Abstract:In minimax optimization, the extragradient (EG) method has been extensively studied because it outperforms the gradient descent-ascent method in convex-concave (C-C) problems. Yet, stochastic EG (SEG) has seen limited success in C-C problems, especially for unconstrained cases. Motivated by the recent progress of shuffling-based stochastic methods, we investigate the convergence of shuffling-based SEG in unconstrained finite-sum minimax problems, in search of convergent shuffling-based SEG. Our analysis reveals that both random reshuffling and the recently proposed flip-flop shuffling alone can suffer divergence in C-C problems. However, with an additional simple trick called anchoring, we develop the SEG with flip-flop anchoring (SEG-FFA) method which successfully converges in C-C problems. We also show upper and lower bounds in the strongly-convex-strongly-concave setting, demonstrating that SEG-FFA has a provably faster convergence rate compared to other shuffling-based methods.
Abstract:3D human shape reconstruction under severe occlusion due to human-object or human-human interaction is a challenging problem. Parametric models i.e., SMPL(-X), which are based on the statistics across human shapes, can represent whole human body shapes but are limited to minimally-clothed human shapes. Implicit-function-based methods extract features from the parametric models to employ prior knowledge of human bodies and can capture geometric details such as clothing and hair. However, they often struggle to handle misaligned parametric models and inpaint occluded regions given a single RGB image. In this work, we propose a novel pipeline, MHCDIFF, Multi-hypotheses Conditioned Point Cloud Diffusion, composed of point cloud diffusion conditioned on probabilistic distributions for pixel-aligned detailed 3D human reconstruction under occlusion. Compared to previous implicit-function-based methods, the point cloud diffusion model can capture the global consistent features to generate the occluded regions, and the denoising process corrects the misaligned SMPL meshes. The core of MHCDIFF is extracting local features from multiple hypothesized SMPL(-X) meshes and aggregating the set of features to condition the diffusion model. In the experiments on CAPE and MultiHuman datasets, the proposed method outperforms various SOTA methods based on SMPL, implicit functions, point cloud diffusion, and their combined, under synthetic and real occlusions.
Abstract:Existing datasets for 3D hand-object interaction are limited either in the data cardinality, data variations in interaction scenarios, or the quality of annotations. In this work, we present a comprehensive new training dataset for hand-object interaction called HOGraspNet. It is the only real dataset that captures full grasp taxonomies, providing grasp annotation and wide intraclass variations. Using grasp taxonomies as atomic actions, their space and time combinatorial can represent complex hand activities around objects. We select 22 rigid objects from the YCB dataset and 8 other compound objects using shape and size taxonomies, ensuring coverage of all hand grasp configurations. The dataset includes diverse hand shapes from 99 participants aged 10 to 74, continuous video frames, and a 1.5M RGB-Depth of sparse frames with annotations. It offers labels for 3D hand and object meshes, 3D keypoints, contact maps, and \emph{grasp labels}. Accurate hand and object 3D meshes are obtained by fitting the hand parametric model (MANO) and the hand implicit function (HALO) to multi-view RGBD frames, with the MoCap system only for objects. Note that HALO fitting does not require any parameter tuning, enabling scalability to the dataset's size with comparable accuracy to MANO. We evaluate HOGraspNet on relevant tasks: grasp classification and 3D hand pose estimation. The result shows performance variations based on grasp type and object class, indicating the potential importance of the interaction space captured by our dataset. The provided data aims at learning universal shape priors or foundation models for 3D hand-object interaction. Our dataset and code are available at https://hograspnet2024.github.io/.
Abstract:We focus on constrained, $L$-smooth, nonconvex-nonconcave min-max problems either satisfying $\rho$-cohypomonotonicity or admitting a solution to the $\rho$-weakly Minty Variational Inequality (MVI), where larger values of the parameter $\rho>0$ correspond to a greater degree of nonconvexity. These problem classes include examples in two player reinforcement learning, interaction dominant min-max problems, and certain synthetic test problems on which classical min-max algorithms fail. It has been conjectured that first-order methods can tolerate value of $\rho$ no larger than $\frac{1}{L}$, but existing results in the literature have stagnated at the tighter requirement $\rho < \frac{1}{2L}$. With a simple argument, we obtain optimal or best-known complexity guarantees with cohypomonotonicity or weak MVI conditions for $\rho < \frac{1}{L}$. The algorithms we analyze are inexact variants of Halpern and Krasnosel'ski\u{\i}-Mann (KM) iterations. We also provide algorithms and complexity guarantees in the stochastic case with the same range on $\rho$. Our main insight for the improvements in the convergence analyses is to harness the recently proposed "conic nonexpansiveness" property of operators. As byproducts, we provide a refined analysis for inexact Halpern iteration and propose a stochastic KM iteration with a multilevel Monte Carlo estimator.
