Google Research
Abstract:We present a novel approach to large-scale point cloud surface reconstruction by developing an efficient framework that converts an irregular point cloud into a signed distance field (SDF). Our backbone builds upon recent transformer-based architectures (i.e., PointTransformerV3), that serializes the point cloud into a locality-preserving sequence of tokens. We efficiently predict the SDF value at a point by aggregating nearby tokens, where fast approximate neighbors can be retrieved thanks to the serialization. We serialize the point cloud at different levels/scales, and non-linearly aggregate a feature to predict the SDF value. We show that aggregating across multiple scales is critical to overcome the approximations introduced by the serialization (i.e. false negatives in the neighborhood). Our frameworks sets the new state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and efficiency (better or similar performance with half the latency of the best prior method, coupled with a simpler implementation), particularly on outdoor datasets where sparse-grid methods have shown limited performance.
Abstract:Research on differentiable scene representations is consistently moving towards more efficient, real-time models. Recently, this has led to the popularization of splatting methods, which eschew the traditional ray-based rendering of radiance fields in favor of rasterization. This has yielded a significant improvement in rendering speeds due to the efficiency of rasterization algorithms and hardware, but has come at a cost: the approximations that make rasterization efficient also make implementation of light transport phenomena like reflection and refraction much more difficult. We propose a novel scene representation which avoids these approximations, but keeps the efficiency and reconstruction quality of splatting by leveraging a decades-old efficient volumetric mesh ray tracing algorithm which has been largely overlooked in recent computer vision research. The resulting model, which we name Radiant Foam, achieves rendering speed and quality comparable to Gaussian Splatting, without the constraints of rasterization. Unlike ray traced Gaussian models that use hardware ray tracing acceleration, our method requires no special hardware or APIs beyond the standard features of a programmable GPU.
Abstract:Numerous works have recently integrated 3D camera control into foundational text-to-video models, but the resulting camera control is often imprecise, and video generation quality suffers. In this work, we analyze camera motion from a first principles perspective, uncovering insights that enable precise 3D camera manipulation without compromising synthesis quality. First, we determine that motion induced by camera movements in videos is low-frequency in nature. This motivates us to adjust train and test pose conditioning schedules, accelerating training convergence while improving visual and motion quality. Then, by probing the representations of an unconditional video diffusion transformer, we observe that they implicitly perform camera pose estimation under the hood, and only a sub-portion of their layers contain the camera information. This suggested us to limit the injection of camera conditioning to a subset of the architecture to prevent interference with other video features, leading to 4x reduction of training parameters, improved training speed and 10% higher visual quality. Finally, we complement the typical dataset for camera control learning with a curated dataset of 20K diverse dynamic videos with stationary cameras. This helps the model disambiguate the difference between camera and scene motion, and improves the dynamics of generated pose-conditioned videos. We compound these findings to design the Advanced 3D Camera Control (AC3D) architecture, the new state-of-the-art model for generative video modeling with camera control.
Abstract:There has been extensive progress in the reconstruction and generation of 4D scenes from monocular casually-captured video. While these tasks rely heavily on known camera poses, the problem of finding such poses using structure-from-motion (SfM) often depends on robustly separating static from dynamic parts of a video. The lack of a robust solution to this problem limits the performance of SfM camera-calibration pipelines. We propose a novel approach to video-based motion segmentation to identify the components of a scene that are moving w.r.t. a fixed world frame. Our simple but effective iterative method, RoMo, combines optical flow and epipolar cues with a pre-trained video segmentation model. It outperforms unsupervised baselines for motion segmentation as well as supervised baselines trained from synthetic data. More importantly, the combination of an off-the-shelf SfM pipeline with our segmentation masks establishes a new state-of-the-art on camera calibration for scenes with dynamic content, outperforming existing methods by a substantial margin.
