Abstract:Target Speech Extraction (TSE) traditionally relies on explicit clues about the speaker's identity like enrollment audio, face images, or videos, which may not always be available. In this paper, we propose a text-guided TSE model StyleTSE that uses natural language descriptions of speaking style in addition to the audio clue to extract the desired speech from a given mixture. Our model integrates a speech separation network adapted from SepFormer with a bi-modality clue network that flexibly processes both audio and text clues. To train and evaluate our model, we introduce a new dataset TextrolMix with speech mixtures and natural language descriptions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method effectively separates speech based not only on who is speaking, but also on how they are speaking, enhancing TSE in scenarios where traditional audio clues are absent. Demos are at: https://mingyue66.github.io/TextrolMix/demo/
Abstract:Semantic map models (SMMs) construct a network-like conceptual space from cross-linguistic instances or forms, based on the connectivity hypothesis. This approach has been widely used to represent similarity and entailment relationships in cross-linguistic concept comparisons. However, most SMMs are manually built by human experts using bottom-up procedures, which are often labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a novel graph-based algorithm that automatically generates conceptual spaces and SMMs in a top-down manner. The algorithm begins by creating a dense graph, which is subsequently pruned into maximum spanning trees, selected according to metrics we propose. These evaluation metrics include both intrinsic and extrinsic measures, considering factors such as network structure and the trade-off between precision and coverage. A case study on cross-linguistic supplementary adverbs demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our model compared to human annotations and other automated methods. The tool is available at \url{https://github.com/RyanLiut/SemanticMapModel}.
Abstract:We present the results of our system for the CoMeDi Shared Task, which predicts majority votes (Subtask 1) and annotator disagreements (Subtask 2). Our approach combines model ensemble strategies with MLP-based and threshold-based methods trained on pretrained language models. Treating individual models as virtual annotators, we simulate the annotation process by designing aggregation measures that incorporate continuous similarity scores and discrete classification labels to capture both majority and disagreement. Additionally, we employ anisotropy removal techniques to enhance performance. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, particularly for Subtask 2. Notably, we find that continuous similarity scores, even within the same model, align better with human disagreement patterns compared to aggregated discrete labels.
Abstract:High temporal resolution CO2 emission data are crucial for understanding the drivers of emission changes, however, current emission dataset is only available on a yearly basis. Here, we extended a global daily CO2 emissions dataset backwards in time to 1970 using machine learning algorithm, which was trained to predict historical daily emissions on national scales based on relationships between daily emission variations and predictors established for the period since 2019. Variation in daily CO2 emissions far exceeded the smoothed seasonal variations. For example, the range of daily CO2 emissions equivalent to 31% of the year average daily emissions in China and 46% of that in India in 2022, respectively. We identified the critical emission-climate temperature (Tc) is 16.5 degree celsius for global average (18.7 degree celsius for China, 14.9 degree celsius for U.S., and 18.4 degree celsius for Japan), in which negative correlation observed between daily CO2 emission and ambient temperature below Tc and a positive correlation above it, demonstrating increased emissions associated with higher ambient temperature. The long-term time series spanning over fifty years of global daily CO2 emissions reveals an increasing trend in emissions due to extreme temperature events, driven by the rising frequency of these occurrences. This work suggests that, due to climate change, greater efforts may be needed to reduce CO2 emissions.
Abstract:Modern neural networks (NNs), trained on extensive raw sentence data, construct distributed representations by compressing individual words into dense, continuous, high-dimensional vectors. These representations are specifically designed to capture the varied meanings, including ambiguity, of word occurrences within context. In this thesis, our objective is to examine the efficacy of distributed representations from NNs in encoding lexical meaning. Initially, we identify four sources of ambiguity - homonymy, polysemy, semantic roles, and multifunctionality - based on the relatedness and similarity of meanings influenced by context. Subsequently, we aim to evaluate these sources by collecting or constructing multilingual datasets, leveraging various language models, and employing linguistic analysis tools.
