Abstract:The rapid advancement of video generation models has made it increasingly challenging to distinguish AI-generated videos from real ones. This issue underscores the urgent need for effective AI-generated video detectors to prevent the dissemination of false information through such videos. However, the development of high-performance generative video detectors is currently impeded by the lack of large-scale, high-quality datasets specifically designed for generative video detection. To this end, we introduce GenVidBench, a challenging AI-generated video detection dataset with several key advantages: 1) Cross Source and Cross Generator: The cross-generation source mitigates the interference of video content on the detection. The cross-generator ensures diversity in video attributes between the training and test sets, preventing them from being overly similar. 2) State-of-the-Art Video Generators: The dataset includes videos from 8 state-of-the-art AI video generators, ensuring that it covers the latest advancements in the field of video generation. 3) Rich Semantics: The videos in GenVidBench are analyzed from multiple dimensions and classified into various semantic categories based on their content. This classification ensures that the dataset is not only large but also diverse, aiding in the development of more generalized and effective detection models. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of different advanced video generators and present a challenging setting. Additionally, we present rich experimental results including advanced video classification models as baselines. With the GenVidBench, researchers can efficiently develop and evaluate AI-generated video detection models. Datasets and code are available at https://genvidbench.github.io.
Abstract:Frequency domain representation of time series feature offers a concise representation for handling real-world time series data with inherent complexity and dynamic nature. However, current frequency-based methods with complex operations still fall short of state-of-the-art time domain methods for general time series analysis. In this work, we present Omni-Dimensional Frequency Learner (ODFL) model based on a in depth analysis among all the three aspects of the spectrum feature: channel redundancy property among the frequency dimension, the sparse and un-salient frequency energy distribution among the frequency dimension, and the semantic diversity among the variable dimension. Technically, our method is composed of a semantic-adaptive global filter with attention to the un-salient frequency bands and partial operation among the channel dimension. Empirical results show that ODFL achieves consistent state-of-the-art in five mainstream time series analysis tasks, including short- and long-term forecasting, imputation, classification, and anomaly detection, offering a promising foundation for time series analysis.
Abstract:The extraordinary ability of generative models emerges as a new trend in image editing and generating realistic images, posing a serious threat to the trustworthiness of multimedia data and driving the research of image manipulation detection and location(IMDL). However, the lack of a large-scale data foundation makes IMDL task unattainable. In this paper, a local manipulation pipeline is designed, incorporating the powerful SAM, ChatGPT and generative models. Upon this basis, We propose the GIM dataset, which has the following advantages: 1) Large scale, including over one million pairs of AI-manipulated images and real images. 2) Rich Image Content, encompassing a broad range of image classes 3) Diverse Generative Manipulation, manipulated images with state-of-the-art generators and various manipulation tasks. The aforementioned advantages allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of IMDL methods, extending their applicability to diverse images. We introduce two benchmark settings to evaluate the generalization capability and comprehensive performance of baseline methods. In addition, we propose a novel IMDL framework, termed GIMFormer, which consists of a ShadowTracer, Frequency-Spatial Block (FSB), and a Multi-window Anomalous Modelling (MWAM) Module. Extensive experiments on the GIM demonstrate that GIMFormer surpasses previous state-of-the-art works significantly on two different benchmarks.
Abstract:Large models based on the Transformer architecture play increasingly vital roles in artificial intelligence, particularly within the realms of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). Model compression methods reduce their memory and computational cost, which is a necessary step to implement the transformer models on practical devices. Given the unique architecture of transformer, featuring alternative attention and Feedforward Neural Network (FFN) modules, specific compression techniques are required. The efficiency of these compression methods is also paramount, as it is usually impractical to retrain large models on the entire training dataset.This survey provides a comprehensive review of recent compression methods, with a specific focus on their application to transformer models. The compression methods are primarily categorized into pruning, quantization, knowledge distillation, and efficient architecture design. In each category, we discuss compression methods for both CV and NLP tasks, highlighting common underlying principles. At last, we delve into the relation between various compression methods, and discuss the further directions in this domain.
Abstract:The recent trend of large language models (LLMs) is to increase the scale of both model size (\aka the number of parameters) and dataset to achieve better generative ability, which is definitely proved by a lot of work such as the famous GPT and Llama. However, large models often involve massive computational costs, and practical applications cannot afford such high prices. However, the method of constructing a strong model architecture for LLMs is rarely discussed. We first analyze the state-of-the-art language model architectures and observe the feature collapse problem. Based on the theoretical analysis, we propose that the nonlinearity is also very important for language models, which is usually studied in convolutional neural networks for vision tasks. The series informed activation function is then introduced with tiny calculations that can be ignored, and an augmented shortcut is further used to enhance the model nonlinearity. We then demonstrate that the proposed approach is significantly effective for enhancing the model nonlinearity through carefully designed ablations; thus, we present a new efficient model architecture for establishing modern, namely, PanGu-$\pi$. Experiments are then conducted using the same dataset and training strategy to compare PanGu-$\pi$ with state-of-the-art LLMs. The results show that PanGu-$\pi$-7B can achieve a comparable performance to that of benchmarks with about 10\% inference speed-up, and PanGu-$\pi$-1B can achieve state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. In addition, we have deployed PanGu-$\pi$-7B in the high-value domains of finance and law, developing an LLM named YunShan for practical application. The results show that YunShan can surpass other models with similar scales on benchmarks.
