Abstract:We study the task of high-dimensional entangled mean estimation in the subset-of-signals model. Specifically, given $N$ independent random points $x_1,\ldots,x_N$ in $\mathbb{R}^D$ and a parameter $\alpha \in (0, 1)$ such that each $x_i$ is drawn from a Gaussian with mean $\mu$ and unknown covariance, and an unknown $\alpha$-fraction of the points have identity-bounded covariances, the goal is to estimate the common mean $\mu$. The one-dimensional version of this task has received significant attention in theoretical computer science and statistics over the past decades. Recent work [LY20; CV24] has given near-optimal upper and lower bounds for the one-dimensional setting. On the other hand, our understanding of even the information-theoretic aspects of the multivariate setting has remained limited. In this work, we design a computationally efficient algorithm achieving an information-theoretically near-optimal error. Specifically, we show that the optimal error (up to polylogarithmic factors) is $f(\alpha,N) + \sqrt{D/(\alpha N)}$, where the term $f(\alpha,N)$ is the error of the one-dimensional problem and the second term is the sub-Gaussian error rate. Our algorithmic approach employs an iterative refinement strategy, whereby we progressively learn more accurate approximations $\hat \mu$ to $\mu$. This is achieved via a novel rejection sampling procedure that removes points significantly deviating from $\hat \mu$, as an attempt to filter out unusually noisy samples. A complication that arises is that rejection sampling introduces bias in the distribution of the remaining points. To address this issue, we perform a careful analysis of the bias, develop an iterative dimension-reduction strategy, and employ a novel subroutine inspired by list-decodable learning that leverages the one-dimensional result.
Abstract:Transformers are slow to train on videos due to extremely large numbers of input tokens, even though many video tokens are repeated over time. Existing methods to remove such uninformative tokens either have significant overhead, negating any speedup, or require tuning for different datasets and examples. We present Run-Length Tokenization (RLT), a simple approach to speed up video transformers inspired by run-length encoding for data compression. RLT efficiently finds and removes runs of patches that are repeated over time prior to model inference, then replaces them with a single patch and a positional encoding to represent the resulting token's new length. Our method is content-aware, requiring no tuning for different datasets, and fast, incurring negligible overhead. RLT yields a large speedup in training, reducing the wall-clock time to fine-tune a video transformer by 30% while matching baseline model performance. RLT also works without any training, increasing model throughput by 35% with only 0.1% drop in accuracy. RLT speeds up training at 30 FPS by more than 100%, and on longer video datasets, can reduce the token count by up to 80%. Our project page is at https://rccchoudhury.github.io/projects/rlt/.
Abstract:Uniformity testing is arguably one of the most fundamental distribution testing problems. Given sample access to an unknown distribution $\mathbf{p}$ on $[n]$, one must decide if $\mathbf{p}$ is uniform or $\varepsilon$-far from uniform (in total variation distance). A long line of work established that uniformity testing has sample complexity $\Theta(\sqrt{n}\varepsilon^{-2})$. However, when the input distribution is neither uniform nor far from uniform, known algorithms may have highly non-replicable behavior. Consequently, if these algorithms are applied in scientific studies, they may lead to contradictory results that erode public trust in science. In this work, we revisit uniformity testing under the framework of algorithmic replicability [STOC '22], requiring the algorithm to be replicable under arbitrary distributions. While replicability typically incurs a $\rho^{-2}$ factor overhead in sample complexity, we obtain a replicable uniformity tester using only $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} \varepsilon^{-2} \rho^{-1})$ samples. To our knowledge, this is the first replicable learning algorithm with (nearly) linear dependence on $\rho$. Lastly, we consider a class of ``symmetric" algorithms [FOCS '00] whose outputs are invariant under relabeling of the domain $[n]$, which includes all existing uniformity testers (including ours). For this natural class of algorithms, we prove a nearly matching sample complexity lower bound for replicable uniformity testing.
Abstract:We study the task of testable learning of general -- not necessarily homogeneous -- halfspaces with adversarial label noise with respect to the Gaussian distribution. In the testable learning framework, the goal is to develop a tester-learner such that if the data passes the tester, then one can trust the output of the robust learner on the data.Our main result is the first polynomial time tester-learner for general halfspaces that achieves dimension-independent misclassification error. At the heart of our approach is a new methodology to reduce testable learning of general halfspaces to testable learning of nearly homogeneous halfspaces that may be of broader interest.
