Abstract:Gradient descent is the primary workhorse for optimizing large-scale problems in machine learning. However, its performance is highly sensitive to the choice of the learning rate. A key limitation of gradient descent is its lack of natural scaling, which often necessitates expensive line searches or heuristic tuning to determine an appropriate step size. In this paper, we address this limitation by incorporating Hessian information to scale the gradient direction. By accounting for the curvature of the function along the gradient, our adaptive, Hessian-aware scaling method ensures a local unit step size guarantee, even in nonconvex settings. Near a local minimum that satisfies the second-order sufficient conditions, our approach achieves linear convergence with a unit step size. We show that our method converges globally under a significantly weaker version of the standard Lipschitz gradient smoothness assumption. Even when Hessian information is inexact, the local unit step size guarantee and global convergence properties remain valid under mild conditions. Finally, we validate our theoretical results empirically on a range of convex and nonconvex machine learning tasks, showcasing the effectiveness of the approach.
Abstract:The sensitivity of machine learning algorithms to outliers, particularly in high-dimensional spaces, necessitates the development of robust methods. Within the framework of $\epsilon$-contamination model, where the adversary can inspect and replace up to $\epsilon$ fraction of the samples, a fundamental open question is determining the optimal rates for robust stochastic convex optimization (robust SCO), provided the samples under $\epsilon$-contamination. We develop novel algorithms that achieve minimax-optimal excess risk (up to logarithmic factors) under the $\epsilon$-contamination model. Our approach advances beyonds existing algorithms, which are not only suboptimal but also constrained by stringent requirements, including Lipschitzness and smoothness conditions on sample functions.Our algorithms achieve optimal rates while removing these restrictive assumptions, and notably, remain effective for nonsmooth but Lipschitz population risks.
Abstract:We revisit the problem of federated learning (FL) with private data from people who do not trust the server or other silos/clients. In this context, every silo (e.g. hospital) has data from several people (e.g. patients) and needs to protect the privacy of each person's data (e.g. health records), even if the server and/or other silos try to uncover this data. Inter-Silo Record-Level Differential Privacy (ISRL-DP) prevents each silo's data from being leaked, by requiring that silo i's communications satisfy item-level differential privacy. Prior work arXiv:2203.06735 characterized the optimal excess risk bounds for ISRL-DP algorithms with homogeneous (i.i.d.) silo data and convex loss functions. However, two important questions were left open: (1) Can the same excess risk bounds be achieved with heterogeneous (non-i.i.d.) silo data? (2) Can the optimal risk bounds be achieved with fewer communication rounds? In this paper, we give positive answers to both questions. We provide novel ISRL-DP FL algorithms that achieve the optimal excess risk bounds in the presence of heterogeneous silo data. Moreover, our algorithms are more communication-efficient than the prior state-of-the-art. For smooth loss functions, our algorithm achieves the optimal excess risk bound and has communication complexity that matches the non-private lower bound. Additionally, our algorithms are more computationally efficient than the previous state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Finding an approximate second-order stationary point (SOSP) is a well-studied and fundamental problem in stochastic nonconvex optimization with many applications in machine learning. However, this problem is poorly understood in the presence of outliers, limiting the use of existing nonconvex algorithms in adversarial settings. In this paper, we study the problem of finding SOSPs in the strong contamination model, where a constant fraction of datapoints are arbitrarily corrupted. We introduce a general framework for efficiently finding an approximate SOSP with \emph{dimension-independent} accuracy guarantees, using $\widetilde{O}({D^2}/{\epsilon})$ samples where $D$ is the ambient dimension and $\epsilon$ is the fraction of corrupted datapoints. As a concrete application of our framework, we apply it to the problem of low rank matrix sensing, developing efficient and provably robust algorithms that can tolerate corruptions in both the sensing matrices and the measurements. In addition, we establish a Statistical Query lower bound providing evidence that the quadratic dependence on $D$ in the sample complexity is necessary for computationally efficient algorithms.
