Washington University in St. Louis
Abstract:Lung ultrasound is a growing modality in clinics for diagnosing and monitoring acute and chronic lung diseases due to its low cost and accessibility. Lung ultrasound works by emitting diagnostic pulses, receiving pressure waves and converting them into radio frequency (RF) data, which are then processed into B-mode images with beamformers for radiologists to interpret. However, unlike conventional ultrasound for soft tissue anatomical imaging, lung ultrasound interpretation is complicated by complex reverberations from the pleural interface caused by the inability of ultrasound to penetrate air. The indirect B-mode images make interpretation highly dependent on reader expertise, requiring years of training, which limits its widespread use despite its potential for high accuracy in skilled hands. To address these challenges and democratize ultrasound lung imaging as a reliable diagnostic tool, we propose LUNA, an AI model that directly reconstructs lung aeration maps from RF data, bypassing the need for traditional beamformers and indirect interpretation of B-mode images. LUNA uses a Fourier neural operator, which processes RF data efficiently in Fourier space, enabling accurate reconstruction of lung aeration maps. LUNA offers a quantitative, reader-independent alternative to traditional semi-quantitative lung ultrasound scoring methods. The development of LUNA involves synthetic and real data: We simulate synthetic data with an experimentally validated approach and scan ex vivo swine lungs as real data. Trained on abundant simulated data and fine-tuned with a small amount of real-world data, LUNA achieves robust performance, demonstrated by an aeration estimation error of 9% in ex-vivo lung scans. We demonstrate the potential of reconstructing lung aeration maps from RF data, providing a foundation for improving lung ultrasound reproducibility and diagnostic utility.
Abstract:We present NeuralOperator, an open-source Python library for operator learning. Neural operators generalize neural networks to maps between function spaces instead of finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. They can be trained and inferenced on input and output functions given at various discretizations, satisfying a discretization convergence properties. Built on top of PyTorch, NeuralOperator provides all the tools for training and deploying neural operator models, as well as developing new ones, in a high-quality, tested, open-source package. It combines cutting-edge models and customizability with a gentle learning curve and simple user interface for newcomers.
Abstract:Text-to-video models have recently undergone rapid and substantial advancements. Nevertheless, due to limitations in data and computational resources, achieving efficient generation of long videos with rich motion dynamics remains a significant challenge. To generate high-quality, dynamic, and temporally consistent long videos, this paper presents ARLON, a novel framework that boosts diffusion Transformers with autoregressive models for long video generation, by integrating the coarse spatial and long-range temporal information provided by the AR model to guide the DiT model. Specifically, ARLON incorporates several key innovations: 1) A latent Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) compresses the input latent space of the DiT model into compact visual tokens, bridging the AR and DiT models and balancing the learning complexity and information density; 2) An adaptive norm-based semantic injection module integrates the coarse discrete visual units from the AR model into the DiT model, ensuring effective guidance during video generation; 3) To enhance the tolerance capability of noise introduced from the AR inference, the DiT model is trained with coarser visual latent tokens incorporated with an uncertainty sampling module. Experimental results demonstrate that ARLON significantly outperforms the baseline OpenSora-V1.2 on eight out of eleven metrics selected from VBench, with notable improvements in dynamic degree and aesthetic quality, while delivering competitive results on the remaining three and simultaneously accelerating the generation process. In addition, ARLON achieves state-of-the-art performance in long video generation. Detailed analyses of the improvements in inference efficiency are presented, alongside a practical application that demonstrates the generation of long videos using progressive text prompts. See demos of ARLON at \url{http://aka.ms/arlon}.