Abstract:This work focuses on addressing two major challenges in the context of large-scale nonconvex Bi-Level Optimization (BLO) problems, which are increasingly applied in machine learning due to their ability to model nested structures. These challenges involve ensuring computational efficiency and providing theoretical guarantees. While recent advances in scalable BLO algorithms have primarily relied on lower-level convexity simplification, our work specifically tackles large-scale BLO problems involving nonconvexity in both the upper and lower levels. We simultaneously address computational and theoretical challenges by introducing an innovative single-loop gradient-based algorithm, utilizing the Moreau envelope-based reformulation, and providing non-asymptotic convergence analysis for general nonconvex BLO problems. Notably, our algorithm relies solely on first-order gradient information, enhancing its practicality and efficiency, especially for large-scale BLO learning tasks. We validate our approach's effectiveness through experiments on various synthetic problems, two typical hyper-parameter learning tasks, and a real-world neural architecture search application, collectively demonstrating its superior performance.
Abstract:Large language models have achieved remarkable success in general language understanding tasks. However, as a family of generative methods with the objective of next token prediction, the semantic evolution with the depth of these models are not fully explored, unlike their predecessors, such as BERT-like architectures. In this paper, we specifically investigate the bottom-up evolution of lexical semantics for a popular LLM, namely Llama2, by probing its hidden states at the end of each layer using a contextualized word identification task. Our experiments show that the representations in lower layers encode lexical semantics, while the higher layers, with weaker semantic induction, are responsible for prediction. This is in contrast to models with discriminative objectives, such as mask language modeling, where the higher layers obtain better lexical semantics. The conclusion is further supported by the monotonic increase in performance via the hidden states for the last meaningless symbols, such as punctuation, in the prompting strategy.
Abstract:In light of the vulnerability of deep learning models to adversarial samples and the ensuing security issues, a range of methods, including Adversarial Training (AT) as a prominent representative, aimed at enhancing model robustness against various adversarial attacks, have seen rapid development. However, existing methods essentially assist the current state of target model to defend against parameter-oriented adversarial attacks with explicit or implicit computation burdens, which also suffers from unstable convergence behavior due to inconsistency of optimization trajectories. Diverging from previous work, this paper reconsiders the update rule of target model and corresponding deficiency to defend based on its current state. By introducing the historical state of the target model as a proxy, which is endowed with much prior information for defense, we formulate a two-stage update rule, resulting in a general adversarial defense framework, which we refer to as `LAST' ({\bf L}earn from the P{\bf ast}). Besides, we devise a Self Distillation (SD) based defense objective to constrain the update process of the proxy model without the introduction of larger teacher models. Experimentally, we demonstrate consistent and significant performance enhancements by refining a series of single-step and multi-step AT methods (e.g., up to $\bf 9.2\%$ and $\bf 20.5\%$ improvement of Robust Accuracy (RA) on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets, respectively) across various datasets, backbones and attack modalities, and validate its ability to enhance training stability and ameliorate catastrophic overfitting issues meanwhile.
Abstract:The detection of small infrared targets against blurred and cluttered backgrounds has remained an enduring challenge. In recent years, learning-based schemes have become the mainstream methodology to establish the mapping directly. However, these methods are susceptible to the inherent complexities of changing backgrounds and real-world disturbances, leading to unreliable and compromised target estimations. In this work, we propose a bi-level adversarial framework to promote the robustness of detection in the presence of distinct corruptions. We first propose a bi-level optimization formulation to introduce dynamic adversarial learning. Specifically, it is composited by the learnable generation of corruptions to maximize the losses as the lower-level objective and the robustness promotion of detectors as the upper-level one. We also provide a hierarchical reinforced learning strategy to discover the most detrimental corruptions and balance the performance between robustness and accuracy. To better disentangle the corruptions from salient features, we also propose a spatial-frequency interaction network for target detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate our scheme remarkably improves 21.96% IOU across a wide array of corruptions and notably promotes 4.97% IOU on the general benchmark. The source codes are available at https://github.com/LiuZhu-CV/BALISTD.
Abstract:The product carbon footprint (PCF) is crucial for decarbonizing the supply chain, as it measures the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions caused by all activities during the product's life cycle. However, PCF accounting often requires expert knowledge and significant time to construct life cycle models. In this study, we test and compare the emergent ability of five large language models (LLMs) in modeling the 'cradle-to-gate' life cycles of products and generating the inventory data of inputs and outputs, revealing their limitations as a generalized PCF knowledge database. By utilizing LLMs, we propose an automatic AI-driven PCF accounting framework, called AutoPCF, which also applies deep learning algorithms to automatically match calculation parameters, and ultimately calculate the PCF. The results of estimating the carbon footprint for three case products using the AutoPCF framework demonstrate its potential in achieving automatic modeling and estimation of PCF with a large reduction in modeling time from days to minutes.