Abstract:We provide a simple and flexible framework for designing differentially private algorithms to find approximate stationary points of non-convex loss functions. Our framework is based on using a private approximate risk minimizer to "warm start" another private algorithm for finding stationary points. We use this framework to obtain improved, and sometimes optimal, rates for several classes of non-convex loss functions. First, we obtain improved rates for finding stationary points of smooth non-convex empirical loss functions. Second, we specialize to quasar-convex functions, which generalize star-convex functions and arise in learning dynamical systems and training some neural nets. We achieve the optimal rate for this class. Third, we give an optimal algorithm for finding stationary points of functions satisfying the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz (KL) condition. For example, over-parameterized neural networks often satisfy this condition. Fourth, we provide new state-of-the-art rates for stationary points of non-convex population loss functions. Fifth, we obtain improved rates for non-convex generalized linear models. A modification of our algorithm achieves nearly the same rates for second-order stationary points of functions with Lipschitz Hessian, improving over the previous state-of-the-art for each of the above problems.
Abstract:We focus on constrained, $L$-smooth, nonconvex-nonconcave min-max problems either satisfying $\rho$-cohypomonotonicity or admitting a solution to the $\rho$-weakly Minty Variational Inequality (MVI), where larger values of the parameter $\rho>0$ correspond to a greater degree of nonconvexity. These problem classes include examples in two player reinforcement learning, interaction dominant min-max problems, and certain synthetic test problems on which classical min-max algorithms fail. It has been conjectured that first-order methods can tolerate value of $\rho$ no larger than $\frac{1}{L}$, but existing results in the literature have stagnated at the tighter requirement $\rho < \frac{1}{2L}$. With a simple argument, we obtain optimal or best-known complexity guarantees with cohypomonotonicity or weak MVI conditions for $\rho < \frac{1}{L}$. The algorithms we analyze are inexact variants of Halpern and Krasnosel'ski\u{\i}-Mann (KM) iterations. We also provide algorithms and complexity guarantees in the stochastic case with the same range on $\rho$. Our main insight for the improvements in the convergence analyses is to harness the recently proposed "conic nonexpansiveness" property of operators. As byproducts, we provide a refined analysis for inexact Halpern iteration and propose a stochastic KM iteration with a multilevel Monte Carlo estimator.
Abstract:We analyze the complexity of single-loop quadratic penalty and augmented Lagrangian algorithms for solving nonconvex optimization problems with functional equality constraints. We consider three cases, in all of which the objective is stochastic and smooth, that is, an expectation over an unknown distribution that is accessed by sampling. The nature of the equality constraints differs among the three cases: deterministic and linear in the first case, deterministic, smooth and nonlinear in the second case, and stochastic, smooth and nonlinear in the third case. Variance reduction techniques are used to improve the complexity. To find a point that satisfies $\varepsilon$-approximate first-order conditions, we require $\widetilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-3})$ complexity in the first case, $\widetilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-4})$ in the second case, and $\widetilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-5})$ in the third case. For the first and third cases, they are the first algorithms of "single loop" type (that also use $O(1)$ samples at each iteration) that still achieve the best-known complexity guarantees.
Abstract:We consider minimization of a smooth nonconvex function with inexact oracle access to gradient and Hessian (but not the function value) to achieve $(\epsilon_{g}, \epsilon_{H})$-approximate second-order optimality. A novel feature of our method is that if an approximate direction of negative curvature is chosen as the step, we choose its sense to be positive or negative with equal probability. We also use relative inexactness measures on gradient and Hessian and relax the coupling between the first- and second-order tolerances $\epsilon_{g}$ and $\epsilon_{H}$. Our convergence analysis includes both an expectation bound based on martingale analysis and a high-probability bound based on concentration inequalities. We apply our algorithm to empirical risk minimization problems and obtain gradient sample complexity.
Abstract:Acceleration of gradient-based optimization methods is an issue of significant practical and theoretical interest, particularly in machine learning applications. Most research has focused on optimization over Euclidean spaces, but given the need to optimize over spaces of probability measures in many machine learning problems, it is of interest to investigate accelerated gradient methods in this context too. To this end, we introduce a Hamiltonian-flow approach that is analogous to moment-based approaches in Euclidean space. We demonstrate that algorithms based on this approach can achieve convergence rates of arbitrarily high order. Numerical examples illustrate our claim.
Abstract:Does the use of auto-differentiation yield reasonable updates to deep neural networks that represent neural ODEs? Through mathematical analysis and numerical evidence, we find that when the neural network employs high-order forms to approximate the underlying ODE flows (such as the Linear Multistep Method (LMM)), brute-force computation using auto-differentiation often produces non-converging artificial oscillations. In the case of Leapfrog, we propose a straightforward post-processing technique that effectively eliminates these oscillations, rectifies the gradient computation and thus respects the updates of the underlying flow.