Abstract:Novel-view synthesis is an important problem in computer vision with applications in 3D reconstruction, mixed reality, and robotics. Recent methods like 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) have become the preferred method for this task, providing high-quality novel views in real time. However, the training time of a 3DGS model is slow, often taking 30 minutes for a scene with 200 views. In contrast, our goal is to reduce the optimization time by training for fewer steps while maintaining high rendering quality. Specifically, we combine the guidance from both the position error and the appearance error to achieve a more effective densification. To balance the rate between adding new Gaussians and fitting old Gaussians, we develop a convergence-aware budget control mechanism. Moreover, to make the densification process more reliable, we selectively add new Gaussians from mostly visited regions. With these designs, we reduce the Gaussian optimization steps to one-third of the previous approach while achieving a comparable or even better novel view rendering quality. To further facilitate the rapid fitting of 4K resolution images, we introduce a dilation-based rendering technique. Our method, Turbo-GS, speeds up optimization for typical scenes and scales well to high-resolution (4K) scenarios on standard datasets. Through extensive experiments, we show that our method is significantly faster in optimization than other methods while retaining quality. Project page: https://ivl.cs.brown.edu/research/turbo-gs.
Abstract:Understanding bimanual human hand activities is a critical problem in AI and robotics. We cannot build large models of bimanual activities because existing datasets lack the scale, coverage of diverse hand activities, and detailed annotations. We introduce GigaHands, a massive annotated dataset capturing 34 hours of bimanual hand activities from 56 subjects and 417 objects, totaling 14k motion clips derived from 183 million frames paired with 84k text annotations. Our markerless capture setup and data acquisition protocol enable fully automatic 3D hand and object estimation while minimizing the effort required for text annotation. The scale and diversity of GigaHands enable broad applications, including text-driven action synthesis, hand motion captioning, and dynamic radiance field reconstruction.
Abstract:Despite remarkable progress in image generation models, generating realistic hands remains a persistent challenge due to their complex articulation, varying viewpoints, and frequent occlusions. We present FoundHand, a large-scale domain-specific diffusion model for synthesizing single and dual hand images. To train our model, we introduce FoundHand-10M, a large-scale hand dataset with 2D keypoints and segmentation mask annotations. Our insight is to use 2D hand keypoints as a universal representation that encodes both hand articulation and camera viewpoint. FoundHand learns from image pairs to capture physically plausible hand articulations, natively enables precise control through 2D keypoints, and supports appearance control. Our model exhibits core capabilities that include the ability to repose hands, transfer hand appearance, and even synthesize novel views. This leads to zero-shot capabilities for fixing malformed hands in previously generated images, or synthesizing hand video sequences. We present extensive experiments and evaluations that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of our method.
Abstract:Recent advancements in radiance field rendering show promising results in 3D scene representation, where Gaussian splatting-based techniques emerge as state-of-the-art due to their quality and efficiency. Gaussian splatting is widely used for various applications, including 3D human representation. However, previous 3D Gaussian splatting methods either use parametric body models as additional information or fail to provide any underlying structure, like human biomechanical features, which are essential for different applications. In this paper, we present a novel approach called HFGaussian that can estimate novel views and human features, such as the 3D skeleton, 3D key points, and dense pose, from sparse input images in real time at 25 FPS. The proposed method leverages generalizable Gaussian splatting technique to represent the human subject and its associated features, enabling efficient and generalizable reconstruction. By incorporating a pose regression network and the feature splatting technique with Gaussian splatting, HFGaussian demonstrates improved capabilities over existing 3D human methods, showcasing the potential of 3D human representations with integrated biomechanics. We thoroughly evaluate our HFGaussian method against the latest state-of-the-art techniques in human Gaussian splatting and pose estimation, demonstrating its real-time, state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Dual-arm manipulation is an area of growing interest in the robotics community. Enabling robots to perform tasks that require the coordinated use of two arms, is essential for complex manipulation tasks such as handling large objects, assembling components, and performing human-like interactions. However, achieving effective dual-arm manipulation is challenging due to the need for precise coordination, dynamic adaptability, and the ability to manage interaction forces between the arms and the objects being manipulated. We propose a novel pipeline that combines the advantages of policy learning based on environment feedback and gradient-based optimization to learn controller gains required for the control outputs. This allows the robotic system to dynamically modulate its impedance in response to task demands, ensuring stability and dexterity in dual-arm operations. We evaluate our pipeline on a trajectory-tracking task involving a variety of large, complex objects with different masses and geometries. The performance is then compared to three other established methods for controlling dual-arm robots, demonstrating superior results.
