Abstract:We propose a zero-shot method for generating images in arbitrary spaces (e.g., a sphere for 360{\deg} panoramas and a mesh surface for texture) using a pretrained image diffusion model. The zero-shot generation of various visual content using a pretrained image diffusion model has been explored mainly in two directions. First, Diffusion Synchronization-performing reverse diffusion processes jointly across different projected spaces while synchronizing them in the target space-generates high-quality outputs when enough conditioning is provided, but it struggles in its absence. Second, Score Distillation Sampling-gradually updating the target space data through gradient descent-results in better coherence but often lacks detail. In this paper, we reveal for the first time the interconnection between these two methods while highlighting their differences. To this end, we propose StochSync, a novel approach that combines the strengths of both, enabling effective performance with weak conditioning. Our experiments demonstrate that StochSync provides the best performance in 360{\deg} panorama generation (where image conditioning is not given), outperforming previous finetuning-based methods, and also delivers comparable results in 3D mesh texturing (where depth conditioning is provided) with previous methods.
Abstract:We introduce a novel training-free spatial grounding technique for text-to-image generation using Diffusion Transformers (DiT). Spatial grounding with bounding boxes has gained attention for its simplicity and versatility, allowing for enhanced user control in image generation. However, prior training-free approaches often rely on updating the noisy image during the reverse diffusion process via backpropagation from custom loss functions, which frequently struggle to provide precise control over individual bounding boxes. In this work, we leverage the flexibility of the Transformer architecture, demonstrating that DiT can generate noisy patches corresponding to each bounding box, fully encoding the target object and allowing for fine-grained control over each region. Our approach builds on an intriguing property of DiT, which we refer to as semantic sharing. Due to semantic sharing, when a smaller patch is jointly denoised alongside a generatable-size image, the two become "semantic clones". Each patch is denoised in its own branch of the generation process and then transplanted into the corresponding region of the original noisy image at each timestep, resulting in robust spatial grounding for each bounding box. In our experiments on the HRS and DrawBench benchmarks, we achieve state-of-the-art performance compared to previous training-free spatial grounding approaches.
Abstract:Diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in Text-to-Image generation tasks, leading to the development of many commercial models. However, recent studies have reported that diffusion models often generate replicated images in train data when triggered by specific prompts, potentially raising social issues ranging from copyright to privacy concerns. To sidestep the memorization, there have been recent studies for developing memorization mitigation methods for diffusion models. Nevertheless, the lack of benchmarks impedes the assessment of the true effectiveness of these methods. In this work, we present MemBench, the first benchmark for evaluating image memorization mitigation methods. Our benchmark includes a large number of memorized image trigger prompts in Stable Diffusion, the most popularly used model nowadays. Furthermore, in contrast to the prior work evaluating mitigation performance only on trigger prompts, we present metrics evaluating on both trigger prompts and general prompts, so that we can see whether mitigation methods address the memorization issue while maintaining performance for general prompts. This is an important development considering the practical applications which previous works have overlooked. Through evaluation on MemBench, we verify that the performance of existing image memorization mitigation methods is still insufficient for application to diffusion models.
Abstract:We present MV2Cyl, a novel method for reconstructing 3D from 2D multi-view images, not merely as a field or raw geometry but as a sketch-extrude CAD model. Extracting extrusion cylinders from raw 3D geometry has been extensively researched in computer vision, while the processing of 3D data through neural networks has remained a bottleneck. Since 3D scans are generally accompanied by multi-view images, leveraging 2D convolutional neural networks allows these images to be exploited as a rich source for extracting extrusion cylinder information. However, we observe that extracting only the surface information of the extrudes and utilizing it results in suboptimal outcomes due to the challenges in the occlusion and surface segmentation. By synergizing with the extracted base curve information, we achieve the optimal reconstruction result with the best accuracy in 2D sketch and extrude parameter estimation. Our experiments, comparing our method with previous work that takes a raw 3D point cloud as input, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by taking advantage of multi-view images.
Abstract:We propose a novel method for learning representations of poses for 3D deformable objects, which specializes in 1) disentangling pose information from the object's identity, 2) facilitating the learning of pose variations, and 3) transferring pose information to other object identities. Based on these properties, our method enables the generation of 3D deformable objects with diversity in both identities and poses, using variations of a single object. It does not require explicit shape parameterization such as skeletons or joints, point-level or shape-level correspondence supervision, or variations of the target object for pose transfer. To achieve pose disentanglement, compactness for generative models, and transferability, we first design the pose extractor to represent the pose as a keypoint-based hybrid representation and the pose applier to learn an implicit deformation field. To better distill pose information from the object's geometry, we propose the implicit pose applier to output an intrinsic mesh property, the face Jacobian. Once the extracted pose information is transferred to the target object, the pose applier is fine-tuned in a self-supervised manner to better describe the target object's shapes with pose variations. The extracted poses are also used to train a cascaded diffusion model to enable the generation of novel poses. Our experiments with the DeformThings4D and Human datasets demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in pose transfer and the ability to generate diverse deformed shapes with various objects and poses.
