Abstract:In the pursuit of robust autonomous driving systems, models trained on real-world datasets often struggle to adapt to new environments, particularly when confronted with corner cases such as extreme weather conditions. Collecting these corner cases in the real world is non-trivial, which necessitates the use of simulators for validation. However,the high computational cost and the domain gap in data distribution have hindered the seamless transition between real and simulated driving scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we propose Retrieval-Augmented Learning for Autonomous Driving (RALAD), a novel framework designed to bridge the real-to-sim gap at a low cost. RALAD features three primary designs, including (1) domain adaptation via an enhanced Optimal Transport (OT) method that accounts for both individual and grouped image distances, (2) a simple and unified framework that can be applied to various models, and (3) efficient fine-tuning techniques that freeze the computationally expensive layers while maintaining robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that RALAD compensates for the performance degradation in simulated environments while maintaining accuracy in real-world scenarios across three different models. Taking Cross View as an example, the mIOU and mAP metrics in real-world scenarios remain stable before and after RALAD fine-tuning, while in simulated environments,the mIOU and mAP metrics are improved by 10.30% and 12.29%, respectively. Moreover, the re-training cost of our approach is reduced by approximately 88.1%. Our code is available at https://github.com/JiachengZuo/RALAD.git.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have been found to memorize and recite some of the textual sequences from their training set verbatim, raising broad concerns about privacy and copyright issues when using LLMs. This Textual Sequence Memorization (TSM) phenomenon leads to a high demand to regulate LLM output to prevent it from generating certain memorized text to meet user requirements. However, our empirical study reveals that existing methods for TSM erasure fail to forget massive memorized samples without substantially jeopardizing the model utility. To achieve a better trade-off between the effectiveness of TSM erasure and model utility in LLMs, our paper proposes a new framework based on Entropy Maximization with Selective Optimization (EMSO), where the updated weights are chosen with a novel contrastive gradient metric without any participation of additional model or data. Our analysis shows that training with the entropy maximization loss has a more stable optimization process and better keeps model utility than existing methods. The contrastive gradient metric localizes the most influential weight for TSM erasure by taking both the gradient magnitude and direction into consideration. Extensive experiments across three model scales demonstrate that our method excels in handling large-scale forgetting requests while preserving model ability in language generation and reasoning.
Abstract:In safety-critical applications such as medical imaging and autonomous driving, where decisions have profound implications for patient health and road safety, it is imperative to maintain both high adversarial robustness to protect against potential adversarial attacks and reliable uncertainty quantification in decision-making. With extensive research focused on enhancing adversarial robustness through various forms of adversarial training (AT), a notable knowledge gap remains concerning the uncertainty inherent in adversarially trained models. To address this gap, this study investigates the uncertainty of deep learning models by examining the performance of conformal prediction (CP) in the context of standard adversarial attacks within the adversarial defense community. It is first unveiled that existing CP methods do not produce informative prediction sets under the commonly used $l_{\infty}$-norm bounded attack if the model is not adversarially trained, which underpins the importance of adversarial training for CP. Our paper next demonstrates that the prediction set size (PSS) of CP using adversarially trained models with AT variants is often worse than using standard AT, inspiring us to research into CP-efficient AT for improved PSS. We propose to optimize a Beta-weighting loss with an entropy minimization regularizer during AT to improve CP-efficiency, where the Beta-weighting loss is shown to be an upper bound of PSS at the population level by our theoretical analysis. Moreover, our empirical study on four image classification datasets across three popular AT baselines validates the effectiveness of the proposed Uncertainty-Reducing AT (AT-UR).
