Abstract:The phase ordering kinetics of emergent orders in correlated electron systems is a fundamental topic in non-equilibrium physics, yet it remains largely unexplored. The intricate interplay between quasiparticles and emergent order-parameter fields could lead to unusual coarsening dynamics that is beyond the standard theories. However, accurate treatment of both quasiparticles and collective degrees of freedom is a multi-scale challenge in dynamical simulations of correlated electrons. Here we leverage modern machine learning (ML) methods to achieve a linear-scaling algorithm for simulating the coarsening of charge density waves (CDWs), one of the fundamental symmetry breaking phases in functional electron materials. We demonstrate our approach on the square-lattice Hubbard-Holstein model and uncover an intriguing enhancement of CDW coarsening which is related to the screening of on-site potential by electron-electron interactions. Our study provides fresh insights into the role of electron correlations in non-equilibrium dynamics and underscores the promise of ML force-field approaches for advancing multi-scale dynamical modeling of correlated electron systems.
Abstract:We present a scalable machine learning (ML) force-field model for the adiabatic dynamics of cooperative Jahn-Teller (JT) systems. Large scale dynamical simulations of the JT model also shed light on the orbital ordering dynamics in colossal magnetoresistance manganites. The JT effect in these materials describes the distortion of local oxygen octahedra driven by a coupling to the orbital degrees of freedom of $e_g$ electrons. An effective electron-mediated interaction between the local JT modes leads to a structural transition and the emergence of long-range orbital order at low temperatures. Assuming the principle of locality, a deep-learning neural-network model is developed to accurately and efficiently predict the electron-induced forces that drive the dynamical evolution of JT phonons. A group-theoretical method is utilized to develop a descriptor that incorporates the combined orbital and lattice symmetry into the ML model. Large-scale Langevin dynamics simulations, enabled by the ML force-field models, are performed to investigate the coarsening dynamics of the composite JT distortion and orbital order after a thermal quench. The late-stage coarsening of orbital domains exhibits pronounced freezing behaviors which are likely related to the unusual morphology of the domain structures. Our work highlights a promising avenue for multi-scale dynamical modeling of correlated electron systems.
Abstract:Recently, the mysterious In-Context Learning (ICL) ability exhibited by Transformer architectures, especially in large language models (LLMs), has sparked significant research interest. However, the resilience of Transformers' in-context learning capabilities in the presence of noisy samples, prevalent in both training corpora and prompt demonstrations, remains underexplored. In this paper, inspired by prior research that studies ICL ability using simple function classes, we take a closer look at this problem by investigating the robustness of Transformers against noisy labels. Specifically, we first conduct a thorough evaluation and analysis of the robustness of Transformers against noisy labels during in-context learning and show that they exhibit notable resilience against diverse types of noise in demonstration labels. Furthermore, we delve deeper into this problem by exploring whether introducing noise into the training set, akin to a form of data augmentation, enhances such robustness during inference, and find that such noise can indeed improve the robustness of ICL. Overall, our fruitful analysis and findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the resilience of Transformer models against label noises during ICL and provide valuable insights into the research on Transformers in natural language processing. Our code is available at https://github.com/InezYu0928/in-context-learning.
Abstract:With the rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), significant progress has been made in multi-agent applications. However, the complexities in coordinating agents' cooperation and LLMs' erratic performance pose notable challenges in developing robust and efficient multi-agent applications. To tackle these challenges, we propose AgentScope, a developer-centric multi-agent platform with message exchange as its core communication mechanism. Together with abundant syntactic tools, built-in resources, and user-friendly interactions, our communication mechanism significantly reduces the barriers to both development and understanding. Towards robust and flexible multi-agent application, AgentScope provides both built-in and customizable fault tolerance mechanisms while it is also armed with system-level supports for multi-modal data generation, storage and transmission. Additionally, we design an actor-based distribution framework, enabling easy conversion between local and distributed deployments and automatic parallel optimization without extra effort. With these features, AgentScope empowers developers to build applications that fully realize the potential of intelligent agents. We have released AgentScope at https://github.com/modelscope/agentscope, and hope AgentScope invites wider participation and innovation in this fast-moving field.
Abstract:The focus of this study is on Unsupervised Continual Learning (UCL), as it presents an alternative to Supervised Continual Learning which needs high-quality manual labeled data. The experiments under the UCL paradigm indicate a phenomenon where the results on the first few tasks are suboptimal. This phenomenon can render the model inappropriate for practical applications. To address this issue, after analyzing the phenomenon and identifying the lack of diversity as a vital factor, we propose a method named Codebook for Unsupervised Continual Learning (CUCL) which promotes the model to learn discriminative features to complete the class boundary. Specifically, we first introduce a Product Quantization to inject diversity into the representation and apply a cross quantized contrastive loss between the original representation and the quantized one to capture discriminative information. Then, based on the quantizer, we propose an effective Codebook Rehearsal to address catastrophic forgetting. This study involves conducting extensive experiments on CIFAR100, TinyImageNet, and MiniImageNet benchmark datasets. Our method significantly boosts the performances of supervised and unsupervised methods. For instance, on TinyImageNet, our method led to a relative improvement of 12.76% and 7% when compared with Simsiam and BYOL, respectively.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated remarkable capabilities to comprehend human intentions, engage in reasoning, and design planning-like behavior. To further unleash the power of LLMs to accomplish complex tasks, there is a growing trend to build agent framework that equips LLMs, such as ChatGPT, with tool-use abilities to connect with massive external APIs. In this work, we introduce ModelScope-Agent, a general and customizable agent framework for real-world applications, based on open-source LLMs as controllers. It provides a user-friendly system library, with customizable engine design to support model training on multiple open-source LLMs, while also enabling seamless integration with both model APIs and common APIs in a unified way. To equip the LLMs with tool-use abilities, a comprehensive framework has been proposed spanning over tool-use data collection, tool retrieval, tool registration, memory control, customized model training, and evaluation for practical real-world applications. Finally, we showcase ModelScopeGPT, a real-world intelligent assistant of ModelScope Community based on the ModelScope-Agent framework, which is able to connect open-source LLMs with more than 1000 public AI models and localized community knowledge in ModelScope. The ModelScope-Agent library\footnote{https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope-agent} and online demo\footnote{https://modelscope.cn/studios/damo/ModelScopeGPT/summary} are now publicly available.
