Abstract:Graph Neural Network (GNN) has demonstrated their superiority in collaborative filtering, where the user-item (U-I) interaction bipartite graph serves as the fundamental data format. However, when graph-structured side information (e.g., multimodal similarity graphs or social networks) is integrated into the U-I bipartite graph, existing graph collaborative filtering methods fall short of achieving satisfactory performance. We quantitatively analyze this problem from a spectral perspective. Recall that a bipartite graph possesses a full spectrum within the range of [-1, 1], with the highest frequency exactly achievable at -1 and the lowest frequency at 1; however, we observe as more side information is incorporated, the highest frequency of the augmented adjacency matrix progressively shifts rightward. This spectrum shift phenomenon has caused previous approaches built for the full spectrum [-1, 1] to assign mismatched importance to different frequencies. To this end, we propose Spectrum Shift Correction (dubbed SSC), incorporating shifting and scaling factors to enable spectral GNNs to adapt to the shifted spectrum. Unlike previous paradigms of leveraging side information, which necessitate tailored designs for diverse data types, SSC directly connects traditional graph collaborative filtering with any graph-structured side information. Experiments on social and multimodal recommendation demonstrate the effectiveness of SSC, achieving relative improvements of up to 23% without incurring any additional computational overhead.
Abstract:While the mining of modalities is the focus of most multimodal recommendation methods, we believe that how to fully utilize both collaborative and multimodal information is pivotal in e-commerce scenarios where, as clarified in this work, the user behaviors are rarely determined entirely by multimodal features. In order to combine the two distinct types of information, some additional challenges are encountered: 1) Modality erasure: Vanilla graph convolution, which proves rather useful in collaborative filtering, however erases multimodal information; 2) Modality forgetting: Multimodal information tends to be gradually forgotten as the recommendation loss essentially facilitates the learning of collaborative information. To this end, we propose a novel approach named STAIR, which employs a novel STepwise grAph convolution to enable a co-existence of collaborative and multimodal Information in e-commerce Recommendation. Besides, it starts with the raw multimodal features as an initialization, and the forgetting problem can be significantly alleviated through constrained embedding updates. As a result, STAIR achieves state-of-the-art recommendation performance on three public e-commerce datasets with minimal computational and memory costs. Our code is available at https://github.com/yhhe2004/STAIR.
Abstract:Modern recommendation systems frequently employ online learning to dynamically update their models with freshly collected data. The most commonly used optimizer for updating neural networks in these contexts is the Adam optimizer, which integrates momentum ($m_t$) and adaptive learning rate ($v_t$). However, the volatile nature of online learning data, characterized by its frequent distribution shifts and presence of noises, poses significant challenges to Adam's standard optimization process: (1) Adam may use outdated momentum and the average of squared gradients, resulting in slower adaptation to distribution changes, and (2) Adam's performance is adversely affected by data noise. To mitigate these issues, we introduce CAdam, a confidence-based optimization strategy that assesses the consistence between the momentum and the gradient for each parameter dimension before deciding on updates. If momentum and gradient are in sync, CAdam proceeds with parameter updates according to Adam's original formulation; if not, it temporarily withholds updates and monitors potential shifts in data distribution in subsequent iterations. This method allows CAdam to distinguish between the true distributional shifts and mere noise, and adapt more quickly to new data distributions. Our experiments with both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that CAdam surpasses other well-known optimizers, including the original Adam, in efficiency and noise robustness. Furthermore, in large-scale A/B testing within a live recommendation system, CAdam significantly enhances model performance compared to Adam, leading to substantial increases in the system's gross merchandise volume (GMV).
