Abstract:This work presents a swift method to assess the efficacy of particular types of instruction-tuning data, utilizing just a handful of probe examples and eliminating the need for model retraining. This method employs the idea of gradient-based data influence estimation, analyzing the gradient projections of probe examples from the chosen strategy onto evaluation examples to assess its advantages. Building upon this method, we conducted three swift studies to investigate the potential of Chain-of-thought (CoT) data, query clarification data, and response evaluation data in enhancing model generalization. Subsequently, we embarked on a validation study to corroborate the findings of these swift studies. In this validation study, we developed training datasets tailored to each studied strategy and compared model performance with and without the use of these datasets. The results of the validation study aligned with the findings of the swift studies, validating the efficacy of our proposed method.
Abstract:Keyphrase generation (KPG) aims to automatically generate a collection of phrases representing the core concepts of a given document. The dominant paradigms in KPG include one2seq and one2set. Recently, there has been increasing interest in applying large language models (LLMs) to KPG. Our preliminary experiments reveal that it is challenging for a single model to excel in both recall and precision. Further analysis shows that: 1) the one2set paradigm owns the advantage of high recall, but suffers from improper assignments of supervision signals during training; 2) LLMs are powerful in keyphrase selection, but existing selection methods often make redundant selections. Given these observations, we introduce a generate-then-select framework decomposing KPG into two steps, where we adopt a one2set-based model as generator to produce candidates and then use an LLM as selector to select keyphrases from these candidates. Particularly, we make two important improvements on our generator and selector: 1) we design an Optimal Transport-based assignment strategy to address the above improper assignments; 2) we model the keyphrase selection as a sequence labeling task to alleviate redundant selections. Experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets show that our framework significantly surpasses state-of-the-art models, especially in absent keyphrase prediction.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) possess a wealth of knowledge encoded in their parameters. However, this knowledge may become outdated or unsuitable over time. As a result, there has been a growing interest in knowledge editing for LLMs and evaluating its effectiveness. Existing studies primarily focus on knowledge editing using factual triplets, which not only incur high costs for collection but also struggle to express complex facts. Furthermore, these studies are often limited in their evaluation perspectives. In this paper, we propose Eva-KELLM, a new benchmark for evaluating knowledge editing of LLMs. This benchmark includes an evaluation framework and a corresponding dataset. Under our framework, we first ask the LLM to perform knowledge editing using raw documents, which provides a more convenient and universal approach compared to using factual triplets. We then evaluate the updated LLM from multiple perspectives. In addition to assessing the effectiveness of knowledge editing and the retention of unrelated knowledge from conventional studies, we further test the LLM's ability in two aspects: 1) Reasoning with the altered knowledge, aiming for the LLM to genuinely learn the altered knowledge instead of simply memorizing it. 2) Cross-lingual knowledge transfer, where the LLM updated with raw documents in one language should be capable of handling queries from another language. To facilitate further research, we construct and release the corresponding dataset. Using this benchmark, we investigate the effectiveness of several commonly-used knowledge editing methods. Experimental results indicate that the current methods for knowledge editing using raw documents are not effective in yielding satisfactory results, particularly when it comes to reasoning with altered knowledge and cross-lingual knowledge transfer.
Abstract:Semantic matching is a mainstream paradigm of zero-shot relation extraction, which matches a given input with a corresponding label description. The entities in the input should exactly match their hypernyms in the description, while the irrelevant contexts should be ignored when matching. However, general matching methods lack explicit modeling of the above matching pattern. In this work, we propose a fine-grained semantic matching method tailored for zero-shot relation extraction. Following the above matching pattern, we decompose the sentence-level similarity score into entity and context matching scores. Due to the lack of explicit annotations of the redundant components, we design a feature distillation module to adaptively identify the relation-irrelevant features and reduce their negative impact on context matching. Experimental results show that our method achieves higher matching $F_1$ score and has an inference speed 10 times faster, when compared with the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Current clustering-based Open Relation Extraction (OpenRE) methods usually adopt a two-stage pipeline. The first stage simultaneously learns relation representations and assignments. The second stage manually labels several instances and thus names the relation for each cluster. However, unsupervised objectives struggle to optimize the model to derive accurate clustering assignments, and the number of clusters has to be supplied in advance. In this paper, we present a novel setting, named actively supervised clustering for OpenRE. Our insight lies in that clustering learning and relation labeling can be alternately performed, providing the necessary guidance for clustering without a significant increase in human effort. The key to the setting is selecting which instances to label. Instead of using classical active labeling strategies designed for fixed known classes, we propose a new strategy, which is applicable to dynamically discover clusters of unknown relations. Experimental results show that our method is able to discover almost all relational clusters in the data and improve the SOTA methods by 10.3\% and 5.2\%, on two datasets respectively.
