Abstract:We introduce X-Dyna, a novel zero-shot, diffusion-based pipeline for animating a single human image using facial expressions and body movements derived from a driving video, that generates realistic, context-aware dynamics for both the subject and the surrounding environment. Building on prior approaches centered on human pose control, X-Dyna addresses key shortcomings causing the loss of dynamic details, enhancing the lifelike qualities of human video animations. At the core of our approach is the Dynamics-Adapter, a lightweight module that effectively integrates reference appearance context into the spatial attentions of the diffusion backbone while preserving the capacity of motion modules in synthesizing fluid and intricate dynamic details. Beyond body pose control, we connect a local control module with our model to capture identity-disentangled facial expressions, facilitating accurate expression transfer for enhanced realism in animated scenes. Together, these components form a unified framework capable of learning physical human motion and natural scene dynamics from a diverse blend of human and scene videos. Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that X-Dyna outperforms state-of-the-art methods, creating highly lifelike and expressive animations. The code is available at https://github.com/bytedance/X-Dyna.
Abstract:Large multimodal models still struggle with text-rich images because of inadequate training data. Self-Instruct provides an annotation-free way for generating instruction data, but its quality is poor, as multimodal alignment remains a hurdle even for the largest models. In this work, we propose LLaVAR-2, to enhance multimodal alignment for text-rich images through hybrid instruction generation between human annotators and large language models. Specifically, it involves detailed image captions from human annotators, followed by the use of these annotations in tailored text prompts for GPT-4o to curate a dataset. It also implements several mechanisms to filter out low-quality data, and the resulting dataset comprises 424k high-quality pairs of instructions. Empirical results show that models fine-tuned on this dataset exhibit impressive enhancements over those trained with self-instruct data.
Abstract:Diffusion models have emerged as a powerful foundation model for visual generation. With an appropriate sampling process, it can effectively serve as a generative prior to solve general inverse problems. Current posterior sampling based methods take the measurement (i.e., degraded image sample) into the posterior sampling to infer the distribution of the target data (i.e., clean image sample). However, in this manner, we show that high-frequency information can be prematurely introduced during the early stages, which could induce larger posterior estimate errors during the restoration sampling. To address this issue, we first reveal that forming the log posterior gradient with the noisy measurement ( i.e., samples from a diffusion forward process) instead of the clean one can benefit the reverse process. Consequently, we propose a novel diffusion posterior sampling method DPS-CM, which incorporates a Crafted Measurement (i.e., samples generated by a reverse denoising process, compared to random sampling with noise in standard methods) to form the posterior estimate. This integration aims to mitigate the misalignment with the diffusion prior caused by cumulative posterior estimate errors. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the overall capacity to solve general and noisy inverse problems, such as Gaussian deblurring, super-resolution, inpainting, nonlinear deblurring, and tasks with Poisson noise, relative to existing approaches.
Abstract:Reconstructing and understanding 3D structures from a limited number of images is a well-established problem in computer vision. Traditional methods usually break this task into multiple subtasks, each requiring complex transformations between different data representations. For instance, dense reconstruction through Structure-from-Motion (SfM) involves converting images into key points, optimizing camera parameters, and estimating structures. Afterward, accurate sparse reconstructions are required for further dense modeling, which is subsequently fed into task-specific neural networks. This multi-step process results in considerable processing time and increased engineering complexity. In this work, we present the Large Spatial Model (LSM), which processes unposed RGB images directly into semantic radiance fields. LSM simultaneously estimates geometry, appearance, and semantics in a single feed-forward operation, and it can generate versatile label maps by interacting with language at novel viewpoints. Leveraging a Transformer-based architecture, LSM integrates global geometry through pixel-aligned point maps. To enhance spatial attribute regression, we incorporate local context aggregation with multi-scale fusion, improving the accuracy of fine local details. To tackle the scarcity of labeled 3D semantic data and enable natural language-driven scene manipulation, we incorporate a pre-trained 2D language-based segmentation model into a 3D-consistent semantic feature field. An efficient decoder then parameterizes a set of semantic anisotropic Gaussians, facilitating supervised end-to-end learning. Extensive experiments across various tasks show that LSM unifies multiple 3D vision tasks directly from unposed images, achieving real-time semantic 3D reconstruction for the first time.
Abstract:The blooming of virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies has driven an increasing demand for the creation of high-quality, immersive, and dynamic environments. However, existing generative techniques either focus solely on dynamic objects or perform outpainting from a single perspective image, failing to meet the needs of VR/AR applications. In this work, we tackle the challenging task of elevating a single panorama to an immersive 4D experience. For the first time, we demonstrate the capability to generate omnidirectional dynamic scenes with 360-degree views at 4K resolution, thereby providing an immersive user experience. Our method introduces a pipeline that facilitates natural scene animations and optimizes a set of 4D Gaussians using efficient splatting techniques for real-time exploration. To overcome the lack of scene-scale annotated 4D data and models, especially in panoramic formats, we propose a novel Panoramic Denoiser that adapts generic 2D diffusion priors to animate consistently in 360-degree images, transforming them into panoramic videos with dynamic scenes at targeted regions. Subsequently, we elevate the panoramic video into a 4D immersive environment while preserving spatial and temporal consistency. By transferring prior knowledge from 2D models in the perspective domain to the panoramic domain and the 4D lifting with spatial appearance and geometry regularization, we achieve high-quality Panorama-to-4D generation at a resolution of (4096 $\times$ 2048) for the first time. See the project website at https://4k4dgen.github.io.
