University of California, Davis
Abstract:Diffusion models produce impressive results in modalities ranging from images and video to protein design and text. However, generating samples with user-specified properties remains a challenge. Recent research proposes fine-tuning models to maximize rewards that capture desired properties, but these methods require expensive training and are prone to mode collapse. In this work, we propose Feynman Kac (FK) steering, an inference-time framework for steering diffusion models with reward functions. FK steering works by sampling a system of multiple interacting diffusion processes, called particles, and resampling particles at intermediate steps based on scores computed using functions called potentials. Potentials are defined using rewards for intermediate states and are selected such that a high value indicates that the particle will yield a high-reward sample. We explore various choices of potentials, intermediate rewards, and samplers. We evaluate FK steering on text-to-image and text diffusion models. For steering text-to-image models with a human preference reward, we find that FK steering a 0.8B parameter model outperforms a 2.6B parameter fine-tuned model on prompt fidelity, with faster sampling and no training. For steering text diffusion models with rewards for text quality and specific text attributes, we find that FK steering generates lower perplexity, more linguistically acceptable outputs and enables gradient-free control of attributes like toxicity. Our results demonstrate that inference-time scaling and steering of diffusion models, even with off-the-shelf rewards, can provide significant sample quality gains and controllability benefits. Code is available at .
Abstract:This paper investigates the connection between neural networks and sufficient dimension reduction (SDR), demonstrating that neural networks inherently perform SDR in regression tasks under appropriate rank regularizations. Specifically, the weights in the first layer span the central mean subspace. We establish the statistical consistency of the neural network-based estimator for the central mean subspace, underscoring the suitability of neural networks in addressing SDR-related challenges. Numerical experiments further validate our theoretical findings, and highlight the underlying capability of neural networks to facilitate SDR compared to the existing methods. Additionally, we discuss an extension to unravel the central subspace, broadening the scope of our investigation.
Abstract:Semi-supervised learning (SSL) assumes that neighbor points lie in the same category (neighbor assumption), and points in different clusters belong to various categories (cluster assumption). Existing methods usually rely on similarity measures to retrieve the similar neighbor points, ignoring cluster assumption, which may not utilize unlabeled information sufficiently and effectively. This paper first provides a systematical investigation into the significant role of probability density in SSL and lays a solid theoretical foundation for cluster assumption. To this end, we introduce a Probability-Density-Aware Measure (PM) to discern the similarity between neighbor points. To further improve Label Propagation, we also design a Probability-Density-Aware Measure Label Propagation (PMLP) algorithm to fully consider the cluster assumption in label propagation. Last but not least, we prove that traditional pseudo-labeling could be viewed as a particular case of PMLP, which provides a comprehensive theoretical understanding of PMLP's superior performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PMLP achieves outstanding performance compared with other recent methods.
Abstract:Users can divulge sensitive information to proprietary LLM providers, raising significant privacy concerns. While open-source models, hosted locally on the user's machine, alleviate some concerns, models that users can host locally are often less capable than proprietary frontier models. Toward preserving user privacy while retaining the best quality, we propose Privacy-Conscious Delegation, a novel task for chaining API-based and local models. We utilize recent public collections of user-LLM interactions to construct a natural benchmark called PUPA, which contains personally identifiable information (PII). To study potential approaches, we devise PAPILLON, a multi-stage LLM pipeline that uses prompt optimization to address a simpler version of our task. Our best pipeline maintains high response quality for 85.5% of user queries while restricting privacy leakage to only 7.5%. We still leave a large margin to the generation quality of proprietary LLMs for future work. Our data and code will be available at
Abstract:Autonomous agents have demonstrated significant potential in automating complex multistep decision-making tasks. However, even state-of-the-art vision-language models (VLMs), such as GPT-4o, still fall short of human-level performance, particularly in intricate web environments and long-horizon planning tasks. To address these limitations, we present Reflective Monte Carlo Tree Search (R-MCTS) and Exploratory Learning to build o1-like models for agentic applications. We first introduce R-MCTS, a novel test-time algorithm designed to enhance the ability of AI agents to explore decision space on the fly. R-MCTS extends traditional MCTS by 1) incorporating contrastive reflection, allowing agents to learn from past interactions and dynamically improve their search efficiency; and 2) using multi-agent debate to provide reliable state evaluation. Next, we introduce Exploratory Learning, a novel learning strategy to teach agents to search at inference time without relying on any external search algorithms. On the challenging VisualWebArena benchmark, our GPT-4o-based R-MCTS agent achieves a 6% to 30% relative improvement across various tasks compared to the previous state-of-the-art. Additionally, we show that the experience gained from test-time search can be effectively transferred back to GPT-4o via fine-tuning. After Exploratory Learning, GPT-4o 1) demonstrates the ability to explore the environment, evaluate a state, and backtrack to viable ones when it detects that the current state cannot lead to success, and 2) matches 87% of R-MCTS's performance while using significantly less compute. Notably, our work demonstrates the compute scaling properties in both training - data collection with R-MCTS - and testing time. These results suggest a promising research direction to enhance VLMs' reasoning and planning capabilities for agentic applications via test-time search and self-learning.