Abstract:Multimodal machine learning with missing modalities is an increasingly relevant challenge arising in various applications such as healthcare. This paper extends the current research into missing modalities to the low-data regime, i.e., a downstream task has both missing modalities and limited sample size issues. This problem setting is particularly challenging and also practical as it is often expensive to get full-modality data and sufficient annotated training samples. We propose to use retrieval-augmented in-context learning to address these two crucial issues by unleashing the potential of a transformer's in-context learning ability. Diverging from existing methods, which primarily belong to the parametric paradigm and often require sufficient training samples, our work exploits the value of the available full-modality data, offering a novel perspective on resolving the challenge. The proposed data-dependent framework exhibits a higher degree of sample efficiency and is empirically demonstrated to enhance the classification model's performance on both full- and missing-modality data in the low-data regime across various multimodal learning tasks. When only 1% of the training data are available, our proposed method demonstrates an average improvement of 6.1% over a recent strong baseline across various datasets and missing states. Notably, our method also reduces the performance gap between full-modality and missing-modality data compared with the baseline.
Abstract:It is widely known that state-of-the-art machine learning models, including vision and language models, can be seriously compromised by adversarial perturbations. It is therefore increasingly relevant to develop capabilities to certify their performance in the presence of the most effective adversarial attacks. Our paper offers a new approach to certify the performance of machine learning models in the presence of adversarial attacks with population level risk guarantees. In particular, we introduce the notion of $(\alpha,\zeta)$ machine learning model safety. We propose a hypothesis testing procedure, based on the availability of a calibration set, to derive statistical guarantees providing that the probability of declaring that the adversarial (population) risk of a machine learning model is less than $\alpha$ (i.e. the model is safe), while the model is in fact unsafe (i.e. the model adversarial population risk is higher than $\alpha$), is less than $\zeta$. We also propose Bayesian optimization algorithms to determine efficiently whether a machine learning model is $(\alpha,\zeta)$-safe in the presence of an adversarial attack, along with statistical guarantees. We apply our framework to a range of machine learning models including various sizes of vision Transformer (ViT) and ResNet models impaired by a variety of adversarial attacks, such as AutoAttack, SquareAttack and natural evolution strategy attack, to illustrate the operation of our approach. Importantly, we show that ViT's are generally more robust to adversarial attacks than ResNets, and ViT-large is more robust than smaller models. Our approach goes beyond existing empirical adversarial risk-based certification guarantees. It formulates rigorous (and provable) performance guarantees that can be used to satisfy regulatory requirements mandating the use of state-of-the-art technical tools.
Abstract:In this paper, we study masked autoencoder (MAE) pretraining on videos for matching-based downstream tasks, including visual object tracking (VOT) and video object segmentation (VOS). A simple extension of MAE is to randomly mask out frame patches in videos and reconstruct the frame pixels. However, we find that this simple baseline heavily relies on spatial cues while ignoring temporal relations for frame reconstruction, thus leading to sub-optimal temporal matching representations for VOT and VOS. To alleviate this problem, we propose DropMAE, which adaptively performs spatial-attention dropout in the frame reconstruction to facilitate temporal correspondence learning in videos. We show that our DropMAE is a strong and efficient temporal matching learner, which achieves better finetuning results on matching-based tasks than the ImageNetbased MAE with 2X faster pre-training speed. Moreover, we also find that motion diversity in pre-training videos is more important than scene diversity for improving the performance on VOT and VOS. Our pre-trained DropMAE model can be directly loaded in existing ViT-based trackers for fine-tuning without further modifications. Notably, DropMAE sets new state-of-the-art performance on 8 out of 9 highly competitive video tracking and segmentation datasets. Our code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/jimmy-dq/DropMAE.git.
Abstract:Recent years have seen the ever-increasing importance of pre-trained models and their downstream training in deep learning research and applications. At the same time, the defense for adversarial examples has been mainly investigated in the context of training from random initialization on simple classification tasks. To better exploit the potential of pre-trained models in adversarial robustness, this paper focuses on the fine-tuning of an adversarially pre-trained model in various classification tasks. Existing research has shown that since the robust pre-trained model has already learned a robust feature extractor, the crucial question is how to maintain the robustness in the pre-trained model when learning the downstream task. We study the model-based and data-based approaches for this goal and find that the two common approaches cannot achieve the objective of improving both generalization and adversarial robustness. Thus, we propose a novel statistics-based approach, Two-WIng NormliSation (TWINS) fine-tuning framework, which consists of two neural networks where one of them keeps the population means and variances of pre-training data in the batch normalization layers. Besides the robust information transfer, TWINS increases the effective learning rate without hurting the training stability since the relationship between a weight norm and its gradient norm in standard batch normalization layer is broken, resulting in a faster escape from the sub-optimal initialization and alleviating the robust overfitting. Finally, TWINS is shown to be effective on a wide range of image classification datasets in terms of both generalization and robustness. Our code is available at https://github.com/ziquanliu/CVPR2023-TWINS.
