Abstract:In the pursuit of robust autonomous driving systems, models trained on real-world datasets often struggle to adapt to new environments, particularly when confronted with corner cases such as extreme weather conditions. Collecting these corner cases in the real world is non-trivial, which necessitates the use of simulators for validation. However,the high computational cost and the domain gap in data distribution have hindered the seamless transition between real and simulated driving scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we propose Retrieval-Augmented Learning for Autonomous Driving (RALAD), a novel framework designed to bridge the real-to-sim gap at a low cost. RALAD features three primary designs, including (1) domain adaptation via an enhanced Optimal Transport (OT) method that accounts for both individual and grouped image distances, (2) a simple and unified framework that can be applied to various models, and (3) efficient fine-tuning techniques that freeze the computationally expensive layers while maintaining robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that RALAD compensates for the performance degradation in simulated environments while maintaining accuracy in real-world scenarios across three different models. Taking Cross View as an example, the mIOU and mAP metrics in real-world scenarios remain stable before and after RALAD fine-tuning, while in simulated environments,the mIOU and mAP metrics are improved by 10.30% and 12.29%, respectively. Moreover, the re-training cost of our approach is reduced by approximately 88.1%. Our code is available at https://github.com/JiachengZuo/RALAD.git.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved remarkable performance through their message-passing mechanism. However, recent studies have highlighted the vulnerability of GNNs to backdoor attacks, which can lead the model to misclassify graphs with attached triggers as the target class. The effectiveness of recent promising defense techniques, such as fine-tuning or distillation, is heavily contingent on having comprehensive knowledge of the sufficient training dataset. Empirical studies have shown that fine-tuning methods require a clean dataset of 20% to reduce attack accuracy to below 25%, while distillation methods require a clean dataset of 15%. However, obtaining such a large amount of clean data is commonly impractical. In this paper, we propose a practical backdoor mitigation framework, denoted as GRAPHNAD, which can capture high-quality intermediate-layer representations in GNNs to enhance the distillation process with limited clean data. To achieve this, we address the following key questions: How to identify the appropriate attention representations in graphs for distillation? How to enhance distillation with limited data? By adopting the graph attention transfer method, GRAPHNAD can effectively align the intermediate-layer attention representations of the backdoored model with that of the teacher model, forcing the backdoor neurons to transform into benign ones. Besides, we extract the relation maps from intermediate-layer transformation and enforce the relation maps of the backdoored model to be consistent with that of the teacher model, thereby ensuring model accuracy while further reducing the influence of backdoors. Extensive experimental results show that by fine-tuning a teacher model with only 3% of the clean data, GRAPHNAD can reduce the attack success rate to below 5%.
Abstract:Graph embedding generation techniques aim to learn low-dimensional vectors for each node in a graph and have recently gained increasing research attention. Publishing low-dimensional node vectors enables various graph analysis tasks, such as structural equivalence and link prediction. Yet, improper publication opens a backdoor to malicious attackers, who can infer sensitive information of individuals from the low-dimensional node vectors. Existing methods tackle this issue by developing deep graph learning models with differential privacy (DP). However, they often suffer from large noise injections and cannot provide structural preferences consistent with mining objectives. Recently, skip-gram based graph embedding generation techniques are widely used due to their ability to extract customizable structures. Based on skip-gram, we present SE-PrivGEmb, a structure-preference enabled graph embedding generation under DP. For arbitrary structure preferences, we design a unified noise tolerance mechanism via perturbing non-zero vectors. This mechanism mitigates utility degradation caused by high sensitivity. By carefully designing negative sampling probabilities in skip-gram, we theoretically demonstrate that skip-gram can preserve arbitrary proximities, which quantify structural features in graphs. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods under structural equivalence and link prediction tasks.
Abstract:The rapid expansion of multimedia contents has led to the emergence of multimodal recommendation systems. It has attracted increasing attention in recommendation systems because its full utilization of data from different modalities alleviates the persistent data sparsity problem. As such, multimodal recommendation models can learn personalized information about nodes in terms of visual and textual. To further alleviate the data sparsity problem, some previous works have introduced graph convolutional networks (GCNs) for multimodal recommendation systems, to enhance the semantic representation of users and items by capturing the potential relationships between them. However, adopting GCNs inevitably introduces the over-smoothing problem, which make nodes to be too similar. Unfortunately, incorporating multimodal information will exacerbate this challenge because nodes that are too similar will lose the personalized information learned through multimodal information. To address this problem, we propose a novel model that retains the personalized information of ego nodes during feature aggregation by Reducing Node-neighbor Discrepancy (RedN^nD). Extensive experiments on three public datasets show that RedN^nD achieves state-of-the-art performance on accuracy and robustness, with significant improvements over existing GCN-based multimodal frameworks.
Abstract:Anticipating the multimodality of future events lays the foundation for safe autonomous driving. However, multimodal motion prediction for traffic agents has been clouded by the lack of multimodal ground truth. Existing works predominantly adopt the winner-take-all training strategy to tackle this challenge, yet still suffer from limited trajectory diversity and misaligned mode confidence. While some approaches address these limitations by generating excessive trajectory candidates, they necessitate a post-processing stage to identify the most representative modes, a process lacking universal principles and compromising trajectory accuracy. We are thus motivated to introduce ModeSeq, a new multimodal prediction paradigm that models modes as sequences. Unlike the common practice of decoding multiple plausible trajectories in one shot, ModeSeq requires motion decoders to infer the next mode step by step, thereby more explicitly capturing the correlation between modes and significantly enhancing the ability to reason about multimodality. Leveraging the inductive bias of sequential mode prediction, we also propose the Early-Match-Take-All (EMTA) training strategy to diversify the trajectories further. Without relying on dense mode prediction or rule-based trajectory selection, ModeSeq considerably improves the diversity of multimodal output while attaining satisfactory trajectory accuracy, resulting in balanced performance on motion prediction benchmarks. Moreover, ModeSeq naturally emerges with the capability of mode extrapolation, which supports forecasting more behavior modes when the future is highly uncertain.
