Abstract:Text-guided image editing finds applications in various creative and practical fields. While recent studies in image generation have advanced the field, they often struggle with the dual challenges of coherent image transformation and context preservation. In response, our work introduces prompt augmentation, a method amplifying a single input prompt into several target prompts, strengthening textual context and enabling localised image editing. Specifically, we use the augmented prompts to delineate the intended manipulation area. We propose a Contrastive Loss tailored to driving effective image editing by displacing edited areas and drawing preserved regions closer. Acknowledging the continuous nature of image manipulations, we further refine our approach by incorporating the similarity concept, creating a Soft Contrastive Loss. The new losses are incorporated to the diffusion model, demonstrating improved or competitive image editing results on public datasets and generated images over state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Super-resolution methods are increasingly being specialized for both real-world and face-specific tasks. However, many existing approaches rely on simplistic degradation models, which limits their ability to handle complex and unknown degradation patterns effectively. While diffusion-based super-resolution techniques have recently shown impressive results, they are still constrained by the need for numerous inference steps. To address this, we propose TDDSR, an efficient single-step diffusion-based super-resolution method. Our method, distilled from a pre-trained teacher model and based on a diffusion network, performs super-resolution in a single step. It integrates a learnable downsampler to capture diverse degradation patterns and employs two discriminators, one for high-resolution and one for low-resolution images, to enhance the overall performance. Experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness across real-world and face-specific SR tasks, achieving performance comparable to, or even surpassing, another single-step method, previous state-of-the-art models, and the teacher model.
Abstract:3D human shape reconstruction under severe occlusion due to human-object or human-human interaction is a challenging problem. Parametric models i.e., SMPL(-X), which are based on the statistics across human shapes, can represent whole human body shapes but are limited to minimally-clothed human shapes. Implicit-function-based methods extract features from the parametric models to employ prior knowledge of human bodies and can capture geometric details such as clothing and hair. However, they often struggle to handle misaligned parametric models and inpaint occluded regions given a single RGB image. In this work, we propose a novel pipeline, MHCDIFF, Multi-hypotheses Conditioned Point Cloud Diffusion, composed of point cloud diffusion conditioned on probabilistic distributions for pixel-aligned detailed 3D human reconstruction under occlusion. Compared to previous implicit-function-based methods, the point cloud diffusion model can capture the global consistent features to generate the occluded regions, and the denoising process corrects the misaligned SMPL meshes. The core of MHCDIFF is extracting local features from multiple hypothesized SMPL(-X) meshes and aggregating the set of features to condition the diffusion model. In the experiments on CAPE and MultiHuman datasets, the proposed method outperforms various SOTA methods based on SMPL, implicit functions, point cloud diffusion, and their combined, under synthetic and real occlusions.
Abstract:Recent advancements in machine learning (ML) are transforming the field of structural biology. For example, AlphaFold, a groundbreaking neural network for protein structure prediction, has been widely adopted by researchers. The availability of easy-to-use interfaces and interpretable outcomes from the neural network architecture, such as the confidence scores used to color the predicted structures, have made AlphaFold accessible even to non-ML experts. In this paper, we present various methods for representing protein 3D structures from low- to high-resolution, and show how interpretable ML methods can support tasks such as predicting protein structures, protein function, and protein-protein interactions. This survey also emphasizes the significance of interpreting and visualizing ML-based inference for structure-based protein representations that enhance interpretability and knowledge discovery. Developing such interpretable approaches promises to further accelerate fields including drug development and protein design.
Abstract:Estimating the poses of both a hand and an object has become an important area of research due to the growing need for advanced vision computing. The primary challenge involves understanding and reconstructing how hands and objects interact, such as contact and physical plausibility. Existing approaches often adopt a graph neural network to incorporate spatial information of hand and object meshes. However, these approaches have not fully exploited the potential of graphs without modification of edges within and between hand- and object-graphs. We propose a graph-based refinement method that incorporates an interaction-aware graph-attention mechanism to account for hand-object interactions. Using edges, we establish connections among closely correlated nodes, both within individual graphs and across different graphs. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method with notable improvements in the realm of physical plausibility.
Abstract:Existing datasets for 3D hand-object interaction are limited either in the data cardinality, data variations in interaction scenarios, or the quality of annotations. In this work, we present a comprehensive new training dataset for hand-object interaction called HOGraspNet. It is the only real dataset that captures full grasp taxonomies, providing grasp annotation and wide intraclass variations. Using grasp taxonomies as atomic actions, their space and time combinatorial can represent complex hand activities around objects. We select 22 rigid objects from the YCB dataset and 8 other compound objects using shape and size taxonomies, ensuring coverage of all hand grasp configurations. The dataset includes diverse hand shapes from 99 participants aged 10 to 74, continuous video frames, and a 1.5M RGB-Depth of sparse frames with annotations. It offers labels for 3D hand and object meshes, 3D keypoints, contact maps, and \emph{grasp labels}. Accurate hand and object 3D meshes are obtained by fitting the hand parametric model (MANO) and the hand implicit function (HALO) to multi-view RGBD frames, with the MoCap system only for objects. Note that HALO fitting does not require any parameter tuning, enabling scalability to the dataset's size with comparable accuracy to MANO. We evaluate HOGraspNet on relevant tasks: grasp classification and 3D hand pose estimation. The result shows performance variations based on grasp type and object class, indicating the potential importance of the interaction space captured by our dataset. The provided data aims at learning universal shape priors or foundation models for 3D hand-object interaction. Our dataset and code are available at https://hograspnet2024.github.io/.
