Abstract:We study the algorithmic problem of robust mean estimation of an identity covariance Gaussian in the presence of mean-shift contamination. In this contamination model, we are given a set of points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ generated i.i.d. via the following process. For a parameter $\alpha<1/2$, the $i$-th sample $x_i$ is obtained as follows: with probability $1-\alpha$, $x_i$ is drawn from $\mathcal{N}(\mu, I)$, where $\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is the target mean; and with probability $\alpha$, $x_i$ is drawn from $\mathcal{N}(z_i, I)$, where $z_i$ is unknown and potentially arbitrary. Prior work characterized the information-theoretic limits of this task. Specifically, it was shown that, in contrast to Huber contamination, in the presence of mean-shift contamination consistent estimation is possible. On the other hand, all known robust estimators in the mean-shift model have running times exponential in the dimension. Here we give the first computationally efficient algorithm for high-dimensional robust mean estimation with mean-shift contamination that can tolerate a constant fraction of outliers. In particular, our algorithm has near-optimal sample complexity, runs in sample-polynomial time, and approximates the target mean to any desired accuracy. Conceptually, our result contributes to a growing body of work that studies inference with respect to natural noise models lying in between fully adversarial and random settings.
Abstract:We study the task of Multiclass Linear Classification (MLC) in the distribution-free PAC model with Random Classification Noise (RCN). Specifically, the learner is given a set of labeled examples $(x, y)$, where $x$ is drawn from an unknown distribution on $R^d$ and the labels are generated by a multiclass linear classifier corrupted with RCN. That is, the label $y$ is flipped from $i$ to $j$ with probability $H_{ij}$ according to a known noise matrix $H$ with non-negative separation $\sigma: = \min_{i \neq j} H_{ii}-H_{ij}$. The goal is to compute a hypothesis with small 0-1 error. For the special case of two labels, prior work has given polynomial-time algorithms achieving the optimal error. Surprisingly, little is known about the complexity of this task even for three labels. As our main contribution, we show that the complexity of MLC with RCN becomes drastically different in the presence of three or more labels. Specifically, we prove super-polynomial Statistical Query (SQ) lower bounds for this problem. In more detail, even for three labels and constant separation, we give a super-polynomial lower bound on the complexity of any SQ algorithm achieving optimal error. For a larger number of labels and smaller separation, we show a super-polynomial SQ lower bound even for the weaker goal of achieving any constant factor approximation to the optimal loss or even beating the trivial hypothesis.
Abstract:We study the task of learning Multi-Index Models (MIMs) with label noise under the Gaussian distribution. A $K$-MIM is any function $f$ that only depends on a $K$-dimensional subspace. We focus on well-behaved MIMs with finite ranges that satisfy certain regularity properties. Our main contribution is a general robust learner that is qualitatively optimal in the Statistical Query (SQ) model. Our algorithm iteratively constructs better approximations to the defining subspace by computing low-degree moments conditional on the projection to the subspace computed thus far, and adding directions with relatively large empirical moments. This procedure efficiently finds a subspace $V$ so that $f(\mathbf{x})$ is close to a function of the projection of $\mathbf{x}$ onto $V$. Conversely, for functions for which these conditional moments do not help, we prove an SQ lower bound suggesting that no efficient learner exists. As applications, we provide faster robust learners for the following concept classes: * {\bf Multiclass Linear Classifiers} We give a constant-factor approximate agnostic learner with sample complexity $N = O(d) 2^{\mathrm{poly}(K/\epsilon)}$ and computational complexity $\mathrm{poly}(N ,d)$. This is the first constant-factor agnostic learner for this class whose complexity is a fixed-degree polynomial in $d$. * {\bf Intersections of Halfspaces} We give an approximate agnostic learner for this class achieving 0-1 error $K \tilde{O}(\mathrm{OPT}) + \epsilon$ with sample complexity $N=O(d^2) 2^{\mathrm{poly}(K/\epsilon)}$ and computational complexity $\mathrm{poly}(N ,d)$. This is the first agnostic learner for this class with near-linear error dependence and complexity a fixed-degree polynomial in $d$. Furthermore, we show that in the presence of random classification noise, the complexity of our algorithm scales polynomially with $1/\epsilon$.