Abstract:The replicability crisis is a major issue across nearly all areas of empirical science, calling for the formal study of replicability in statistics. Motivated in this context, [Impagliazzo, Lei, Pitassi, and Sorrell STOC 2022] introduced the notion of replicable learning algorithms, and gave basic procedures for $1$-dimensional tasks including statistical queries. In this work, we study the computational and statistical cost of replicability for several fundamental high dimensional statistical tasks, including multi-hypothesis testing and mean estimation. Our main contribution establishes a computational and statistical equivalence between optimal replicable algorithms and high dimensional isoperimetric tilings. As a consequence, we obtain matching sample complexity upper and lower bounds for replicable mean estimation of distributions with bounded covariance, resolving an open problem of [Bun, Gaboardi, Hopkins, Impagliazzo, Lei, Pitassi, Sivakumar, and Sorrell, STOC2023] and for the $N$-Coin Problem, resolving a problem of [Karbasi, Velegkas, Yang, and Zhou, NeurIPS2023] up to log factors. While our equivalence is computational, allowing us to shave log factors in sample complexity from the best known efficient algorithms, efficient isoperimetric tilings are not known. To circumvent this, we introduce several relaxed paradigms that do allow for sample and computationally efficient algorithms, including allowing pre-processing, adaptivity, and approximate replicability. In these cases we give efficient algorithms matching or beating the best known sample complexity for mean estimation and the coin problem, including a generic procedure that reduces the standard quadratic overhead of replicability to linear in expectation.
Abstract:We study the sample complexity of the classical shadows task: what is the fewest number of copies of an unknown state you need to measure to predict expected values with respect to some class of observables? Large joint measurements are likely required in order to minimize sample complexity, but previous joint measurement protocols only work when the unknown state is pure. We present the first joint measurement protocol for classical shadows whose sample complexity scales with the rank of the unknown state. In particular we prove $\mathcal O(\sqrt{rB}/\epsilon^2)$ samples suffice, where $r$ is the rank of the state, $B$ is a bound on the squared Frobenius norm of the observables, and $\epsilon$ is the target accuracy. In the low-rank regime, this is a nearly quadratic advantage over traditional approaches that use single-copy measurements. We present several intermediate results that may be of independent interest: a solution to a new formulation of classical shadows that captures functions of non-identical input states; a generalization of a ``nice'' Schur basis used for optimal qubit purification and quantum majority vote; and a measurement strategy that allows us to use local symmetries in the Schur basis to avoid intractable Weingarten calculations in the analysis.
Abstract:We study the efficient learnability of low-degree polynomial threshold functions (PTFs) in the presence of a constant fraction of adversarial corruptions. Our main algorithmic result is a polynomial-time PAC learning algorithm for this concept class in the strong contamination model under the Gaussian distribution with error guarantee $O_{d, c}(\text{opt}^{1-c})$, for any desired constant $c>0$, where $\text{opt}$ is the fraction of corruptions. In the strong contamination model, an omniscient adversary can arbitrarily corrupt an $\text{opt}$-fraction of the data points and their labels. This model generalizes the malicious noise model and the adversarial label noise model. Prior to our work, known polynomial-time algorithms in this corruption model (or even in the weaker adversarial label noise model) achieved error $\tilde{O}_d(\text{opt}^{1/(d+1)})$, which deteriorates significantly as a function of the degree $d$. Our algorithm employs an iterative approach inspired by localization techniques previously used in the context of learning linear threshold functions. Specifically, we use a robust perceptron algorithm to compute a good partial classifier and then iterate on the unclassified points. In order to achieve this, we need to take a set defined by a number of polynomial inequalities and partition it into several well-behaved subsets. To this end, we develop new polynomial decomposition techniques that may be of independent interest.
