Abstract:Pattern images are everywhere in the digital and physical worlds, and tools to edit them are valuable. But editing pattern images is tricky: desired edits are often programmatic: structure-aware edits that alter the underlying program which generates the pattern. One could attempt to infer this underlying program, but current methods for doing so struggle with complex images and produce unorganized programs that make editing tedious. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to perform programmatic edits on pattern images. By using a pattern analogy -- a pair of simple patterns to demonstrate the intended edit -- and a learning-based generative model to execute these edits, our method allows users to intuitively edit patterns. To enable this paradigm, we introduce SplitWeave, a domain-specific language that, combined with a framework for sampling synthetic pattern analogies, enables the creation of a large, high-quality synthetic training dataset. We also present TriFuser, a Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) designed to overcome critical issues that arise when naively deploying LDMs to this task. Extensive experiments on real-world, artist-sourced patterns reveals that our method faithfully performs the demonstrated edit while also generalizing to related pattern styles beyond its training distribution.
Abstract:Understanding bimanual human hand activities is a critical problem in AI and robotics. We cannot build large models of bimanual activities because existing datasets lack the scale, coverage of diverse hand activities, and detailed annotations. We introduce GigaHands, a massive annotated dataset capturing 34 hours of bimanual hand activities from 56 subjects and 417 objects, totaling 14k motion clips derived from 183 million frames paired with 84k text annotations. Our markerless capture setup and data acquisition protocol enable fully automatic 3D hand and object estimation while minimizing the effort required for text annotation. The scale and diversity of GigaHands enable broad applications, including text-driven action synthesis, hand motion captioning, and dynamic radiance field reconstruction.
Abstract:Reconstructing structured 3D scenes from RGB images using CAD objects unlocks efficient and compact scene representations that maintain compositionality and interactability. Existing works propose training-heavy methods relying on either expensive yet inaccurate real-world annotations or controllable yet monotonous synthetic data that do not generalize well to unseen objects or domains. We present Diorama, the first zero-shot open-world system that holistically models 3D scenes from single-view RGB observations without requiring end-to-end training or human annotations. We show the feasibility of our approach by decomposing the problem into subtasks and introduce robust, generalizable solutions to each: architecture reconstruction, 3D shape retrieval, object pose estimation, and scene layout optimization. We evaluate our system on both synthetic and real-world data to show we significantly outperform baselines from prior work. We also demonstrate generalization to internet images and the text-to-scene task.
Abstract:We propose a zero-shot text-driven 3D shape deformation system that deforms an input 3D mesh of a manufactured object to fit an input text description. To do this, our system optimizes the parameters of a deformation model to maximize an objective function based on the widely used pre-trained vision language model CLIP. We find that CLIP-based objective functions exhibit many spurious local optima; to circumvent them, we parameterize deformations using a novel deformation model called BoxDefGraph which our system automatically computes from an input mesh, the BoxDefGraph is designed to capture the object aligned rectangular/circular geometry features of most manufactured objects. We then use the CMA-ES global optimization algorithm to maximize our objective, which we find to work better than popular gradient-based optimizers. We demonstrate that our approach produces appealing results and outperforms several baselines.
Abstract:We design a system that learns how to edit visual programs. Our edit network consumes a complete input program and a visual target. From this input, we task our network with predicting a local edit operation that could be applied to the input program to improve its similarity to the target. In order to apply this scheme for domains that lack program annotations, we develop a self-supervised learning approach that integrates this edit network into a bootstrapped finetuning loop along with a network that predicts entire programs in one-shot. Our joint finetuning scheme, when coupled with an inference procedure that initializes a population from the one-shot model and evolves members of this population with the edit network, helps to infer more accurate visual programs. Over multiple domains, we experimentally compare our method against the alternative of using only the one-shot model, and find that even under equal search-time budgets, our editing-based paradigm provides significant advantages.