Abstract:We study the task of learning Generalized Linear models (GLMs) in the agnostic model under the Gaussian distribution. We give the first polynomial-time algorithm that achieves a constant-factor approximation for \textit{any} monotone Lipschitz activation. Prior constant-factor GLM learners succeed for a substantially smaller class of activations. Our work resolves a well-known open problem, by developing a robust counterpart to the classical GLMtron algorithm (Kakade et al., 2011). Our robust learner applies more generally, encompassing all monotone activations with bounded $(2+\zeta)$-moments, for any fixed $\zeta>0$ -- a condition that is essentially necessary. To obtain our results, we leverage a novel data augmentation technique with decreasing Gaussian noise injection and prove a number of structural results that may be useful in other settings.
Abstract:We study the problem of PAC learning $\gamma$-margin halfspaces in the presence of Massart noise. Without computational considerations, the sample complexity of this learning problem is known to be $\widetilde{\Theta}(1/(\gamma^2 \epsilon))$. Prior computationally efficient algorithms for the problem incur sample complexity $\tilde{O}(1/(\gamma^4 \epsilon^3))$ and achieve 0-1 error of $\eta+\epsilon$, where $\eta<1/2$ is the upper bound on the noise rate. Recent work gave evidence of an information-computation tradeoff, suggesting that a quadratic dependence on $1/\epsilon$ is required for computationally efficient algorithms. Our main result is a computationally efficient learner with sample complexity $\widetilde{\Theta}(1/(\gamma^2 \epsilon^2))$, nearly matching this lower bound. In addition, our algorithm is simple and practical, relying on online SGD on a carefully selected sequence of convex losses.
Abstract:We study the task of high-dimensional entangled mean estimation in the subset-of-signals model. Specifically, given $N$ independent random points $x_1,\ldots,x_N$ in $\mathbb{R}^D$ and a parameter $\alpha \in (0, 1)$ such that each $x_i$ is drawn from a Gaussian with mean $\mu$ and unknown covariance, and an unknown $\alpha$-fraction of the points have identity-bounded covariances, the goal is to estimate the common mean $\mu$. The one-dimensional version of this task has received significant attention in theoretical computer science and statistics over the past decades. Recent work [LY20; CV24] has given near-optimal upper and lower bounds for the one-dimensional setting. On the other hand, our understanding of even the information-theoretic aspects of the multivariate setting has remained limited. In this work, we design a computationally efficient algorithm achieving an information-theoretically near-optimal error. Specifically, we show that the optimal error (up to polylogarithmic factors) is $f(\alpha,N) + \sqrt{D/(\alpha N)}$, where the term $f(\alpha,N)$ is the error of the one-dimensional problem and the second term is the sub-Gaussian error rate. Our algorithmic approach employs an iterative refinement strategy, whereby we progressively learn more accurate approximations $\hat \mu$ to $\mu$. This is achieved via a novel rejection sampling procedure that removes points significantly deviating from $\hat \mu$, as an attempt to filter out unusually noisy samples. A complication that arises is that rejection sampling introduces bias in the distribution of the remaining points. To address this issue, we perform a careful analysis of the bias, develop an iterative dimension-reduction strategy, and employ a novel subroutine inspired by list-decodable learning that leverages the one-dimensional result.
Abstract:We study the problem of learning general (i.e., not necessarily homogeneous) halfspaces under the Gaussian distribution on $R^d$ in the presence of some form of query access. In the classical pool-based active learning model, where the algorithm is allowed to make adaptive label queries to previously sampled points, we establish a strong information-theoretic lower bound ruling out non-trivial improvements over the passive setting. Specifically, we show that any active learner requires label complexity of $\tilde{\Omega}(d/(\log(m)\epsilon))$, where $m$ is the number of unlabeled examples. Specifically, to beat the passive label complexity of $\tilde{O} (d/\epsilon)$, an active learner requires a pool of $2^{poly(d)}$ unlabeled samples. On the positive side, we show that this lower bound can be circumvented with membership query access, even in the agnostic model. Specifically, we give a computationally efficient learner with query complexity of $\tilde{O}(\min\{1/p, 1/\epsilon\} + d\cdot polylog(1/\epsilon))$ achieving error guarantee of $O(opt)+\epsilon$. Here $p \in [0, 1/2]$ is the bias and $opt$ is the 0-1 loss of the optimal halfspace. As a corollary, we obtain a strong separation between the active and membership query models. Taken together, our results characterize the complexity of learning general halfspaces under Gaussian marginals in these models.
