Abstract:Despite remarkable progress in image generation models, generating realistic hands remains a persistent challenge due to their complex articulation, varying viewpoints, and frequent occlusions. We present FoundHand, a large-scale domain-specific diffusion model for synthesizing single and dual hand images. To train our model, we introduce FoundHand-10M, a large-scale hand dataset with 2D keypoints and segmentation mask annotations. Our insight is to use 2D hand keypoints as a universal representation that encodes both hand articulation and camera viewpoint. FoundHand learns from image pairs to capture physically plausible hand articulations, natively enables precise control through 2D keypoints, and supports appearance control. Our model exhibits core capabilities that include the ability to repose hands, transfer hand appearance, and even synthesize novel views. This leads to zero-shot capabilities for fixing malformed hands in previously generated images, or synthesizing hand video sequences. We present extensive experiments and evaluations that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of our method.
Abstract:We present EgoPoseFormer, a simple yet effective transformer-based model for stereo egocentric human pose estimation. The main challenge in egocentric pose estimation is overcoming joint invisibility, which is caused by self-occlusion or a limited field of view (FOV) of head-mounted cameras. Our approach overcomes this challenge by incorporating a two-stage pose estimation paradigm: in the first stage, our model leverages the global information to estimate each joint's coarse location, then in the second stage, it employs a DETR style transformer to refine the coarse locations by exploiting fine-grained stereo visual features. In addition, we present a deformable stereo operation to enable our transformer to effectively process multi-view features, which enables it to accurately localize each joint in the 3D world. We evaluate our method on the stereo UnrealEgo dataset and show it significantly outperforms previous approaches while being computationally efficient: it improves MPJPE by 27.4mm (45% improvement) with only 7.9% model parameters and 13.1% FLOPs compared to the state-of-the-art. Surprisingly, with proper training techniques, we find that even our first-stage pose proposal network can achieve superior performance compared to previous arts. We also show that our method can be seamlessly extended to monocular settings, which achieves state-of-the-art performance on the SceneEgo dataset, improving MPJPE by 25.5mm (21% improvement) compared to the best existing method with only 60.7% model parameters and 36.4% FLOPs.
Abstract:We propose FoundPose, a method for 6D pose estimation of unseen rigid objects from a single RGB image. The method assumes that 3D models of the objects are available but does not require any object-specific training. This is achieved by building upon DINOv2, a recent vision foundation model with impressive generalization capabilities. An online pose estimation stage is supported by a minimal object representation that is built during a short onboarding stage from DINOv2 patch features extracted from rendered object templates. Given a query image with an object segmentation mask, FoundPose first rapidly retrieves a handful of similarly looking templates by a DINOv2-based bag-of-words approach. Pose hypotheses are then generated from 2D-3D correspondences established by matching DINOv2 patch features between the query image and a retrieved template, and finally optimized by featuremetric refinement. The method can handle diverse objects, including challenging ones with symmetries and without any texture, and noticeably outperforms existing RGB methods for coarse pose estimation in both accuracy and speed on the standard BOP benchmark. With the featuremetric and additional MegaPose refinement, which are demonstrated complementary, the method outperforms all RGB competitors. Source code is at: evinpinar.github.io/foundpose.
Abstract:We present AssemblyHands, a large-scale benchmark dataset with accurate 3D hand pose annotations, to facilitate the study of egocentric activities with challenging hand-object interactions. The dataset includes synchronized egocentric and exocentric images sampled from the recent Assembly101 dataset, in which participants assemble and disassemble take-apart toys. To obtain high-quality 3D hand pose annotations for the egocentric images, we develop an efficient pipeline, where we use an initial set of manual annotations to train a model to automatically annotate a much larger dataset. Our annotation model uses multi-view feature fusion and an iterative refinement scheme, and achieves an average keypoint error of 4.20 mm, which is 85% lower than the error of the original annotations in Assembly101. AssemblyHands provides 3.0M annotated images, including 490K egocentric images, making it the largest existing benchmark dataset for egocentric 3D hand pose estimation. Using this data, we develop a strong single-view baseline of 3D hand pose estimation from egocentric images. Furthermore, we design a novel action classification task to evaluate predicted 3D hand poses. Our study shows that having higher-quality hand poses directly improves the ability to recognize actions.
Abstract:We propose a method for in-hand 3D scanning of an unknown object from a sequence of color images. We cast the problem as reconstructing the object surface from un-posed multi-view images and rely on a neural implicit surface representation that captures both the geometry and the appearance of the object. By contrast with most NeRF-based methods, we do not assume that the camera-object relative poses are known and instead simultaneously optimize both the object shape and the pose trajectory. As global optimization over all the shape and pose parameters is prone to fail without coarse-level initialization of the poses, we propose an incremental approach which starts by splitting the sequence into carefully selected overlapping segments within which the optimization is likely to succeed. We incrementally reconstruct the object shape and track the object poses independently within each segment, and later merge all the segments by aligning poses estimated at the overlapping frames. Finally, we perform a global optimization over all the aligned segments to achieve full reconstruction. We experimentally show that the proposed method is able to reconstruct the shape and color of both textured and challenging texture-less objects, outperforms classical methods that rely only on appearance features, and its performance is close to recent methods that assume known camera poses.