Abstract:Adversarial Training (AT) is one of the most effective methods to enhance the robustness of DNNs. However, existing AT methods suffer from an inherent trade-off between adversarial robustness and clean accuracy, which seriously hinders their real-world deployment. While this problem has been widely studied within the current AT paradigm, existing AT methods still typically experience a reduction in clean accuracy by over 10% to date, without significant improvements in robustness compared with simple baselines like PGD-AT. This inherent trade-off raises a question: whether the current AT paradigm, which assumes to learn the corresponding benign and adversarial samples as the same class, inappropriately combines clean and robust objectives that may be essentially inconsistent. In this work, we surprisingly reveal that up to 40% of CIFAR-10 adversarial samples always fail to satisfy such an assumption across various AT methods and robust models, explicitly indicating the improvement room for the current AT paradigm. Accordingly, to relax the tension between clean and robust learning derived from this overstrict assumption, we propose a new AT paradigm by introducing an additional dummy class for each original class, aiming to accommodate the hard adversarial samples with shifted distribution after perturbation. The robustness w.r.t. these adversarial samples can be achieved by runtime recovery from the predicted dummy classes to their corresponding original ones, eliminating the compromise with clean learning. Building on this new paradigm, we propose a novel plug-and-play AT technology named DUmmy Classes-based Adversarial Training (DUCAT). Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny-ImageNet demonstrate that the DUCAT concurrently improves clean accuracy and adversarial robustness compared with state-of-the-art benchmarks, effectively breaking the existing inherent trade-off.
Abstract:Model extraction attacks (MEAs) on large language models (LLMs) have received increasing research attention lately. Existing attack methods on LLMs inherit the extraction strategies from those designed for deep neural networks (DNNs) yet neglect the inconsistency of training tasks between MEA and LLMs' alignments. As such, they result in poor attack performances. To tackle this issue, we present Locality Reinforced Distillation (LoRD), a novel model extraction attack algorithm specifically for LLMs. In particular, we design a policy-gradient-style training task, which utilizes victim models' responses as a signal to guide the crafting of preference for the local model. Theoretical analysis has shown that i) LoRD's convergence procedure in MEAs is consistent with the alignments of LLMs, and ii) LoRD can reduce query complexity while mitigating watermark protection through exploration-based stealing. Extensive experiments on domain-specific extractions demonstrate the superiority of our method by examining the extraction of various state-of-the-art commercial LLMs.
Abstract:The drastic increase of large language models' (LLMs) parameters has led to a new research direction of fine-tuning-free downstream customization by prompts, i.e., task descriptions. While these prompt-based services (e.g. OpenAI's GPTs) play an important role in many businesses, there has emerged growing concerns about the prompt leakage, which undermines the intellectual properties of these services and causes downstream attacks. In this paper, we analyze the underlying mechanism of prompt leakage, which we refer to as prompt memorization, and develop corresponding defending strategies. By exploring the scaling laws in prompt extraction, we analyze key attributes that influence prompt extraction, including model sizes, prompt lengths, as well as the types of prompts. Then we propose two hypotheses that explain how LLMs expose their prompts. The first is attributed to the perplexity, i.e. the familiarity of LLMs to texts, whereas the second is based on the straightforward token translation path in attention matrices. To defend against such threats, we investigate whether alignments can undermine the extraction of prompts. We find that current LLMs, even those with safety alignments like GPT-4, are highly vulnerable to prompt extraction attacks, even under the most straightforward user attacks. Therefore, we put forward several defense strategies with the inspiration of our findings, which achieve 83.8\% and 71.0\% drop in the prompt extraction rate for Llama2-7B and GPT-3.5, respectively. Source code is avaliable at \url{https://github.com/liangzid/PromptExtractionEval}.
Abstract:We have previously shown all understanding or learning are compression, under reasonable assumptions. In principle, better understanding of data should improve data compression. Traditional compression methodologies focus on encoding frequencies or some other computable properties of data. Large language models approximate the uncomputable Solomonoff distribution, opening up a whole new avenue to justify our theory. Under the new uncomputable paradigm, we present LMCompress based on the understanding of data using large models. LMCompress has significantly better lossless compression ratios than all other lossless data compression methods, doubling the compression ratios of JPEG-XL for images, FLAC for audios and H264 for videos, and tripling or quadrupling the compression ratio of bz2 for texts. The better a large model understands the data, the better LMCompress compresses.
Abstract:We conceptualize the process of understanding as information compression, and propose a method for ranking large language models (LLMs) based on lossless data compression. We demonstrate the equivalence of compression length under arithmetic coding with cumulative negative log probabilities when using a large language model as a prior, that is, the pre-training phase of the model is essentially the process of learning the optimal coding length. At the same time, the evaluation metric compression ratio can be obtained without actual compression, which greatly saves overhead. In this paper, we use five large language models as priors for compression, then compare their performance on challenging natural language processing tasks, including sentence completion, question answering, and coreference resolution. Experimental results show that compression ratio and model performance are positively correlated, so it can be used as a general metric to evaluate large language models.