Abstract:Zero-shot coordination (ZSC) is a popular setting for studying the ability of reinforcement learning (RL) agents to coordinate with novel partners. Prior ZSC formulations assume the $\textit{problem setting}$ is common knowledge: each agent knows the underlying Dec-POMDP, knows others have this knowledge, and so on ad infinitum. However, this assumption rarely holds in complex real-world settings, which are often difficult to fully and correctly specify. Hence, in settings where this common knowledge assumption is invalid, agents trained using ZSC methods may not be able to coordinate well. To address this limitation, we formulate the $\textit{noisy zero-shot coordination}$ (NZSC) problem. In NZSC, agents observe different noisy versions of the ground truth Dec-POMDP, which are assumed to be distributed according to a fixed noise model. Only the distribution of ground truth Dec-POMDPs and the noise model are common knowledge. We show that a NZSC problem can be reduced to a ZSC problem by designing a meta-Dec-POMDP with an augmented state space consisting of all the ground-truth Dec-POMDPs. For solving NZSC problems, we propose a simple and flexible meta-learning method called NZSC training, in which the agents are trained across a distribution of coordination problems - which they only get to observe noisy versions of. We show that with NZSC training, RL agents can be trained to coordinate well with novel partners even when the (exact) problem setting of the coordination is not common knowledge.
Abstract:We study a class of structured Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) known as Exo-MDPs, characterized by a partition of the state space into two components. The exogenous states evolve stochastically in a manner not affected by the agent's actions, whereas the endogenous states are affected by the actions, and evolve in a deterministic and known way conditional on the exogenous states. Exo-MDPs are a natural model for various applications including inventory control, finance, power systems, ride sharing, among others. Despite seeming restrictive, this work establishes that any discrete MDP can be represented as an Exo-MDP. Further, Exo-MDPs induce a natural representation of the transition and reward dynamics as linear functions of the exogenous state distribution. This linear representation leads to near-optimal algorithms with regret guarantees scaling only with the (effective) size of the exogenous state space $d$, independent of the sizes of the endogenous state and action spaces. Specifically, when the exogenous state is fully observed, a simple plug-in approach achieves a regret upper bound of $O(H^{3/2}\sqrt{dK})$, where $H$ denotes the horizon and $K$ denotes the total number of episodes. When the exogenous state is unobserved, the linear representation leads to a regret upper bound of $O(H^{3/2}d\sqrt{K})$. We also establish a nearly matching regret lower bound of $\Omega(Hd\sqrt{K})$ for the no observation regime. We complement our theoretical findings with an experimental study on inventory control problems.
Abstract:The existing crowd counting models require extensive training data, which is time-consuming to annotate. To tackle this issue, we propose a simple yet effective crowd counting method by utilizing the Segment-Everything-Everywhere Model (SEEM), an adaptation of the Segmentation Anything Model (SAM), to generate pseudo-labels for training crowd counting models. However, our initial investigation reveals that SEEM's performance in dense crowd scenes is limited, primarily due to the omission of many persons in high-density areas. To overcome this limitation, we propose an adaptive resolution SEEM to handle the scale variations, occlusions, and overlapping of people within crowd scenes. Alongside this, we introduce a robust localization method, based on Gaussian Mixture Models, for predicting the head positions in the predicted people masks. Given the mask and point pseudo-labels, we propose a robust loss function, which is designed to exclude uncertain regions based on SEEM's predictions, thereby enhancing the training process of the counting networks. Finally, we propose an iterative method for generating pseudo-labels. This method aims at improving the quality of the segmentation masks by identifying more tiny persons in high-density regions, which are often missed in the first pseudo-labeling stage. Overall, our proposed method achieves the best unsupervised performance in crowd counting, while also being comparable results to some supervised methods. This makes it a highly effective and versatile tool for crowd counting, especially in situations where labeled data is not available.
Abstract:Learning in general-sum games often yields collectively sub-optimal results. Addressing this, opponent shaping (OS) methods actively guide the learning processes of other agents, empirically leading to improved individual and group performances in many settings. Early OS methods use higher-order derivatives to shape the learning of co-players, making them unsuitable for shaping multiple learning steps. Follow-up work, Model-free Opponent Shaping (M-FOS), addresses these by reframing the OS problem as a meta-game. In contrast to early OS methods, there is little theoretical understanding of the M-FOS framework. Providing theoretical guarantees for M-FOS is hard because A) there is little literature on theoretical sample complexity bounds for meta-reinforcement learning B) M-FOS operates in continuous state and action spaces, so theoretical analysis is challenging. In this work, we present R-FOS, a tabular version of M-FOS that is more suitable for theoretical analysis. R-FOS discretises the continuous meta-game MDP into a tabular MDP. Within this discretised MDP, we adapt the $R_{max}$ algorithm, most prominently used to derive PAC-bounds for MDPs, as the meta-learner in the R-FOS algorithm. We derive a sample complexity bound that is exponential in the cardinality of the inner state and action space and the number of agents. Our bound guarantees that, with high probability, the final policy learned by an R-FOS agent is close to the optimal policy, apart from a constant factor. Finally, we investigate how R-FOS's sample complexity scales in the size of state-action space. Our theoretical results on scaling are supported empirically in the Matching Pennies environment.
