Abstract:Intelligent embodied agents (e.g. robots) need to perform complex semantic tasks in unfamiliar environments. Among many skills that the agents need to possess, building and maintaining a semantic map of the environment is most crucial in long-horizon tasks. A semantic map captures information about the environment in a structured way, allowing the agent to reference it for advanced reasoning throughout the task. While existing surveys in embodied AI focus on general advancements or specific tasks like navigation and manipulation, this paper provides a comprehensive review of semantic map-building approaches in embodied AI, specifically for indoor navigation. We categorize these approaches based on their structural representation (spatial grids, topological graphs, dense point-clouds or hybrid maps) and the type of information they encode (implicit features or explicit environmental data). We also explore the strengths and limitations of the map building techniques, highlight current challenges, and propose future research directions. We identify that the field is moving towards developing open-vocabulary, queryable, task-agnostic map representations, while high memory demands and computational inefficiency still remaining to be open challenges. This survey aims to guide current and future researchers in advancing semantic mapping techniques for embodied AI systems.
Abstract:3D visual grounding (3DVG) involves localizing entities in a 3D scene referred to by natural language text. Such models are useful for embodied AI and scene retrieval applications, which involve searching for objects or patterns using natural language descriptions. While recent works have focused on LLM-based scaling of 3DVG datasets, these datasets do not capture the full range of potential prompts which could be specified in the English language. To ensure that we are scaling up and testing against a useful and representative set of prompts, we propose a framework for linguistically analyzing 3DVG prompts and introduce Visual Grounding with Diverse Language in 3D (ViGiL3D), a diagnostic dataset for evaluating visual grounding methods against a diverse set of language patterns. We evaluate existing open-vocabulary 3DVG methods to demonstrate that these methods are not yet proficient in understanding and identifying the targets of more challenging, out-of-distribution prompts, toward real-world applications.
Abstract:Reconstructing structured 3D scenes from RGB images using CAD objects unlocks efficient and compact scene representations that maintain compositionality and interactability. Existing works propose training-heavy methods relying on either expensive yet inaccurate real-world annotations or controllable yet monotonous synthetic data that do not generalize well to unseen objects or domains. We present Diorama, the first zero-shot open-world system that holistically models 3D scenes from single-view RGB observations without requiring end-to-end training or human annotations. We show the feasibility of our approach by decomposing the problem into subtasks and introduce robust, generalizable solutions to each: architecture reconstruction, 3D shape retrieval, object pose estimation, and scene layout optimization. We evaluate our system on both synthetic and real-world data to show we significantly outperform baselines from prior work. We also demonstrate generalization to internet images and the text-to-scene task.
Abstract:Landmark-based navigation (e.g. go to the wooden desk) and relative positional navigation (e.g. move 5 meters forward) are distinct navigation challenges solved very differently in existing robotics navigation methodology. We present a new dataset, OC-VLN, in order to distinctly evaluate grounding object-centric natural language navigation instructions in a method for performing landmark-based navigation. We also propose Natural Language grounded SLAM (NL-SLAM), a method to ground natural language instruction to robot observations and poses. We actively perform NL-SLAM in order to follow object-centric natural language navigation instructions. Our methods leverage pre-trained vision and language foundation models and require no task-specific training. We construct two strong baselines from state-of-the-art methods on related tasks, Object Goal Navigation and Vision Language Navigation, and we show that our approach, NL-SLAM, outperforms these baselines across all our metrics of success on OC-VLN. Finally, we successfully demonstrate the effectiveness of NL-SLAM for performing navigation instruction following in the real world on a Boston Dynamics Spot robot.
Abstract:We address the challenge of creating 3D assets for household articulated objects from a single image. Prior work on articulated object creation either requires multi-view multi-state input, or only allows coarse control over the generation process. These limitations hinder the scalability and practicality for articulated object modeling. In this work, we propose a method to generate articulated objects from a single image. Observing the object in resting state from an arbitrary view, our method generates an articulated object that is visually consistent with the input image. To capture the ambiguity in part shape and motion posed by a single view of the object, we design a diffusion model that learns the plausible variations of objects in terms of geometry and kinematics. To tackle the complexity of generating structured data with attributes in multiple domains, we design a pipeline that produces articulated objects from high-level structure to geometric details in a coarse-to-fine manner, where we use a part connectivity graph and part abstraction as proxies. Our experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in articulated object creation by a large margin in terms of the generated object realism, resemblance to the input image, and reconstruction quality.