Abstract:Referring Remote Sensing Image Segmentation (RRSIS) is a new challenge that combines computer vision and natural language processing, delineating specific regions in aerial images as described by textual queries. Traditional Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) approaches have been impeded by the complex spatial scales and orientations found in aerial imagery, leading to suboptimal segmentation results. To address these challenges, we introduce the Rotated Multi-Scale Interaction Network (RMSIN), an innovative approach designed for the unique demands of RRSIS. RMSIN incorporates an Intra-scale Interaction Module (IIM) to effectively address the fine-grained detail required at multiple scales and a Cross-scale Interaction Module (CIM) for integrating these details coherently across the network. Furthermore, RMSIN employs an Adaptive Rotated Convolution (ARC) to account for the diverse orientations of objects, a novel contribution that significantly enhances segmentation accuracy. To assess the efficacy of RMSIN, we have curated an expansive dataset comprising 17,402 image-caption-mask triplets, which is unparalleled in terms of scale and variety. This dataset not only presents the model with a wide range of spatial and rotational scenarios but also establishes a stringent benchmark for the RRSIS task, ensuring a rigorous evaluation of performance. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate the exceptional performance of RMSIN, surpassing existing state-of-the-art models by a significant margin. All datasets and code are made available at https://github.com/Lsan2401/RMSIN.
Abstract:We investigate the statistical task of closeness (or equivalence) testing for multidimensional distributions. Specifically, given sample access to two unknown distributions $\mathbf p, \mathbf q$ on $\mathbb R^d$, we want to distinguish between the case that $\mathbf p=\mathbf q$ versus $\|\mathbf p-\mathbf q\|_{A_k} > \epsilon$, where $\|\mathbf p-\mathbf q\|_{A_k}$ denotes the generalized ${A}_k$ distance between $\mathbf p$ and $\mathbf q$ -- measuring the maximum discrepancy between the distributions over any collection of $k$ disjoint, axis-aligned rectangles. Our main result is the first closeness tester for this problem with {\em sub-learning} sample complexity in any fixed dimension and a nearly-matching sample complexity lower bound. In more detail, we provide a computationally efficient closeness tester with sample complexity $O\left((k^{6/7}/ \mathrm{poly}_d(\epsilon)) \log^d(k)\right)$. On the lower bound side, we establish a qualitatively matching sample complexity lower bound of $\Omega(k^{6/7}/\mathrm{poly}(\epsilon))$, even for $d=2$. These sample complexity bounds are surprising because the sample complexity of the problem in the univariate setting is $\Theta(k^{4/5}/\mathrm{poly}(\epsilon))$. This has the interesting consequence that the jump from one to two dimensions leads to a substantial increase in sample complexity, while increases beyond that do not. As a corollary of our general $A_k$ tester, we obtain $d_{\mathrm TV}$-closeness testers for pairs of $k$-histograms on $\mathbb R^d$ over a common unknown partition, and pairs of uniform distributions supported on the union of $k$ unknown disjoint axis-aligned rectangles. Both our algorithm and our lower bound make essential use of tools from Ramsey theory.
Abstract:We study the problem of high-dimensional robust mean estimation in an online setting. Specifically, we consider a scenario where $n$ sensors are measuring some common, ongoing phenomenon. At each time step $t=1,2,\ldots,T$, the $i^{th}$ sensor reports its readings $x^{(i)}_t$ for that time step. The algorithm must then commit to its estimate $\mu_t$ for the true mean value of the process at time $t$. We assume that most of the sensors observe independent samples from some common distribution $X$, but an $\epsilon$-fraction of them may instead behave maliciously. The algorithm wishes to compute a good approximation $\mu$ to the true mean $\mu^\ast := \mathbf{E}[X]$. We note that if the algorithm is allowed to wait until time $T$ to report its estimate, this reduces to the well-studied problem of robust mean estimation. However, the requirement that our algorithm produces partial estimates as the data is coming in substantially complicates the situation. We prove two main results about online robust mean estimation in this model. First, if the uncorrupted samples satisfy the standard condition of $(\epsilon,\delta)$-stability, we give an efficient online algorithm that outputs estimates $\mu_t$, $t \in [T],$ such that with high probability it holds that $\|\mu-\mu^\ast\|_2 = O(\delta \log(T))$, where $\mu = (\mu_t)_{t \in [T]}$. We note that this error bound is nearly competitive with the best offline algorithms, which would achieve $\ell_2$-error of $O(\delta)$. Our second main result shows that with additional assumptions on the input (most notably that $X$ is a product distribution) there are inefficient algorithms whose error does not depend on $T$ at all.