Abstract:Segmenting an object in a video presents significant challenges. Each pixel must be accurately labelled, and these labels must remain consistent across frames. The difficulty increases when the segmentation is with arbitrary granularity, meaning the number of segments can vary arbitrarily, and masks are defined based on only one or a few sample images. In this paper, we address this issue by employing a pre-trained text to image diffusion model supplemented with an additional tracking mechanism. We demonstrate that our approach can effectively manage various segmentation scenarios and outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
Abstract:We present Lagrangian Hashing, a representation for neural fields combining the characteristics of fast training NeRF methods that rely on Eulerian grids (i.e.~InstantNGP), with those that employ points equipped with features as a way to represent information (e.g. 3D Gaussian Splatting or PointNeRF). We achieve this by incorporating a point-based representation into the high-resolution layers of the hierarchical hash tables of an InstantNGP representation. As our points are equipped with a field of influence, our representation can be interpreted as a mixture of Gaussians stored within the hash table. We propose a loss that encourages the movement of our Gaussians towards regions that require more representation budget to be sufficiently well represented. Our main finding is that our representation allows the reconstruction of signals using a more compact representation without compromising quality.
Abstract:Modern text-to-video synthesis models demonstrate coherent, photorealistic generation of complex videos from a text description. However, most existing models lack fine-grained control over camera movement, which is critical for downstream applications related to content creation, visual effects, and 3D vision. Recently, new methods demonstrate the ability to generate videos with controllable camera poses these techniques leverage pre-trained U-Net-based diffusion models that explicitly disentangle spatial and temporal generation. Still, no existing approach enables camera control for new, transformer-based video diffusion models that process spatial and temporal information jointly. Here, we propose to tame video transformers for 3D camera control using a ControlNet-like conditioning mechanism that incorporates spatiotemporal camera embeddings based on Plucker coordinates. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance for controllable video generation after fine-tuning on the RealEstate10K dataset. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to enable camera control for transformer-based video diffusion models.
Abstract:We present 4DiM, a cascaded diffusion model for 4D novel view synthesis (NVS), conditioned on one or more images of a general scene, and a set of camera poses and timestamps. To overcome challenges due to limited availability of 4D training data, we advocate joint training on 3D (with camera pose), 4D (pose+time) and video (time but no pose) data and propose a new architecture that enables the same. We further advocate the calibration of SfM posed data using monocular metric depth estimators for metric scale camera control. For model evaluation, we introduce new metrics to enrich and overcome shortcomings of current evaluation schemes, demonstrating state-of-the-art results in both fidelity and pose control compared to existing diffusion models for 3D NVS, while at the same time adding the ability to handle temporal dynamics. 4DiM is also used for improved panorama stitching, pose-conditioned video to video translation, and several other tasks. For an overview see
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is a promising technique for 3D reconstruction, offering efficient training and rendering speeds, making it suitable for real-time applications.However, current methods require highly controlled environments (no moving people or wind-blown elements, and consistent lighting) to meet the inter-view consistency assumption of 3DGS. This makes reconstruction of real-world captures problematic. We present SpotlessSplats, an approach that leverages pre-trained and general-purpose features coupled with robust optimization to effectively ignore transient distractors. Our method achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction quality both visually and quantitatively, on casual captures.
Abstract:Largely due to their implicit nature, neural fields lack a direct mechanism for filtering, as Fourier analysis from discrete signal processing is not directly applicable to these representations. Effective filtering of neural fields is critical to enable level-of-detail processing in downstream applications, and support operations that involve sampling the field on regular grids (e.g. marching cubes). Existing methods that attempt to decompose neural fields in the frequency domain either resort to heuristics or require extensive modifications to the neural field architecture. We show that via a simple modification, one can obtain neural fields that are low-pass filtered, and in turn show how this can be exploited to obtain a frequency decomposition of the entire signal. We demonstrate the validity of our technique by investigating level-of-detail reconstruction, and showing how coarser representations can be computed effectively.