Abstract:Drone-based RGBT object detection plays a crucial role in many around-the-clock applications. However, real-world drone-viewed RGBT data suffers from the prominent position shift problem, i.e., the position of a tiny object differs greatly in different modalities. For instance, a slight deviation of a tiny object in the thermal modality will induce it to drift from the main body of itself in the RGB modality. Considering RGBT data are usually labeled on one modality (reference), this will cause the unlabeled modality (sensed) to lack accurate supervision signals and prevent the detector from learning a good representation. Moreover, the mismatch of the corresponding feature point between the modalities will make the fused features confusing for the detection head. In this paper, we propose to cast the cross-modality box shift issue as the label noise problem and address it on the fly via a novel Mean Teacher-based Cross-modality Box Correction head ensemble (CBC). In this way, the network can learn more informative representations for both modalities. Furthermore, to alleviate the feature map mismatch problem in RGBT fusion, we devise a Shifted Window-Based Cascaded Alignment (SWCA) module. SWCA mines long-range dependencies between the spatially unaligned features inside shifted windows and cascaded aligns the sensed features with the reference ones. Extensive experiments on two drone-based RGBT object detection datasets demonstrate that the correction results are both visually and quantitatively favorable, thereby improving the detection performance. In particular, our CBC module boosts the precision of the sensed modality ground truth by 25.52 aSim points. Overall, the proposed detector achieves an mAP_50 of 43.55 points on RGBTDronePerson and surpasses a state-of-the-art method by 8.6 mAP50 on a shift subset of DroneVehicle dataset. The code and data will be made publicly available.
Abstract:Recently, text-to-image generation models have achieved remarkable advancements, particularly with diffusion models facilitating high-quality image synthesis from textual descriptions. However, these models often struggle with achieving precise control over pixel-level layouts, object appearances, and global styles when using text prompts alone. To mitigate this issue, previous works introduce conditional images as auxiliary inputs for image generation, enhancing control but typically necessitating specialized models tailored to different types of reference inputs. In this paper, we explore a new approach to unify controllable generation within a single framework. Specifically, we propose the unified image-instruction adapter (UNIC-Adapter) built on the Multi-Modal-Diffusion Transformer architecture, to enable flexible and controllable generation across diverse conditions without the need for multiple specialized models. Our UNIC-Adapter effectively extracts multi-modal instruction information by incorporating both conditional images and task instructions, injecting this information into the image generation process through a cross-attention mechanism enhanced by Rotary Position Embedding. Experimental results across a variety of tasks, including pixel-level spatial control, subject-driven image generation, and style-image-based image synthesis, demonstrate the effectiveness of our UNIC-Adapter in unified controllable image generation.
Abstract:Detecting oriented tiny objects, which are limited in appearance information yet prevalent in real-world applications, remains an intricate and under-explored problem. To address this, we systemically introduce a new dataset, benchmark, and a dynamic coarse-to-fine learning scheme in this study. Our proposed dataset, AI-TOD-R, features the smallest object sizes among all oriented object detection datasets. Based on AI-TOD-R, we present a benchmark spanning a broad range of detection paradigms, including both fully-supervised and label-efficient approaches. Through investigation, we identify a learning bias presents across various learning pipelines: confident objects become increasingly confident, while vulnerable oriented tiny objects are further marginalized, hindering their detection performance. To mitigate this issue, we propose a Dynamic Coarse-to-Fine Learning (DCFL) scheme to achieve unbiased learning. DCFL dynamically updates prior positions to better align with the limited areas of oriented tiny objects, and it assigns samples in a way that balances both quantity and quality across different object shapes, thus mitigating biases in prior settings and sample selection. Extensive experiments across eight challenging object detection datasets demonstrate that DCFL achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, high efficiency, and remarkable versatility. The dataset, benchmark, and code are available at https://chasel-tsui.github.io/AI-TOD-R/.
