Columbia University
Abstract:Recently, significant advancements have been made in the reconstruction and generation of 3D assets, including static cases and those with physical interactions. To recover the physical properties of 3D assets, existing methods typically assume that all materials belong to a specific predefined category (e.g., elasticity). However, such assumptions ignore the complex composition of multiple heterogeneous objects in real scenarios and tend to render less physically plausible animation given a wider range of objects. We propose OmniPhysGS for synthesizing a physics-based 3D dynamic scene composed of more general objects. A key design of OmniPhysGS is treating each 3D asset as a collection of constitutive 3D Gaussians. For each Gaussian, its physical material is represented by an ensemble of 12 physical domain-expert sub-models (rubber, metal, honey, water, etc.), which greatly enhances the flexibility of the proposed model. In the implementation, we define a scene by user-specified prompts and supervise the estimation of material weighting factors via a pretrained video diffusion model. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that OmniPhysGS achieves more general and realistic physical dynamics across a broader spectrum of materials, including elastic, viscoelastic, plastic, and fluid substances, as well as interactions between different materials. Our method surpasses existing methods by approximately 3% to 16% in metrics of visual quality and text alignment.
Abstract:Recent advancements in 3D content generation from text or a single image struggle with limited high-quality 3D datasets and inconsistency from 2D multi-view generation. We introduce DiffSplat, a novel 3D generative framework that natively generates 3D Gaussian splats by taming large-scale text-to-image diffusion models. It differs from previous 3D generative models by effectively utilizing web-scale 2D priors while maintaining 3D consistency in a unified model. To bootstrap the training, a lightweight reconstruction model is proposed to instantly produce multi-view Gaussian splat grids for scalable dataset curation. In conjunction with the regular diffusion loss on these grids, a 3D rendering loss is introduced to facilitate 3D coherence across arbitrary views. The compatibility with image diffusion models enables seamless adaptions of numerous techniques for image generation to the 3D realm. Extensive experiments reveal the superiority of DiffSplat in text- and image-conditioned generation tasks and downstream applications. Thorough ablation studies validate the efficacy of each critical design choice and provide insights into the underlying mechanism.
Abstract:Video generation requires modeling a vast spatiotemporal space, which demands significant computational resources and data usage. To reduce the complexity, the prevailing approaches employ a cascaded architecture to avoid direct training with full resolution. Despite reducing computational demands, the separate optimization of each sub-stage hinders knowledge sharing and sacrifices flexibility. This work introduces a unified pyramidal flow matching algorithm. It reinterprets the original denoising trajectory as a series of pyramid stages, where only the final stage operates at the full resolution, thereby enabling more efficient video generative modeling. Through our sophisticated design, the flows of different pyramid stages can be interlinked to maintain continuity. Moreover, we craft autoregressive video generation with a temporal pyramid to compress the full-resolution history. The entire framework can be optimized in an end-to-end manner and with a single unified Diffusion Transformer (DiT). Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method supports generating high-quality 5-second (up to 10-second) videos at 768p resolution and 24 FPS within 20.7k A100 GPU training hours. All code and models will be open-sourced at
Abstract:In the endeavor to make autonomous robots take actions, task planning is a major challenge that requires translating high-level task descriptions into long-horizon action sequences. Despite recent advances in language model agents, they remain prone to planning errors and limited in their ability to plan ahead. To address these limitations in robotic planning, we advocate a self-refining scheme that iteratively refines a draft plan until an equilibrium is reached. Remarkably, this process can be optimized end-to-end from an analytical perspective without the need to curate additional verifiers or reward models, allowing us to train self-refining planners in a simple supervised learning fashion. Meanwhile, a nested equilibrium sequence modeling procedure is devised for efficient closed-loop planning that incorporates useful feedback from the environment (or an internal world model). Our method is evaluated on the VirtualHome-Env benchmark, showing advanced performance with better scaling for inference computation. Code is available at
Abstract:This paper addresses the challenge of robotic grasping of general objects. Similar to prior research, the task reads a single-view 3D observation (i.e., point clouds) captured by a depth camera as input. Crucially, the success of object grasping highly demands a comprehensive understanding of the shape of objects within the scene. However, single-view observations often suffer from occlusions (including both self and inter-object occlusions), which lead to gaps in the point clouds, especially in complex cluttered scenes. This renders incomplete perception of the object shape and frequently causes failures or inaccurate pose estimation during object grasping. In this paper, we tackle this issue with an effective albeit simple solution, namely completing grasping-related scene regions through local occupancy prediction. Following prior practice, the proposed model first runs by proposing a number of most likely grasp points in the scene. Around each grasp point, a module is designed to infer any voxel in its neighborhood to be either void or occupied by some object. Importantly, the occupancy map is inferred by fusing both local and global cues. We implement a multi-group tri-plane scheme for efficiently aggregating long-distance contextual information. The model further estimates 6-DoF grasp poses utilizing the local occupancy-enhanced object shape information and returns the top-ranked grasp proposal. Comprehensive experiments on both the large-scale GraspNet-1Billion benchmark and real robotic arm demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively complete the unobserved parts in cluttered and occluded scenes. Benefiting from the occupancy-enhanced feature, our model clearly outstrips other competing methods under various performance metrics such as grasping average precision.