Abstract:Enhancing our understanding of adversarial examples is crucial for the secure application of machine learning models in real-world scenarios. A prevalent method for analyzing adversarial examples is through a frequency-based approach. However, existing research indicates that attacks designed to exploit low-frequency or high-frequency information can enhance attack performance, leading to an unclear relationship between adversarial perturbations and different frequency components. In this paper, we seek to demystify this relationship by exploring the characteristics of adversarial perturbations within the frequency domain. We employ wavelet packet decomposition for detailed frequency analysis of adversarial examples and conduct statistical examinations across various frequency bands. Intriguingly, our findings indicate that significant adversarial perturbations are present within the high-frequency components of low-frequency bands. Drawing on this insight, we propose a black-box adversarial attack algorithm based on combining different frequency bands. Experiments conducted on multiple datasets and models demonstrate that combining low-frequency bands and high-frequency components of low-frequency bands can significantly enhance attack efficiency. The average attack success rate reaches 99\%, surpassing attacks that utilize a single frequency segment. Additionally, we introduce the normalized disturbance visibility index as a solution to the limitations of $L_2$ norm in assessing continuous and discrete perturbations.
Abstract:The increasing demand for virtual reality applications has highlighted the significance of crafting immersive 3D assets. We present a text-to-3D 360$^{\circ}$ scene generation pipeline that facilitates the creation of comprehensive 360$^{\circ}$ scenes for in-the-wild environments in a matter of minutes. Our approach utilizes the generative power of a 2D diffusion model and prompt self-refinement to create a high-quality and globally coherent panoramic image. This image acts as a preliminary "flat" (2D) scene representation. Subsequently, it is lifted into 3D Gaussians, employing splatting techniques to enable real-time exploration. To produce consistent 3D geometry, our pipeline constructs a spatially coherent structure by aligning the 2D monocular depth into a globally optimized point cloud. This point cloud serves as the initial state for the centroids of 3D Gaussians. In order to address invisible issues inherent in single-view inputs, we impose semantic and geometric constraints on both synthesized and input camera views as regularizations. These guide the optimization of Gaussians, aiding in the reconstruction of unseen regions. In summary, our method offers a globally consistent 3D scene within a 360$^{\circ}$ perspective, providing an enhanced immersive experience over existing techniques. Project website at: http://dreamscene360.github.io/
Abstract:Adversarial attacks in visual object tracking have significantly degraded the performance of advanced trackers by introducing imperceptible perturbations into images. These attack methods have garnered considerable attention from researchers in recent years. However, there is still a lack of research on designing adversarial defense methods specifically for visual object tracking. To address these issues, we propose an effective additional pre-processing network called DuaLossDef that eliminates adversarial perturbations during the tracking process. DuaLossDef is deployed ahead of the search branche or template branche of the tracker to apply defensive transformations to the input images. Moreover, it can be seamlessly integrated with other visual trackers as a plug-and-play module without requiring any parameter adjustments. We train DuaLossDef using adversarial training, specifically employing Dua-Loss to generate adversarial samples that simultaneously attack the classification and regression branches of the tracker. Extensive experiments conducted on the OTB100, LaSOT, and VOT2018 benchmarks demonstrate that DuaLossDef maintains excellent defense robustness against adversarial attack methods in both adaptive and non-adaptive attack scenarios. Moreover, when transferring the defense network to other trackers, it exhibits reliable transferability. Finally, DuaLossDef achieves a processing time of up to 5ms/frame, allowing seamless integration with existing high-speed trackers without introducing significant computational overhead. We will make our code publicly available soon.
Abstract:We introduce a novel machine unlearning framework founded upon the established principles of the min-max optimization paradigm. We capitalize on the capabilities of strong Membership Inference Attacks (MIA) to facilitate the unlearning of specific samples from a trained model. We consider the scenario of two networks, the attacker $\mathbf{A}$ and the trained defender $\mathbf{D}$ pitted against each other in an adversarial objective, wherein the attacker aims at teasing out the information of the data to be unlearned in order to infer membership, and the defender unlearns to defend the network against the attack, whilst preserving its general performance. The algorithm can be trained end-to-end using backpropagation, following the well known iterative min-max approach in updating the attacker and the defender. We additionally incorporate a self-supervised objective effectively addressing the feature space discrepancies between the forget set and the validation set, enhancing unlearning performance. Our proposed algorithm closely approximates the ideal benchmark of retraining from scratch for both random sample forgetting and class-wise forgetting schemes on standard machine-unlearning datasets. Specifically, on the class unlearning scheme, the method demonstrates near-optimal performance and comprehensively overcomes known methods over the random sample forgetting scheme across all metrics and multiple network pruning strategies.
Abstract:3D scene representations have gained immense popularity in recent years. Methods that use Neural Radiance fields are versatile for traditional tasks such as novel view synthesis. In recent times, some work has emerged that aims to extend the functionality of NeRF beyond view synthesis, for semantically aware tasks such as editing and segmentation using 3D feature field distillation from 2D foundation models. However, these methods have two major limitations: (a) they are limited by the rendering speed of NeRF pipelines, and (b) implicitly represented feature fields suffer from continuity artifacts reducing feature quality. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting has shown state-of-the-art performance on real-time radiance field rendering. In this work, we go one step further: in addition to radiance field rendering, we enable 3D Gaussian splatting on arbitrary-dimension semantic features via 2D foundation model distillation. This translation is not straightforward: naively incorporating feature fields in the 3DGS framework leads to warp-level divergence. We propose architectural and training changes to efficiently avert this problem. Our proposed method is general, and our experiments showcase novel view semantic segmentation, language-guided editing and segment anything through learning feature fields from state-of-the-art 2D foundation models such as SAM and CLIP-LSeg. Across experiments, our distillation method is able to provide comparable or better results, while being significantly faster to both train and render. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first method to enable point and bounding-box prompting for radiance field manipulation, by leveraging the SAM model. Project website at: https://feature-3dgs.github.io/