Abstract:The ability to edit 3D assets from natural language presents a compelling paradigm to aid in the democratization of 3D content creation. However, while natural language is often effective at communicating general intent, it is poorly suited for specifying precise manipulation. To address this gap, we introduce ParSEL, a system that enables controllable editing of high-quality 3D assets from natural language. Given a segmented 3D mesh and an editing request, ParSEL produces a parameterized editing program. Adjusting the program parameters allows users to explore shape variations with a precise control over the magnitudes of edits. To infer editing programs which align with an input edit request, we leverage the abilities of large-language models (LLMs). However, while we find that LLMs excel at identifying initial edit operations, they often fail to infer complete editing programs, and produce outputs that violate shape semantics. To overcome this issue, we introduce Analytical Edit Propagation (AEP), an algorithm which extends a seed edit with additional operations until a complete editing program has been formed. Unlike prior methods, AEP searches for analytical editing operations compatible with a range of possible user edits through the integration of computer algebra systems for geometric analysis. Experimentally we demonstrate ParSEL's effectiveness in enabling controllable editing of 3D objects through natural language requests over alternative system designs.
Abstract:People grasp flexible visual concepts from a few examples. We explore a neurosymbolic system that learns how to infer programs that capture visual concepts in a domain-general fashion. We introduce Template Programs: programmatic expressions from a domain-specific language that specify structural and parametric patterns common to an input concept. Our framework supports multiple concept-related tasks, including few-shot generation and co-segmentation through parsing. We develop a learning paradigm that allows us to train networks that infer Template Programs directly from visual datasets that contain concept groupings. We run experiments across multiple visual domains: 2D layouts, Omniglot characters, and 3D shapes. We find that our method outperforms task-specific alternatives, and performs competitively against domain-specific approaches for the limited domains where they exist.
Abstract:We introduce the Reality-linked 3D Scenes (R3DS) dataset of synthetic 3D scenes mirroring the real-world scene arrangements from Matterport3D panoramas. Compared to prior work, R3DS has more complete and densely populated scenes with objects linked to real-world observations in panoramas. R3DS also provides an object support hierarchy, and matching object sets (e.g., same chairs around a dining table) for each scene. Overall, R3DS contains 19K objects represented by 3,784 distinct CAD models from over 100 object categories. We demonstrate the effectiveness of R3DS on the Panoramic Scene Understanding task. We find that: 1) training on R3DS enables better generalization; 2) support relation prediction trained with R3DS improves performance compared to heuristically calculated support; and 3) R3DS offers a challenging benchmark for future work on panoramic scene understanding.
Abstract:Single-view 3D shape retrieval is a challenging task that is increasingly important with the growth of available 3D data. Prior work that has studied this task has not focused on evaluating how realistic occlusions impact performance, and how shape retrieval methods generalize to scenarios where either the target 3D shape database contains unseen shapes, or the input image contains unseen objects. In this paper, we systematically evaluate single-view 3D shape retrieval along three different axes: the presence of object occlusions and truncations, generalization to unseen 3D shape data, and generalization to unseen objects in the input images. We standardize two existing datasets of real images and propose a dataset generation pipeline to produce a synthetic dataset of scenes with multiple objects exhibiting realistic occlusions. Our experiments show that training on occlusion-free data as was commonly done in prior work leads to significant performance degradation for inputs with occlusion. We find that that by first pretraining on our synthetic dataset with occlusions and then finetuning on real data, we can significantly outperform models from prior work and demonstrate robustness to both unseen 3D shapes and unseen objects.
Abstract:Exploring variations of 3D shapes is a time-consuming process in traditional 3D modeling tools. Deep generative models of 3D shapes often feature continuous latent spaces that can, in principle, be used to explore potential variations starting from a set of input shapes. In practice, doing so can be problematic: latent spaces are high dimensional and hard to visualize, contain shapes that are not relevant to the input shapes, and linear paths through them often lead to sub-optimal shape transitions. Furthermore, one would ideally be able to explore variations in the original high-quality meshes used to train the generative model, not its lower-quality output geometry. In this paper, we present a method to explore variations among a given set of landmark shapes by constructing a mapping from an easily-navigable 2D exploration space to a subspace of a pre-trained generative model. We first describe how to find a mapping that spans the set of input landmark shapes and exhibits smooth variations between them. We then show how to turn the variations in this subspace into deformation fields, to transfer those variations to high-quality meshes for the landmark shapes. Our results show that our method can produce visually-pleasing and easily-navigable 2D exploration spaces for several different shape categories, especially as compared to prior work on learning deformation spaces for 3D shapes.