Abstract:This paper introduces MotionGlot, a model that can generate motion across multiple embodiments with different action dimensions, such as quadruped robots and human bodies. By leveraging the well-established training procedures commonly used in large language models (LLMs), we introduce an instruction-tuning template specifically designed for motion-related tasks. Our approach demonstrates that the principles underlying LLM training can be successfully adapted to learn a wide range of motion generation tasks across multiple embodiments with different action dimensions. We demonstrate the various abilities of MotionGlot on a set of 6 tasks and report an average improvement of 35.3% across tasks. Additionally, we contribute two new datasets: (1) a dataset of expert-controlled quadruped locomotion with approximately 48,000 trajectories paired with direction-based text annotations, and (2) a dataset of over 23,000 situational text prompts for human motion generation tasks. Finally, we conduct hardware experiments to validate the capabilities of our system in real-world applications.
Abstract:We propose a zero-shot text-driven 3D shape deformation system that deforms an input 3D mesh of a manufactured object to fit an input text description. To do this, our system optimizes the parameters of a deformation model to maximize an objective function based on the widely used pre-trained vision language model CLIP. We find that CLIP-based objective functions exhibit many spurious local optima; to circumvent them, we parameterize deformations using a novel deformation model called BoxDefGraph which our system automatically computes from an input mesh, the BoxDefGraph is designed to capture the object aligned rectangular/circular geometry features of most manufactured objects. We then use the CMA-ES global optimization algorithm to maximize our objective, which we find to work better than popular gradient-based optimizers. We demonstrate that our approach produces appealing results and outperforms several baselines.
Abstract:We introduce EgoSonics, a method to generate semantically meaningful and synchronized audio tracks conditioned on silent egocentric videos. Generating audio for silent egocentric videos could open new applications in virtual reality, assistive technologies, or for augmenting existing datasets. Existing work has been limited to domains like speech, music, or impact sounds and cannot easily capture the broad range of audio frequencies found in egocentric videos. EgoSonics addresses these limitations by building on the strength of latent diffusion models for conditioned audio synthesis. We first encode and process audio and video data into a form that is suitable for generation. The encoded data is used to train our model to generate audio tracks that capture the semantics of the input video. Our proposed SyncroNet builds on top of ControlNet to provide control signals that enables temporal synchronization to the synthesized audio. Extensive evaluations show that our model outperforms existing work in audio quality, and in our newly proposed synchronization evaluation method. Furthermore, we demonstrate downstream applications of our model in improving video summarization.
Abstract:Grasping is an important human activity that has long been studied in robotics, computer vision, and cognitive science. Most existing works study grasping from the perspective of synthesizing hand poses conditioned on 3D or 2D object representations. We propose GenHeld to address the inverse problem of synthesizing held objects conditioned on 3D hand model or 2D image. Given a 3D model of hand, GenHeld 3D can select a plausible held object from a large dataset using compact object representations called object codes.The selected object is then positioned and oriented to form a plausible grasp without changing hand pose. If only a 2D hand image is available, GenHeld 2D can edit this image to add or replace a held object. GenHeld 2D operates by combining the abilities of GenHeld 3D with diffusion-based image editing. Results and experiments show that we outperform baselines and can generate plausible held objects in both 2D and 3D. Our experiments demonstrate that our method achieves high quality and plausibility of held object synthesis in both 3D and 2D.
Abstract:The success of image generative models has enabled us to build methods that can edit images based on text or other user input. However, these methods are bespoke, imprecise, require additional information, or are limited to only 2D image edits. We present GeoDiffuser, a zero-shot optimization-based method that unifies common 2D and 3D image-based object editing capabilities into a single method. Our key insight is to view image editing operations as geometric transformations. We show that these transformations can be directly incorporated into the attention layers in diffusion models to implicitly perform editing operations. Our training-free optimization method uses an objective function that seeks to preserve object style but generate plausible images, for instance with accurate lighting and shadows. It also inpaints disoccluded parts of the image where the object was originally located. Given a natural image and user input, we segment the foreground object using SAM and estimate a corresponding transform which is used by our optimization approach for editing. GeoDiffuser can perform common 2D and 3D edits like object translation, 3D rotation, and removal. We present quantitative results, including a perceptual study, that shows how our approach is better than existing methods. Visit https://ivl.cs.brown.edu/research/geodiffuser.html for more information.