Abstract:Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is crucial for automotive design, requiring the analysis of large 3D point clouds to study how vehicle geometry affects pressure fields and drag forces. However, existing deep learning approaches for CFD struggle with the computational complexity of processing high-resolution 3D data. We propose Factorized Implicit Global Convolution (FIGConv), a novel architecture that efficiently solves CFD problems for very large 3D meshes with arbitrary input and output geometries. FIGConv achieves quadratic complexity $O(N^2)$, a significant improvement over existing 3D neural CFD models that require cubic complexity $O(N^3)$. Our approach combines Factorized Implicit Grids to approximate high-resolution domains, efficient global convolutions through 2D reparameterization, and a U-shaped architecture for effective information gathering and integration. We validate our approach on the industry-standard Ahmed body dataset and the large-scale DrivAerNet dataset. In DrivAerNet, our model achieves an $R^2$ value of 0.95 for drag prediction, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art by a significant margin. This represents a 40% improvement in relative mean squared error and a 70% improvement in absolute mean squared error over previous methods.
Abstract:Expanding on neural operators, we propose a novel framework for stochastic process learning across arbitrary domains. In particular, we develop operator flow matching (\alg) for learning stochastic process priors on function spaces. \alg provides the probability density of the values of any collection of points and enables mathematically tractable functional regression at new points with mean and density estimation. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art models in stochastic process learning, functional regression, and prior learning.
Abstract:Lung ultrasound is a growing modality in clinics for diagnosing and monitoring acute and chronic lung diseases due to its low cost and accessibility. Lung ultrasound works by emitting diagnostic pulses, receiving pressure waves and converting them into radio frequency (RF) data, which are then processed into B-mode images with beamformers for radiologists to interpret. However, unlike conventional ultrasound for soft tissue anatomical imaging, lung ultrasound interpretation is complicated by complex reverberations from the pleural interface caused by the inability of ultrasound to penetrate air. The indirect B-mode images make interpretation highly dependent on reader expertise, requiring years of training, which limits its widespread use despite its potential for high accuracy in skilled hands. To address these challenges and democratize ultrasound lung imaging as a reliable diagnostic tool, we propose LUNA, an AI model that directly reconstructs lung aeration maps from RF data, bypassing the need for traditional beamformers and indirect interpretation of B-mode images. LUNA uses a Fourier neural operator, which processes RF data efficiently in Fourier space, enabling accurate reconstruction of lung aeration maps. LUNA offers a quantitative, reader-independent alternative to traditional semi-quantitative lung ultrasound scoring methods. The development of LUNA involves synthetic and real data: We simulate synthetic data with an experimentally validated approach and scan ex vivo swine lungs as real data. Trained on abundant simulated data and fine-tuned with a small amount of real-world data, LUNA achieves robust performance, demonstrated by an aeration estimation error of 9% in ex-vivo lung scans. We demonstrate the potential of reconstructing lung aeration maps from RF data, providing a foundation for improving lung ultrasound reproducibility and diagnostic utility.
Abstract:We present NeuralOperator, an open-source Python library for operator learning. Neural operators generalize neural networks to maps between function spaces instead of finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. They can be trained and inferenced on input and output functions given at various discretizations, satisfying a discretization convergence properties. Built on top of PyTorch, NeuralOperator provides all the tools for training and deploying neural operator models, as well as developing new ones, in a high-quality, tested, open-source package. It combines cutting-edge models and customizability with a gentle learning curve and simple user interface for newcomers.
Abstract:Despite tremendous progress in developing deep-learning-based weather forecasting systems, their design space, including the impact of different design choices, is yet to be well understood. This paper aims to fill this knowledge gap by systematically analyzing these choices including architecture, problem formulation, pretraining scheme, use of image-based pretrained models, loss functions, noise injection, multi-step inputs, additional static masks, multi-step finetuning (including larger stride models), as well as training on a larger dataset. We study fixed-grid architectures such as UNet, fully convolutional architectures, and transformer-based models, along with grid-invariant architectures, including graph-based and operator-based models. Our results show that fixed-grid architectures outperform grid-invariant architectures, indicating a need for further architectural developments in grid-invariant models such as neural operators. We therefore propose a hybrid system that combines the strong performance of fixed-grid models with the flexibility of grid-invariant architectures. We further show that multi-step fine-tuning is essential for most deep-learning models to work well in practice, which has been a common practice in the past. Pretraining objectives degrade performance in comparison to supervised training, while image-based pretrained models provide useful inductive biases in some cases in comparison to training the model from scratch. Interestingly, we see a strong positive effect of using a larger dataset when training a smaller model as compared to training on a smaller dataset for longer. Larger models, on the other hand, primarily benefit from just an increase in the computational budget. We believe that these results will aid in the design of better weather forecasting systems in the future.
