Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are vulnerable to attacks like prompt injection, backdoor attacks, and adversarial attacks, which manipulate prompts or models to generate harmful outputs. In this paper, departing from traditional deep learning attack paradigms, we explore their intrinsic relationship and collectively term them Prompt Trigger Attacks (PTA). This raises a key question: Can we determine if a prompt is benign or poisoned? To address this, we propose UniGuardian, the first unified defense mechanism designed to detect prompt injection, backdoor attacks, and adversarial attacks in LLMs. Additionally, we introduce a single-forward strategy to optimize the detection pipeline, enabling simultaneous attack detection and text generation within a single forward pass. Our experiments confirm that UniGuardian accurately and efficiently identifies malicious prompts in LLMs.
Abstract:Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) is one of the most popular machine learning models in various applications. However, in the traditional settings, all data should be simultaneously accessed in the training procedure: it does not allow to add or delete any data instances after training. In this paper, we propose an efficient online learning framework for GBDT supporting both incremental and decremental learning. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that considers an in-place unified incremental and decremental learning on GBDT. To reduce the learning cost, we present a collection of optimizations for our framework, so that it can add or delete a small fraction of data on the fly. We theoretically show the relationship between the hyper-parameters of the proposed optimizations, which enables trading off accuracy and cost on incremental and decremental learning. The backdoor attack results show that our framework can successfully inject and remove backdoor in a well-trained model using incremental and decremental learning, and the empirical results on public datasets confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed online learning framework and optimizations.
Abstract:Recent studies show that diffusion models (DMs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Existing backdoor attacks impose unconcealed triggers (e.g., a gray box and eyeglasses) that contain evident patterns, rendering remarkable attack effects yet easy detection upon human inspection and defensive algorithms. While it is possible to improve stealthiness by reducing the strength of the backdoor, doing so can significantly compromise its generality and effectiveness. In this paper, we propose UIBDiffusion, the universal imperceptible backdoor attack for diffusion models, which allows us to achieve superior attack and generation performance while evading state-of-the-art defenses. We propose a novel trigger generation approach based on universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs) and reveal that such perturbations, which are initially devised for fooling pre-trained discriminative models, can be adapted as potent imperceptible backdoor triggers for DMs. We evaluate UIBDiffusion on multiple types of DMs with different kinds of samplers across various datasets and targets. Experimental results demonstrate that UIBDiffusion brings three advantages: 1) Universality, the imperceptible trigger is universal (i.e., image and model agnostic) where a single trigger is effective to any images and all diffusion models with different samplers; 2) Utility, it achieves comparable generation quality (e.g., FID) and even better attack success rate (i.e., ASR) at low poison rates compared to the prior works; and 3) Undetectability, UIBDiffusion is plausible to human perception and can bypass Elijah and TERD, the SOTA defenses against backdoors for DMs. We will release our backdoor triggers and code.
Abstract:Identifying the training data samples that most influence a generated image is a critical task in understanding diffusion models, yet existing influence estimation methods are constrained to small-scale or LoRA-tuned models due to computational limitations. As diffusion models scale up, these methods become impractical. To address this challenge, we propose DMin (Diffusion Model influence), a scalable framework for estimating the influence of each training data sample on a given generated image. By leveraging efficient gradient compression and retrieval techniques, DMin reduces storage requirements from 339.39 TB to only 726 MB and retrieves the top-k most influential training samples in under 1 second, all while maintaining performance. Our empirical results demonstrate DMin is both effective in identifying influential training samples and efficient in terms of computational and storage requirements.
Abstract:Adversarial examples represent a serious issue for the application of machine learning models in many sensitive domains. For generating adversarial examples, decision based black-box attacks are one of the most practical techniques as they only require query access to the model. One of the most recently proposed state-of-the-art decision based black-box attacks is Triangle Attack (TA). In this paper, we offer a high-level description of TA and explain potential theoretical limitations. We then propose a new decision based black-box attack, Triangle Attack with Reinforcement Learning (TARL). Our new attack addresses the limits of TA by leveraging reinforcement learning. This creates an attack that can achieve similar, if not better, attack accuracy than TA with half as many queries on state-of-the-art classifiers and defenses across ImageNet and CIFAR-10.