Abstract:Recent advancement in personalized image generation have unveiled the intriguing capability of pre-trained text-to-image models on learning identity information from a collection of portrait images. However, existing solutions can be vulnerable in producing truthful details, and usually suffer from several defects such as (i) The generated face exhibit its own unique characteristics, \ie facial shape and facial feature positioning may not resemble key characteristics of the input, and (ii) The synthesized face may contain warped, blurred or corrupted regions. In this paper, we present FaceChain, a personalized portrait generation framework that combines a series of customized image-generation model and a rich set of face-related perceptual understanding models (\eg, face detection, deep face embedding extraction, and facial attribute recognition), to tackle aforementioned challenges and to generate truthful personalized portraits, with only a handful of portrait images as input. Concretely, we inject several SOTA face models into the generation procedure, achieving a more efficient label-tagging, data-processing, and model post-processing compared to previous solutions, such as DreamBooth ~\cite{ruiz2023dreambooth} , InstantBooth ~\cite{shi2023instantbooth} , or other LoRA-only approaches ~\cite{hu2021lora} . Through the development of FaceChain, we have identified several potential directions to accelerate development of Face/Human-Centric AIGC research and application. We have designed FaceChain as a framework comprised of pluggable components that can be easily adjusted to accommodate different styles and personalized needs. We hope it can grow to serve the burgeoning needs from the communities. FaceChain is open-sourced under Apache-2.0 license at \url{https://github.com/modelscope/facechain}.
Abstract:We study the problem of collaboratively learning least squares estimates for $m$ agents. Each agent observes a different subset of the features$\unicode{x2013}$e.g., containing data collected from sensors of varying resolution. Our goal is to determine how to coordinate the agents in order to produce the best estimator for each agent. We propose a distributed, semi-supervised algorithm Collab, consisting of three steps: local training, aggregation, and distribution. Our procedure does not require communicating the labeled data, making it communication efficient and useful in settings where the labeled data is inaccessible. Despite this handicap, our procedure is nearly asymptotically local minimax optimal$\unicode{x2013}$even among estimators allowed to communicate the labeled data such as imputation methods. We test our method on real and synthetic data.
Abstract:The use of the convolutional neural network based prior in imaging inverse problems has become increasingly popular. Current state-of-the-art methods, however, can easily result in severe overfitting, which makes a number of early stopping techniques necessary to eliminate the overfitting problem. To motivate our work, we review some existing approaches to image priors. We find that the deep image prior in combined with the handcrafted prior has an outstanding performance in terms of interpretability and representability. We propose a multi-code deep image prior, a multiple latent codes variant of the deep image prior, which can be utilized to eliminate overfitting and is also robust to the different numbers of the latent codes. Due to the non-differentiability of the handcrafted prior, we use the alternative direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm. We compare the performance of the proposed method on an image denoising problem and a highly ill-posed CT reconstruction problem against the existing state-of-the-art methods, including PnP-DIP, DIP-VBTV and ADMM DIP-WTV methods. For the CelebA dataset denoising, we obtain 1.46 dB peak signal to noise ratio improvement against all compared methods. For the CT reconstruction, the corresponding average improvement of three test images is 4.3 dB over DIP, and 1.7 dB over ADMM DIP-WTV, and 1.2 dB over PnP-DIP along with a significant improvement in the structural similarity index.
Abstract:We present a machine learning (ML) framework for large-scale dynamical simulations of charge density wave (CDW) states. The charge modulation in a CDW state is often accompanied by a concomitant structural distortion, and the adiabatic evolution of a CDW order is governed by the dynamics of the lattice distortion. Calculation of the electronic contribution to the driving forces, however, is computationally very expensive for large systems. Assuming the principle of locality for electron systems, a neural-network model is developed to accurately and efficiently predict local electronic forces with input from neighborhood configurations. Importantly, the ML model makes possible a linear complexity algorithm for dynamical simulations of CDWs. As a demonstration, we apply our approach to investigate the phase ordering dynamics of the Holstein model, a canonical system of CDW order. Our large-scale simulations uncover an intriguing growth of the CDW domains that deviates significantly from the expected Allen-Cahn law for phase ordering of Ising-type order parameter field. This anomalous domain-growth could be attributed to the complex structure of domain-walls in this system. Our work highlights the promising potential of ML-based force-field models for dynamical simulations of functional electronic materials.