Abstract:Accurately predicting the long-term behavior of chaotic systems is crucial for various applications such as climate modeling. However, achieving such predictions typically requires iterative computations over a dense spatiotemporal grid to account for the unstable nature of chaotic systems, which is expensive and impractical in many real-world situations. An alternative approach to such a full-resolved simulation is using a coarse grid and then correcting its errors through a \textit{closure model}, which approximates the overall information from fine scales not captured in the coarse-grid simulation. Recently, ML approaches have been used for closure modeling, but they typically require a large number of training samples from expensive fully-resolved simulations (FRS). In this work, we prove an even more fundamental limitation, i.e., the standard approach to learning closure models suffers from a large approximation error for generic problems, no matter how large the model is, and it stems from the non-uniqueness of the mapping. We propose an alternative end-to-end learning approach using a physics-informed neural operator (PINO) that overcomes this limitation by not using a closure model or a coarse-grid solver. We first train the PINO model on data from a coarse-grid solver and then fine-tune it with (a small amount of) FRS and physics-based losses on a fine grid. The discretization-free nature of neural operators means that they do not suffer from the restriction of a coarse grid that closure models face, and they can provably approximate the long-term statistics of chaotic systems. In our experiments, our PINO model achieves a 120x speedup compared to FRS with a relative error $\sim 5\%$. In contrast, the closure model coupled with a coarse-grid solver is $58$x slower than PINO while having a much higher error $\sim205\%$ when the closure model is trained on the same FRS dataset.
Abstract:Embedding invisible hyperlinks or hidden codes in images to replace QR codes has become a hot topic recently. This technology requires first localizing the embedded region in the captured photos before decoding. Existing methods that train models to find the invisible embedded region struggle to obtain accurate localization results, leading to degraded decoding accuracy. This limitation is primarily because the CNN network is sensitive to low-frequency signals, while the embedded signal is typically in the high-frequency form. Based on this, this paper proposes a Dual-Branch Dual-Head (DBDH) neural network tailored for the precise localization of invisible embedded regions. Specifically, DBDH uses a low-level texture branch containing 62 high-pass filters to capture the high-frequency signals induced by embedding. A high-level context branch is used to extract discriminative features between the embedded and normal regions. DBDH employs a detection head to directly detect the four vertices of the embedding region. In addition, we introduce an extra segmentation head to segment the mask of the embedding region during training. The segmentation head provides pixel-level supervision for model learning, facilitating better learning of the embedded signals. Based on two state-of-the-art invisible offline-to-online messaging methods, we construct two datasets and augmentation strategies for training and testing localization models. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed DBDH over existing methods.
Abstract:Existing neural operator architectures face challenges when solving multiphysics problems with coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), due to complex geometries, interactions between physical variables, and the lack of large amounts of high-resolution training data. To address these issues, we propose Codomain Attention Neural Operator (CoDA-NO), which tokenizes functions along the codomain or channel space, enabling self-supervised learning or pretraining of multiple PDE systems. Specifically, we extend positional encoding, self-attention, and normalization layers to the function space. CoDA-NO can learn representations of different PDE systems with a single model. We evaluate CoDA-NO's potential as a backbone for learning multiphysics PDEs over multiple systems by considering few-shot learning settings. On complex downstream tasks with limited data, such as fluid flow simulations and fluid-structure interactions, we found CoDA-NO to outperform existing methods on the few-shot learning task by over $36\%$. The code is available at https://github.com/ashiq24/CoDA-NO.
Abstract:Predicting plasma evolution within a Tokamak reactor is crucial to realizing the goal of sustainable fusion. Capabilities in forecasting the spatio-temporal evolution of plasma rapidly and accurately allow us to quickly iterate over design and control strategies on current Tokamak devices and future reactors. Modelling plasma evolution using numerical solvers is often expensive, consuming many hours on supercomputers, and hence, we need alternative inexpensive surrogate models. We demonstrate accurate predictions of plasma evolution both in simulation and experimental domains using deep learning-based surrogate modelling tools, viz., Fourier Neural Operators (FNO). We show that FNO has a speedup of six orders of magnitude over traditional solvers in predicting the plasma dynamics simulated from magnetohydrodynamic models, while maintaining a high accuracy (MSE $\approx$ $10^{-5}$). Our modified version of the FNO is capable of solving multi-variable Partial Differential Equations (PDE), and can capture the dependence among the different variables in a single model. FNOs can also predict plasma evolution on real-world experimental data observed by the cameras positioned within the MAST Tokamak, i.e., cameras looking across the central solenoid and the divertor in the Tokamak. We show that FNOs are able to accurately forecast the evolution of plasma and have the potential to be deployed for real-time monitoring. We also illustrate their capability in forecasting the plasma shape, the locations of interactions of the plasma with the central solenoid and the divertor for the full duration of the plasma shot within MAST. The FNO offers a viable alternative for surrogate modelling as it is quick to train and infer, and requires fewer data points, while being able to do zero-shot super-resolution and getting high-fidelity solutions.