Abstract:Comprehending natural language instructions is a charming property for both 2D and 3D layout synthesis systems. Existing methods implicitly model object joint distributions and express object relations, hindering generation's controllability. We introduce InstructLayout, a novel generative framework that integrates a semantic graph prior and a layout decoder to improve controllability and fidelity for 2D and 3D layout synthesis. The proposed semantic graph prior learns layout appearances and object distributions simultaneously, demonstrating versatility across various downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner. To facilitate the benchmarking for text-driven 2D and 3D scene synthesis, we respectively curate two high-quality datasets of layout-instruction pairs from public Internet resources with large language and multimodal models. Extensive experimental results reveal that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin in both 2D and 3D layout synthesis tasks. Thorough ablation studies confirm the efficacy of crucial design components.
Abstract:Despite recent advancements in high-fidelity human reconstruction techniques, the requirements for densely captured images or time-consuming per-instance optimization significantly hinder their applications in broader scenarios. To tackle these issues, we present HumanSplat which predicts the 3D Gaussian Splatting properties of any human from a single input image in a generalizable manner. In particular, HumanSplat comprises a 2D multi-view diffusion model and a latent reconstruction transformer with human structure priors that adeptly integrate geometric priors and semantic features within a unified framework. A hierarchical loss that incorporates human semantic information is further designed to achieve high-fidelity texture modeling and better constrain the estimated multiple views. Comprehensive experiments on standard benchmarks and in-the-wild images demonstrate that HumanSplat surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods in achieving photorealistic novel-view synthesis.
Abstract:Recently various optimization problems, such as Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems (MILPs), have undergone comprehensive investigation, leveraging the capabilities of machine learning. This work focuses on learning-based solutions for efficiently solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAPs), which stands as a formidable challenge in combinatorial optimization. While many instances of simpler problems admit fully polynomial-time approximate solution (FPTAS), QAP is shown to be strongly NP-hard. Even finding a FPTAS for QAP is difficult, in the sense that the existence of a FPTAS implies $P = NP$. Current research on QAPs suffer from limited scale and computational inefficiency. To attack the aforementioned issues, we here propose the first solution of its kind for QAP in the learn-to-improve category. This work encodes facility and location nodes separately, instead of forming computationally intensive association graphs prevalent in current approaches. This design choice enables scalability to larger problem sizes. Furthermore, a \textbf{S}olution \textbf{AW}are \textbf{T}ransformer (SAWT) architecture integrates the incumbent solution matrix with the attention score to effectively capture higher-order information of the QAPs. Our model's effectiveness is validated through extensive experiments on self-generated QAP instances of varying sizes and the QAPLIB benchmark.
Abstract:Customizing diffusion models to generate identity-preserving images from user-provided reference images is an intriguing new problem. The prevalent approaches typically require training on extensive domain-specific images to achieve identity preservation, which lacks flexibility across different use cases. To address this issue, we exploit classifier guidance, a training-free technique that steers diffusion models using an existing classifier, for personalized image generation. Our study shows that based on a recent rectified flow framework, the major limitation of vanilla classifier guidance in requiring a special classifier can be resolved with a simple fixed-point solution, allowing flexible personalization with off-the-shelf image discriminators. Moreover, its solving procedure proves to be stable when anchored to a reference flow trajectory, with a convergence guarantee. The derived method is implemented on rectified flow with different off-the-shelf image discriminators, delivering advantageous personalization results for human faces, live subjects, and certain objects. Code is available at
Abstract:Image-guided object assembly represents a burgeoning research topic in computer vision. This paper introduces a novel task: translating multi-view images of a structural 3D model (for example, one constructed with building blocks drawn from a 3D-object library) into a detailed sequence of assembly instructions executable by a robotic arm. Fed with multi-view images of the target 3D model for replication, the model designed for this task must address several sub-tasks, including recognizing individual components used in constructing the 3D model, estimating the geometric pose of each component, and deducing a feasible assembly order adhering to physical rules. Establishing accurate 2D-3D correspondence between multi-view images and 3D objects is technically challenging. To tackle this, we propose an end-to-end model known as the Neural Assembler. This model learns an object graph where each vertex represents recognized components from the images, and the edges specify the topology of the 3D model, enabling the derivation of an assembly plan. We establish benchmarks for this task and conduct comprehensive empirical evaluations of Neural Assembler and alternative solutions. Our experiments clearly demonstrate the superiority of Neural Assembler.