Abstract:Monotone learning refers to learning processes in which expected performance consistently improves as more training data is introduced. Non-monotone behavior of machine learning has been the topic of a series of recent works, with various proposals that ensure monotonicity by applying transformations or wrappers on learning algorithms. In this work, from a different perspective, we tackle the topic of monotone learning within the framework of Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning theory. Following the mechanism that estimates sample complexity of a PAC-learnable problem, we derive a performance lower bound for that problem, and prove the monotonicity of that bound as the sample sizes increase. By calculating the lower bound distribution, we are able to prove that given a PAC-learnable problem with a hypothesis space that is either of finite size or of finite VC dimension, any learning algorithm based on Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) is monotone if training samples are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). We further carry out an experiment on two concrete machine learning problems, one of which has a finite hypothesis set, and the other of finite VC dimension, and compared the experimental data for the empirical risk distributions with the estimated theoretical bound. The results of the comparison have confirmed the monotonicity of learning for the two PAC-learnable problems.
Abstract:With recent missions such as advanced space-based observatories like the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Parker Solar Probe, and ground-based telescopes like the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), the volume, velocity, and variety of data have made solar physics enter a transformative era as solar physics big data (SPBD). With the recent advancement of deep computer vision, there are new opportunities in SPBD for tackling problems that were previously unsolvable. However, there are new challenges arising due to the inherent characteristics of SPBD and deep computer vision models. This vision paper presents an overview of the different types of SPBD, explores new opportunities in applying deep computer vision to SPBD, highlights the unique challenges, and outlines several potential future research directions.
Abstract:Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have shown potential for quantum advantage with noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices for quantum machine learning (QML). However, given the high cost and limited availability of quantum resources, delegating VQAs via cloud networks is a more practical solution for clients with limited quantum capabilities. Recently, Shingu et al.[Physical Review A, 105, 022603 (2022)] proposed a variational secure cloud quantum computing protocol, utilizing ancilla-driven quantum computation (ADQC) for cloud-based VQAs with minimal quantum resource consumption. However, their protocol lacks verifiability, which exposes it to potential malicious behaviors by the server. Additionally, channel loss requires frequent re-delegation as the size of the delegated variational circuit grows, complicating verification due to increased circuit complexity. This paper introduces a new protocol to address these challenges and enhance both verifiability and tolerance to channel loss in cloud-based VQAs.
Abstract:We present \textit{Wideband back-projection diffusion}, an end-to-end probabilistic framework for approximating the posterior distribution induced by the inverse scattering map from wideband scattering data. This framework leverages conditional diffusion models coupled with the underlying physics of wave-propagation and symmetries in the problem, to produce highly accurate reconstructions. The framework introduces a factorization of the score function into a physics-based latent representation inspired by the filtered back-propagation formula and a conditional score function conditioned on this latent representation. These two steps are also constrained to obey symmetries in the formulation while being amenable to compression by imposing the rank structure found in the filtered back-projection formula. As a result, empirically, our framework is able to provide sharp reconstructions effortlessly, even recovering sub-Nyquist features in the multiple-scattering regime. It has low-sample and computational complexity, its number of parameters scales sub-linearly with the target resolution, and it has stable training dynamics.
Abstract:Objective: This study introduces ChatSchema, an effective method for extracting and structuring information from unstructured data in medical paper reports using a combination of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) based on the schema. By integrating predefined schema, we intend to enable LMMs to directly extract and standardize information according to the schema specifications, facilitating further data entry. Method: Our approach involves a two-stage process, including classification and extraction for categorizing report scenarios and structuring information. We established and annotated a dataset to verify the effectiveness of ChatSchema, and evaluated key extraction using precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy metrics. Based on key extraction, we further assessed value extraction. We conducted ablation studies on two LMMs to illustrate the improvement of structured information extraction with different input modals and methods. Result: We analyzed 100 medical reports from Peking University First Hospital and established a ground truth dataset with 2,945 key-value pairs. We evaluated ChatSchema using GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro and found a higher overall performance of GPT-4o. The results are as follows: For the result of key extraction, key-precision was 98.6%, key-recall was 98.5%, key-F1-score was 98.6%. For the result of value extraction based on correct key extraction, the overall accuracy was 97.2%, precision was 95.8%, recall was 95.8%, and F1-score was 95.8%. An ablation study demonstrated that ChatSchema achieved significantly higher overall accuracy and overall F1-score of key-value extraction, compared to the Baseline, with increases of 26.9% overall accuracy and 27.4% overall F1-score, respectively.