Abstract:The misuse of AI imagery can have harmful societal effects, prompting the creation of detectors to combat issues like the spread of fake news. Existing methods can effectively detect images generated by seen generators, but it is challenging to detect those generated by unseen generators. They do not concentrate on amplifying the output discrepancy when detectors process real versus fake images. This results in a close output distribution of real and fake samples, increasing classification difficulty in detecting unseen generators. This paper addresses the unseen-generator detection problem by considering this task from the perspective of anomaly detection and proposes an adversarial teacher-student discrepancy-aware framework. Our method encourages smaller output discrepancies between the student and the teacher models for real images while aiming for larger discrepancies for fake images. We employ adversarial learning to train a feature augmenter, which promotes smaller discrepancies between teacher and student networks when the inputs are fake images. Our method has achieved state-of-the-art on public benchmarks, and the visualization results show that a large output discrepancy is maintained when faced with various types of generators.
Abstract:Data-Free Knowledge Distillation (DFKD) plays a vital role in compressing the model when original training data is unavailable. Previous works for DFKD in NLP mainly focus on distilling encoder-only structures like BERT on classification tasks, which overlook the notable progress of generative language modeling. In this work, we propose a novel DFKD framework, namely DFKD-T$^{3}$, where the pretrained generative language model can also serve as a controllable data generator for model compression. This novel framework DFKD-T$^{3}$ leads to an end-to-end learnable text-to-text framework to transform the general domain corpus to compression-friendly task data, targeting to improve both the \textit{specificity} and \textit{diversity}. Extensive experiments show that our method can boost the distillation performance in various downstream tasks such as sentiment analysis, linguistic acceptability, and information extraction. Furthermore, we show that the generated texts can be directly used for distilling other language models and outperform the SOTA methods, making our method more appealing in a general DFKD setting. Our code is available at https://gitee.com/mindspore/models/tree/master/research/nlp/DFKD\_T3.
Abstract:DETR-like models have significantly boosted the performance of detectors and even outperformed classical convolutional models. However, all tokens are treated equally without discrimination brings a redundant computational burden in the traditional encoder structure. The recent sparsification strategies exploit a subset of informative tokens to reduce attention complexity maintaining performance through the sparse encoder. But these methods tend to rely on unreliable model statistics. Moreover, simply reducing the token population hinders the detection performance to a large extent, limiting the application of these sparse models. We propose Focus-DETR, which focuses attention on more informative tokens for a better trade-off between computation efficiency and model accuracy. Specifically, we reconstruct the encoder with dual attention, which includes a token scoring mechanism that considers both localization and category semantic information of the objects from multi-scale feature maps. We efficiently abandon the background queries and enhance the semantic interaction of the fine-grained object queries based on the scores. Compared with the state-of-the-art sparse DETR-like detectors under the same setting, our Focus-DETR gets comparable complexity while achieving 50.4AP (+2.2) on COCO. The code is available at https://github.com/huawei-noah/noah-research/tree/master/Focus-DETR and https://gitee.com/mindspore/models/tree/master/research/cv/Focus-DETR.
Abstract:The extraordinary ability of generative models to generate photographic images has intensified concerns about the spread of disinformation, thereby leading to the demand for detectors capable of distinguishing between AI-generated fake images and real images. However, the lack of large datasets containing images from the most advanced image generators poses an obstacle to the development of such detectors. In this paper, we introduce the GenImage dataset, which has the following advantages: 1) Plenty of Images, including over one million pairs of AI-generated fake images and collected real images. 2) Rich Image Content, encompassing a broad range of image classes. 3) State-of-the-art Generators, synthesizing images with advanced diffusion models and GANs. The aforementioned advantages allow the detectors trained on GenImage to undergo a thorough evaluation and demonstrate strong applicability to diverse images. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the dataset and propose two tasks for evaluating the detection method in resembling real-world scenarios. The cross-generator image classification task measures the performance of a detector trained on one generator when tested on the others. The degraded image classification task assesses the capability of the detectors in handling degraded images such as low-resolution, blurred, and compressed images. With the GenImage dataset, researchers can effectively expedite the development and evaluation of superior AI-generated image detectors in comparison to prevailing methodologies.
Abstract:The common self-supervised pre-training practice requires collecting massive unlabeled data together and then trains a representation model, dubbed \textbf{joint training}. However, in real-world scenarios where data are collected in a streaming fashion, the joint training scheme is usually storage-heavy and time-consuming. A more efficient alternative is to train a model continually with streaming data, dubbed \textbf{sequential training}. Nevertheless, it is unclear how well sequential self-supervised pre-training performs with streaming data. In this paper, we conduct thorough experiments to investigate self-supervised pre-training with streaming data. Specifically, we evaluate the transfer performance of sequential self-supervised pre-training with four different data sequences on three different downstream tasks and make comparisons with joint self-supervised pre-training. Surprisingly, we find sequential self-supervised learning exhibits almost the same performance as the joint training when the distribution shifts within streaming data are mild. Even for data sequences with large distribution shifts, sequential self-supervised training with simple techniques, e.g., parameter regularization or data replay, still performs comparably to joint training. Based on our findings, we recommend using sequential self-supervised training as a \textbf{more efficient yet performance-competitive} representation learning practice for real-world applications.