Abstract:Adaptive Traffic Signal Control (ATSC) has become a popular research topic in intelligent transportation systems. Regional Traffic Signal Control (RTSC) using the Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (MADRL) technique has become a promising approach for ATSC due to its ability to achieve the optimum trade-off between scalability and optimality. Most existing RTSC approaches partition a traffic network into several disjoint regions, followed by applying centralized reinforcement learning techniques to each region. However, the pursuit of cooperation among RTSC agents still remains an open issue and no communication strategy for RTSC agents has been investigated. In this paper, we propose communication strategies to capture the correlation of micro-traffic states among lanes and the correlation of macro-traffic states among intersections. We first justify the evolution equation of the RTSC process is Markovian via a system of store-and-forward queues. Next, based on the evolution equation, we propose two GAT-Aggregated (GA2) communication modules--GA2-Naive and GA2-Aug to extract both intra-region and inter-region correlations between macro and micro traffic states. While GA2-Naive only considers the movements at each intersection, GA2-Aug also considers the lane-changing behavior of vehicles. Two proposed communication modules are then aggregated into two existing novel RTSC frameworks--RegionLight and Regional-DRL. Experimental results demonstrate that both GA2-Naive and GA2-Aug effectively improve the performance of existing RTSC frameworks under both real and synthetic scenarios. Hyperparameter testing also reveals the robustness and potential of our communication modules in large-scale traffic networks.
Abstract:Collaborative perception, fusing information from multiple agents, can extend perception range so as to improve perception performance. However, temporal asynchrony in real-world environments, caused by communication delays, clock misalignment, or sampling configuration differences, can lead to information mismatches. If this is not well handled, then the collaborative performance is patchy, and what's worse safety accidents may occur. To tackle this challenge, we propose CoDynTrust, an uncertainty-encoded asynchronous fusion perception framework that is robust to the information mismatches caused by temporal asynchrony. CoDynTrust generates dynamic feature trust modulus (DFTM) for each region of interest by modeling aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty as well as selectively suppressing or retaining single-vehicle features, thereby mitigating information mismatches. We then design a multi-scale fusion module to handle multi-scale feature maps processed by DFTM. Compared to existing works that also consider asynchronous collaborative perception, CoDynTrust combats various low-quality information in temporally asynchronous scenarios and allows uncertainty to be propagated to downstream tasks such as planning and control. Experimental results demonstrate that CoDynTrust significantly reduces performance degradation caused by temporal asynchrony across multiple datasets, achieving state-of-the-art detection performance even with temporal asynchrony. The code is available at https://github.com/CrazyShout/CoDynTrust.
Abstract:In the pursuit of robust autonomous driving systems, models trained on real-world datasets often struggle to adapt to new environments, particularly when confronted with corner cases such as extreme weather conditions. Collecting these corner cases in the real world is non-trivial, which necessitates the use of simulators for validation. However,the high computational cost and the domain gap in data distribution have hindered the seamless transition between real and simulated driving scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we propose Retrieval-Augmented Learning for Autonomous Driving (RALAD), a novel framework designed to bridge the real-to-sim gap at a low cost. RALAD features three primary designs, including (1) domain adaptation via an enhanced Optimal Transport (OT) method that accounts for both individual and grouped image distances, (2) a simple and unified framework that can be applied to various models, and (3) efficient fine-tuning techniques that freeze the computationally expensive layers while maintaining robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that RALAD compensates for the performance degradation in simulated environments while maintaining accuracy in real-world scenarios across three different models. Taking Cross View as an example, the mIOU and mAP metrics in real-world scenarios remain stable before and after RALAD fine-tuning, while in simulated environments,the mIOU and mAP metrics are improved by 10.30% and 12.29%, respectively. Moreover, the re-training cost of our approach is reduced by approximately 88.1%. Our code is available at https://github.com/JiachengZuo/RALAD.git.
Abstract:Anticipating the multimodality of future events lays the foundation for safe autonomous driving. However, multimodal motion prediction for traffic agents has been clouded by the lack of multimodal ground truth. Existing works predominantly adopt the winner-take-all training strategy to tackle this challenge, yet still suffer from limited trajectory diversity and misaligned mode confidence. While some approaches address these limitations by generating excessive trajectory candidates, they necessitate a post-processing stage to identify the most representative modes, a process lacking universal principles and compromising trajectory accuracy. We are thus motivated to introduce ModeSeq, a new multimodal prediction paradigm that models modes as sequences. Unlike the common practice of decoding multiple plausible trajectories in one shot, ModeSeq requires motion decoders to infer the next mode step by step, thereby more explicitly capturing the correlation between modes and significantly enhancing the ability to reason about multimodality. Leveraging the inductive bias of sequential mode prediction, we also propose the Early-Match-Take-All (EMTA) training strategy to diversify the trajectories further. Without relying on dense mode prediction or rule-based trajectory selection, ModeSeq considerably improves the diversity of multimodal output while attaining satisfactory trajectory accuracy, resulting in balanced performance on motion prediction benchmarks. Moreover, ModeSeq naturally emerges with the capability of mode extrapolation, which supports forecasting more behavior modes when the future is highly uncertain.
Abstract:In many modern astronomical facilities, multi-object telescopes are crucial instruments. Most of these telescopes have thousands of robotic fiber positioners(RFPs) installed on their focal plane, sharing an overlapping workspace. Collisions between RFPs during their movement can result in some targets becoming unreachable and cause structural damage. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably assess and evaluate the collision probability of the RFPs. In this study, we propose a mathematical models of collision probability and validate its results using Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, a new collision calculation method is proposed for faster calculation(nearly 0.15% of original time). Simulation experiments have verified that our method can evaluate the collision probability between RFPs with both equal and unequal arm lengths. Additionally, we found that adopting a target distribution based on a Poisson distribution can reduce the collision probability by approximately 2.6% on average.