Abstract:As the last key stage of Recommender Systems (RSs), Multi-Task Fusion (MTF) is in charge of combining multiple scores predicted by Multi-Task Learning (MTL) into a final score to maximize user satisfaction, which decides the ultimate recommendation results. In recent years, to maximize long-term user satisfaction within a recommendation session, Reinforcement Learning (RL) is widely used for MTF in large-scale RSs. However, limited by their modeling pattern, all the current RL-MTF methods can only utilize user features as the state to generate actions for each user, but unable to make use of item features and other valuable features, which leads to suboptimal results. Addressing this problem is a challenge that requires breaking through the current modeling pattern of RL-MTF. To solve this problem, we propose a novel method called Enhanced-State RL for MTF in RSs. Unlike the existing methods mentioned above, our method first defines user features, item features, and other valuable features collectively as the enhanced state; then proposes a novel actor and critic learning process to utilize the enhanced state to make much better action for each user-item pair. To the best of our knowledge, this novel modeling pattern is being proposed for the first time in the field of RL-MTF. We conduct extensive offline and online experiments in a large-scale RS. The results demonstrate that our model outperforms other models significantly. Enhanced-State RL has been fully deployed in our RS more than half a year, improving +3.84% user valid consumption and +0.58% user duration time compared to baseline.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have been garnering increasing attention in the recommendation community. Some studies have observed that LLMs, when fine-tuned by the cross-entropy (CE) loss with a full softmax, could achieve `state-of-the-art' performance in sequential recommendation. However, most of the baselines used for comparison are trained using a pointwise/pairwise loss function. This inconsistent experimental setting leads to the underestimation of traditional methods and further fosters over-confidence in the ranking capability of LLMs. In this study, we provide theoretical justification for the superiority of the cross-entropy loss by demonstrating its two desirable properties: tightness and coverage. Furthermore, this study sheds light on additional novel insights: 1) Taking into account only the recommendation performance, CE is not yet optimal as it is not a quite tight bound in terms of some ranking metrics. 2) In scenarios that full softmax cannot be performed, an effective alternative is to scale up the sampled normalizing term. These findings then help unleash the potential of traditional recommendation models, allowing them to surpass LLM-based counterparts. Given the substantial computational burden, existing LLM-based methods are not as effective as claimed for sequential recommendation. We hope that these theoretical understandings in conjunction with the empirical results will facilitate an objective evaluation of LLM-based recommendation in the future.
Abstract:Evaluating LLMs and text-to-image models is a computationally intensive task often overlooked. Efficient evaluation is crucial for understanding the diverse capabilities of these models and enabling comparisons across a growing number of new models and benchmarks. To address this, we introduce SubLIME, a data-efficient evaluation framework that employs adaptive sampling techniques, such as clustering and quality-based methods, to create representative subsets of benchmarks. Our approach ensures statistically aligned model rankings compared to full datasets, evidenced by high Pearson correlation coefficients. Empirical analysis across six NLP benchmarks reveals that: (1) quality-based sampling consistently achieves strong correlations (0.85 to 0.95) with full datasets at a 10\% sampling rate such as Quality SE and Quality CPD (2) clustering methods excel in specific benchmarks such as MMLU (3) no single method universally outperforms others across all metrics. Extending this framework, we leverage the HEIM leaderboard to cover 25 text-to-image models on 17 different benchmarks. SubLIME dynamically selects the optimal technique for each benchmark, significantly reducing evaluation costs while preserving ranking integrity and score distribution. Notably, a minimal sampling rate of 1% proves effective for benchmarks like MMLU. Additionally, we demonstrate that employing difficulty-based sampling to target more challenging benchmark segments enhances model differentiation with broader score distributions. We also combine semantic search, tool use, and GPT-4 review to identify redundancy across benchmarks within specific LLM categories, such as coding benchmarks. This allows us to further reduce the number of samples needed to maintain targeted rank preservation. Overall, SubLIME offers a versatile and cost-effective solution for the robust evaluation of LLMs and text-to-image models.