Abstract:The GPT-3.5 models have demonstrated impressive performance in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, showcasing their strong understanding and reasoning capabilities. However, their robustness and abilities to handle various complexities of the open world have yet to be explored, which is especially crucial in assessing the stability of models and is a key aspect of trustworthy AI. In this study, we perform a comprehensive experimental analysis of GPT-3.5, exploring its robustness using 21 datasets (about 116K test samples) with 66 text transformations from TextFlint that cover 9 popular Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks. Our findings indicate that while GPT-3.5 outperforms existing fine-tuned models on some tasks, it still encounters significant robustness degradation, such as its average performance dropping by up to 35.74\% and 43.59\% in natural language inference and sentiment analysis tasks, respectively. We also show that GPT-3.5 faces some specific robustness challenges, including robustness instability, prompt sensitivity, and number sensitivity. These insights are valuable for understanding its limitations and guiding future research in addressing these challenges to enhance GPT-3.5's overall performance and generalization abilities.
Abstract:Transformer-based pre-trained models like BERT have achieved great progress on Semantic Sentence Matching. Meanwhile, dependency prior knowledge has also shown general benefits in multiple NLP tasks. However, how to efficiently integrate dependency prior structure into pre-trained models to better model complex semantic matching relations is still unsettled. In this paper, we propose the \textbf{D}ependency-Enhanced \textbf{A}daptive \textbf{F}usion \textbf{A}ttention (\textbf{DAFA}), which explicitly introduces dependency structure into pre-trained models and adaptively fuses it with semantic information. Specifically, \textbf{\emph{(i)}} DAFA first proposes a structure-sensitive paradigm to construct a dependency matrix for calibrating attention weights. It adopts an adaptive fusion module to integrate the obtained dependency information and the original semantic signals. Moreover, DAFA reconstructs the attention calculation flow and provides better interpretability. By applying it on BERT, our method achieves state-of-the-art or competitive performance on 10 public datasets, demonstrating the benefits of adaptively fusing dependency structure in semantic matching task.
Abstract:The recent privacy leakage incidences and the more strict policy regulations demand a much higher standard of compliance for companies and mobile apps. However, such obligations also impose significant challenges on app developers for complying with these regulations that contain various perspectives, activities, and roles, especially for small companies and developers who are less experienced in this matter or with limited resources. To address these hurdles, we develop an automatic tool, NL2GDPR, which can generate policies from natural language descriptions from the developer while also ensuring the app's functionalities are compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). NL2GDPR is developed by leveraging an information extraction tool, OIA (Open Information Annotation), developed by Baidu Cognitive Computing Lab. At the core, NL2GDPR is a privacy-centric information extraction model, appended with a GDPR policy finder and a policy generator. We perform a comprehensive study to grasp the challenges in extracting privacy-centric information and generating privacy policies, while exploiting optimizations for this specific task. With NL2GDPR, we can achieve 92.9%, 95.2%, and 98.4% accuracy in correctly identifying GDPR policies related to personal data storage, process, and share types, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, NL2GDPR is the first tool that allows a developer to automatically generate GDPR compliant policies, with only the need of entering the natural language for describing the app features. Note that other non-GDPR-related features might be integrated with the generated features to build a complex app.
Abstract:By injecting a small number of poisoned samples into the training set, backdoor attacks aim to make the victim model produce designed outputs on any input injected with pre-designed backdoors. In order to achieve a high attack success rate using as few poisoned training samples as possible, most existing attack methods change the labels of the poisoned samples to the target class. This practice often results in severe over-fitting of the victim model over the backdoors, making the attack quite effective in output control but easier to be identified by human inspection or automatic defense algorithms. In this work, we proposed a label-smoothing strategy to overcome the over-fitting problem of these attack methods, obtaining a \textit{Label-Smoothed Backdoor Attack} (LSBA). In the LSBA, the label of the poisoned sample $\bm{x}$ will be changed to the target class with a probability of $p_n(\bm{x})$ instead of 100\%, and the value of $p_n(\bm{x})$ is specifically designed to make the prediction probability the target class be only slightly greater than those of the other classes. Empirical studies on several existing backdoor attacks show that our strategy can considerably improve the stealthiness of these attacks and, at the same time, achieve a high attack success rate. In addition, our strategy makes it able to manually control the prediction probability of the design output through manipulating the applied and activated number of LSBAs\footnote{Source code will be published at \url{https://github.com/v-mipeng/LabelSmoothedAttack.git}}.
Abstract:Various robustness evaluation methodologies from different perspectives have been proposed for different natural language processing (NLP) tasks. These methods have often focused on either universal or task-specific generalization capabilities. In this work, we propose a multilingual robustness evaluation platform for NLP tasks (TextFlint) that incorporates universal text transformation, task-specific transformation, adversarial attack, subpopulation, and their combinations to provide comprehensive robustness analysis. TextFlint enables practitioners to automatically evaluate their models from all aspects or to customize their evaluations as desired with just a few lines of code. To guarantee user acceptability, all the text transformations are linguistically based, and we provide a human evaluation for each one. TextFlint generates complete analytical reports as well as targeted augmented data to address the shortcomings of the model's robustness. To validate TextFlint's utility, we performed large-scale empirical evaluations (over 67,000 evaluations) on state-of-the-art deep learning models, classic supervised methods, and real-world systems. Almost all models showed significant performance degradation, including a decline of more than 50% of BERT's prediction accuracy on tasks such as aspect-level sentiment classification, named entity recognition, and natural language inference. Therefore, we call for the robustness to be included in the model evaluation, so as to promote the healthy development of NLP technology.