Abstract:Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as a clinically gold-standard technique for diagnosing cardiac diseases, thanks to its ability to provide diverse information with multiple modalities and anatomical views. Accelerated cardiac MRI is highly expected to achieve time-efficient and patient-friendly imaging, and then advanced image reconstruction approaches are required to recover high-quality, clinically interpretable images from undersampled measurements. However, the lack of publicly available cardiac MRI k-space dataset in terms of both quantity and diversity has severely hindered substantial technological progress, particularly for data-driven artificial intelligence. Here, we provide a standardized, diverse, and high-quality CMRxRecon2024 dataset to facilitate the technical development, fair evaluation, and clinical transfer of cardiac MRI reconstruction approaches, towards promoting the universal frameworks that enable fast and robust reconstructions across different cardiac MRI protocols in clinical practice. To the best of our knowledge, the CMRxRecon2024 dataset is the largest and most diverse publicly available cardiac k-space dataset. It is acquired from 330 healthy volunteers, covering commonly used modalities, anatomical views, and acquisition trajectories in clinical cardiac MRI workflows. Besides, an open platform with tutorials, benchmarks, and data processing tools is provided to facilitate data usage, advanced method development, and fair performance evaluation.
Abstract:The segmentation foundation model, e.g., Segment Anything Model (SAM), has attracted increasing interest in the medical image community. Early pioneering studies primarily concentrated on assessing and improving SAM's performance from the perspectives of overall accuracy and efficiency, yet little attention was given to the fairness considerations. This oversight raises questions about the potential for performance biases that could mirror those found in task-specific deep learning models like nnU-Net. In this paper, we explored the fairness dilemma concerning large segmentation foundation models. We prospectively curate a benchmark dataset of 3D MRI and CT scans of the organs including liver, kidney, spleen, lung and aorta from a total of 1056 healthy subjects with expert segmentations. Crucially, we document demographic details such as gender, age, and body mass index (BMI) for each subject to facilitate a nuanced fairness analysis. We test state-of-the-art foundation models for medical image segmentation, including the original SAM, medical SAM and SAT models, to evaluate segmentation efficacy across different demographic groups and identify disparities. Our comprehensive analysis, which accounts for various confounding factors, reveals significant fairness concerns within these foundational models. Moreover, our findings highlight not only disparities in overall segmentation metrics, such as the Dice Similarity Coefficient but also significant variations in the spatial distribution of segmentation errors, offering empirical evidence of the nuanced challenges in ensuring fairness in medical image segmentation.
Abstract:In this note, we examine the forward-Euler discretization for simulating Wasserstein gradient flows. We provide two counter-examples showcasing the failure of this discretization even for a simple case where the energy functional is defined as the KL divergence against some nicely structured probability densities. A simple explanation of this failure is also discussed.
Abstract:Studying the sun's outer atmosphere is challenging due to its complex magnetic fields impacting solar activities. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations help model these interactions but are extremely time-consuming (usually on a scale of days). Our research applies the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) to accelerate the coronal magnetic field modeling, specifically, the Bifrost MHD model. We apply Tensorized FNO (TFNO) to generate solutions from partial differential equations (PDEs) over a 3D domain efficiently. TFNO's performance is compared with other deep learning methods, highlighting its accuracy and scalability. Physics analysis confirms that TFNO is reliable and capable of accelerating MHD simulations with high precision. This advancement improves efficiency in data handling, enhances predictive capabilities, and provides a better understanding of magnetic topologies.
Abstract:Computational prediction of stable crystal structures has a profound impact on the large-scale discovery of novel functional materials. However, predicting the crystal structure solely from a material's composition or formula is a promising yet challenging task, as traditional ab initio crystal structure prediction (CSP) methods rely on time-consuming global searches and first-principles free energy calculations. Inspired by the recent success of deep learning approaches in protein structure prediction, which utilize pairwise amino acid interactions to describe 3D structures, we present AlphaCrystal-II, a novel knowledge-based solution that exploits the abundant inter-atomic interaction patterns found in existing known crystal structures. AlphaCrystal-II predicts the atomic distance matrix of a target crystal material and employs this matrix to reconstruct its 3D crystal structure. By leveraging the wealth of inter-atomic relationships of known crystal structures, our approach demonstrates remarkable effectiveness and reliability in structure prediction through comprehensive experiments. This work highlights the potential of data-driven methods in accelerating the discovery and design of new materials with tailored properties.