Abstract:We present InterHandGen, a novel framework that learns the generative prior of two-hand interaction. Sampling from our model yields plausible and diverse two-hand shapes in close interaction with or without an object. Our prior can be incorporated into any optimization or learning methods to reduce ambiguity in an ill-posed setup. Our key observation is that directly modeling the joint distribution of multiple instances imposes high learning complexity due to its combinatorial nature. Thus, we propose to decompose the modeling of joint distribution into the modeling of factored unconditional and conditional single instance distribution. In particular, we introduce a diffusion model that learns the single-hand distribution unconditional and conditional to another hand via conditioning dropout. For sampling, we combine anti-penetration and classifier-free guidance to enable plausible generation. Furthermore, we establish the rigorous evaluation protocol of two-hand synthesis, where our method significantly outperforms baseline generative models in terms of plausibility and diversity. We also demonstrate that our diffusion prior can boost the performance of two-hand reconstruction from monocular in-the-wild images, achieving new state-of-the-art accuracy.
Abstract:Creating personalized hand avatars is important to offer a realistic experience to users on AR / VR platforms. While most prior studies focused on reconstructing 3D hand shapes, some recent work has tackled the reconstruction of hand textures on top of shapes. However, these methods are often limited to capturing pixels on the visible side of a hand, requiring diverse views of the hand in a video or multiple images as input. In this paper, we propose a novel method, BiTT(Bi-directional Texture reconstruction of Two hands), which is the first end-to-end trainable method for relightable, pose-free texture reconstruction of two interacting hands taking only a single RGB image, by three novel components: 1) bi-directional (left $\leftrightarrow$ right) texture reconstruction using the texture symmetry of left / right hands, 2) utilizing a texture parametric model for hand texture recovery, and 3) the overall coarse-to-fine stage pipeline for reconstructing personalized texture of two interacting hands. BiTT first estimates the scene light condition and albedo image from an input image, then reconstructs the texture of both hands through the texture parametric model and bi-directional texture reconstructor. In experiments using InterHand2.6M and RGB2Hands datasets, our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art hand texture reconstruction methods quantitatively and qualitatively. The code is available at https://github.com/yunminjin2/BiTT
Abstract:Super-resolution (SR) and image generation are important tasks in computer vision and are widely adopted in real-world applications. Most existing methods, however, generate images only at fixed-scale magnification and suffer from over-smoothing and artifacts. Additionally, they do not offer enough diversity of output images nor image consistency at different scales. Most relevant work applied Implicit Neural Representation (INR) to the denoising diffusion model to obtain continuous-resolution yet diverse and high-quality SR results. Since this model operates in the image space, the larger the resolution of image is produced, the more memory and inference time is required, and it also does not maintain scale-specific consistency. We propose a novel pipeline that can super-resolve an input image or generate from a random noise a novel image at arbitrary scales. The method consists of a pretrained auto-encoder, a latent diffusion model, and an implicit neural decoder, and their learning strategies. The proposed method adopts diffusion processes in a latent space, thus efficient, yet aligned with output image space decoded by MLPs at arbitrary scales. More specifically, our arbitrary-scale decoder is designed by the symmetric decoder w/o up-scaling from the pretrained auto-encoder, and Local Implicit Image Function (LIIF) in series. The latent diffusion process is learnt by the denoising and the alignment losses jointly. Errors in output images are backpropagated via the fixed decoder, improving the quality of output images. In the extensive experiments using multiple public benchmarks on the two tasks i.e. image super-resolution and novel image generation at arbitrary scales, the proposed method outperforms relevant methods in metrics of image quality, diversity and scale consistency. It is significantly better than the relevant prior-art in the inference speed and memory usage.
Abstract:Recent endeavors have been made to leverage self-supervised depth estimation as guidance in unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation. Prior arts, however, overlook the discrepancy between semantic and depth features, as well as the reliability of feature fusion, thus leading to suboptimal segmentation performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel UDA framework called SMART (croSs doMain semAntic segmentation based on eneRgy esTimation) that utilizes Energy-Based Models (EBMs) to obtain task-adaptive features and achieve reliable feature fusion for semantic segmentation with self-supervised depth estimates. Our framework incorporates two novel components: energy-based feature fusion (EB2F) and energy-based reliable fusion Assessment (RFA) modules. The EB2F module produces task-adaptive semantic and depth features by explicitly measuring and reducing their discrepancy using Hopfield energy for better feature fusion. The RFA module evaluates the reliability of the feature fusion using an energy score to improve the effectiveness of depth guidance. Extensive experiments on two datasets demonstrate that our method achieves significant performance gains over prior works, validating the effectiveness of our energy-based learning approach.