Abstract:The task of sampling from a probability density can be approached as transporting a tractable density function to the target, known as dynamical measure transport. In this work, we tackle it through a principled unified framework using deterministic or stochastic evolutions described by partial differential equations (PDEs). This framework incorporates prior trajectory-based sampling methods, such as diffusion models or Schr\"odinger bridges, without relying on the concept of time-reversals. Moreover, it allows us to propose novel numerical methods for solving the transport task and thus sampling from complicated targets without the need for the normalization constant or data samples. We employ physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to approximate the respective PDE solutions, implying both conceptional and computational advantages. In particular, PINNs allow for simulation- and discretization-free optimization and can be trained very efficiently, leading to significantly better mode coverage in the sampling task compared to alternative methods. Moreover, they can readily be fine-tuned with Gauss-Newton methods to achieve high accuracy in sampling.
Abstract:Regression on function spaces is typically limited to models with Gaussian process priors. We introduce the notion of universal functional regression, in which we aim to learn a prior distribution over non-Gaussian function spaces that remains mathematically tractable for functional regression. To do this, we develop Neural Operator Flows (OpFlow), an infinite-dimensional extension of normalizing flows. OpFlow is an invertible operator that maps the (potentially unknown) data function space into a Gaussian process, allowing for exact likelihood estimation of functional point evaluations. OpFlow enables robust and accurate uncertainty quantification via drawing posterior samples of the Gaussian process and subsequently mapping them into the data function space. We empirically study the performance of OpFlow on regression and generation tasks with data generated from Gaussian processes with known posterior forms and non-Gaussian processes, as well as real-world earthquake seismograms with an unknown closed-form distribution.
Abstract:Existing neural operator architectures face challenges when solving multiphysics problems with coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), due to complex geometries, interactions between physical variables, and the lack of large amounts of high-resolution training data. To address these issues, we propose Codomain Attention Neural Operator (CoDA-NO), which tokenizes functions along the codomain or channel space, enabling self-supervised learning or pretraining of multiple PDE systems. Specifically, we extend positional encoding, self-attention, and normalization layers to the function space. CoDA-NO can learn representations of different PDE systems with a single model. We evaluate CoDA-NO's potential as a backbone for learning multiphysics PDEs over multiple systems by considering few-shot learning settings. On complex downstream tasks with limited data, such as fluid flow simulations and fluid-structure interactions, we found CoDA-NO to outperform existing methods on the few-shot learning task by over $36\%$. The code is available at https://github.com/ashiq24/CoDA-NO.
Abstract:Neural operators learn mappings between function spaces, which is practical for learning solution operators of PDEs and other scientific modeling applications. Among them, the Fourier neural operator (FNO) is a popular architecture that performs global convolutions in the Fourier space. However, such global operations are often prone to over-smoothing and may fail to capture local details. In contrast, convolutional neural networks (CNN) can capture local features but are limited to training and inference at a single resolution. In this work, we present a principled approach to operator learning that can capture local features under two frameworks by learning differential operators and integral operators with locally supported kernels. Specifically, inspired by stencil methods, we prove that we obtain differential operators under an appropriate scaling of the kernel values of CNNs. To obtain local integral operators, we utilize suitable basis representations for the kernels based on discrete-continuous convolutions. Both these approaches preserve the properties of operator learning and, hence, the ability to predict at any resolution. Adding our layers to FNOs significantly improves their performance, reducing the relative L2-error by 34-72% in our experiments on turbulent 2D Navier-Stokes fluid flow and the spherical shallow water equations.
Abstract:Operator learning has been increasingly adopted in scientific and engineering applications, many of which require calibrated uncertainty quantification. Since the output of operator learning is a continuous function, quantifying uncertainty simultaneously at all points in the domain is challenging. Current methods consider calibration at a single point or over one scalar function or make strong assumptions such as Gaussianity. We propose a risk-controlling quantile neural operator, a distribution-free, finite-sample functional calibration conformal prediction method. We provide a theoretical calibration guarantee on the coverage rate, defined as the expected percentage of points on the function domain whose true value lies within the predicted uncertainty ball. Empirical results on a 2D Darcy flow and a 3D car surface pressure prediction task validate our theoretical results, demonstrating calibrated coverage and efficient uncertainty bands outperforming baseline methods. In particular, on the 3D problem, our method is the only one that meets the target calibration percentage (percentage of test samples for which the uncertainty estimates are calibrated) of 98%.