Abstract:Knowledge-intensive conversations supported by large language models (LLMs) have become one of the most popular and helpful applications that can assist people in different aspects. Many current knowledge-intensive applications are centered on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) techniques. While many open-source RAG frameworks facilitate the development of RAG-based applications, they often fall short in handling practical scenarios complicated by heterogeneous data in topics and formats, conversational context management, and the requirement of low-latency response times. This technical report presents a configurable knowledge integrated multi-agent system, KIMAs, to address these challenges. KIMAs features a flexible and configurable system for integrating diverse knowledge sources with 1) context management and query rewrite mechanisms to improve retrieval accuracy and multi-turn conversational coherency, 2) efficient knowledge routing and retrieval, 3) simple but effective filter and reference generation mechanisms, and 4) optimized parallelizable multi-agent pipeline execution. Our work provides a scalable framework for advancing the deployment of LLMs in real-world settings. To show how KIMAs can help developers build knowledge-intensive applications with different scales and emphases, we demonstrate how we configure the system to three applications already running in practice with reliable performance.
Abstract:Leveraging large language models (LLMs), an agent can utilize retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) techniques to integrate external knowledge and increase the reliability of its responses. Current RAG-based agents integrate single, domain-specific knowledge sources, limiting their ability and leading to hallucinated or inaccurate responses when addressing cross-domain queries. Integrating multiple knowledge bases into a unified RAG-based agent raises significant challenges, including increased retrieval overhead and data sovereignty when sensitive data is involved. In this work, we propose RopMura, a novel multi-agent system that addresses these limitations by incorporating highly efficient routing and planning mechanisms. RopMura features two key components: a router that intelligently selects the most relevant agents based on knowledge boundaries and a planner that decomposes complex multi-hop queries into manageable steps, allowing for coordinating cross-domain responses. Experimental results demonstrate that RopMura effectively handles both single-hop and multi-hop queries, with the routing mechanism enabling precise answers for single-hop queries and the combined routing and planning mechanisms achieving accurate, multi-step resolutions for complex queries.
Abstract:Zero-shot reasoning methods with Large Language Models (LLMs) offer significant advantages including great generalization to novel tasks and reduced dependency on human-crafted examples. However, the current zero-shot methods still have limitations in complex tasks, e.g., answering questions that require multi-step reasoning. In this paper, we address this limitation by introducing a novel structure-oriented analysis method to help LLMs better understand the question and guide the problem-solving process of LLMs. We first demonstrate how the existing reasoning strategies, Chain-of-Thought and ReAct, can benefit from our structure-oriented analysis. In addition to empirical investigations, we leverage the probabilistic graphical model to theoretically explain why our structure-oriented analysis can improve the LLM reasoning process. To further improve the reliability in complex question-answering tasks, we propose a multi-agent reasoning system, Structure-oriented Autonomous Reasoning Agents (SARA), that can better enforce the reasoning process following our structure-oriented analysis by refinement techniques and is equipped with external knowledge retrieval capability to reduce factual errors. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed reasoning system. Surprisingly, in some cases, the system even surpasses few-shot methods. Finally, the system not only improves reasoning accuracy in complex tasks but also demonstrates robustness against potential attacks that corrupt the reasoning process.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) show amazing performance on many domain-specific tasks after fine-tuning with some appropriate data. However, many domain-specific data are privately distributed across multiple owners. Thus, this dilemma raises the interest in how to perform LLM fine-tuning in federated learning (FL). However, confronted with limited computation and communication capacities, FL clients struggle to fine-tune an LLM effectively. To this end, we introduce FedBiOT, a resource-efficient LLM fine-tuning approach to FL. Specifically, our method involves the server generating a compressed LLM and aligning its performance with the full model. Subsequently, the clients fine-tune a lightweight yet important part of the compressed model, referred to as an adapter. Notice that as the server has no access to the private data owned by the clients, the data used for alignment by the server has a different distribution from the one used for fine-tuning by clients. We formulate the problem into a bi-level optimization problem to minimize the negative effect of data discrepancy and derive the updating rules for the server and clients. We conduct extensive experiments on LLaMA-2, empirically showing that the adapter has exceptional performance when reintegrated into the global LLM. The results also indicate that the proposed FedBiOT significantly reduces resource consumption compared to existing benchmarks, all while achieving comparable performance levels.
Abstract:Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is one of the most popular task-specific parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods on pre-trained language models for its good performance and computational efficiency. LoRA injects a product of two trainable rank decomposition matrices over the top of each frozen pre-trained model module. However, when applied in the setting of privacy-preserving federated learning (FL), LoRA may become unstable due to the following facts: 1) the effects of data heterogeneity and multi-step local updates are non-negligible, 2) additive noise enforced on updating gradients to guarantee differential privacy (DP) can be amplified and 3) the final performance is susceptible to hyper-parameters. A key factor leading to these phenomena is the discordance between jointly optimizing the two low-rank matrices by local clients and separately aggregating them by the central server. Thus, this paper proposes an efficient and effective version of LoRA, Federated Freeze A LoRA (FFA-LoRA), to alleviate these challenges and further halve the communication cost of federated fine-tuning LLMs. The core idea of FFA-LoRA is to fix the randomly initialized non-zero matrices and only fine-tune the zero-initialized matrices. Compared to LoRA, FFA-LoRA is motivated by practical and theoretical benefits in privacy-preserved FL. Our experiments demonstrate that FFA-LoRA provides more consistent performance with better computational efficiency over vanilla LoRA in various FL tasks.