Abstract:In recent years, U-Net and its variants have been widely used in pathology image segmentation tasks. One of the key designs of U-Net is the use of skip connections between the encoder and decoder, which helps to recover detailed information after upsampling. While most variations of U-Net adopt the original skip connection design, there is semantic gap between the encoder and decoder that can negatively impact model performance. Therefore, it is important to reduce this semantic gap before conducting skip connection. To address this issue, we propose a new segmentation network called FusionU-Net, which is based on U-Net structure and incorporates a fusion module to exchange information between different skip connections to reduce semantic gaps. Unlike the other fusion modules in existing networks, ours is based on a two-round fusion design that fully considers the local relevance between adjacent encoder layer outputs and the need for bi-directional information exchange across multiple layers. We conducted extensive experiments on multiple pathology image datasets to evaluate our model and found that FusionU-Net achieves better performance compared to other competing methods. We argue our fusion module is more effective than the designs of existing networks, and it could be easily embedded into other networks to further enhance the model performance.
Abstract:Scientific discovery and engineering design are currently limited by the time and cost of physical experiments, selected mostly through trial-and-error and intuition that require deep domain expertise. Numerical simulations present an alternative to physical experiments, but are usually infeasible for complex real-world domains due to the computational requirements of existing numerical methods. Artificial intelligence (AI) presents a potential paradigm shift through the development of fast data-driven surrogate models. In particular, an AI framework, known as neural operators, presents a principled framework for learning mappings between functions defined on continuous domains, e.g., spatiotemporal processes and partial differential equations (PDE). They can extrapolate and predict solutions at new locations unseen during training, i.e., perform zero-shot super-resolution. Neural operators can augment or even replace existing simulators in many applications, such as computational fluid dynamics, weather forecasting, and material modeling, while being 4-5 orders of magnitude faster. Further, neural operators can be integrated with physics and other domain constraints enforced at finer resolutions to obtain high-fidelity solutions and good generalization. Since neural operators are differentiable, they can directly optimize parameters for inverse design and other inverse problems. We believe that neural operators present a transformative approach to simulation and design, enabling rapid research and development.
Abstract:We propose the geometry-informed neural operator (GINO), a highly efficient approach to learning the solution operator of large-scale partial differential equations with varying geometries. GINO uses a signed distance function and point-cloud representations of the input shape and neural operators based on graph and Fourier architectures to learn the solution operator. The graph neural operator handles irregular grids and transforms them into and from regular latent grids on which Fourier neural operator can be efficiently applied. GINO is discretization-convergent, meaning the trained model can be applied to arbitrary discretization of the continuous domain and it converges to the continuum operator as the discretization is refined. To empirically validate the performance of our method on large-scale simulation, we generate the industry-standard aerodynamics dataset of 3D vehicle geometries with Reynolds numbers as high as five million. For this large-scale 3D fluid simulation, numerical methods are expensive to compute surface pressure. We successfully trained GINO to predict the pressure on car surfaces using only five hundred data points. The cost-accuracy experiments show a $26,000 \times$ speed-up compared to optimized GPU-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulators on computing the drag coefficient. When tested on new combinations of geometries and boundary conditions (inlet velocities), GINO obtains a one-fourth reduction in error rate compared to deep neural network approaches.