Abstract:We train a feed-forward text-to-3D diffusion generator for human characters using only single-view 2D data for supervision. Existing 3D generative models cannot yet match the fidelity of image or video generative models. State-of-the-art 3D generators are either trained with explicit 3D supervision and are thus limited by the volume and diversity of existing 3D data. Meanwhile, generators that can be trained with only 2D data as supervision typically produce coarser results, cannot be text-conditioned, or must revert to test-time optimization. We observe that GAN- and diffusion-based generators have complementary qualities: GANs can be trained efficiently with 2D supervision to produce high-quality 3D objects but are hard to condition on text. In contrast, denoising diffusion models can be conditioned efficiently but tend to be hard to train with only 2D supervision. We introduce GANFusion, which starts by generating unconditional triplane features for 3D data using a GAN architecture trained with only single-view 2D data. We then generate random samples from the GAN, caption them, and train a text-conditioned diffusion model that directly learns to sample from the space of good triplane features that can be decoded into 3D objects.
Abstract:Pattern images are everywhere in the digital and physical worlds, and tools to edit them are valuable. But editing pattern images is tricky: desired edits are often programmatic: structure-aware edits that alter the underlying program which generates the pattern. One could attempt to infer this underlying program, but current methods for doing so struggle with complex images and produce unorganized programs that make editing tedious. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to perform programmatic edits on pattern images. By using a pattern analogy -- a pair of simple patterns to demonstrate the intended edit -- and a learning-based generative model to execute these edits, our method allows users to intuitively edit patterns. To enable this paradigm, we introduce SplitWeave, a domain-specific language that, combined with a framework for sampling synthetic pattern analogies, enables the creation of a large, high-quality synthetic training dataset. We also present TriFuser, a Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) designed to overcome critical issues that arise when naively deploying LDMs to this task. Extensive experiments on real-world, artist-sourced patterns reveals that our method faithfully performs the demonstrated edit while also generalizing to related pattern styles beyond its training distribution.
Abstract:Predicting diverse object motions from a single static image remains challenging, as current video generation models often entangle object movement with camera motion and other scene changes. While recent methods can predict specific motions from motion arrow input, they rely on synthetic data and predefined motions, limiting their application to complex scenes. We introduce Motion Modes, a training-free approach that explores a pre-trained image-to-video generator's latent distribution to discover various distinct and plausible motions focused on selected objects in static images. We achieve this by employing a flow generator guided by energy functions designed to disentangle object and camera motion. Additionally, we use an energy inspired by particle guidance to diversify the generated motions, without requiring explicit training data. Experimental results demonstrate that Motion Modes generates realistic and varied object animations, surpassing previous methods and even human predictions regarding plausibility and diversity. Project Webpage: https://motionmodes.github.io/
Abstract:We present a simple, modular, and generic method that upsamples coarse 3D models by adding geometric and appearance details. While generative 3D models now exist, they do not yet match the quality of their counterparts in image and video domains. We demonstrate that it is possible to directly repurpose existing (pretrained) video models for 3D super-resolution and thus sidestep the problem of the shortage of large repositories of high-quality 3D training models. We describe how to repurpose video upsampling models, which are not 3D consistent, and combine them with 3D consolidation to produce 3D-consistent results. As output, we produce high quality Gaussian Splat models, which are object centric and effective. Our method is category agnostic and can be easily incorporated into existing 3D workflows. We evaluate our proposed SuperGaussian on a variety of 3D inputs, which are diverse both in terms of complexity and representation (e.g., Gaussian Splats or NeRFs), and demonstrate that our simple method significantly improves the fidelity of the final 3D models. Check our project website for details: supergaussian.github.io
Abstract:Generative models have enabled intuitive image creation and manipulation using natural language. In particular, diffusion models have recently shown remarkable results for natural image editing. In this work, we propose to apply diffusion techniques to edit textures, a specific class of images that are an essential part of 3D content creation pipelines. We analyze existing editing methods and show that they are not directly applicable to textures, since their common underlying approach, manipulating attention maps, is unsuitable for the texture domain. To address this, we propose a novel approach that instead manipulates CLIP image embeddings to condition the diffusion generation. We define editing directions using simple text prompts (e.g., "aged wood" to "new wood") and map these to CLIP image embedding space using a texture prior, with a sampling-based approach that gives us identity-preserving directions in CLIP space. To further improve identity preservation, we project these directions to a CLIP subspace that minimizes identity variations resulting from entangled texture attributes. Our editing pipeline facilitates the creation of arbitrary sliders using natural language prompts only, with no ground-truth annotated data necessary.