Abstract:Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) has emerged as a popular machine learning paradigm, enabling model training across the data and the task parties with different features about the same user set while preserving data privacy. In production environment, VFL usually involves one task party and one data party. Fair and economically efficient feature trading is crucial to the commercialization of VFL, where the task party is considered as the data consumer who buys the data party's features. However, current VFL feature trading practices often price the data party's data as a whole and assume transactions occur prior to the performing VFL. Neglecting the performance gains resulting from traded features may lead to underpayment and overpayment issues. In this study, we propose a bargaining-based feature trading approach in VFL to encourage economically efficient transactions. Our model incorporates performance gain-based pricing, taking into account the revenue-based optimization objectives of both parties. We analyze the proposed bargaining model under perfect and imperfect performance information settings, proving the existence of an equilibrium that optimizes the parties' objectives. Moreover, we develop performance gain estimation-based bargaining strategies for imperfect performance information scenarios and discuss potential security issues and solutions. Experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed bargaining model.
Abstract:With the rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), significant progress has been made in multi-agent applications. However, the complexities in coordinating agents' cooperation and LLMs' erratic performance pose notable challenges in developing robust and efficient multi-agent applications. To tackle these challenges, we propose AgentScope, a developer-centric multi-agent platform with message exchange as its core communication mechanism. Together with abundant syntactic tools, built-in resources, and user-friendly interactions, our communication mechanism significantly reduces the barriers to both development and understanding. Towards robust and flexible multi-agent application, AgentScope provides both built-in and customizable fault tolerance mechanisms while it is also armed with system-level supports for multi-modal data generation, storage and transmission. Additionally, we design an actor-based distribution framework, enabling easy conversion between local and distributed deployments and automatic parallel optimization without extra effort. With these features, AgentScope empowers developers to build applications that fully realize the potential of intelligent agents. We have released AgentScope at https://github.com/modelscope/agentscope, and hope AgentScope invites wider participation and innovation in this fast-moving field.
Abstract:LLMs have demonstrated great capabilities in various NLP tasks. Different entities can further improve the performance of those LLMs on their specific downstream tasks by fine-tuning LLMs. When several entities have similar interested tasks, but their data cannot be shared because of privacy concerns regulations, federated learning (FL) is a mainstream solution to leverage the data of different entities. However, fine-tuning LLMs in federated learning settings still lacks adequate support from existing FL frameworks because it has to deal with optimizing the consumption of significant communication and computational resources, data preparation for different tasks, and distinct information protection demands. This paper first discusses these challenges of federated fine-tuning LLMs, and introduces our package FS-LLM as a main contribution, which consists of the following components: (1) we build an end-to-end benchmarking pipeline, automizing the processes of dataset preprocessing, federated fine-tuning execution, and performance evaluation on federated LLM fine-tuning; (2) we provide comprehensive federated parameter-efficient fine-tuning algorithm implementations and versatile programming interfaces for future extension in FL scenarios with low communication and computation costs, even without accessing the full model; (3) we adopt several accelerating and resource-efficient operators for fine-tuning LLMs with limited resources and the flexible pluggable sub-routines for interdisciplinary study. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of FS-LLM and benchmark advanced LLMs with state-of-the-art parameter-efficient fine-tuning algorithms in FL settings, which also yields valuable insights into federated fine-tuning LLMs for the research community. To facilitate further research and adoption, we release FS-LLM at https://github.com/alibaba/FederatedScope/tree/llm.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) aims to train high-quality models in collaboration with distributed clients while not uploading their local data, which attracts increasing attention in both academia and industry. However, there is still a considerable gap between the flourishing FL research and real-world scenarios, mainly caused by the characteristics of heterogeneous devices and its scales. Most existing works conduct evaluations with homogeneous devices, which are mismatched with the diversity and variability of heterogeneous devices in real-world scenarios. Moreover, it is challenging to conduct research and development at scale with heterogeneous devices due to limited resources and complex software stacks. These two key factors are important yet underexplored in FL research as they directly impact the FL training dynamics and final performance, making the effectiveness and usability of FL algorithms unclear. To bridge the gap, in this paper, we propose an efficient and scalable prototyping system for real-world cross-device FL, FS-Real. It supports heterogeneous device runtime, contains parallelism and robustness enhanced FL server, and provides implementations and extensibility for advanced FL utility features such as personalization, communication compression and asynchronous aggregation. To demonstrate the usability and efficiency of FS-Real, we conduct extensive experiments with various device distributions, quantify and analyze the effect of the heterogeneous device and various scales, and further provide insights and open discussions about real-world FL scenarios. Our system is released to help to pave the way for further real-world FL research and broad applications involving diverse devices and scales.
Abstract:In many applications, multiple parties have private data regarding the same set of users but on disjoint sets of attributes, and a server wants to leverage the data to train a model. To enable model learning while protecting the privacy of the data subjects, we need vertical federated learning (VFL) techniques, where the data parties share only information for training the model, instead of the private data. However, it is challenging to ensure that the shared information maintains privacy while learning accurate models. To the best of our knowledge, the algorithm proposed in this paper is the first practical solution for differentially private vertical federated k-means clustering, where the server can obtain a set of global centers with a provable differential privacy guarantee. Our algorithm assumes an untrusted central server that aggregates differentially private local centers and membership encodings from local data parties. It builds a weighted grid as the synopsis of the global dataset based on the received information. Final centers are generated by running any k-means algorithm on the weighted grid. Our approach for grid weight estimation uses a novel, light-weight, and differentially private set intersection cardinality estimation algorithm based on the Flajolet-Martin sketch. To improve the estimation accuracy in the setting with more than two data parties, we further propose a refined version of the weights estimation algorithm and a parameter tuning strategy to reduce the final k-means utility to be close to that in the central private setting. We provide theoretical utility analysis and experimental evaluation results for the cluster centers computed by our algorithm and show that our approach performs better both theoretically and empirically than the two baselines based on existing techniques.