Abstract:Real-time tracking of 3D hand pose in world space is a challenging problem and plays an important role in VR interaction. Existing work in this space are limited to either producing root-relative (versus world space) 3D pose or rely on multiple stages such as generating heatmaps and kinematic optimization to obtain 3D pose. Moreover, the typical VR scenario, which involves multi-view tracking from wide \ac{fov} cameras is seldom addressed by these methods. In this paper, we present a unified end-to-end differentiable framework for multi-view, multi-frame hand tracking that directly predicts 3D hand pose in world space. We demonstrate the benefits of end-to-end differentiabilty by extending our framework with downstream tasks such as jitter reduction and pinch prediction. To demonstrate the efficacy of our model, we further present a new large-scale egocentric hand pose dataset that consists of both real and synthetic data. Experiments show that our system trained on this dataset handles various challenging interactive motions, and has been successfully applied to real-time VR applications.
Abstract:Convolutional neural network inference on video input is computationally expensive and has high memory bandwidth requirements. Recently, researchers managed to reduce the cost of processing upcoming frames by only processing pixels that changed significantly. Using sparse convolutions, the sparsity of frame differences can be translated to speedups on current inference devices. However, previous work was relying on static cameras. Moving cameras add new challenges in how to fuse newly unveiled image regions with already processed regions efficiently to minimize the update rate - without increasing memory overhead and without knowing the camera extrinsics of future frames. In this work, we propose MotionDeltaCNN, a CNN framework that supports moving cameras and variable resolution input. We propose a spherical buffer which enables seamless fusion of newly unveiled regions and previously processed regions - without increasing the memory footprint. Our evaluations show that we outperform previous work significantly by explicitly adding support for moving camera input.
Abstract:We propose a method for estimating the 6DoF pose of a rigid object with an available 3D model from a single RGB image. Unlike classical correspondence-based methods which predict 3D object coordinates at pixels of the input image, the proposed method predicts 3D object coordinates at 3D query points sampled in the camera frustum. The move from pixels to 3D points, which is inspired by recent PIFu-style methods for 3D reconstruction, enables reasoning about the whole object, including its (self-)occluded parts. For a 3D query point associated with a pixel-aligned image feature, we train a fully-connected neural network to predict: (i) the corresponding 3D object coordinates, and (ii) the signed distance to the object surface, with the first defined only for query points in the surface vicinity. We call the mapping realized by this network as Neural Correspondence Field. The object pose is then robustly estimated from the predicted 3D-3D correspondences by the Kabsch-RANSAC algorithm. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on three BOP datasets and is shown superior especially in challenging cases with occlusion. The project website is at: linhuang17.github.io/NCF.
Abstract:Convolutional neural network inference on video data requires powerful hardware for real-time processing. Given the inherent coherence across consecutive frames, large parts of a video typically change little. By skipping identical image regions and truncating insignificant pixel updates, computational redundancy can in theory be reduced significantly. However, these theoretical savings have been difficult to translate into practice, as sparse updates hamper computational consistency and memory access coherence; which are key for efficiency on real hardware. With DeltaCNN, we present a sparse convolutional neural network framework that enables sparse frame-by-frame updates to accelerate video inference in practice. We provide sparse implementations for all typical CNN layers and propagate sparse feature updates end-to-end - without accumulating errors over time. DeltaCNN is applicable to all convolutional neural networks without retraining. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to significantly outperform the dense reference, cuDNN, in practical settings, achieving speedups of up to 7x with only marginal differences in accuracy.
Abstract:Pose estimation of the human body/hand is a fundamental problem in computer vision, and learning-based solutions require a large amount of annotated data. Given limited annotation budgets, a common approach to increasing label efficiency is Active Learning (AL), which selects examples with the highest value to annotate, but choosing the selection strategy is often nontrivial. In this work, we improve Active Learning for the problem of 3D pose estimation in a multi-view setting, which is of increasing importance in many application scenarios. We develop a framework that allows us to efficiently extend existing single-view AL strategies, and then propose two novel AL strategies that make full use of multi-view geometry. Moreover, we demonstrate additional performance gains by incorporating predicted pseudo-labels, which is a form of self-training. Our system significantly outperforms baselines in 3D body and hand pose estimation on two large-scale benchmarks: CMU Panoptic Studio and InterHand2.6M. Notably, on CMU Panoptic Studio, we are able to match the performance of a fully-supervised model using only 20% of labeled training data.