Abstract:We study $\textit{sparse singular value certificates}$ for random rectangular matrices. If $M$ is an $n \times d$ matrix with independent Gaussian entries, we give a new family of polynomial-time algorithms which can certify upper bounds on the maximum of $\|M u\|$, where $u$ is a unit vector with at most $\eta n$ nonzero entries for a given $\eta \in (0,1)$. This basic algorithmic primitive lies at the heart of a wide range of problems across algorithmic statistics and theoretical computer science. Our algorithms certify a bound which is asymptotically smaller than the naive one, given by the maximum singular value of $M$, for nearly the widest-possible range of $n,d,$ and $\eta$. Efficiently certifying such a bound for a range of $n,d$ and $\eta$ which is larger by any polynomial factor than what is achieved by our algorithm would violate lower bounds in the SQ and low-degree polynomials models. Our certification algorithm makes essential use of the Sum-of-Squares hierarchy. To prove the correctness of our algorithm, we develop a new combinatorial connection between the graph matrix approach to analyze random matrices with dependent entries, and the Efron-Stein decomposition of functions of independent random variables. As applications of our certification algorithm, we obtain new efficient algorithms for a wide range of well-studied algorithmic tasks. In algorithmic robust statistics, we obtain new algorithms for robust mean and covariance estimation with tradeoffs between breakdown point and sample complexity, which are nearly matched by SQ and low-degree polynomial lower bounds (that we establish). We also obtain new polynomial-time guarantees for certification of $\ell_1/\ell_2$ distortion of random subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^n$ (also with nearly matching lower bounds), sparse principal component analysis, and certification of the $2\rightarrow p$ norm of a random matrix.
Abstract:We study the task of learning latent-variable models. An obstacle towards designing efficient algorithms for such models is the necessity of approximating moment tensors of super-constant degree. Motivated by such applications, we develop a general efficient algorithm for implicit moment tensor computation. Our algorithm computes in $\mathrm{poly}(d, k)$ time a succinct approximate description of tensors of the form $M_m=\sum_{i=1}^{k}w_iv_i^{\otimes m}$, for $w_i\in\mathbb{R}_+$--even for $m=\omega(1)$--assuming there exists a polynomial-size arithmetic circuit whose expected output on an appropriate samplable distribution is equal to $M_m$, and whose covariance on this input is bounded. Our framework broadly generalizes the work of~\cite{LL21-opt} which developed an efficient algorithm for the specific moment tensors that arise in clustering mixtures of spherical Gaussians. By leveraging our general algorithm, we obtain the first polynomial-time learners for the following models. * Mixtures of Linear Regressions. We give a $\mathrm{poly}(d, k, 1/\epsilon)$-time algorithm for this task. The previously best algorithm has super-polynomial complexity in $k$. * Learning Mixtures of Spherical Gaussians. We give a $\mathrm{poly}(d, k, 1/\epsilon)$-time density estimation algorithm, under the condition that the means lie in a ball of radius $O(\sqrt{\log k})$. Prior algorithms incur super-polynomial complexity in $k$. We also give a $\mathrm{poly}(d, k, 1/\epsilon)$-time parameter estimation algorithm, under the {\em optimal} mean separation of $\Omega(\log^{1/2}(k/\epsilon))$. * PAC Learning Sums of ReLUs. We give a learner with complexity $\mathrm{poly}(d, k) 2^{\mathrm{poly}(1/\epsilon)}$. This is the first algorithm for this task that runs in $\mathrm{poly}(d, k)$ time for subconstant values of $\epsilon = o_{k, d}(1)$.
Abstract:We study the problem of PAC learning halfspaces in the reliable agnostic model of Kalai et al. (2012). The reliable PAC model captures learning scenarios where one type of error is costlier than the others. Our main positive result is a new algorithm for reliable learning of Gaussian halfspaces on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with sample and computational complexity $$d^{O(\log (\min\{1/\alpha, 1/\epsilon\}))}\min (2^{\log(1/\epsilon)^{O(\log (1/\alpha))}},2^{\mathrm{poly}(1/\epsilon)})\;,$$ where $\epsilon$ is the excess error and $\alpha$ is the bias of the optimal halfspace. We complement our upper bound with a Statistical Query lower bound suggesting that the $d^{\Omega(\log (1/\alpha))}$ dependence is best possible. Conceptually, our results imply a strong computational separation between reliable agnostic learning and standard agnostic learning of halfspaces in the Gaussian setting.