Abstract:3D and 2D gaze estimation share the fundamental objective of capturing eye movements but are traditionally treated as two distinct research domains. In this paper, we introduce a novel cross-task few-shot 2D gaze estimation approach, aiming to adapt a pre-trained 3D gaze estimation network for 2D gaze prediction on unseen devices using only a few training images. This task is highly challenging due to the domain gap between 3D and 2D gaze, unknown screen poses, and limited training data. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework that bridges the gap between 3D and 2D gaze. Our framework contains a physics-based differentiable projection module with learnable parameters to model screen poses and project 3D gaze into 2D gaze. The framework is fully differentiable and can integrate into existing 3D gaze networks without modifying their original architecture. Additionally, we introduce a dynamic pseudo-labelling strategy for flipped images, which is particularly challenging for 2D labels due to unknown screen poses. To overcome this, we reverse the projection process by converting 2D labels to 3D space, where flipping is performed. Notably, this 3D space is not aligned with the camera coordinate system, so we learn a dynamic transformation matrix to compensate for this misalignment. We evaluate our method on MPIIGaze, EVE, and GazeCapture datasets, collected respectively on laptops, desktop computers, and mobile devices. The superior performance highlights the effectiveness of our approach, and demonstrates its strong potential for real-world applications.
Abstract:With the availability of egocentric 3D hand-object interaction datasets, there is increasing interest in developing unified models for hand-object pose estimation and action recognition. However, existing methods still struggle to recognise seen actions on unseen objects due to the limitations in representing object shape and movement using 3D bounding boxes. Additionally, the reliance on object templates at test time limits their generalisability to unseen objects. To address these challenges, we propose to leverage superquadrics as an alternative 3D object representation to bounding boxes and demonstrate their effectiveness on both template-free object reconstruction and action recognition tasks. Moreover, as we find that pure appearance-based methods can outperform the unified methods, the potential benefits from 3D geometric information remain unclear. Therefore, we study the compositionality of actions by considering a more challenging task where the training combinations of verbs and nouns do not overlap with the testing split. We extend H2O and FPHA datasets with compositional splits and design a novel collaborative learning framework that can explicitly reason about the geometric relations between hands and the manipulated object. Through extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations, we demonstrate significant improvements over the state-of-the-arts in (compositional) action recognition.
Abstract:Medical image segmentation poses challenges due to domain gaps, data modality variations, and dependency on domain knowledge or experts, especially for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Whereas for humans, given a few exemplars (with corresponding labels), we are able to segment different medical images even without exten-sive domain-specific clinical training. In addition, current SAM-based medical segmentation models use fine-grained visual prompts, such as the bounding rectangle generated from manually annotated target segmentation mask, as the bounding box (bbox) prompt during the testing phase. However, in actual clinical scenarios, no such precise prior knowledge is available. Our experimental results also reveal that previous models nearly fail to predict when given coarser bbox prompts. Considering these issues, in this paper, we introduce a domain-aware selective adaptation approach to adapt the general knowledge learned from a large model trained with natural images to the corresponding medical domains/modalities, with access to only a few (e.g. less than 5) exemplars. Our method mitigates the aforementioned limitations, providing an efficient and LMICs-friendly solution. Extensive experimental analysis showcases the effectiveness of our approach, offering potential advancements in healthcare diagnostics and clinical applications in LMICs.
Abstract:Modeling the physical contacts between the hand and object is standard for refining inaccurate hand poses and generating novel human grasp in 3D hand-object reconstruction. However, existing methods rely on geometric constraints that cannot be specified or controlled. This paper introduces a novel task of controllable 3D hand-object contact modeling with natural language descriptions. Challenges include i) the complexity of cross-modal modeling from language to contact, and ii) a lack of descriptive text for contact patterns. To address these issues, we propose NL2Contact, a model that generates controllable contacts by leveraging staged diffusion models. Given a language description of the hand and contact, NL2Contact generates realistic and faithful 3D hand-object contacts. To train the model, we build \textit{ContactDescribe}, the first dataset with hand-centered contact descriptions. It contains multi-level and diverse descriptions generated by large language models based on carefully designed prompts (e.g., grasp action, grasp type, contact location, free finger status). We show applications of our model to grasp pose optimization and novel human grasp generation, both based on a textual contact description.
Abstract:Generating face image with specific gaze information has attracted considerable attention. Existing approaches typically input gaze values directly for face generation, which is unnatural and requires annotated gaze datasets for training, thereby limiting its application. In this paper, we present a novel gaze-controllable face generation task. Our approach inputs textual descriptions that describe human gaze and head behavior and generates corresponding face images. Our work first introduces a text-of-gaze dataset containing over 90k text descriptions spanning a dense distribution of gaze and head poses. We further propose a gaze-controllable text-to-face method. Our method contains a sketch-conditioned face diffusion module and a model-based sketch diffusion module. We define a face sketch based on facial landmarks and eye segmentation map. The face diffusion module generates face images from the face sketch, and the sketch diffusion module employs a 3D face model to generate face sketch from text description. Experiments on the FFHQ dataset show the effectiveness of our method. We will release our dataset and code for future research.