Abstract:Trajectory prediction forecasts nearby agents' moves based on their historical trajectories. Accurate trajectory prediction is crucial for autonomous vehicles. Existing attacks compromise the prediction model of a victim AV by directly manipulating the historical trajectory of an attacker AV, which has limited real-world applicability. This paper, for the first time, explores an indirect attack approach that induces prediction errors via attacks against the perception module of a victim AV. Although it has been shown that physically realizable attacks against LiDAR-based perception are possible by placing a few objects at strategic locations, it is still an open challenge to find an object location from the vast search space in order to launch effective attacks against prediction under varying victim AV velocities. Through analysis, we observe that a prediction model is prone to an attack focusing on a single point in the scene. Consequently, we propose a novel two-stage attack framework to realize the single-point attack. The first stage of prediction-side attack efficiently identifies, guided by the distribution of detection results under object-based attacks against perception, the state perturbations for the prediction model that are effective and velocity-insensitive. In the second stage of location matching, we match the feasible object locations with the found state perturbations. Our evaluation using a public autonomous driving dataset shows that our attack causes a collision rate of up to 63% and various hazardous responses of the victim AV. The effectiveness of our attack is also demonstrated on a real testbed car. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first security analysis spanning from LiDAR-based perception to prediction in autonomous driving, leading to a realistic attack on prediction. To counteract the proposed attack, potential defenses are discussed.
Abstract:Simulating realistic interactions among traffic agents is crucial for efficiently validating the safety of autonomous driving systems. Existing leading simulators primarily use an encoder-decoder structure to encode the historical trajectories for future simulation. However, such a paradigm complicates the model architecture, and the manual separation of history and future trajectories leads to low data utilization. To address these challenges, we propose Behavior Generative Pre-trained Transformers (BehaviorGPT), a decoder-only, autoregressive architecture designed to simulate the sequential motion of multiple agents. Crucially, our approach discards the traditional separation between "history" and "future," treating each time step as the "current" one, resulting in a simpler, more parameter- and data-efficient design that scales seamlessly with data and computation. Additionally, we introduce the Next-Patch Prediction Paradigm (NP3), which enables models to reason at the patch level of trajectories and capture long-range spatial-temporal interactions. BehaviorGPT ranks first across several metrics on the Waymo Sim Agents Benchmark, demonstrating its exceptional performance in multi-agent and agent-map interactions. We outperformed state-of-the-art models with a realism score of 0.741 and improved the minADE metric to 1.540, with an approximately 91.6% reduction in model parameters.
Abstract:The study of causal relationships between emotions and causes in texts has recently received much attention. Most works focus on extracting causally related clauses from documents. However, none of these works has considered that the causal relationships among the extracted emotion and cause clauses can only be valid under some specific context clauses. To highlight the context in such special causal relationships, we propose a new task to determine whether or not an input pair of emotion and cause has a valid causal relationship under different contexts and extract the specific context clauses that participate in the causal relationship. Since the task is new for which no existing dataset is available, we conduct manual annotation on a benchmark dataset to obtain the labels for our tasks and the annotations of each context clause's type that can also be used in some other applications. We adopt negative sampling to construct the final dataset to balance the number of documents with and without causal relationships. Based on the constructed dataset, we propose an end-to-end multi-task framework, where we design two novel and general modules to handle the two goals of our task. Specifically, we propose a context masking module to extract the context clauses participating in the causal relationships. We propose a prediction aggregation module to fine-tune the prediction results according to whether the input emotion and causes depend on specific context clauses. Results of extensive comparative experiments and ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our proposed framework.
Abstract:Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is indispensable in diverse applications ranging from microelectronics to food processing because it provides large depth-of-field images with a resolution beyond the optical diffraction limit. However, the technology requires coating conductive films on insulator samples and a vacuum environment. We use deep learning to obtain the mapping relationship between optical super-resolution (OSR) images and SEM domain images, which enables the transformation of OSR images into SEM-like large depth-of-field images. Our custom-built scanning superlens microscopy (SSUM) system, which requires neither coating samples by conductive films nor a vacuum environment, is used to acquire the OSR images with features down to ~80 nm. The peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index measure values indicate that the deep learning method performs excellently in image-to-image translation, with a PSNR improvement of about 0.74 dB over the optical super-resolution images. The proposed method provides a high level of detail in the reconstructed results, indicating that it has broad applicability to chip-level defect detection, biological sample analysis, forensics, and various other fields.
Abstract:Multi-modal fusion has shown initial promising results for object detection of autonomous driving perception. However, many existing fusion schemes do not consider the quality of each fusion input and may suffer from adverse conditions on one or more sensors. While predictive uncertainty has been applied to characterize single-modal object detection performance at run time, incorporating uncertainties into the multi-modal fusion still lacks effective solutions due primarily to the uncertainty's cross-modal incomparability and distinct sensitivities to various adverse conditions. To fill this gap, this paper proposes Uncertainty-Encoded Mixture-of-Experts (UMoE) that explicitly incorporates single-modal uncertainties into LiDAR-camera fusion. UMoE uses individual expert network to process each sensor's detection result together with encoded uncertainty. Then, the expert networks' outputs are analyzed by a gating network to determine the fusion weights. The proposed UMoE module can be integrated into any proposal fusion pipeline. Evaluation shows that UMoE achieves a maximum of 10.67%, 3.17%, and 5.40% performance gain compared with the state-of-the-art proposal-level multi-modal object detectors under extreme weather, adversarial, and blinding attack scenarios.