Abstract:Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is crucial for automotive design, requiring the analysis of large 3D point clouds to study how vehicle geometry affects pressure fields and drag forces. However, existing deep learning approaches for CFD struggle with the computational complexity of processing high-resolution 3D data. We propose Factorized Implicit Global Convolution (FIGConv), a novel architecture that efficiently solves CFD problems for very large 3D meshes with arbitrary input and output geometries. FIGConv achieves quadratic complexity $O(N^2)$, a significant improvement over existing 3D neural CFD models that require cubic complexity $O(N^3)$. Our approach combines Factorized Implicit Grids to approximate high-resolution domains, efficient global convolutions through 2D reparameterization, and a U-shaped architecture for effective information gathering and integration. We validate our approach on the industry-standard Ahmed body dataset and the large-scale DrivAerNet dataset. In DrivAerNet, our model achieves an $R^2$ value of 0.95 for drag prediction, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art by a significant margin. This represents a 40% improvement in relative mean squared error and a 70% improvement in absolute mean squared error over previous methods.
Abstract:We present Tensor-GaLore, a novel method for efficient training of neural networks with higher-order tensor weights. Many models, particularly those used in scientific computing, employ tensor-parameterized layers to capture complex, multidimensional relationships. When scaling these methods to high-resolution problems makes memory usage grow intractably, and matrix based optimization methods lead to suboptimal performance and compression. We propose to work directly in the high-order space of the complex tensor parameter space using a tensor factorization of the gradients during optimization. We showcase its effectiveness on Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs), a class of models crucial for solving partial differential equations (PDE) and prove the theory of it. Across various PDE tasks like the Navier Stokes and Darcy Flow equations, Tensor-GaLore achieves substantial memory savings, reducing optimizer memory usage by up to 75%. These substantial memory savings across AI for science demonstrate Tensor-GaLore's potential.
Abstract:We present NeuralOperator, an open-source Python library for operator learning. Neural operators generalize neural networks to maps between function spaces instead of finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. They can be trained and inferenced on input and output functions given at various discretizations, satisfying a discretization convergence properties. Built on top of PyTorch, NeuralOperator provides all the tools for training and deploying neural operator models, as well as developing new ones, in a high-quality, tested, open-source package. It combines cutting-edge models and customizability with a gentle learning curve and simple user interface for newcomers.
Abstract:Despite tremendous progress in developing deep-learning-based weather forecasting systems, their design space, including the impact of different design choices, is yet to be well understood. This paper aims to fill this knowledge gap by systematically analyzing these choices including architecture, problem formulation, pretraining scheme, use of image-based pretrained models, loss functions, noise injection, multi-step inputs, additional static masks, multi-step finetuning (including larger stride models), as well as training on a larger dataset. We study fixed-grid architectures such as UNet, fully convolutional architectures, and transformer-based models, along with grid-invariant architectures, including graph-based and operator-based models. Our results show that fixed-grid architectures outperform grid-invariant architectures, indicating a need for further architectural developments in grid-invariant models such as neural operators. We therefore propose a hybrid system that combines the strong performance of fixed-grid models with the flexibility of grid-invariant architectures. We further show that multi-step fine-tuning is essential for most deep-learning models to work well in practice, which has been a common practice in the past. Pretraining objectives degrade performance in comparison to supervised training, while image-based pretrained models provide useful inductive biases in some cases in comparison to training the model from scratch. Interestingly, we see a strong positive effect of using a larger dataset when training a smaller model as compared to training on a smaller dataset for longer. Larger models, on the other hand, primarily benefit from just an increase in the computational budget. We believe that these results will aid in the design of better weather forecasting systems in the future.
Abstract:Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs) excel on tasks using functional data, such as those originating from partial differential equations. Such characteristics render them an effective approach for simulating the time evolution of quantum wavefunctions, which is a computationally challenging, yet coveted task for understanding quantum systems. In this manuscript, we use FNOs to model the evolution of random quantum spin systems, so chosen due to their representative quantum dynamics and minimal symmetry. We explore two distinct FNO architectures and examine their performance for learning and predicting time evolution using both random and low-energy input states. Additionally, we apply FNOs to a compact set of Hamiltonian observables ($\sim\text{poly}(n)$) instead of the entire $2^n$ quantum wavefunction, which greatly reduces the size of our inputs and outputs and, consequently, the requisite dimensions of the resulting FNOs. Moreover, this Hamiltonian observable-based method demonstrates that FNOs can effectively distill information from high-dimensional spaces into lower-dimensional spaces. The extrapolation of Hamiltonian observables to times later than those used in training is of particular interest, as this stands to fundamentally increase the simulatability of quantum systems past both the coherence times of contemporary quantum architectures and the circuit-depths of tractable tensor networks.
