Abstract:Recent advancements in 3D content generation from text or a single image struggle with limited high-quality 3D datasets and inconsistency from 2D multi-view generation. We introduce DiffSplat, a novel 3D generative framework that natively generates 3D Gaussian splats by taming large-scale text-to-image diffusion models. It differs from previous 3D generative models by effectively utilizing web-scale 2D priors while maintaining 3D consistency in a unified model. To bootstrap the training, a lightweight reconstruction model is proposed to instantly produce multi-view Gaussian splat grids for scalable dataset curation. In conjunction with the regular diffusion loss on these grids, a 3D rendering loss is introduced to facilitate 3D coherence across arbitrary views. The compatibility with image diffusion models enables seamless adaptions of numerous techniques for image generation to the 3D realm. Extensive experiments reveal the superiority of DiffSplat in text- and image-conditioned generation tasks and downstream applications. Thorough ablation studies validate the efficacy of each critical design choice and provide insights into the underlying mechanism.
Abstract:In this paper, we present TexPro, a novel method for high-fidelity material generation for input 3D meshes given text prompts. Unlike existing text-conditioned texture generation methods that typically generate RGB textures with baked lighting, TexPro is able to produce diverse texture maps via procedural material modeling, which enables physical-based rendering, relighting, and additional benefits inherent to procedural materials. Specifically, we first generate multi-view reference images given the input textual prompt by employing the latest text-to-image model. We then derive texture maps through a rendering-based optimization with recent differentiable procedural materials. To this end, we design several techniques to handle the misalignment between the generated multi-view images and 3D meshes, and introduce a novel material agent that enhances material classification and matching by exploring both part-level understanding and object-aware material reasoning. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over existing SOTAs and its capability of relighting.
Abstract:The blooming of virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies has driven an increasing demand for the creation of high-quality, immersive, and dynamic environments. However, existing generative techniques either focus solely on dynamic objects or perform outpainting from a single perspective image, failing to meet the needs of VR/AR applications. In this work, we tackle the challenging task of elevating a single panorama to an immersive 4D experience. For the first time, we demonstrate the capability to generate omnidirectional dynamic scenes with 360-degree views at 4K resolution, thereby providing an immersive user experience. Our method introduces a pipeline that facilitates natural scene animations and optimizes a set of 4D Gaussians using efficient splatting techniques for real-time exploration. To overcome the lack of scene-scale annotated 4D data and models, especially in panoramic formats, we propose a novel Panoramic Denoiser that adapts generic 2D diffusion priors to animate consistently in 360-degree images, transforming them into panoramic videos with dynamic scenes at targeted regions. Subsequently, we elevate the panoramic video into a 4D immersive environment while preserving spatial and temporal consistency. By transferring prior knowledge from 2D models in the perspective domain to the panoramic domain and the 4D lifting with spatial appearance and geometry regularization, we achieve high-quality Panorama-to-4D generation at a resolution of (4096 $\times$ 2048) for the first time. See the project website at https://4k4dgen.github.io.
Abstract:As humans, we aspire to create media content that is both freely willed and readily controlled. Thanks to the prominent development of generative techniques, we now can easily utilize 2D diffusion methods to synthesize images controlled by raw sketch or designated human poses, and even progressively edit/regenerate local regions with masked inpainting. However, similar workflows in 3D modeling tasks are still unavailable due to the lack of controllability and efficiency in 3D generation. In this paper, we present a novel controllable and interactive 3D assets modeling framework, named Coin3D. Coin3D allows users to control the 3D generation using a coarse geometry proxy assembled from basic shapes, and introduces an interactive generation workflow to support seamless local part editing while delivering responsive 3D object previewing within a few seconds. To this end, we develop several techniques, including the 3D adapter that applies volumetric coarse shape control to the diffusion model, proxy-bounded editing strategy for precise part editing, progressive volume cache to support responsive preview, and volume-SDS to ensure consistent mesh reconstruction. Extensive experiments of interactive generation and editing on diverse shape proxies demonstrate that our method achieves superior controllability and flexibility in the 3D assets generation task.
