazyDiT}, a lazy learning framework that efficiently leverages cached results from earlier steps to skip redundant computations. Specifically, we incorporate lazy learning layers into the model, effectively trained to maximize laziness, enabling dynamic skipping of redundant computations. Experimental results show that LazyDiT outperforms the DDIM sampler across multiple diffusion transformer models at various resolutions. Furthermore, we implement our method on mobile devices, achieving better performance than DDIM with similar latency.
Abstract:Image tokenizers play a critical role in shaping the performance of subsequent generative models. Since the introduction of VQ-GAN, discrete image tokenization has undergone remarkable advancements. Improvements in architecture, quantization techniques, and training recipes have significantly enhanced both image reconstruction and the downstream generation quality. In this paper, we present XQ-GAN, an image tokenization framework designed for both image reconstruction and generation tasks. Our framework integrates state-of-the-art quantization techniques, including vector quantization (VQ), residual quantization (RQ), multi-scale residual quantization (MSVQ), product quantization (PQ), lookup-free quantization (LFQ), and binary spherical quantization (BSQ), within a highly flexible and customizable training environment. On the standard ImageNet 256x256 benchmark, our released model achieves an rFID of 0.64, significantly surpassing MAGVIT-v2 (0.9 rFID) and VAR (0.9 rFID). Furthermore, we demonstrate that using XQ-GAN as a tokenizer improves gFID metrics alongside rFID. For instance, with the same VAR architecture, XQ-GAN+VAR achieves a gFID of 2.6, outperforming VAR's 3.3 gFID by a notable margin. To support further research, we provide pre-trained weights of different image tokenizers for the community to directly train the subsequent generative models on it or fine-tune for specialized tasks.
Abstract:Image tokenizers are crucial for visual generative models, e.g., diffusion models (DMs) and autoregressive (AR) models, as they construct the latent representation for modeling. Increasing token length is a common approach to improve the image reconstruction quality. However, tokenizers with longer token lengths are not guaranteed to achieve better generation quality. There exists a trade-off between reconstruction and generation quality regarding token length. In this paper, we investigate the impact of token length on both image reconstruction and generation and provide a flexible solution to the tradeoff. We propose ImageFolder, a semantic tokenizer that provides spatially aligned image tokens that can be folded during autoregressive modeling to improve both generation efficiency and quality. To enhance the representative capability without increasing token length, we leverage dual-branch product quantization to capture different contexts of images. Specifically, semantic regularization is introduced in one branch to encourage compacted semantic information while another branch is designed to capture the remaining pixel-level details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior quality of image generation and shorter token length with ImageFolder tokenizer.
Abstract:Conditional visual generation has witnessed remarkable progress with the advent of diffusion models (DMs), especially in tasks like control-to-image generation. However, challenges such as expensive computational cost, high inference latency, and difficulties of integration with large language models (LLMs) have necessitated exploring alternatives to DMs. This paper introduces ControlVAR, a novel framework that explores pixel-level controls in visual autoregressive (VAR) modeling for flexible and efficient conditional generation. In contrast to traditional conditional models that learn the conditional distribution, ControlVAR jointly models the distribution of image and pixel-level conditions during training and imposes conditional controls during testing. To enhance the joint modeling, we adopt the next-scale AR prediction paradigm and unify control and image representations. A teacher-forcing guidance strategy is proposed to further facilitate controllable generation with joint modeling. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior efficacy and flexibility of ControlVAR across various conditional generation tasks against popular conditional DMs, \eg, ControlNet and T2I-Adaptor.
Abstract:Open-world entity segmentation, as an emerging computer vision task, aims at segmenting entities in images without being restricted by pre-defined classes, offering impressive generalization capabilities on unseen images and concepts. Despite its promise, existing entity segmentation methods like Segment Anything Model (SAM) rely heavily on costly expert annotators. This work presents Self-supervised Open-world Hierarchical Entity Segmentation (SOHES), a novel approach that eliminates the need for human annotations. SOHES operates in three phases: self-exploration, self-instruction, and self-correction. Given a pre-trained self-supervised representation, we produce abundant high-quality pseudo-labels through visual feature clustering. Then, we train a segmentation model on the pseudo-labels, and rectify the noises in pseudo-labels via a teacher-student mutual-learning procedure. Beyond segmenting entities, SOHES also captures their constituent parts, providing a hierarchical understanding of visual entities. Using raw images as the sole training data, our method achieves unprecedented performance in self-supervised open-world segmentation, marking a significant milestone towards high-quality open-world entity segmentation in the absence of human-annotated masks. Project page: https://SOHES.github.io.