Abstract:This paper investigates reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided frequency division duplexing (FDD) communication systems. Since the downlink and uplink signals are simultaneously transmitted in FDD, the phase shifts at the RIS should be designed to support both transmissions. Considering a single-user multiple-input multiple-output system, we formulate a weighted sum-rate maximization problem to jointly maximize the downlink and uplink system performance. To tackle the non-convex optimization problem, we adopt an alternating optimization (AO) algorithm, in which two phase shift optimization techniques are developed to handle the unit-modulus constraints induced by the reflection coefficients at the RIS. The first technique exploits the manifold optimization-based algorithm, while the second uses a lower-complexity AO approach. Numerical results verify that the proposed techniques rapidly converge to local optima and significantly improve the overall system performance compared to existing benchmark schemes.
Abstract:Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a promising cryptographic primitive for realizing private neural network inference (PI) services by allowing a client to fully offload the inference task to a cloud server while keeping the client data oblivious to the server. This work proposes NeuJeans, an FHE-based solution for the PI of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). NeuJeans tackles the critical problem of the enormous computational cost for the FHE evaluation of convolutional layers (conv2d), mainly due to the high cost of data reordering and bootstrapping. We first propose an encoding method introducing nested structures inside encoded vectors for FHE, which enables us to develop efficient conv2d algorithms with reduced data reordering costs. However, the new encoding method also introduces additional computations for conversion between encoding methods, which could negate its advantages. We discover that fusing conv2d with bootstrapping eliminates such computations while reducing the cost of bootstrapping. Then, we devise optimized execution flows for various types of conv2d and apply them to end-to-end implementation of CNNs. NeuJeans accelerates the performance of conv2d by up to 5.68 times compared to state-of-the-art FHE-based PI work and performs the PI of a CNN at the scale of ImageNet (ResNet18) within a mere few seconds
Abstract:Recent 4D shape representations model continuous temporal evolution of implicit shapes by (1) learning query flows without leveraging shape and articulation priors or (2) decoding shape occupancies separately for each time value. Thus, they do not effectively capture implicit correspondences between articulated shapes or regularize jittery temporal deformations. In this work, we present FourierHandFlow, which is a spatio-temporally continuous representation for human hands that combines a 3D occupancy field with articulation-aware query flows represented as Fourier series. Given an input RGB sequence, we aim to learn a fixed number of Fourier coefficients for each query flow to guarantee smooth and continuous temporal shape dynamics. To effectively model spatio-temporal deformations of articulated hands, we compose our 4D representation based on two types of Fourier query flow: (1) pose flow that models query dynamics influenced by hand articulation changes via implicit linear blend skinning and (2) shape flow that models query-wise displacement flow. In the experiments, our method achieves state-of-the-art results on video-based 4D reconstruction while being computationally more efficient than the existing 3D/4D implicit shape representations. We additionally show our results on motion inter- and extrapolation and texture transfer using the learned correspondences of implicit shapes. To the best of our knowledge, FourierHandFlow is the first neural 4D continuous hand representation learned from RGB videos. The code will be publicly accessible.
Abstract:Minimax problems are notoriously challenging to optimize. However, we demonstrate that the two-timescale extragradient can be a viable solution. By utilizing dynamical systems theory, we show that it converges to points that satisfy the second-order necessary condition of local minimax points, under a mild condition. This work surpasses all previous results as we eliminate a crucial assumption that the Hessian, with respect to the maximization variable, is nondegenerate.
Abstract:Convolutional neural network (CNN) inference using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a promising private inference (PI) solution due to the capability of FHE that enables offloading the whole computation process to the server while protecting the privacy of sensitive user data. However, prior FHEbased CNN (HCNN) implementations are far from being practical due to the high computational and memory overheads of FHE. To overcome this limitation, we present HyPHEN, a deep HCNN construction that features an efficient FHE convolution algorithm, data packing methods (hybrid packing and image slicing), and FHE-specific optimizations. Such enhancements enable HyPHEN to substantially reduce the memory footprint and the number of expensive homomorphic operations, such as ciphertext rotation and bootstrapping. As a result, HyPHEN brings the latency of HCNN CIFAR-10 inference down to a practical level at 1.40s (ResNet20) and demonstrates HCNN ImageNet inference for the first time at 16.87s (ResNet18).
Abstract:Hierarchical text classification (HTC) to a taxonomy is essential for various real applications butchallenging since HTC models often need to process a large volume of data that are severelyimbalanced and have hierarchy dependencies. Existing local and global approaches use deep learningto improve HTC by reducing the time complexity and incorporating the hierarchy dependencies.However, it is difficult to satisfy both conditions in a single HTC model. This paper proposes ahierarchy decoder (HiDEC) that uses recursive hierarchy decoding based on an encoder-decoderarchitecture. The key idea of the HiDEC involves decoding a context matrix into a sub-hierarchysequence using recursive hierarchy decoding, while staying aware of hierarchical dependenciesand level information. The HiDEC is a unified model that incorporates the benefits of existingapproaches, thereby alleviating the aforementioned difficulties without any trade-off. In addition, itcan be applied to both single- and multi-label classification with a minor modification. The superiorityof the proposed model was verified on two benchmark datasets (WOS-46985 and RCV1) with anexplanation of the reasons for its success