Abstract:As the scale of training large language models (LLMs) increases, one emergent failure is silent data corruption (SDC), where hardware produces incorrect computations without explicit failure signals. In this work, we are the first to investigate the impact of real-world SDCs on LLM training by comparing model training between healthy production nodes and unhealthy nodes exhibiting SDCs. With the help from a cloud computing platform, we access the unhealthy nodes that were swept out from production by automated fleet management. Using deterministic execution via XLA compiler and our proposed synchronization mechanisms, we isolate and analyze the impact of SDC errors on these nodes at three levels: at each submodule computation, at a single optimizer step, and at a training period. Our results reveal that the impact of SDCs on computation varies on different unhealthy nodes. Although in most cases the perturbations from SDCs on submodule computation and gradients are relatively small, SDCs can lead models to converge to different optima with different weights and even cause spikes in the training loss. Our analysis sheds light on further understanding and mitigating the impact of SDCs.
Abstract:Backdoor attacks have become a major security threat for deploying machine learning models in security-critical applications. Existing research endeavors have proposed many defenses against backdoor attacks. Despite demonstrating certain empirical defense efficacy, none of these techniques could provide a formal and provable security guarantee against arbitrary attacks. As a result, they can be easily broken by strong adaptive attacks, as shown in our evaluation. In this work, we propose TextGuard, the first provable defense against backdoor attacks on text classification. In particular, TextGuard first divides the (backdoored) training data into sub-training sets, achieved by splitting each training sentence into sub-sentences. This partitioning ensures that a majority of the sub-training sets do not contain the backdoor trigger. Subsequently, a base classifier is trained from each sub-training set, and their ensemble provides the final prediction. We theoretically prove that when the length of the backdoor trigger falls within a certain threshold, TextGuard guarantees that its prediction will remain unaffected by the presence of the triggers in training and testing inputs. In our evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of TextGuard on three benchmark text classification tasks, surpassing the certification accuracy of existing certified defenses against backdoor attacks. Furthermore, we propose additional strategies to enhance the empirical performance of TextGuard. Comparisons with state-of-the-art empirical defenses validate the superiority of TextGuard in countering multiple backdoor attacks. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/AI-secure/TextGuard.
Abstract:Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models have exhibited exciting progress in capabilities, capturing the interest of practitioners and the public alike. Yet, while the literature on the trustworthiness of GPT models remains limited, practitioners have proposed employing capable GPT models for sensitive applications to healthcare and finance - where mistakes can be costly. To this end, this work proposes a comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation for large language models with a focus on GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, considering diverse perspectives - including toxicity, stereotype bias, adversarial robustness, out-of-distribution robustness, robustness on adversarial demonstrations, privacy, machine ethics, and fairness. Based on our evaluations, we discover previously unpublished vulnerabilities to trustworthiness threats. For instance, we find that GPT models can be easily misled to generate toxic and biased outputs and leak private information in both training data and conversation history. We also find that although GPT-4 is usually more trustworthy than GPT-3.5 on standard benchmarks, GPT-4 is more vulnerable given jailbreaking system or user prompts, potentially due to the reason that GPT-4 follows the (misleading) instructions more precisely. Our work illustrates a comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation of GPT models and sheds light on the trustworthiness gaps. Our benchmark is publicly available at https://decodingtrust.github.io/.
Abstract:Pretrained code language models have enabled great progress towards program synthesis. However, common approaches only consider in-file local context and thus miss information and constraints imposed by other parts of the codebase and its external dependencies. Existing code completion benchmarks also lack such context. To resolve these restrictions we curate a new dataset of permissively licensed Python packages that includes full projects and their dependencies and provide tools to extract non-local information with the help of program analyzers. We then focus on the task of function call argument completion which requires predicting the arguments to function calls. We show that existing code completion models do not yield good results on our completion task. To better solve this task, we query a program analyzer for information relevant to a given function call, and consider ways to provide the analyzer results to different code completion models during inference and training. Our experiments show that providing access to the function implementation and function usages greatly improves the argument completion performance. Our ablation study provides further insights on how different types of information available from the program analyzer and different ways of incorporating the information affect the model performance.
Abstract:Humans can classify an unseen category by reasoning on its language explanations. This ability is owing to the compositional nature of language: we can combine previously seen concepts to describe the new category. For example, we might describe mavens as "a kind of large birds with black feathers", so that others can use their knowledge of concepts "large birds" and "black feathers" to recognize a maven. Inspired by this observation, in this work we tackle zero-shot classification task by logically parsing and reasoning on natural language explanations. To this end, we propose the framework CLORE (Classification by LOgical Reasoning on Explanations). While previous methods usually regard textual information as implicit features, CLORE parses the explanations into logical structure the and then reasons along this structure on the input to produce a classification score. Experimental results on explanation-based zero-shot classification benchmarks demonstrate that CLORE is superior to baselines, mainly because it performs better on tasks requiring more logical reasoning. Alongside classification decisions, CLORE can provide the logical parsing and reasoning process as a form of rationale. Through empirical analysis we demonstrate that CLORE is also less affected by linguistic biases than baselines.