Abstract:When an image generation process is guided by both a text prompt and spatial cues, such as a set of bounding boxes, do these elements work in harmony, or does one dominate the other? Our analysis of a pretrained image diffusion model that integrates gated self-attention into the U-Net reveals that spatial grounding often outweighs textual grounding due to the sequential flow from gated self-attention to cross-attention. We demonstrate that such bias can be significantly mitigated without sacrificing accuracy in either grounding by simply rewiring the network architecture, changing from sequential to parallel for gated self-attention and cross-attention. This surprisingly simple yet effective solution does not require any fine-tuning of the network but significantly reduces the trade-off between the two groundings. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements from the original GLIGEN to the rewired version in the trade-off between textual grounding and spatial grounding.
Abstract:We present InterHandGen, a novel framework that learns the generative prior of two-hand interaction. Sampling from our model yields plausible and diverse two-hand shapes in close interaction with or without an object. Our prior can be incorporated into any optimization or learning methods to reduce ambiguity in an ill-posed setup. Our key observation is that directly modeling the joint distribution of multiple instances imposes high learning complexity due to its combinatorial nature. Thus, we propose to decompose the modeling of joint distribution into the modeling of factored unconditional and conditional single instance distribution. In particular, we introduce a diffusion model that learns the single-hand distribution unconditional and conditional to another hand via conditioning dropout. For sampling, we combine anti-penetration and classifier-free guidance to enable plausible generation. Furthermore, we establish the rigorous evaluation protocol of two-hand synthesis, where our method significantly outperforms baseline generative models in terms of plausibility and diversity. We also demonstrate that our diffusion prior can boost the performance of two-hand reconstruction from monocular in-the-wild images, achieving new state-of-the-art accuracy.
Abstract:We introduce a general framework for generating diverse visual content, including ambiguous images, panorama images, mesh textures, and Gaussian splat textures, by synchronizing multiple diffusion processes. We present exhaustive investigation into all possible scenarios for synchronizing multiple diffusion processes through a canonical space and analyze their characteristics across applications. In doing so, we reveal a previously unexplored case: averaging the outputs of Tweedie's formula while conducting denoising in multiple instance spaces. This case also provides the best quality with the widest applicability to downstream tasks. We name this case SyncTweedies. In our experiments generating visual content aforementioned, we demonstrate the superior quality of generation by SyncTweedies compared to other synchronization methods, optimization-based and iterative-update-based methods.
Abstract:We introduce PartSTAD, a method designed for the task adaptation of 2D-to-3D segmentation lifting. Recent studies have highlighted the advantages of utilizing 2D segmentation models to achieve high-quality 3D segmentation through few-shot adaptation. However, previous approaches have focused on adapting 2D segmentation models for domain shift to rendered images and synthetic text descriptions, rather than optimizing the model specifically for 3D segmentation. Our proposed task adaptation method finetunes a 2D bounding box prediction model with an objective function for 3D segmentation. We introduce weights for 2D bounding boxes for adaptive merging and learn the weights using a small additional neural network. Additionally, we incorporate SAM, a foreground segmentation model on a bounding box, to improve the boundaries of 2D segments and consequently those of 3D segmentation. Our experiments on the PartNet-Mobility dataset show significant improvements with our task adaptation approach, achieving a 7.0%p increase in mIoU and a 5.2%p improvement in mAP_50 for semantic and instance segmentation compared to the SotA few-shot 3D segmentation model.
Abstract:We present As-Plausible-as-Possible (APAP) mesh deformation technique that leverages 2D diffusion priors to preserve the plausibility of a mesh under user-controlled deformation. Our framework uses per-face Jacobians to represent mesh deformations, where mesh vertex coordinates are computed via a differentiable Poisson Solve. The deformed mesh is rendered, and the resulting 2D image is used in the Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) process, which enables extracting meaningful plausibility priors from a pretrained 2D diffusion model. To better preserve the identity of the edited mesh, we fine-tune our 2D diffusion model with LoRA. Gradients extracted by SDS and a user-prescribed handle displacement are then backpropagated to the per-face Jacobians, and we use iterative gradient descent to compute the final deformation that balances between the user edit and the output plausibility. We evaluate our method with 2D and 3D meshes and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative improvements when using plausibility priors over geometry-preservation or distortion-minimization priors used by previous techniques.