Abstract:This study uses deep-learning models to predict city partition crime counts on specific days. It helps police enhance surveillance, gather intelligence, and proactively prevent crimes. We formulate crime count prediction as a spatiotemporal sequence challenge, where both input data and prediction targets are spatiotemporal sequences. In order to improve the accuracy of crime forecasting, we introduce a new model that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. We conducted a comparative analysis to access the effects of various data sequences, including raw and binned data, on the prediction errors of four deep learning forecasting models. Directly inputting raw crime data into the forecasting model causes high prediction errors, making the model unsuitable for real - world use. The findings indicate that the proposed CNN-LSTM model achieves optimal performance when crime data is categorized into 10 or 5 groups. Data binning can enhance forecasting model performance, but poorly defined intervals may reduce map granularity. Compared to dividing into 5 bins, binning into 10 intervals strikes an optimal balance, preserving data characteristics and surpassing raw data in predictive modelling efficacy.
Abstract:Infrared-visible image fusion (IVIF) is a critical task in computer vision, aimed at integrating the unique features of both infrared and visible spectra into a unified representation. Since 2018, the field has entered the deep learning era, with an increasing variety of approaches introducing a range of networks and loss functions to enhance visual performance. However, challenges such as data compatibility, perception accuracy, and efficiency remain. Unfortunately, there is a lack of recent comprehensive surveys that address this rapidly expanding domain. This paper fills that gap by providing a thorough survey covering a broad range of topics. We introduce a multi-dimensional framework to elucidate common learning-based IVIF methods, from visual enhancement strategies to data compatibility and task adaptability. We also present a detailed analysis of these approaches, accompanied by a lookup table clarifying their core ideas. Furthermore, we summarize performance comparisons, both quantitatively and qualitatively, focusing on registration, fusion, and subsequent high-level tasks. Beyond technical analysis, we discuss potential future directions and open issues in this area. For further details, visit our GitHub repository: https://github.com/RollingPlain/IVIF_ZOO.
Abstract:Large-scale networks exist in many field and play an important role in real-world dynamics. However, the networks are usually latent and expensive to detect, which becomes the main challenging for many applications and empirical analysis. Several statistical methods were proposed to infer the edges, but the complexity of algorithms make them hard to be applied for large-scale networks. In this paper, we proposed a general distributed and parallel computing framework for network reconstruction methods via compressive sensing technical, to make them feasible for inferring the super large networks in practice. Combining with the CALMS, we proposed for those estimators enjoy additional theoretical properties, such as the consistency and asymptotic normality, we prove that the approximate estimation utilizing the distributed algorithm can keep the theoretical results.
Abstract:This study introduces the 4D Risk Occupancy within a vehicle-road-cloud architecture, integrating the road surface spatial, risk, and temporal dimensions, and endowing the algorithm with beyond-line-of-sight, all-angles, and efficient abilities. The algorithm simplifies risk modeling by focusing on directly observable information and key factors, drawing on the concept of Occupancy Grid Maps (OGM), and incorporating temporal prediction to effectively map current and future risk occupancy. Compared to conventional driving risk fields and grid occupancy maps, this algorithm can map global risks more efficiently, simply, and reliably. It can integrate future risk information, adapting to dynamic traffic environments. The 4D Risk Occupancy also unifies the expression of BEV detection and lane line detection results, enhancing the intuitiveness and unity of environmental perception. Using DAIR-V2X data, this paper validates the 4D Risk Occupancy algorithm and develops a local path planning model based on it. Qualitative experiments under various road conditions demonstrate the practicality and robustness of this local path planning model. Quantitative analysis shows that the path planning based on risk occupation significantly improves trajectory planning performance, increasing safety redundancy by 12.5% and reducing average deceleration by 5.41% at an initial braking speed of 8 m/s, thereby improving safety and comfort. This work provides a new global perception method and local path planning method through Vehicle-Road-Cloud architecture, offering a new perceptual paradigm for achieving safer and more efficient autonomous driving.
Abstract:Speculative decoding (SD) has attracted a significant amount of research attention due to the substantial speedup it can achieve for LLM inference. However, despite the high speedups they offer, speculative decoding methods often achieve optimal performance on high-end devices or with a substantial GPU memory overhead. Given limited memory and the necessity of quantization, a high-performing model on a high-end GPU can slow down by up to 7 times. To this end, we propose Skippy Simultaneous Speculative Decoding (or S3D), a cost-effective self-speculative SD method based on simultaneous multi-token decoding and mid-layer skipping. When compared against recent effective open-source SD systems, our method has achieved one of the top performance-memory ratios while requiring minimal architecture changes and training data. Leveraging our memory efficiency, we created a smaller yet more effective SD model based on Phi-3. It is 1.4 to 2 times faster than the quantized EAGLE model and operates in half-precision while using less VRAM.