Abstract:We interact with the world with our hands and see it through our own (egocentric) perspective. A holistic 3D understanding of such interactions from egocentric views is important for tasks in robotics, AR/VR, action recognition and motion generation. Accurately reconstructing such interactions in 3D is challenging due to heavy occlusion, viewpoint bias, camera distortion, and motion blur from the head movement. To this end, we designed the HANDS23 challenge based on the AssemblyHands and ARCTIC datasets with carefully designed training and testing splits. Based on the results of the top submitted methods and more recent baselines on the leaderboards, we perform a thorough analysis on 3D hand(-object) reconstruction tasks. Our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of addressing distortion specific to egocentric cameras, adopting high-capacity transformers to learn complex hand-object interactions, and fusing predictions from different views. Our study further reveals challenging scenarios intractable with state-of-the-art methods, such as fast hand motion, object reconstruction from narrow egocentric views, and close contact between two hands and objects. Our efforts will enrich the community's knowledge foundation and facilitate future hand studies on egocentric hand-object interactions.
Abstract:Driver's eye gaze holds a wealth of cognitive and intentional cues crucial for intelligent vehicles. Despite its significance, research on in-vehicle gaze estimation remains limited due to the scarcity of comprehensive and well-annotated datasets in real driving scenarios. In this paper, we present three novel elements to advance in-vehicle gaze research. Firstly, we introduce IVGaze, a pioneering dataset capturing in-vehicle gaze, collected from 125 subjects and covering a large range of gaze and head poses within vehicles. Conventional gaze collection systems are inadequate for in-vehicle use. In this dataset, we propose a new vision-based solution for in-vehicle gaze collection, introducing a refined gaze target calibration method to tackle annotation challenges. Second, our research focuses on in-vehicle gaze estimation leveraging the IVGaze. In-vehicle face images often suffer from low resolution, prompting our introduction of a gaze pyramid transformer that leverages transformer-based multilevel features integration. Expanding upon this, we introduce the dual-stream gaze pyramid transformer (GazeDPTR). Employing perspective transformation, we rotate virtual cameras to normalize images, utilizing camera pose to merge normalized and original images for accurate gaze estimation. GazeDPTR shows state-of-the-art performance on the IVGaze dataset. Thirdly, we explore a novel strategy for gaze zone classification by extending the GazeDPTR. A foundational tri-plane and project gaze onto these planes are newly defined. Leveraging both positional features from the projection points and visual attributes from images, we achieve superior performance compared to relying solely on visual features, substantiating the advantage of gaze estimation. Our project is available at https://yihua.zone/work/ivgaze.
Abstract:While existing motion style transfer methods are effective between two motions with identical content, their performance significantly diminishes when transferring style between motions with different contents. This challenge lies in the lack of clear separation between content and style of a motion. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel motion style transformer that effectively disentangles style from content and generates a plausible motion with transferred style from a source motion. Our distinctive approach to achieving the goal of disentanglement is twofold: (1) a new architecture for motion style transformer with `part-attentive style modulator across body parts' and `Siamese encoders that encode style and content features separately'; (2) style disentanglement loss. Our method outperforms existing methods and demonstrates exceptionally high quality, particularly in motion pairs with different contents, without the need for heuristic post-processing. Codes are available at https://github.com/Boeun-Kim/MoST.
Abstract:Modeling hand-object interactions is a fundamentally challenging task in 3D computer vision. Despite remarkable progress that has been achieved in this field, existing methods still fail to synthesize the hand-object interaction photo-realistically, suffering from degraded rendering quality caused by the heavy mutual occlusions between the hand and the object, and inaccurate hand-object pose estimation. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel free-viewpoint rendering framework, Neural Contact Radiance Field (NCRF), to reconstruct hand-object interactions from a sparse set of videos. In particular, the proposed NCRF framework consists of two key components: (a) A contact optimization field that predicts an accurate contact field from 3D query points for achieving desirable contact between the hand and the object. (b) A hand-object neural radiance field to learn an implicit hand-object representation in a static canonical space, in concert with the specifically designed hand-object motion field to produce observation-to-canonical correspondences. We jointly learn these key components where they mutually help and regularize each other with visual and geometric constraints, producing a high-quality hand-object reconstruction that achieves photo-realistic novel view synthesis. Extensive experiments on HO3D and DexYCB datasets show that our approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art in terms of both rendering quality and pose estimation accuracy.
Abstract:Gaze following estimates gaze targets of in-scene person by understanding human behavior and scene information. Existing methods usually analyze scene images for gaze following. However, compared with visual images, audio also provides crucial cues for determining human behavior.This suggests that we can further improve gaze following considering audio cues. In this paper, we explore gaze following tasks in conversational scenarios. We propose a novel multi-modal gaze following framework based on our observation ``audiences tend to focus on the speaker''. We first leverage the correlation between audio and lips, and classify speakers and listeners in a scene. We then use the identity information to enhance scene images and propose a gaze candidate estimation network. The network estimates gaze candidates from enhanced scene images and we use MLP to match subjects with candidates as classification tasks. Existing gaze following datasets focus on visual images while ignore audios.To evaluate our method, we collect a conversational dataset, VideoGazeSpeech (VGS), which is the first gaze following dataset including images and audio. Our method significantly outperforms existing methods in VGS datasets. The visualization result also prove the advantage of audio cues in gaze following tasks. Our work will inspire more researches in multi-modal gaze following estimation.