Abstract:Existing neural operator architectures face challenges when solving multiphysics problems with coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), due to complex geometries, interactions between physical variables, and the lack of large amounts of high-resolution training data. To address these issues, we propose Codomain Attention Neural Operator (CoDA-NO), which tokenizes functions along the codomain or channel space, enabling self-supervised learning or pretraining of multiple PDE systems. Specifically, we extend positional encoding, self-attention, and normalization layers to the function space. CoDA-NO can learn representations of different PDE systems with a single model. We evaluate CoDA-NO's potential as a backbone for learning multiphysics PDEs over multiple systems by considering few-shot learning settings. On complex downstream tasks with limited data, such as fluid flow simulations and fluid-structure interactions, we found CoDA-NO to outperform existing methods on the few-shot learning task by over $36\%$. The code is available at
Abstract:Modeling the complex three-dimensional (3D) dynamics of relational systems is an important problem in the natural sciences, with applications ranging from molecular simulations to particle mechanics. Machine learning methods have achieved good success by learning graph neural networks to model spatial interactions. However, these approaches do not faithfully capture temporal correlations since they only model next-step predictions. In this work, we propose Equivariant Graph Neural Operator (EGNO), a novel and principled method that directly models dynamics as trajectories instead of just next-step prediction. Different from existing methods, EGNO explicitly learns the temporal evolution of 3D dynamics where we formulate the dynamics as a function over time and learn neural operators to approximate it. To capture the temporal correlations while keeping the intrinsic SE(3)-equivariance, we develop equivariant temporal convolutions parameterized in the Fourier space and build EGNO by stacking the Fourier layers over equivariant networks. EGNO is the first operator learning framework that is capable of modeling solution dynamics functions over time while retaining 3D equivariance. Comprehensive experiments in multiple domains, including particle simulations, human motion capture, and molecular dynamics, demonstrate the significantly superior performance of EGNO against existing methods, thanks to the equivariant temporal modeling.
Abstract:Memory complexity and data scarcity have so far prohibited learning solution operators of partial differential equations (PDEs) at high resolutions. We address these limitations by introducing a new data efficient and highly parallelizable operator learning approach with reduced memory requirement and better generalization, called multi-grid tensorized neural operator (MG-TFNO). MG-TFNO scales to large resolutions by leveraging local and global structures of full-scale, real-world phenomena, through a decomposition of both the input domain and the operator's parameter space. Our contributions are threefold: i) we enable parallelization over input samples with a novel multi-grid-based domain decomposition, ii) we represent the parameters of the model in a high-order latent subspace of the Fourier domain, through a global tensor factorization, resulting in an extreme reduction in the number of parameters and improved generalization, and iii) we propose architectural improvements to the backbone FNO. Our approach can be used in any operator learning setting. We demonstrate superior performance on the turbulent Navier-Stokes equations where we achieve less than half the error with over 150x compression. The tensorization combined with the domain decomposition, yields over 150x reduction in the number of parameters and 7x reduction in the domain size without losses in accuracy, while slightly enabling parallelism.
Abstract:Scientific discovery and engineering design are currently limited by the time and cost of physical experiments, selected mostly through trial-and-error and intuition that require deep domain expertise. Numerical simulations present an alternative to physical experiments, but are usually infeasible for complex real-world domains due to the computational requirements of existing numerical methods. Artificial intelligence (AI) presents a potential paradigm shift through the development of fast data-driven surrogate models. In particular, an AI framework, known as neural operators, presents a principled framework for learning mappings between functions defined on continuous domains, e.g., spatiotemporal processes and partial differential equations (PDE). They can extrapolate and predict solutions at new locations unseen during training, i.e., perform zero-shot super-resolution. Neural operators can augment or even replace existing simulators in many applications, such as computational fluid dynamics, weather forecasting, and material modeling, while being 4-5 orders of magnitude faster. Further, neural operators can be integrated with physics and other domain constraints enforced at finer resolutions to obtain high-fidelity solutions and good generalization. Since neural operators are differentiable, they can directly optimize parameters for inverse design and other inverse problems. We believe that neural operators present a transformative approach to simulation and design, enabling rapid research and development.
Abstract:We propose the geometry-informed neural operator (GINO), a highly efficient approach to learning the solution operator of large-scale partial differential equations with varying geometries. GINO uses a signed distance function and point-cloud representations of the input shape and neural operators based on graph and Fourier architectures to learn the solution operator. The graph neural operator handles irregular grids and transforms them into and from regular latent grids on which Fourier neural operator can be efficiently applied. GINO is discretization-convergent, meaning the trained model can be applied to arbitrary discretization of the continuous domain and it converges to the continuum operator as the discretization is refined. To empirically validate the performance of our method on large-scale simulation, we generate the industry-standard aerodynamics dataset of 3D vehicle geometries with Reynolds numbers as high as five million. For this large-scale 3D fluid simulation, numerical methods are expensive to compute surface pressure. We successfully trained GINO to predict the pressure on car surfaces using only five hundred data points. The cost-accuracy experiments show a $26,000 \times$ speed-up compared to optimized GPU-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulators on computing the drag coefficient. When tested on new combinations of geometries and boundary conditions (inlet velocities), GINO obtains a one-fourth reduction in error rate compared to deep neural network approaches.