Abstract:Tiny objects, with their limited spatial resolution, often resemble point-like distributions. As a result, bounding box prediction using point-level supervision emerges as a natural and cost-effective alternative to traditional box-level supervision. However, the small scale and lack of distinctive features of tiny objects make point annotations prone to noise, posing significant hurdles for model robustness. To tackle these challenges, we propose Point Teacher--the first end-to-end point-supervised method for robust tiny object detection in aerial images. To handle label noise from scale ambiguity and location shifts in point annotations, Point Teacher employs the teacher-student architecture and decouples the learning into a two-phase denoising process. In this framework, the teacher network progressively denoises the pseudo boxes derived from noisy point annotations, guiding the student network's learning. Specifically, in the first phase, random masking of image regions facilitates regression learning, enabling the teacher to transform noisy point annotations into coarse pseudo boxes. In the second phase, these coarse pseudo boxes are refined using dynamic multiple instance learning, which adaptively selects the most reliable instance from dynamically constructed proposal bags around the coarse pseudo boxes. Extensive experiments on three tiny object datasets (i.e., AI-TOD-v2, SODA-A, and TinyPerson) validate the proposed method's effectiveness and robustness against point location shifts. Notably, relying solely on point supervision, our Point Teacher already shows comparable performance with box-supervised learning methods. Codes and models will be made publicly available.
Abstract:In the realm of large-scale point cloud registration, designing a compact symbolic representation is crucial for efficiently processing vast amounts of data, ensuring registration robustness against significant viewpoint variations and occlusions. This paper introduces a novel point cloud registration method, i.e., QuadricsReg, which leverages concise quadrics primitives to represent scenes and utilizes their geometric characteristics to establish correspondences for 6-DoF transformation estimation. As a symbolic feature, the quadric representation fully captures the primary geometric characteristics of scenes, which can efficiently handle the complexity of large-scale point clouds. The intrinsic characteristics of quadrics, such as types and scales, are employed to initialize correspondences. Then we build a multi-level compatibility graph set to find the correspondences using the maximum clique on the geometric consistency between quadrics. Finally, we estimate the 6-DoF transformation using the quadric correspondences, which is further optimized based on the quadric degeneracy-aware distance in a factor graph, ensuring high registration accuracy and robustness against degenerate structures. We test on 5 public datasets and the self-collected heterogeneous dataset across different LiDAR sensors and robot platforms. The exceptional registration success rates and minimal registration errors demonstrate the effectiveness of QuadricsReg in large-scale point cloud registration scenarios. Furthermore, the real-world registration testing on our self-collected heterogeneous dataset shows the robustness and generalization ability of QuadricsReg on different LiDAR sensors and robot platforms. The codes and demos will be released at \url{https://levenberg.github.io/QuadricsReg}.
Abstract:Making multi-camera visual SLAM systems easier to set up and more robust to the environment is always one of the focuses of vision robots. Existing monocular and binocular vision SLAM systems have narrow FoV and are fragile in textureless environments with degenerated accuracy and limited robustness. Thus multi-camera SLAM systems are gaining attention because they can provide redundancy for texture degeneration with wide FoV. However, current multi-camera SLAM systems face massive data processing pressure and elaborately designed camera configurations, leading to estimation failures for arbitrarily arranged multi-camera systems. To address these problems, we propose a generic visual odometry for arbitrarily arranged multi-cameras, which can achieve metric-scale state estimation with high flexibility in the cameras' arrangement. Specifically, we first design a learning-based feature extraction and tracking framework to shift the pressure of CPU processing of multiple video streams. Then we use the rigid constraints between cameras to estimate the metric scale poses for robust SLAM system initialization. Finally, we fuse the features of the multi-cameras in the SLAM back-end to achieve robust pose estimation and online scale optimization. Additionally, multi-camera features help improve the loop detection for pose graph optimization. Experiments on KITTI-360 and MultiCamData datasets validate the robustness of our method over arbitrarily placed cameras. Compared with other stereo and multi-camera visual SLAM systems, our method obtains higher pose estimation accuracy with better generalization ability. Our codes and online demos are available at \url{https://github.com/JunhaoWang615/MCVO}
Abstract:Change detection, which typically relies on the comparison of bi-temporal images, is significantly hindered when only a single image is available. Comparing a single image with an existing map, such as OpenStreetMap, which is continuously updated through crowd-sourcing, offers a viable solution to this challenge. Unlike images that carry low-level visual details of ground objects, maps convey high-level categorical information. This discrepancy in abstraction levels complicates the alignment and comparison of the two data types. In this paper, we propose a \textbf{La}nguage-\textbf{VI}sion \textbf{D}iscriminator for d\textbf{E}tecting changes in satellite image with map references, namely \ours{}, which leverages language to bridge the information gap between maps and images. Specifically, \ours{} formulates change detection as the problem of ``{\textit Does the pixel belong to [class]?}'', aligning maps and images within the feature space of the language-vision model to associate high-level map categories with low-level image details. Moreover, we build a mixture-of-experts discriminative module, which compares linguistic features from maps with visual features from images across various semantic perspectives, achieving comprehensive semantic comparison for change detection. Extensive evaluation on four benchmark datasets demonstrates that \ours{} can effectively detect changes in satellite image with map references, outperforming state-of-the-art change detection algorithms, e.g., with gains of about $13.8$\% on the DynamicEarthNet dataset and $4.3$\% on the SECOND dataset.