Abstract:Crowd counting is an important problem in computer vision due to its wide range of applications in image understanding. Currently, this problem is typically addressed using deep learning approaches, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers. However, deep networks are data-driven and are prone to overfitting, especially when the available labeled crowd dataset is limited. To overcome this limitation, we have designed a pipeline that utilizes a diffusion model to generate extensive training data. We are the first to generate images conditioned on a location dot map (a binary dot map that specifies the location of human heads) with a diffusion model. We are also the first to use these diverse synthetic data to augment the crowd counting models. Our proposed smoothed density map input for ControlNet significantly improves ControlNet's performance in generating crowds in the correct locations. Also, Our proposed counting loss for the diffusion model effectively minimizes the discrepancies between the location dot map and the crowd images generated. Additionally, our innovative guidance sampling further directs the diffusion process toward regions where the generated crowd images align most accurately with the location dot map. Collectively, we have enhanced ControlNet's ability to generate specified objects from a location dot map, which can be used for data augmentation in various counting problems. Moreover, our framework is versatile and can be easily adapted to all kinds of counting problems. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework improves the counting performance on the ShanghaiTech, NWPU-Crowd, UCF-QNRF, and TRANCOS datasets, showcasing its effectiveness.
Abstract:In this paper, we address a significant gap in the field of neuroimaging by introducing the largest-to-date public benchmark, BvEM, designed specifically for cortical blood vessel segmentation in Volume Electron Microscopy (VEM) images. The intricate relationship between cerebral blood vessels and neural function underscores the vital role of vascular analysis in understanding brain health. While imaging techniques at macro and mesoscales have garnered substantial attention and resources, the microscale VEM imaging, capable of revealing intricate vascular details, has lacked the necessary benchmarking infrastructure. As researchers delve deeper into the microscale intricacies of cerebral vasculature, our BvEM benchmark represents a critical step toward unraveling the mysteries of neurovascular coupling and its impact on brain function and pathology. The BvEM dataset is based on VEM image volumes from three mammal species: adult mouse, macaque, and human. We standardized the resolution, addressed imaging variations, and meticulously annotated blood vessels through semi-automatic, manual, and quality control processes, ensuring high-quality 3D segmentation. Furthermore, we developed a zero-shot cortical blood vessel segmentation method named TriSAM, which leverages the powerful segmentation model SAM for 3D segmentation. To lift SAM from 2D segmentation to 3D volume segmentation, TriSAM employs a multi-seed tracking framework, leveraging the reliability of certain image planes for tracking while using others to identify potential turning points. This approach, consisting of Tri-Plane selection, SAM-based tracking, and recursive redirection, effectively achieves long-term 3D blood vessel segmentation without model training or fine-tuning. Experimental results show that TriSAM achieved superior performances on the BvEM benchmark across three species.
Abstract:Deep neural networks with batch normalization (BN-DNNs) are invariant to weight rescaling due to their normalization operations. However, using weight decay (WD) benefits these weight-scale-invariant networks, which is often attributed to an increase of the effective learning rate when the weight norms are decreased. In this paper, we demonstrate the insufficiency of the previous explanation and investigate the implicit biases of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on BN-DNNs to provide a theoretical explanation for the efficacy of weight decay. We identity two implicit biases of SGD on BN-DNNs: 1) the weight norms in SGD training remain constant in the continuous-time domain and keep increasing in the discrete-time domain; 2) SGD optimizes weight vectors in fully-connected networks or convolution kernels in convolution neural networks by updating components lying in the input feature span, while leaving those components orthogonal to the input feature span unchanged. Thus, SGD without WD accumulates weight noise orthogonal to the input feature span, and cannot eliminate such noise. Our empirical studies corroborate the hypothesis that weight decay suppresses weight noise that is left untouched by SGD. Furthermore, we propose to use weight rescaling (WRS) instead of weight decay to achieve the same regularization effect, while avoiding performance degradation of WD on some momentum-based optimizers. Our empirical results on image recognition show that regardless of optimization methods and network architectures, training BN-DNNs using WRS achieves similar or better performance compared with using WD. We also show that training with WRS generalizes better compared to WD, on other computer vision tasks.
Abstract:Current crowd counting algorithms are only concerned about the number of people in an image, which lacks low-level fine-grained information of the crowd. For many practical applications, the total number of people in an image is not as useful as the number of people in each sub-category. E.g., knowing the number of people waiting inline or browsing can help retail stores; knowing the number of people standing/sitting can help restaurants/cafeterias; knowing the number of violent/non-violent people can help police in crowd management. In this paper, we propose fine-grained crowd counting, which differentiates a crowd into categories based on the low-level behavior attributes of the individuals (e.g. standing/sitting or violent behavior) and then counts the number of people in each category. To enable research in this area, we construct a new dataset of four real-world fine-grained counting tasks: traveling direction on a sidewalk, standing or sitting, waiting in line or not, and exhibiting violent behavior or not. Since the appearance features of different crowd categories are similar, the challenge of fine-grained crowd counting is to effectively utilize contextual information to distinguish between categories. We propose a two branch architecture, consisting of a density map estimation branch and a semantic segmentation branch. We propose two refinement strategies for improving the predictions of the two branches. First, to encode contextual information, we propose feature propagation guided by the density map prediction, which eliminates the effect of background features during propagation. Second, we propose a complementary attention model to share information between the two branches. Experiment results confirm the effectiveness of our method.