Abstract:Multi-modality image fusion and segmentation play a vital role in autonomous driving and robotic operation. Early efforts focus on boosting the performance for only one task, \emph{e.g.,} fusion or segmentation, making it hard to reach~`Best of Both Worlds'. To overcome this issue, in this paper, we propose a \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{i}nteractive \textbf{F}eature learning architecture for image fusion and \textbf{Seg}mentation, namely SegMiF, and exploit dual-task correlation to promote the performance of both tasks. The SegMiF is of a cascade structure, containing a fusion sub-network and a commonly used segmentation sub-network. By slickly bridging intermediate features between two components, the knowledge learned from the segmentation task can effectively assist the fusion task. Also, the benefited fusion network supports the segmentation one to perform more pretentiously. Besides, a hierarchical interactive attention block is established to ensure fine-grained mapping of all the vital information between two tasks, so that the modality/semantic features can be fully mutual-interactive. In addition, a dynamic weight factor is introduced to automatically adjust the corresponding weights of each task, which can balance the interactive feature correspondence and break through the limitation of laborious tuning. Furthermore, we construct a smart multi-wave binocular imaging system and collect a full-time multi-modality benchmark with 15 annotated pixel-level categories for image fusion and segmentation. Extensive experiments on several public datasets and our benchmark demonstrate that the proposed method outputs visually appealing fused images and perform averagely $7.66\%$ higher segmentation mIoU in the real-world scene than the state-of-the-art approaches. The source code and benchmark are available at \url{https://github.com/JinyuanLiu-CV/SegMiF}.
Abstract:This study addresses the issue of fusing infrared and visible images that appear differently for object detection. Aiming at generating an image of high visual quality, previous approaches discover commons underlying the two modalities and fuse upon the common space either by iterative optimization or deep networks. These approaches neglect that modality differences implying the complementary information are extremely important for both fusion and subsequent detection task. This paper proposes a bilevel optimization formulation for the joint problem of fusion and detection, and then unrolls to a target-aware Dual Adversarial Learning (TarDAL) network for fusion and a commonly used detection network. The fusion network with one generator and dual discriminators seeks commons while learning from differences, which preserves structural information of targets from the infrared and textural details from the visible. Furthermore, we build a synchronized imaging system with calibrated infrared and optical sensors, and collect currently the most comprehensive benchmark covering a wide range of scenarios. Extensive experiments on several public datasets and our benchmark demonstrate that our method outputs not only visually appealing fusion but also higher detection mAP than the state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:With the recent success of dense retrieval methods based on bi-encoders, a number of studies have applied this approach to various interesting downstream retrieval tasks with good efficiency and in-domain effectiveness. Recently, we have also seen the presence of dense retrieval models in Math Information Retrieval (MIR) tasks, but the most effective systems remain "classic" retrieval methods that consider rich structure features. In this work, we try to combine the best of both worlds: a well-defined structure search method for effective formula search and bi-encoder dense retrieval models to capture contextual similarities in mathematical documents. Specifically, we have evaluated two representative bi-encoder models (ColBERT and DPR) for token-level and passage-level dense retrieval on recent MIR tasks. To our best knowledge, this is the first time a DPR model has been evaluated in the MIR domain. Our result shows that bi-encoder models are complementary to existing structure search methods, and we are able to advance the state of the art on a recent MIR dataset. We have made our model checkpoints and source code publicly available for the reproduction of our results.
Abstract:Directed acyclic graph (DAG) models are widely used to represent causal relationships among random variables in many application domains. This paper studies a special class of non-Gaussian DAG models, where the conditional variance of each node given its parents is a quadratic function of its conditional mean. Such a class of non-Gaussian DAG models are fairly flexible and admit many popular distributions as special cases, including Poisson, Binomial, Geometric, Exponential, and Gamma. To facilitate learning, we introduce a novel concept of topological layers, and develop an efficient DAG learning algorithm. It first reconstructs the topological layers in a hierarchical fashion and then recoveries the directed edges between nodes in different layers, which requires much less computational cost than most existing algorithms in literature. Its advantage is also demonstrated in a number of simulated examples, as well as its applications to two real-life datasets, including an NBA player statistics data and a cosmetic sales data collected by Alibaba.
Abstract:VLSI mask optimization is one of the most critical stages in manufacturability aware design, which is costly due to the complicated mask optimization and lithography simulation. Recent researches have shown prominent advantages of machine learning techniques dealing with complicated and big data problems, which bring potential of dedicated machine learning solution for DFM problems and facilitate the VLSI design cycle. In this paper, we focus on a heterogeneous OPC framework that assists mask layout optimization. Preliminary results show the efficiency and effectiveness of proposed frameworks that have the potential to be alternatives to existing EDA solutions.