Abstract:The adversarial vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) has been actively investigated in the past several years. This paper investigates the scale-variant property of cross-entropy loss, which is the most commonly used loss function in classification tasks, and its impact on the effective margin and adversarial robustness of deep neural networks. Since the loss function is not invariant to logit scaling, increasing the effective weight norm will make the loss approach zero and its gradient vanish while the effective margin is not adequately maximized. On typical DNNs, we demonstrate that, if not properly regularized, the standard training does not learn large effective margins and leads to adversarial vulnerability. To maximize the effective margins and learn a robust DNN, we propose to regularize the effective weight norm during training. Our empirical study on feedforward DNNs demonstrates that the proposed effective margin regularization (EMR) learns large effective margins and boosts the adversarial robustness in both standard and adversarial training. On large-scale models, we show that EMR outperforms basic adversarial training, TRADES and two regularization baselines with substantial improvement. Moreover, when combined with several strong adversarial defense methods (MART and MAIL), our EMR further boosts the robustness.
Abstract:The performance of machine learning models under distribution shift has been the focus of the community in recent years. Most of current methods have been proposed to improve the robustness to distribution shift from the algorithmic perspective, i.e., designing better training algorithms to help the generalization in shifted test distributions. This paper studies the distribution shift problem from the perspective of pre-training and data augmentation, two important factors in the practice of deep learning that have not been systematically investigated by existing work. By evaluating seven pre-trained models, including ResNets and ViT's with self-supervision and supervision mode, on five important distribution-shift datasets, from WILDS and DomainBed benchmarks, with five different learning algorithms, we provide the first comprehensive empirical study focusing on pre-training and data augmentation. With our empirical result obtained from 1,330 models, we provide the following main observations: 1) ERM combined with data augmentation can achieve state-of-the-art performance if we choose a proper pre-trained model respecting the data property; 2) specialized algorithms further improve the robustness on top of ERM when handling a specific type of distribution shift, e.g., GroupDRO for spurious correlation and CORAL for large-scale out-of-distribution data; 3) Comparing different pre-training modes, architectures and data sizes, we provide novel observations about pre-training on distribution shift, which sheds light on designing or selecting pre-training strategy for different kinds of distribution shifts. In summary, our empirical study provides a comprehensive baseline for a wide range of pre-training models fine-tuned with data augmentation, which potentially inspires research exploiting the power of pre-training and data augmentation in the future of distribution shift study.
Abstract:As a dominant paradigm, fine-tuning a pre-trained model on the target data is widely used in many deep learning applications, especially for small data sets. However, recent studies have empirically shown that training from scratch has the final performance that is no worse than this pre-training strategy once the number of training iterations is increased in some vision tasks. In this work, we revisit this phenomenon from the perspective of generalization analysis which is popular in learning theory. Our result reveals that the final prediction precision may have a weak dependency on the pre-trained model especially in the case of large training iterations. The observation inspires us to leverage pre-training data for fine-tuning, since this data is also available for fine-tuning. The generalization result of using pre-training data shows that the final performance on a target task can be improved when the appropriate pre-training data is included in fine-tuning. With the insight of the theoretical finding, we propose a novel selection strategy to select a subset from pre-training data to help improve the generalization on the target task. Extensive experimental results for image classification tasks on 8 benchmark data sets verify the effectiveness of the proposed data selection based fine-tuning pipeline.