Abstract:The imitation of voice, targeted on specific speech attributes such as timbre and speaking style, is crucial in speech generation. However, existing methods rely heavily on annotated data, and struggle with effectively disentangling timbre and style, leading to challenges in achieving controllable generation, especially in zero-shot scenarios. To address these issues, we propose Vevo, a versatile zero-shot voice imitation framework with controllable timbre and style. Vevo operates in two core stages: (1) Content-Style Modeling: Given either text or speech's content tokens as input, we utilize an autoregressive transformer to generate the content-style tokens, which is prompted by a style reference; (2) Acoustic Modeling: Given the content-style tokens as input, we employ a flow-matching transformer to produce acoustic representations, which is prompted by a timbre reference. To obtain the content and content-style tokens of speech, we design a fully self-supervised approach that progressively decouples the timbre, style, and linguistic content of speech. Specifically, we adopt VQ-VAE as the tokenizer for the continuous hidden features of HuBERT. We treat the vocabulary size of the VQ-VAE codebook as the information bottleneck, and adjust it carefully to obtain the disentangled speech representations. Solely self-supervised trained on 60K hours of audiobook speech data, without any fine-tuning on style-specific corpora, Vevo matches or surpasses existing methods in accent and emotion conversion tasks. Additionally, Vevo's effectiveness in zero-shot voice conversion and text-to-speech tasks further demonstrates its strong generalization and versatility. Audio samples are available at https://versavoice.github.io.
Abstract:This paper summarizes our acoustic modeling efforts in the Johns Hopkins University speech recognition system for the CHiME-5 challenge to recognize highly-overlapped dinner party speech recorded by multiple microphone arrays. We explore data augmentation approaches, neural network architectures, front-end speech dereverberation, beamforming and robust i-vector extraction with comparisons of our in-house implementations and publicly available tools. We finally achieved a word error rate of 69.4% on the development set, which is a 11.7% absolute improvement over the previous baseline of 81.1%, and release this improved baseline with refined techniques/tools as an advanced CHiME-5 recipe.
Abstract:Large-scale generative models such as GPT and DALL-E have revolutionized natural language processing and computer vision research. These models not only generate high fidelity text or image outputs, but are also generalists which can solve tasks not explicitly taught. In contrast, speech generative models are still primitive in terms of scale and task generalization. In this paper, we present Voicebox, the most versatile text-guided generative model for speech at scale. Voicebox is a non-autoregressive flow-matching model trained to infill speech, given audio context and text, trained on over 50K hours of speech that are neither filtered nor enhanced. Similar to GPT, Voicebox can perform many different tasks through in-context learning, but is more flexible as it can also condition on future context. Voicebox can be used for mono or cross-lingual zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, noise removal, content editing, style conversion, and diverse sample generation. In particular, Voicebox outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot TTS model VALL-E on both intelligibility (5.9% vs 1.9% word error rates) and audio similarity (0.580 vs 0.681) while being up to 20 times faster. See voicebox.metademolab.com for a demo of the model.
Abstract:A singing voice conversion model converts a song in the voice of an arbitrary source singer to the voice of a target singer. Recently, methods that leverage self-supervised audio representations such as HuBERT and Wav2Vec 2.0 have helped further the state-of-the-art. Though these methods produce more natural and melodic singing outputs, they often rely on confusion and disentanglement losses to render the self-supervised representations speaker and pitch-invariant. In this paper, we circumvent disentanglement training and propose a new model that leverages ASR fine-tuned self-supervised representations as inputs to a HiFi-GAN neural vocoder for singing voice conversion. We experiment with different f0 encoding schemes and show that an f0 harmonic generation module that uses a parallel bank of transposed convolutions (PBTC) alongside ASR fine-tuned Wav2Vec 2.0 features results in the best singing voice conversion quality. Additionally, the model is capable of making a spoken voice sing. We also show that a simple f0 shifting scheme during inference helps retain singer identity and bolsters the performance of our singing voice conversion model. Our results are backed up by extensive MOS studies that compare different ablations and baselines.
Abstract:Most people who have tried to learn a foreign language would have experienced difficulties understanding or speaking with a native speaker's accent. For native speakers, understanding or speaking a new accent is likewise a difficult task. An accent conversion system that changes a speaker's accent but preserves that speaker's voice identity, such as timbre and pitch, has the potential for a range of applications, such as communication, language learning, and entertainment. Existing accent conversion models tend to change the speaker identity and accent at the same time. Here, we use adversarial learning to disentangle accent dependent features while retaining other acoustic characteristics. What sets our work apart from existing accent conversion models is the capability to convert an unseen speaker's utterance to multiple accents while preserving its original voice identity. Subjective evaluations show that our model generates audio that sound closer to the target accent and like the original speaker.