Abstract:We propose SegGen, a highly-effective training data generation method for image segmentation, which pushes the performance limits of state-of-the-art segmentation models to a significant extent. SegGen designs and integrates two data generation strategies: MaskSyn and ImgSyn. (i) MaskSyn synthesizes new mask-image pairs via our proposed text-to-mask generation model and mask-to-image generation model, greatly improving the diversity in segmentation masks for model supervision; (ii) ImgSyn synthesizes new images based on existing masks using the mask-to-image generation model, strongly improving image diversity for model inputs. On the highly competitive ADE20K and COCO benchmarks, our data generation method markedly improves the performance of state-of-the-art segmentation models in semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation, and instance segmentation. Notably, in terms of the ADE20K mIoU, Mask2Former R50 is largely boosted from 47.2 to 49.9 (+2.7); Mask2Former Swin-L is also significantly increased from 56.1 to 57.4 (+1.3). These promising results strongly suggest the effectiveness of our SegGen even when abundant human-annotated training data is utilized. Moreover, training with our synthetic data makes the segmentation models more robust towards unseen domains. Project website: https://seggenerator.github.io
Abstract:Despite the progress of image segmentation for accurate visual entity segmentation, completing the diverse requirements of image editing applications for different-level region-of-interest selections remains unsolved. In this paper, we propose a new task, All-Inclusive Multi-Level Segmentation (AIMS), which segments visual regions into three levels: part, entity, and relation (two entities with some semantic relationships). We also build a unified AIMS model through multi-dataset multi-task training to address the two major challenges of annotation inconsistency and task correlation. Specifically, we propose task complementarity, association, and prompt mask encoder for three-level predictions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization capacity of our method compared to other state-of-the-art methods on a single dataset or the concurrent work on segmenting anything. We will make our code and training model publicly available.
Abstract:We investigate the problem of automatically placing an object into a background image for image compositing. Given a background image and a segmented object, the goal is to train a model to predict plausible placements (location and scale) of the object for compositing. The quality of the composite image highly depends on the predicted location/scale. Existing works either generate candidate bounding boxes or apply sliding-window search using global representations from background and object images, which fail to model local information in background images. However, local clues in background images are important to determine the compatibility of placing the objects with certain locations/scales. In this paper, we propose to learn the correlation between object features and all local background features with a transformer module so that detailed information can be provided on all possible location/scale configurations. A sparse contrastive loss is further proposed to train our model with sparse supervision. Our new formulation generates a 3D heatmap indicating the plausibility of all location/scale combinations in one network forward pass, which is over 10 times faster than the previous sliding-window method. It also supports interactive search when users provide a pre-defined location or scale. The proposed method can be trained with explicit annotation or in a self-supervised manner using an off-the-shelf inpainting model, and it outperforms state-of-the-art methods significantly. The user study shows that the trained model generalizes well to real-world images with diverse challenging scenes and object categories.
Abstract:We propose a new framework for conditional image synthesis from semantic layouts of any precision levels, ranging from pure text to a 2D semantic canvas with precise shapes. More specifically, the input layout consists of one or more semantic regions with free-form text descriptions and adjustable precision levels, which can be set based on the desired controllability. The framework naturally reduces to text-to-image (T2I) at the lowest level with no shape information, and it becomes segmentation-to-image (S2I) at the highest level. By supporting the levels in-between, our framework is flexible in assisting users of different drawing expertise and at different stages of their creative workflow. We introduce several novel techniques to address the challenges coming with this new setup, including a pipeline for collecting training data; a precision-encoded mask pyramid and a text feature map representation to jointly encode precision level, semantics, and composition information; and a multi-scale guided diffusion model to synthesize images. To evaluate the proposed method, we collect a test dataset containing user-drawn layouts with diverse scenes and styles. Experimental results show that the proposed method can generate high-quality images following the layout at given precision, and compares favorably against existing methods. Project page \url{https://zengxianyu.github.io/scenec/}
Abstract:In dense image segmentation tasks (e.g., semantic, panoptic), existing methods can hardly generalize well to unseen image domains, predefined classes, and image resolution & quality variations. Motivated by these observations, we construct a large-scale entity segmentation dataset to explore fine-grained entity segmentation, with a strong focus on open-world and high-quality dense segmentation. The dataset contains images spanning diverse image domains and resolutions, along with high-quality mask annotations for training and testing. Given the high-quality and -resolution nature of the dataset, we propose CropFormer for high-quality segmentation, which can improve mask prediction using high-res image crops that provide more fine-grained image details than the full image. CropFormer is the first query-based Transformer architecture that can effectively ensemble mask predictions from multiple image crops, by learning queries that can associate the same entities across the full image and its crop. With CropFormer, we achieve a significant AP gain of $1.9$ on the challenging fine-grained entity segmentation task. The dataset and code will be released at http://luqi.info/entityv2.github.io/.