Abstract:With the widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs), concerns about potential misuse have emerged. To this end, watermarking has been adapted to LLM, enabling a simple and effective way to detect and monitor generated text. However, while the existing methods can differentiate between watermarked and unwatermarked text with high accuracy, they often face a trade-off between the quality of the generated text and the effectiveness of the watermarking process. In this work, we present a novel type of LLM watermark, Sparse Watermark, which aims to mitigate this trade-off by applying watermarks to a small subset of generated tokens distributed across the text. The key strategy involves anchoring watermarked tokens to words that have specific Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed watermarking scheme achieves high detectability while generating text that outperforms previous LLM watermarking methods in quality across various tasks
Abstract:Recent studies indicate that Vision Transformers (ViTs) are robust against out-of-distribution scenarios. In particular, the Fully Attentional Network (FAN) - a family of ViT backbones, has achieved state-of-the-art robustness. In this paper, we revisit the FAN models and improve their pre-training with a self-emerging token labeling (STL) framework. Our method contains a two-stage training framework. Specifically, we first train a FAN token labeler (FAN-TL) to generate semantically meaningful patch token labels, followed by a FAN student model training stage that uses both the token labels and the original class label. With the proposed STL framework, our best model based on FAN-L-Hybrid (77.3M parameters) achieves 84.8% Top-1 accuracy and 42.1% mCE on ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-C, and sets a new state-of-the-art for ImageNet-A (46.1%) and ImageNet-R (56.6%) without using extra data, outperforming the original FAN counterpart by significant margins. The proposed framework also demonstrates significantly enhanced performance on downstream tasks such as semantic segmentation, with up to 1.7% improvement in robustness over the counterpart model. Code is available at https://github.com/NVlabs/STL.
Abstract:Recent works have shown that deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples that find samples close to the original image but can make the model misclassify. Even with access only to the model's output, an attacker can employ black-box attacks to generate such adversarial examples. In this work, we propose a simple and lightweight defense against black-box attacks by adding random noise to hidden features at intermediate layers of the model at inference time. Our theoretical analysis confirms that this method effectively enhances the model's resilience against both score-based and decision-based black-box attacks. Importantly, our defense does not necessitate adversarial training and has minimal impact on accuracy, rendering it applicable to any pre-trained model. Our analysis also reveals the significance of selectively adding noise to different parts of the model based on the gradient of the adversarial objective function, which can be varied during the attack. We demonstrate the robustness of our defense against multiple black-box attacks through extensive empirical experiments involving diverse models with various architectures.
Abstract:In recent years, machine learning models have been shown to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Under such attacks, an adversary embeds a stealthy backdoor into the trained model such that the compromised models will behave normally on clean inputs but will misclassify according to the adversary's control on maliciously constructed input with a trigger. While these existing attacks are very effective, the adversary's capability is limited: given an input, these attacks can only cause the model to misclassify toward a single pre-defined or target class. In contrast, this paper exploits a novel backdoor attack with a much more powerful payload, denoted as Marksman, where the adversary can arbitrarily choose which target class the model will misclassify given any input during inference. To achieve this goal, we propose to represent the trigger function as a class-conditional generative model and to inject the backdoor in a constrained optimization framework, where the trigger function learns to generate an optimal trigger pattern to attack any target class at will while simultaneously embedding this generative backdoor into the trained model. Given the learned trigger-generation function, during inference, the adversary can specify an arbitrary backdoor attack target class, and an appropriate trigger causing the model to classify toward this target class is created accordingly. We show empirically that the proposed framework achieves high attack performance while preserving the clean-data performance in several benchmark datasets, including MNIST, CIFAR10, GTSRB, and TinyImageNet. The proposed Marksman backdoor attack can also easily bypass existing backdoor defenses that were originally designed against backdoor attacks with a single target class. Our work takes another significant step toward understanding the extensive risks of backdoor attacks in practice.
Abstract:The recent privacy leakage incidences and the more strict policy regulations demand a much higher standard of compliance for companies and mobile apps. However, such obligations also impose significant challenges on app developers for complying with these regulations that contain various perspectives, activities, and roles, especially for small companies and developers who are less experienced in this matter or with limited resources. To address these hurdles, we develop an automatic tool, NL2GDPR, which can generate policies from natural language descriptions from the developer while also ensuring the app's functionalities are compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). NL2GDPR is developed by leveraging an information extraction tool, OIA (Open Information Annotation), developed by Baidu Cognitive Computing Lab. At the core, NL2GDPR is a privacy-centric information extraction model, appended with a GDPR policy finder and a policy generator. We perform a comprehensive study to grasp the challenges in extracting privacy-centric information and generating privacy policies, while exploiting optimizations for this specific task. With NL2GDPR, we can achieve 92.9%, 95.2%, and 98.4% accuracy in correctly identifying GDPR policies related to personal data storage, process, and share types, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, NL2GDPR is the first tool that allows a developer to automatically generate GDPR compliant policies, with only the need of entering the natural language for describing the app features. Note that other non-GDPR-related features might be integrated with the generated features to build a complex app.