Abstract:3D surface reconstruction from point clouds is a key step in areas such as content creation, archaeology, digital cultural heritage, and engineering. Current approaches either try to optimize a non-data-driven surface representation to fit the points, or learn a data-driven prior over the distribution of commonly occurring surfaces and how they correlate with potentially noisy point clouds. Data-driven methods enable robust handling of noise and typically either focus on a global or a local prior, which trade-off between robustness to noise on the global end and surface detail preservation on the local end. We propose PPSurf as a method that combines a global prior based on point convolutions and a local prior based on processing local point cloud patches. We show that this approach is robust to noise while recovering surface details more accurately than the current state-of-the-art. Our source code, pre-trained model and dataset are available at: https://github.com/cg-tuwien/ppsurf
Abstract:Diffusion Handles is a novel approach to enabling 3D object edits on diffusion images. We accomplish these edits using existing pre-trained diffusion models, and 2D image depth estimation, without any fine-tuning or 3D object retrieval. The edited results remain plausible, photo-real, and preserve object identity. Diffusion Handles address a critically missing facet of generative image based creative design, and significantly advance the state-of-the-art in generative image editing. Our key insight is to lift diffusion activations for an object to 3D using a proxy depth, 3D-transform the depth and associated activations, and project them back to image space. The diffusion process applied to the manipulated activations with identity control, produces plausible edited images showing complex 3D occlusion and lighting effects. We evaluate Diffusion Handles: quantitatively, on a large synthetic data benchmark; and qualitatively by a user study, showing our output to be more plausible, and better than prior art at both, 3D editing and identity control. Project Webpage: https://diffusionhandles.github.io/
Abstract:Exploring variations of 3D shapes is a time-consuming process in traditional 3D modeling tools. Deep generative models of 3D shapes often feature continuous latent spaces that can, in principle, be used to explore potential variations starting from a set of input shapes. In practice, doing so can be problematic: latent spaces are high dimensional and hard to visualize, contain shapes that are not relevant to the input shapes, and linear paths through them often lead to sub-optimal shape transitions. Furthermore, one would ideally be able to explore variations in the original high-quality meshes used to train the generative model, not its lower-quality output geometry. In this paper, we present a method to explore variations among a given set of landmark shapes by constructing a mapping from an easily-navigable 2D exploration space to a subspace of a pre-trained generative model. We first describe how to find a mapping that spans the set of input landmark shapes and exhibits smooth variations between them. We then show how to turn the variations in this subspace into deformation fields, to transfer those variations to high-quality meshes for the landmark shapes. Our results show that our method can produce visually-pleasing and easily-navigable 2D exploration spaces for several different shape categories, especially as compared to prior work on learning deformation spaces for 3D shapes.
Abstract:Authoring high-quality digital materials is key to realism in 3D rendering. Previous generative models for materials have been trained exclusively on synthetic data; such data is limited in availability and has a visual gap to real materials. We circumvent this limitation by proposing PhotoMat: the first material generator trained exclusively on real photos of material samples captured using a cell phone camera with flash. Supervision on individual material maps is not available in this setting. Instead, we train a generator for a neural material representation that is rendered with a learned relighting module to create arbitrarily lit RGB images; these are compared against real photos using a discriminator. We then train a material maps estimator to decode material reflectance properties from the neural material representation. We train PhotoMat with a new dataset of 12,000 material photos captured with handheld phone cameras under flash lighting. We demonstrate that our generated materials have better visual quality than previous material generators trained on synthetic data. Moreover, we can fit analytical material models to closely match these generated neural materials, thus allowing for further editing and use in 3D rendering.
Abstract:Programs are an increasingly popular representation for visual data, exposing compact, interpretable structure that supports manipulation. Visual programs are usually written in domain-specific languages (DSLs). Finding "good" programs, that only expose meaningful degrees of freedom, requires access to a DSL with a "good" library of functions, both of which are typically authored by domain experts. We present ShapeCoder, the first system capable of taking a dataset of shapes, represented with unstructured primitives, and jointly discovering (i) useful abstraction functions and (ii) programs that use these abstractions to explain the input shapes. The discovered abstractions capture common patterns (both structural and parametric) across the dataset, so that programs rewritten with these abstractions are more compact, and expose fewer degrees of freedom. ShapeCoder improves upon previous abstraction discovery methods, finding better abstractions, for more complex inputs, under less stringent input assumptions. This is principally made possible by two methodological advancements: (a) a shape to program recognition network that learns to solve sub-problems and (b) the use of e-graphs, augmented with a conditional rewrite scheme, to determine when abstractions with complex parametric expressions can be applied, in a tractable manner. We evaluate ShapeCoder on multiple datasets of 3D shapes, where primitive decompositions are either parsed from manual annotations or produced by an unsupervised cuboid abstraction method. In all domains, ShapeCoder discovers a library of abstractions that capture high-level relationships, remove extraneous degrees of freedom, and achieve better dataset compression compared with alternative approaches. Finally, we investigate how programs rewritten to use discovered abstractions prove useful for downstream tasks.