Abstract:Recently, we have witnessed the explosive growth of various volumetric representations in modeling animatable head avatars. However, due to the diversity of frameworks, there is no practical method to support high-level applications like 3D head avatar editing across different representations. In this paper, we propose a generic avatar editing approach that can be universally applied to various 3DMM driving volumetric head avatars. To achieve this goal, we design a novel expression-aware modification generative model, which enables lift 2D editing from a single image to a consistent 3D modification field. To ensure the effectiveness of the generative modification process, we develop several techniques, including an expression-dependent modification distillation scheme to draw knowledge from the large-scale head avatar model and 2D facial texture editing tools, implicit latent space guidance to enhance model convergence, and a segmentation-based loss reweight strategy for fine-grained texture inversion. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method delivers high-quality and consistent results across multiple expression and viewpoints. Project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/geneavatar/
Abstract:Diffusion-based methods have achieved prominent success in generating 2D media. However, accomplishing similar proficiencies for scene-level mesh texturing in 3D spatial applications, e.g., XR/VR, remains constrained, primarily due to the intricate nature of 3D geometry and the necessity for immersive free-viewpoint rendering. In this paper, we propose a novel indoor scene texturing framework, which delivers text-driven texture generation with enchanting details and authentic spatial coherence. The key insight is to first imagine a stylized 360{\deg} panoramic texture from the central viewpoint of the scene, and then propagate it to the rest areas with inpainting and imitating techniques. To ensure meaningful and aligned textures to the scene, we develop a novel coarse-to-fine panoramic texture generation approach with dual texture alignment, which both considers the geometry and texture cues of the captured scenes. To survive from cluttered geometries during texture propagation, we design a separated strategy, which conducts texture inpainting in confidential regions and then learns an implicit imitating network to synthesize textures in occluded and tiny structural areas. Extensive experiments and the immersive VR application on real-world indoor scenes demonstrate the high quality of the generated textures and the engaging experience on VR headsets. Project webpage: https://ybbbbt.com/publication/dreamspace
Abstract:Different from traditional video cameras, event cameras capture asynchronous events stream in which each event encodes pixel location, trigger time, and the polarity of the brightness changes. In this paper, we introduce a novel graph-based framework for event cameras, namely SlideGCN. Unlike some recent graph-based methods that use groups of events as input, our approach can efficiently process data event-by-event, unlock the low latency nature of events data while still maintaining the graph's structure internally. For fast graph construction, we develop a radius search algorithm, which better exploits the partial regular structure of event cloud against k-d tree based generic methods. Experiments show that our method reduces the computational complexity up to 100 times with respect to current graph-based methods while keeping state-of-the-art performance on object recognition. Moreover, we verify the superiority of event-wise processing with our method. When the state becomes stable, we can give a prediction with high confidence, thus making an early recognition. Project page: \url{https://zju3dv.github.io/slide_gcn/}.
Abstract:Despite the tremendous progress in neural radiance fields (NeRF), we still face a dilemma of the trade-off between quality and efficiency, e.g., MipNeRF presents fine-detailed and anti-aliased renderings but takes days for training, while Instant-ngp can accomplish the reconstruction in a few minutes but suffers from blurring or aliasing when rendering at various distances or resolutions due to ignoring the sampling area. To this end, we propose a novel Tri-Mip encoding that enables both instant reconstruction and anti-aliased high-fidelity rendering for neural radiance fields. The key is to factorize the pre-filtered 3D feature spaces in three orthogonal mipmaps. In this way, we can efficiently perform 3D area sampling by taking advantage of 2D pre-filtered feature maps, which significantly elevates the rendering quality without sacrificing efficiency. To cope with the novel Tri-Mip representation, we propose a cone-casting rendering technique to efficiently sample anti-aliased 3D features with the Tri-Mip encoding considering both pixel imaging and observing distance. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate our method achieves state-of-the-art rendering quality and reconstruction speed while maintaining a compact representation that reduces 25% model size compared against Instant-ngp.
Abstract:Despite the great success in 2D editing using user-friendly tools, such as Photoshop, semantic strokes, or even text prompts, similar capabilities in 3D areas are still limited, either relying on 3D modeling skills or allowing editing within only a few categories. In this paper, we present a novel semantic-driven NeRF editing approach, which enables users to edit a neural radiance field with a single image, and faithfully delivers edited novel views with high fidelity and multi-view consistency. To achieve this goal, we propose a prior-guided editing field to encode fine-grained geometric and texture editing in 3D space, and develop a series of techniques to aid the editing process, including cyclic constraints with a proxy mesh to facilitate geometric supervision, a color compositing mechanism to stabilize semantic-driven texture editing, and a feature-cluster-based regularization to preserve the irrelevant content unchanged. Extensive experiments and editing examples on both real-world and synthetic data demonstrate that our method achieves photo-realistic 3D editing using only a single edited image, pushing the bound of semantic-driven editing in 3D real-world scenes. Our project webpage: https://zju3dv.github.io/sine/.
Abstract:Very recently neural implicit rendering techniques have been rapidly evolved and shown great advantages in novel view synthesis and 3D scene reconstruction. However, existing neural rendering methods for editing purposes offer limited functionality, e.g., rigid transformation, or not applicable for fine-grained editing for general objects from daily lives. In this paper, we present a novel mesh-based representation by encoding the neural implicit field with disentangled geometry and texture codes on mesh vertices, which facilitates a set of editing functionalities, including mesh-guided geometry editing, designated texture editing with texture swapping, filling and painting operations. To this end, we develop several techniques including learnable sign indicators to magnify spatial distinguishability of mesh-based representation, distillation and fine-tuning mechanism to make a steady convergence, and the spatial-aware optimization strategy to realize precise texture editing. Extensive experiments and editing examples on both real and synthetic data demonstrate the superiority of our method on representation quality and editing ability. Code is available on the project webpage: https://zju3dv.github.io/neumesh/.