Abstract:Deep learning-based code generation has completely transformed the way developers write programs today. Existing approaches to code generation have focused either on the Sequence-to-Sequence paradigm, which generates target code as a sequence of tokens, or the Sequence-to-Tree paradigm, which outputs code as a sequence of actions. While these two paradigms are intuitively complementary, their combination has not been previously explored. By comparing the code generated under these two paradigms, we find that integrating them holds significant potential. In this paper, we propose UniGenCoder for code-related generation tasks, which consists of a shared encoder, a shared decoder with a minimal set of additional parameters to unify two paradigms, and a selector that dynamically chooses optimal paradigm for each instance. Also, during the model training, we first perform the multi-task learning and distillation strategies to facilitate knowledge transfer between two paradigms, and then leverage contrastive learning to train the selector. Experimental results on the text-to-code and code-to-code generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model. We release our code at https://github.com/DeepLearnXMU/UniGenCoder.
Abstract:Keyphrase generation (KPG) aims to automatically generate a collection of phrases representing the core concepts of a given document. The dominant paradigms in KPG include one2seq and one2set. Recently, there has been increasing interest in applying large language models (LLMs) to KPG. Our preliminary experiments reveal that it is challenging for a single model to excel in both recall and precision. Further analysis shows that: 1) the one2set paradigm owns the advantage of high recall, but suffers from improper assignments of supervision signals during training; 2) LLMs are powerful in keyphrase selection, but existing selection methods often make redundant selections. Given these observations, we introduce a generate-then-select framework decomposing KPG into two steps, where we adopt a one2set-based model as generator to produce candidates and then use an LLM as selector to select keyphrases from these candidates. Particularly, we make two important improvements on our generator and selector: 1) we design an Optimal Transport-based assignment strategy to address the above improper assignments; 2) we model the keyphrase selection as a sequence labeling task to alleviate redundant selections. Experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets show that our framework significantly surpasses state-of-the-art models, especially in absent keyphrase prediction.
Abstract:In recent years, multi-modal machine translation has attracted significant interest in both academia and industry due to its superior performance. It takes both textual and visual modalities as inputs, leveraging visual context to tackle the ambiguities in source texts. In this paper, we begin by offering an exhaustive overview of 99 prior works, comprehensively summarizing representative studies from the perspectives of dominant models, datasets, and evaluation metrics. Afterwards, we analyze the impact of various factors on model performance and finally discuss the possible research directions for this task in the future. Over time, multi-modal machine translation has developed more types to meet diverse needs. Unlike previous surveys confined to the early stage of multi-modal machine translation, our survey thoroughly concludes these emerging types from different aspects, so as to provide researchers with a better understanding of its current state.
Abstract:Recently, the text-to-table generation task has attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications. In this aspect, the dominant model formalizes this task as a sequence-to-sequence generation task and serializes each table into a token sequence during training by concatenating all rows in a top-down order. However, it suffers from two serious defects: 1) the predefined order introduces a wrong bias during training, which highly penalizes shifts in the order between rows; 2) the error propagation problem becomes serious when the model outputs a long token sequence. In this paper, we first conduct a preliminary study to demonstrate the generation of most rows is order-insensitive. Furthermore, we propose a novel sequence-to-sequence&set text-to-table generation model. Specifically, in addition to a text encoder encoding the input text, our model is equipped with a table header generator to first output a table header, i.e., the first row of the table, in the manner of sequence generation. Then we use a table body generator with learnable row embeddings and column embeddings to generate a set of table body rows in parallel. Particularly, to deal with the issue that there is no correspondence between each generated table body row and target during training, we propose a target assignment strategy based on the bipartite matching between the first cells of generated table body rows and targets. Experiment results show that our model significantly surpasses the baselines, achieving state-of-the-art performance on commonly-used datasets.
Abstract:Keyphrase prediction aims to generate phrases (keyphrases) that highly summarizes a given document. Recently, researchers have conducted in-depth studies on this task from various perspectives. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize representative studies from the perspectives of dominant models, datasets and evaluation metrics. Our work analyzes up to 167 previous works, achieving greater coverage of this task than previous surveys. Particularly, we focus highly on deep learning-based keyphrase prediction, which attracts increasing attention of this task in recent years. Afterwards, we conduct several groups of experiments to carefully compare representative models. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to compare these models using the identical commonly-used datasets and evaluation metric, facilitating in-depth analyses of their disadvantages and advantages. Finally, we discuss the possible research directions of this task in the future.