Abstract:Large-scale high spatial resolution aboveground biomass (AGB) maps play a crucial role in determining forest carbon stocks and how they are changing, which is instrumental in understanding the global carbon cycle, and implementing policy to mitigate climate change. The advent of the new space-borne LiDAR sensor, NASA's GEDI instrument, provides unparalleled possibilities for the accurate and unbiased estimation of forest AGB at high resolution, particularly in dense and tall forests, where Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and passive optical data exhibit saturation. However, GEDI is a sampling instrument, collecting dispersed footprints, and its data must be combined with that from other continuous cover satellites to create high-resolution maps, using local machine learning methods. In this study, we developed local models to estimate forest AGB from GEDI L2A data, as the models used to create GEDI L4 AGB data incorporated minimal field data from China. We then applied LightGBM and random forest regression to generate wall-to-wall AGB maps at 25 m resolution, using extensive GEDI footprints as well as Sentinel-1 data, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2 optical data. Through a 5-fold cross-validation, LightGBM demonstrated a slightly better performance than Random Forest across two contrasting regions. However, in both regions, the computation speed of LightGBM is substantially faster than that of the random forest model, requiring roughly one-third of the time to compute on the same hardware. Through the validation against field data, the 25 m resolution AGB maps generated using the local models developed in this study exhibited higher accuracy compared to the GEDI L4B AGB data. We found in both regions an increase in error as slope increased. The trained models were tested on nearby but different regions and exhibited good performance.
Abstract:Recommender Systems (RSs) provide personalized recommendation service based on user interest, which are widely used in various platforms. However, there are lots of users with sparse interest due to lacking consumption behaviors, which leads to poor recommendation results for them. This problem is widespread in large-scale RSs and is particularly difficult to address. To solve this problem, we propose a novel solution named User Interest Enhancement (UIE) which enhances user interest including user profile and user history behavior sequences using the enhancement vectors and personalized enhancement vector generated based on stream clustering and memory networks from different perspectives. UIE not only remarkably improves model performance on the users with sparse interest but also significantly enhance model performance on other users. UIE is an end-to-end solution which is easy to be implemented based on ranking model. Moreover, we expand our solution and apply similar methods to long-tail items, which also achieves excellent improvement. Furthermore, we conduct extensive offline and online experiments in a large-scale industrial RS. The results demonstrate that our model outperforms other models remarkably, especially for the users with sparse interest. Until now, UIE has been fully deployed in multiple large-scale RSs and achieved remarkable improvements.
Abstract:Recommender Systems (RSs) are widely used to provide personalized recommendation service. As the last critical stage of RSs, Multi-Task Fusion (MTF) is responsible for combining multiple scores outputted by Multi-Task Learning (MTL) into a final score to maximize user satisfaction, which determines the ultimate recommendation results. Recently, to optimize long-term user satisfaction within a recommendation session, Reinforcement Learning (RL) is used for MTF in the industry. However, the off-policy RL algorithms used for MTF so far have the following severe problems: 1) to avoid out-of-distribution (OOD) problem, their constraints are overly strict, which seriously damage their performance; 2) they are unaware of the exploration policy used for producing training data and never interact with real environment, so only suboptimal policy can be learned; 3) the traditional exploration policies are inefficient and hurt user experience. To solve the above problems, we propose a novel off-policy RL algorithm customized for MTF in large-scale RSs. Our RL-MTF algorithm integrates off-policy RL model with our online exploration policy to relax overstrict and complicated constraints, which significantly improves the performance of our RL model. We also design an extremely efficient exploration policy, which eliminates low-value exploration space and focuses on exploring potential high-value state-action pairs. Moreover, we adopt progressive training mode to further enhance our RL model's performance with the help of our exploration policy. We conduct extensive offline and online experiments in the short video channel of Tencent News. The results demonstrate that our RL-MTF model outperforms other models remarkably. Our RL-MTF model has been fully deployed in the short video channel of Tencent News for about one year. In addition, our solution has been used in other large-scale RSs in Tencent.
Abstract:A transparent decision-making process is essential for developing reliable and trustworthy recommender systems. For sequential recommendation, it means that the model can identify critical items asthe justifications for its recommendation results. However, achieving both model transparency and recommendation performance simultaneously is challenging, especially for models that take the entire sequence of items as input without screening. In this paper,we propose an interpretable framework (named PTSR) that enables a pattern-wise transparent decision-making process. It breaks the sequence of items into multi-level patterns that serve as atomic units for the entire recommendation process. The contribution of each pattern to the outcome is quantified in the probability space. With a carefully designed pattern weighting correction, the pattern contribution can be learned in the absence of ground-truth critical patterns. The final recommended items are those items that most critical patterns strongly endorse. Extensive experiments on four public datasets demonstrate remarkable recommendation performance, while case studies validate the model transparency. Our code is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/PTSR-2237.