Abstract:Text-based voice editing (TBVE) uses synthetic output from text-to-speech (TTS) systems to replace words in an original recording. Recent work has used neural models to produce edited speech that is similar to the original speech in terms of clarity, speaker identity, and prosody. However, one limitation of prior work is the usage of finetuning to optimise performance: this requires further model training on data from the target speaker, which is a costly process that may incorporate potentially sensitive data into server-side models. In contrast, this work focuses on the zero-shot approach which avoids finetuning altogether, and instead uses pretrained speaker verification embeddings together with a jointly trained reference encoder to encode utterance-level information that helps capture aspects such as speaker identity and prosody. Subjective listening tests find that both utterance embeddings and a reference encoder improve the continuity of speaker identity and prosody between the edited synthetic speech and unedited original recording in the zero-shot setting.
Abstract:Speech recognition models often obtain degraded performance when tested on speech with unseen accents. Domain-adversarial training (DAT) and multi-task learning (MTL) are two common approaches for building accent-robust ASR models. ASR models using accent embeddings is another approach for improving robustness to accents. In this study, we perform systematic comparisons of DAT and MTL approaches using a large volume of English accent corpus (4000 hours of US English speech and 1244 hours of 20 non-US-English accents speech). We explore embeddings trained under supervised and unsupervised settings: a separate embedding matrix trained using accent labels, and embeddings extracted from a fine-tuned wav2vec model. We find that our DAT model trained with supervised embeddings achieves the best performance overall and consistently provides benefits for all testing datasets, and our MTL model trained with wav2vec embeddings are helpful learning accent-invariant features and improving novel/unseen accents. We also illustrate that wav2vec embeddings have more advantages for building accent-robust ASR when no accent labels are available for training supervised embeddings.
Abstract:Hybrid automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are typically sequentially trained with CTC or LF-MMI criteria. However, they have vastly different legacies and are usually implemented in different frameworks. In this paper, by decoupling the concepts of modeling units and label topologies and building proper numerator/denominator graphs accordingly, we establish a generalized framework for hybrid acoustic modeling (AM). In this framework, we show that LF-MMI is a powerful training criterion applicable to both limited-context and full-context models, for wordpiece/mono-char/bi-char/chenone units, with both HMM/CTC topologies. From this framework, we propose three novel training schemes: chenone(ch)/wordpiece(wp)-CTC-bMMI, and wordpiece(wp)-HMM-bMMI with different advantages in training performance, decoding efficiency and decoding time-stamp accuracy. The advantages of different training schemes are evaluated comprehensively on Librispeech, and wp-CTC-bMMI and ch-CTC-bMMI are evaluated on two real world ASR tasks to show their effectiveness. Besides, we also show bi-char(bc) HMM-MMI models can serve as better alignment models than traditional non-neural GMM-HMMs.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the Kaizen framework that uses a continuously improving teacher to generate pseudo-labels for semi-supervised training. The proposed approach uses a teacher model which is updated as the exponential moving average of the student model parameters. This can be seen as a continuous version of the iterative pseudo-labeling approach for semi-supervised training. It is applicable for different training criteria, and in this paper we demonstrate it for frame-level hybrid hidden Markov model - deep neural network (HMM-DNN) models and sequence-level connectionist temporal classification (CTC) based models. The proposed approach shows more than 10% word error rate (WER) reduction over standard teacher-student training and more than 50\% relative WER reduction over 10 hour supervised baseline when using large scale realistic unsupervised public videos in UK English and Italian languages.
Abstract:Many semi- and weakly-supervised approaches have been investigated for overcoming the labeling cost of building high quality speech recognition systems. On the challenging task of transcribing social media videos in low-resource conditions, we conduct a large scale systematic comparison between two self-labeling methods on one hand, and weakly-supervised pretraining using contextual metadata on the other. We investigate distillation methods at the frame level and the sequence level for hybrid, encoder-only CTC-based, and encoder-decoder speech recognition systems on Dutch and Romanian languages using 27,000 and 58,000 hours of unlabeled audio respectively. Although all approaches improved upon their respective baseline WERs by more than 8%, sequence-level distillation for encoder-decoder models provided the largest relative WER reduction of 20% compared to the strongest data-augmented supervised baseline.