Abstract:Autoregressive generative models are commonly used, especially for those tasks involving sequential data. They have, however, been plagued by a slew of inherent flaws due to the intrinsic characteristics of chain-style conditional modeling (e.g., exposure bias or lack of long-range coherence), severely limiting their ability to model distributions properly. In this paper, we propose a unique method termed E-ARM for training autoregressive generative models that takes advantage of a well-designed energy-based learning objective. By leveraging the extra degree of freedom of the softmax operation, we are allowed to make the autoregressive model itself be an energy-based model for measuring the likelihood of input without introducing any extra parameters. Furthermore, we show that E-ARM can be trained efficiently and is capable of alleviating the exposure bias problem and increase temporal coherence for autoregressive generative models. Extensive empirical results, covering benchmarks like language modeling, neural machine translation, and image generation, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:Time series data generation has drawn increasing attention in recent years. Several generative adversarial network (GAN) based methods have been proposed to tackle the problem usually with the assumption that the targeted time series data are well-formatted and complete. However, real-world time series (RTS) data are far away from this utopia, e.g., long sequences with variable lengths and informative missing data raise intractable challenges for designing powerful generation algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel generative framework for RTS data - RTSGAN to tackle the aforementioned challenges. RTSGAN first learns an encoder-decoder module which provides a mapping between a time series instance and a fixed-dimension latent vector and then learns a generation module to generate vectors in the same latent space. By combining the generator and the decoder, RTSGAN is able to generate RTS which respect the original feature distributions and the temporal dynamics. To generate time series with missing values, we further equip RTSGAN with an observation embedding layer and a decide-and-generate decoder to better utilize the informative missing patterns. Experiments on the four RTS datasets show that the proposed framework outperforms the previous generation methods in terms of synthetic data utility for downstream classification and prediction tasks.
Abstract:As machine learning (ML) being applied to many mission-critical scenarios, certifying ML model robustness becomes increasingly important. Many previous works focuses on the robustness of independent ML and ensemble models, and can only certify a very small magnitude of the adversarial perturbation. In this paper, we take a different viewpoint and improve learning robustness by going beyond independent ML and ensemble models. We aim at promoting the generic Sensing-Reasoning machine learning pipeline which contains both the sensing (e.g. deep neural networks) and reasoning (e.g. Markov logic networks (MLN)) components enriched with domain knowledge. Can domain knowledge help improve learning robustness? Can we formally certify the end-to-end robustness of such an ML pipeline? We first theoretically analyze the computational complexity of checking the provable robustness in the reasoning component. We then derive the provable robustness bound for several concrete reasoning components. We show that for reasoning components such as MLN and a specific family of Bayesian networks it is possible to certify the robustness of the whole pipeline even with a large magnitude of perturbation which cannot be certified by existing work. Finally, we conduct extensive real-world experiments on large scale datasets to evaluate the certified robustness for Sensing-Reasoning ML pipelines.
Abstract:Portfolio management (PM) is a fundamental financial planning task that aims to achieve investment goals such as maximal profits or minimal risks. Its decision process involves continuous derivation of valuable information from various data sources and sequential decision optimization, which is a prospective research direction for reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we propose SARL, a novel State-Augmented RL framework for PM. Our framework aims to address two unique challenges in financial PM: (1) data heterogeneity -- the collected information for each asset is usually diverse, noisy and imbalanced (e.g., news articles); and (2) environment uncertainty -- the financial market is versatile and non-stationary. To incorporate heterogeneous data and enhance robustness against environment uncertainty, our SARL augments the asset information with their price movement prediction as additional states, where the prediction can be solely based on financial data (e.g., asset prices) or derived from alternative sources such as news. Experiments on two real-world datasets, (i) Bitcoin market and (ii) HighTech stock market with 7-year Reuters news articles, validate the effectiveness of SARL over existing PM approaches, both in terms of accumulated profits and risk-adjusted profits. Moreover, extensive simulations are conducted to demonstrate the importance of our proposed state augmentation, providing new insights and boosting performance significantly over standard RL-based PM method and other baselines.
Abstract:While there has been great interest in generating imperceptible adversarial examples in continuous data domain (e.g. image and audio) to explore the model vulnerabilities, generating \emph{adversarial text} in the discrete domain is still challenging. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a general targeted attack framework AdvCodec for adversarial text generation which addresses the challenge of discrete input space and is easily adapted to general natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In particular, we propose a tree-based autoencoder to encode discrete text data into continuous vector space, upon which we optimize the adversarial perturbation. A tree-based decoder is then applied to ensure the grammar correctness of the generated text. It also enables the flexibility of making manipulations on different levels of text, such as sentence (AdvCodec(sent)) and word (AdvCodec(word)) levels. We consider multiple attacking scenarios, including appending an adversarial sentence or adding unnoticeable words to a given paragraph, to achieve the arbitrary targeted attack. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we consider two most representative NLP tasks: sentiment analysis and question answering (QA). Extensive experimental results and human studies show that AdvCodec generated adversarial text can successfully attack the neural models without misleading the human. In particular, our attack causes a BERT-based sentiment classifier accuracy to drop from 0.703$ to 0.006, and a BERT-based QA model's F1 score to drop from 88.62 to 33.21 (with best targeted attack F1 score as 46.54). Furthermore, we show that the white-box generated adversarial texts can transfer across other black-box models, shedding light on an effective way to examine the robustness of existing NLP models.