Abstract:Autonomous agents have demonstrated significant potential in automating complex multistep decision-making tasks. However, even state-of-the-art vision-language models (VLMs), such as GPT-4o, still fall short of human-level performance, particularly in intricate web environments and long-horizon planning tasks. To address these limitations, we introduce Reflective Monte Carlo Tree Search (R-MCTS), a novel test-time algorithm designed to enhance the ability of AI agents, e.g., powered by GPT-4o, to explore decision space on the fly. R-MCTS extends traditional MCTS by 1) incorporating contrastive reflection, allowing agents to learn from past interactions and dynamically improve their search efficiency; and 2) using multi-agent debate to provide reliable state evaluation. Moreover, we improve the agent's performance by fine-tuning GPT-4o through self-learning, using R-MCTS generated tree traversals without any human-provided labels. On the challenging VisualWebArena benchmark, our GPT-4o-based R-MCTS agent achieves a 6% to 30% relative improvement across various tasks compared to the previous state-of-the-art. Additionally, we show that the knowledge gained from test-time search can be effectively transferred back to GPT-4o via fine-tuning. The fine-tuned GPT-4o matches 97% of R-MCTS's performance while reducing compute usage by a factor of four at test time. Furthermore, qualitative results reveal that the fine-tuned GPT-4o model demonstrates the ability to explore the environment, evaluate a state, and backtrack to viable ones when it detects that the current state cannot lead to success. Moreover, our work demonstrates the compute scaling properties in both training - data collection with R-MCTS - and testing time. These results suggest a promising research direction to enhance VLMs' reasoning and planning capabilities for agentic applications via test-time search and self-learning.
Abstract:The growing prominence of LLMs has led to an increase in the development of AI tutoring systems. These systems are crucial in providing underrepresented populations with improved access to valuable education. One important area of education that is unavailable to many learners is strategic bargaining related to negotiation. To address this, we develop a LLM-based Assistant for Coaching nEgotiation (ACE). ACE not only serves as a negotiation partner for users but also provides them with targeted feedback for improvement. To build our system, we collect a dataset of negotiation transcripts between MBA students. These transcripts come from trained negotiators and emulate realistic bargaining scenarios. We use the dataset, along with expert consultations, to design an annotation scheme for detecting negotiation mistakes. ACE employs this scheme to identify mistakes and provide targeted feedback to users. To test the effectiveness of ACE-generated feedback, we conducted a user experiment with two consecutive trials of negotiation and found that it improves negotiation performances significantly compared to a system that doesn't provide feedback and one which uses an alternative method of providing feedback.
Abstract:Despite recent advancements in AI and NLP, negotiation remains a difficult domain for AI agents. Traditional game theoretic approaches that have worked well for two-player zero-sum games struggle in the context of negotiation due to their inability to learn human-compatible strategies. On the other hand, approaches that only use human data tend to be domain-specific and lack the theoretical guarantees provided by strategies grounded in game theory. Motivated by the notion of fairness as a criterion for optimality in general sum games, we propose a negotiation framework called FDHC which incorporates fairness into both the reward design and search to learn human-compatible negotiation strategies. Our method includes a novel, RL+search technique called LGM-Zero which leverages a pre-trained language model to retrieve human-compatible offers from large action spaces. Our results show that our method is able to achieve more egalitarian negotiation outcomes and improve negotiation quality.
Abstract:Skin lesions are an increasingly significant medical concern, varying widely in severity from benign to cancerous. Accurate diagnosis is essential for ensuring timely and appropriate treatment. This study examines the implementation of deep learning methods to assist in the diagnosis of skin lesions using the HAM10000 dataset, which contains seven distinct types of lesions. First, we evaluated three pre-trained models: MobileNetV2, ResNet18, and VGG11, achieving accuracies of 0.798, 0.802, and 0.805, respectively. To further enhance classification accuracy, we developed ensemble models employing max voting, average voting, and stacking, resulting in accuracies of 0.803, 0.82, and 0.83. Building on the best-performing ensemble learning model, stacking, we developed our proposed model, SkinNet, which incorporates a customized architecture and fine-tuning, achieving an accuracy of 0.867 and an AUC of 0.96. This substantial improvement over individual models demonstrates the effectiveness of ensemble learning in improving skin lesion classification.
Abstract:Many people die from lung-related diseases every year. X-ray is an effective way to test if one is diagnosed with a lung-related disease or not. This study concentrates on categorizing three distinct types of lung X-rays: those depicting healthy lungs, those showing lung opacities, and those indicative of viral pneumonia. Accurately diagnosing the disease at an early phase is critical. In this paper, five different pre-trained models will be tested on the Lung X-ray Image Dataset. SqueezeNet, VGG11, ResNet18, DenseNet, and MobileNetV2 achieved accuracies of 0.64, 0.85, 0.87, 0.88, and 0.885, respectively. MobileNetV2, as the best-performing pre-trained model, will then be further analyzed as the base model. Eventually, our own model, MobileNet-Lung based on MobileNetV2, with fine-tuning and an additional layer of attention within feature layers, was invented to tackle the lung disease classification task and achieved an accuracy of 0.933. This result is significantly improved compared with all five pre-trained models.