Abstract:Despite much progress in large 3D datasets there are currently few interactive 3D object datasets, and their scale is limited due to the manual effort required in their construction. We introduce the static to openable (S2O) task which creates interactive articulated 3D objects from static counterparts through openable part detection, motion prediction, and interior geometry completion. We formulate a unified framework to tackle this task, and curate a challenging dataset of openable 3D objects that serves as a test bed for systematic evaluation. Our experiments benchmark methods from prior work and simple yet effective heuristics for the S2O task. We find that turning static 3D objects into interactively openable counterparts is possible but that all methods struggle to generalize to realistic settings of the task, and we highlight promising future work directions.
Abstract:We introduce a new approach for generating realistic 3D models with UV maps through a representation termed "Object Images." This approach encapsulates surface geometry, appearance, and patch structures within a 64x64 pixel image, effectively converting complex 3D shapes into a more manageable 2D format. By doing so, we address the challenges of both geometric and semantic irregularity inherent in polygonal meshes. This method allows us to use image generation models, such as Diffusion Transformers, directly for 3D shape generation. Evaluated on the ABO dataset, our generated shapes with patch structures achieve point cloud FID comparable to recent 3D generative models, while naturally supporting PBR material generation.
Abstract:As part of an ongoing worldwide effort to comprehend and monitor insect biodiversity, this paper presents the BIOSCAN-5M Insect dataset to the machine learning community and establish several benchmark tasks. BIOSCAN-5M is a comprehensive dataset containing multi-modal information for over 5 million insect specimens, and it significantly expands existing image-based biological datasets by including taxonomic labels, raw nucleotide barcode sequences, assigned barcode index numbers, and geographical information. We propose three benchmark experiments to demonstrate the impact of the multi-modal data types on the classification and clustering accuracy. First, we pretrain a masked language model on the DNA barcode sequences of the \mbox{BIOSCAN-5M} dataset, and demonstrate the impact of using this large reference library on species- and genus-level classification performance. Second, we propose a zero-shot transfer learning task applied to images and DNA barcodes to cluster feature embeddings obtained from self-supervised learning, to investigate whether meaningful clusters can be derived from these representation embeddings. Third, we benchmark multi-modality by performing contrastive learning on DNA barcodes, image data, and taxonomic information. This yields a general shared embedding space enabling taxonomic classification using multiple types of information and modalities. The code repository of the BIOSCAN-5M Insect dataset is available at {\url{https://github.com/zahrag/BIOSCAN-5M}}
Abstract:We introduce Duoduo CLIP, a model for 3D representation learning that learns shape encodings from multi-view images instead of point-clouds. The choice of multi-view images allows us to leverage 2D priors from off-the-shelf CLIP models to facilitate fine-tuning with 3D data. Our approach not only shows better generalization compared to existing point cloud methods, but also reduces GPU requirements and training time. In addition, we modify the model with cross-view attention to leverage information across multiple frames of the object which further boosts performance. Compared to the current SOTA point cloud method that requires 480 A100 hours to train 1 billion model parameters we only require 57 A5000 hours and 87 million parameters. Multi-view images also provide more flexibility in use cases compared to point clouds. This includes being able to encode objects with a variable number of images, with better performance when more views are used. This is in contrast to point cloud based methods, where an entire scan or model of an object is required. We showcase this flexibility with object retrieval from images of real-world objects. Our model also achieves better performance in more fine-grained text to shape retrieval, demonstrating better text-and-shape alignment than point cloud based models.
Abstract:Measuring biodiversity is crucial for understanding ecosystem health. While prior works have developed machine learning models for the taxonomic classification of photographic images and DNA separately, in this work, we introduce a multimodal approach combining both, using CLIP-style contrastive learning to align images, DNA barcodes, and textual data in a unified embedding space. This allows for accurate classification of both known and unknown insect species without task-specific fine-tuning, leveraging contrastive learning for the first time to fuse DNA and image data. Our method surpasses previous single-modality approaches in accuracy by over 11% on zero-shot learning tasks, showcasing its effectiveness in biodiversity studies.