Abstract:Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) typically requires hundreds of X-ray projections, which raises concerns about radiation exposure. While sparse-view reconstruction reduces the exposure by using fewer projections, it struggles to achieve satisfactory image quality. To address this challenge, this article introduces a novel sparse-view CBCT reconstruction method, which empowers the neural field with human tissue regularization. Our approach, termed tissue-guided neural tomography (TNT), is motivated by the distinct intensity differences between bone and soft tissue in CBCT. Intuitively, separating these components may aid the learning process of the neural field. More precisely, TNT comprises a heterogeneous quadruple network and the corresponding training strategy. The network represents the intensity field as a combination of soft and hard tissue components, along with their respective textures. We train the network with guidance from estimated tissue projections, enabling efficient learning of the desired patterns for the network heads. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves the sparse-view CBCT reconstruction with a limited number of projections ranging from 10 to 60. Our method achieves comparable reconstruction quality with fewer projections and faster convergence compared to state-of-the-art neural rendering based methods.
Abstract:Most knowledge distillation (KD) methodologies predominantly focus on teacher-student pairs with similar architectures, such as both being convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, the potential and flexibility of KD can be greatly improved by expanding it to novel Cross-Architecture KD (CAKD), where the knowledge of homogeneous and heterogeneous teachers can be transferred flexibly to a given student. The primary challenge in CAKD lies in the substantial feature gaps between heterogeneous models, originating from the distinction of their inherent inductive biases and module functions. To this end, we introduce an assistant model as a bridge to facilitate smooth feature knowledge transfer between heterogeneous teachers and students. More importantly, within our proposed design principle, the assistant model combines the advantages of cross-architecture inductive biases and module functions by merging convolution and attention modules derived from both student and teacher module functions. Furthermore, we observe that heterogeneous features exhibit diverse spatial distributions in CAKD, hindering the effectiveness of conventional pixel-wise mean squared error (MSE) loss. Therefore, we leverage a spatial-agnostic InfoNCE loss to align features after spatial smoothing, thereby improving the feature alignments in CAKD. Our proposed method is evaluated across some homogeneous model pairs and arbitrary heterogeneous combinations of CNNs, ViTs, and MLPs, achieving state-of-the-art performance for distilled models with a maximum gain of 11.47% on CIFAR-100 and 3.67% on ImageNet-1K. Our code and models will be released.
Abstract:This paper studies the problem of distribution matching (DM), which is a fundamental machine learning problem seeking to robustly align two probability distributions. Our approach is established on a relaxed formulation, called partial distribution matching (PDM), which seeks to match a fraction of the distributions instead of matching them completely. We theoretically derive the Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality for the partial Wasserstain-1 (PW) discrepancy, and develop a partial Wasserstein adversarial network (PWAN) that efficiently approximates the PW discrepancy based on this dual form. Partial matching can then be achieved by optimizing the network using gradient descent. Two practical tasks, point set registration and partial domain adaptation are investigated, where the goals are to partially match distributions in 3D space and high-dimensional feature space respectively. The experiment results confirm that the proposed PWAN effectively produces highly robust matching results, performing better or on par with the state-of-the-art methods.