Abstract:In many Reinforcement Learning (RL) papers, learning curves are useful indicators to measure the effectiveness of RL algorithms. However, the complete raw data of the learning curves are rarely available. As a result, it is usually necessary to reproduce the experiments from scratch, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. We present Open RL Benchmark, a set of fully tracked RL experiments, including not only the usual data such as episodic return, but also all algorithm-specific and system metrics. Open RL Benchmark is community-driven: anyone can download, use, and contribute to the data. At the time of writing, more than 25,000 runs have been tracked, for a cumulative duration of more than 8 years. Open RL Benchmark covers a wide range of RL libraries and reference implementations. Special care is taken to ensure that each experiment is precisely reproducible by providing not only the full parameters, but also the versions of the dependencies used to generate it. In addition, Open RL Benchmark comes with a command-line interface (CLI) for easy fetching and generating figures to present the results. In this document, we include two case studies to demonstrate the usefulness of Open RL Benchmark in practice. To the best of our knowledge, Open RL Benchmark is the first RL benchmark of its kind, and the authors hope that it will improve and facilitate the work of researchers in the field.
Abstract:This paper summarizes the cinematic demixing (CDX) track of the Sound Demixing Challenge 2023 (SDX'23). We provide a comprehensive summary of the challenge setup, detailing the structure of the competition and the datasets used. Especially, we detail CDXDB23, a new hidden dataset constructed from real movies that was used to rank the submissions. The paper also offers insights into the most successful approaches employed by participants. Compared to the cocktail-fork baseline, the best-performing system trained exclusively on the simulated Divide and Remaster (DnR) dataset achieved an improvement of 1.8dB in SDR whereas the top performing system on the open leaderboard, where any data could be used for training, saw a significant improvement of 5.7dB.
Abstract:This paper summarizes the music demixing (MDX) track of the Sound Demixing Challenge (SDX'23). We provide a summary of the challenge setup and introduce the task of robust music source separation (MSS), i.e., training MSS models in the presence of errors in the training data. We propose a formalization of the errors that can occur in the design of a training dataset for MSS systems and introduce two new datasets that simulate such errors: SDXDB23_LabelNoise and SDXDB23_Bleeding1. We describe the methods that achieved the highest scores in the competition. Moreover, we present a direct comparison with the previous edition of the challenge (the Music Demixing Challenge 2021): the best performing system under the standard MSS formulation achieved an improvement of over 1.6dB in signal-to-distortion ratio over the winner of the previous competition, when evaluated on MDXDB21. Besides relying on the signal-to-distortion ratio as objective metric, we also performed a listening test with renowned producers/musicians to study the perceptual quality of the systems and report here the results. Finally, we provide our insights into the organization of the competition and our prospects for future editions.
Abstract:Real-world behavior is often shaped by complex interactions between multiple agents. To scalably study multi-agent behavior, advances in unsupervised and self-supervised learning have enabled a variety of different behavioral representations to be learned from trajectory data. To date, there does not exist a unified set of benchmarks that can enable comparing methods quantitatively and systematically across a broad set of behavior analysis settings. We aim to address this by introducing a large-scale, multi-agent trajectory dataset from real-world behavioral neuroscience experiments that covers a range of behavior analysis tasks. Our dataset consists of trajectory data from common model organisms, with 9.6 million frames of mouse data and 4.4 million frames of fly data, in a variety of experimental settings, such as different strains, lengths of interaction, and optogenetic stimulation. A subset of the frames also consist of expert-annotated behavior labels. Improvements on our dataset corresponds to behavioral representations that work across multiple organisms and is able to capture differences for common behavior analysis tasks.
Abstract:In this report, we summarize the takeaways from the first NeurIPS 2021 NetHack Challenge. Participants were tasked with developing a program or agent that can win (i.e., 'ascend' in) the popular dungeon-crawler game of NetHack by interacting with the NetHack Learning Environment (NLE), a scalable, procedurally generated, and challenging Gym environment for reinforcement learning (RL). The challenge showcased community-driven progress in AI with many diverse approaches significantly beating the previously best results on NetHack. Furthermore, it served as a direct comparison between neural (e.g., deep RL) and symbolic AI, as well as hybrid systems, demonstrating that on NetHack symbolic bots currently outperform deep RL by a large margin. Lastly, no agent got close to winning the game, illustrating NetHack's suitability as a long-term benchmark for AI research.
Abstract:Multi-agent behavior modeling aims to understand the interactions that occur between agents. We present a multi-agent dataset from behavioral neuroscience, the Caltech Mouse Social Interactions (CalMS21) Dataset. Our dataset consists of trajectory data of social interactions, recorded from videos of freely behaving mice in a standard resident-intruder assay. The CalMS21 dataset is part of the Multi-Agent Behavior Challenge 2021 and for our next step, our goal is to incorporate datasets from other domains studying multi-agent behavior. To help accelerate behavioral studies, the CalMS21 dataset provides a benchmark to evaluate the performance of automated behavior classification methods in three settings: (1) for training on large behavioral datasets all annotated by a single annotator, (2) for style transfer to learn inter-annotator differences in behavior definitions, and (3) for learning of new behaviors of interest given limited training data. The dataset consists of 6 million frames of unlabelled tracked poses of interacting mice, as well as over 1 million frames with tracked poses and corresponding frame-level behavior annotations. The challenge of our dataset is to be able to classify behaviors accurately using both labelled and unlabelled tracking data, as well as being able to generalize to new annotators and behaviors.
Abstract:The NeurIPS 2020 Procgen Competition was designed as a centralized benchmark with clearly defined tasks for measuring Sample Efficiency and Generalization in Reinforcement Learning. Generalization remains one of the most fundamental challenges in deep reinforcement learning, and yet we do not have enough benchmarks to measure the progress of the community on Generalization in Reinforcement Learning. We present the design of a centralized benchmark for Reinforcement Learning which can help measure Sample Efficiency and Generalization in Reinforcement Learning by doing end to end evaluation of the training and rollout phases of thousands of user submitted code bases in a scalable way. We designed the benchmark on top of the already existing Procgen Benchmark by defining clear tasks and standardizing the end to end evaluation setups. The design aims to maximize the flexibility available for researchers who wish to design future iterations of such benchmarks, and yet imposes necessary practical constraints to allow for a system like this to scale. This paper presents the competition setup and the details and analysis of the top solutions identified through this setup in context of 2020 iteration of the competition at NeurIPS.