Abstract:We study a class of structured Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) known as Exo-MDPs, characterized by a partition of the state space into two components. The exogenous states evolve stochastically in a manner not affected by the agent's actions, whereas the endogenous states are affected by the actions, and evolve in a deterministic and known way conditional on the exogenous states. Exo-MDPs are a natural model for various applications including inventory control, finance, power systems, ride sharing, among others. Despite seeming restrictive, this work establishes that any discrete MDP can be represented as an Exo-MDP. Further, Exo-MDPs induce a natural representation of the transition and reward dynamics as linear functions of the exogenous state distribution. This linear representation leads to near-optimal algorithms with regret guarantees scaling only with the (effective) size of the exogenous state space $d$, independent of the sizes of the endogenous state and action spaces. Specifically, when the exogenous state is fully observed, a simple plug-in approach achieves a regret upper bound of $O(H^{3/2}\sqrt{dK})$, where $H$ denotes the horizon and $K$ denotes the total number of episodes. When the exogenous state is unobserved, the linear representation leads to a regret upper bound of $O(H^{3/2}d\sqrt{K})$. We also establish a nearly matching regret lower bound of $\Omega(Hd\sqrt{K})$ for the no observation regime. We complement our theoretical findings with an experimental study on inventory control problems.
Abstract:We study best-response type learning dynamics for two player zero-sum matrix games. We consider two settings that are distinguished by the type of information that each player has about the game and their opponent's strategy. The first setting is the full information case, in which each player knows their own and the opponent's payoff matrices and observes the opponent's mixed strategy. The second setting is the minimal information case, where players do not observe the opponent's strategy and are not aware of either of the payoff matrices (instead they only observe their realized payoffs). For this setting, also known as the radically uncoupled case in the learning in games literature, we study a two-timescale learning dynamics that combine smoothed best-response type updates for strategy estimates with a TD-learning update to estimate a local payoff function. For these dynamics, without additional exploration, we provide polynomial-time finite-sample guarantees for convergence to an $\epsilon$-Nash equilibrium.
Abstract:In causal inference with panel data under staggered adoption, the goal is to estimate and derive confidence intervals for potential outcomes and treatment effects. We propose a computationally efficient procedure, involving only simple matrix algebra and singular value decomposition. We derive non-asymptotic bounds on the entrywise error, establishing its proximity to a suitably scaled Gaussian variable. Despite its simplicity, our procedure turns out to be instance-optimal, in that our theoretical scaling matches a local instance-wise lower bound derived via a Bayesian Cram\'{e}r-Rao argument. Using our insights, we develop a data-driven procedure for constructing entrywise confidence intervals with pre-specified coverage guarantees. Our analysis is based on a general inferential toolbox for the SVD algorithm applied to the matrix denoising model, which might be of independent interest.
Abstract:We introduce a novel framework for analyzing reinforcement learning (RL) in continuous state-action spaces, and use it to prove fast rates of convergence in both off-line and on-line settings. Our analysis highlights two key stability properties, relating to how changes in value functions and/or policies affect the Bellman operator and occupation measures. We argue that these properties are satisfied in many continuous state-action Markov decision processes, and demonstrate how they arise naturally when using linear function approximation methods. Our analysis offers fresh perspectives on the roles of pessimism and optimism in off-line and on-line RL, and highlights the connection between off-line RL and transfer learning.
Abstract:Key challenges in running a retail business include how to select products to present to consumers (the assortment problem), and how to price products (the pricing problem) to maximize revenue or profit. Instead of considering these problems in isolation, we propose a joint approach to assortment-pricing based on contextual bandits. Our model is doubly high-dimensional, in that both context vectors and actions are allowed to take values in high-dimensional spaces. In order to circumvent the curse of dimensionality, we propose a simple yet flexible model that captures the interactions between covariates and actions via a (near) low-rank representation matrix. The resulting class of models is reasonably expressive while remaining interpretable through latent factors, and includes various structured linear bandit and pricing models as particular cases. We propose a computationally tractable procedure that combines an exploration/exploitation protocol with an efficient low-rank matrix estimator, and we prove bounds on its regret. Simulation results show that this method has lower regret than state-of-the-art methods applied to various standard bandit and pricing models. Real-world case studies on the assortment-pricing problem, from an industry-leading instant noodles company to an emerging beauty start-up, underscore the gains achievable using our method. In each case, we show at least three-fold gains in revenue or profit by our bandit method, as well as the interpretability of the latent factor models that are learned.
Abstract:Many standard estimators, when applied to adaptively collected data, fail to be asymptotically normal, thereby complicating the construction of confidence intervals. We address this challenge in a semi-parametric context: estimating the parameter vector of a generalized linear regression model contaminated by a non-parametric nuisance component. We construct suitably weighted estimating equations that account for adaptivity in data collection, and provide conditions under which the associated estimates are asymptotically normal. Our results characterize the degree of "explorability" required for asymptotic normality to hold. For the simpler problem of estimating a linear functional, we provide similar guarantees under much weaker assumptions. We illustrate our general theory with concrete consequences for various problems, including standard linear bandits and sparse generalized bandits, and compare with other methods via simulation studies.
Abstract:We study optimal procedures for estimating a linear functional based on observational data. In many problems of this kind, a widely used assumption is strict overlap, i.e., uniform boundedness of the importance ratio, which measures how well the observational data covers the directions of interest. When it is violated, the classical semi-parametric efficiency bound can easily become infinite, so that the instance-optimal risk depends on the function class used to model the regression function. For any convex and symmetric function class $\mathcal{F}$, we derive a non-asymptotic local minimax bound on the mean-squared error in estimating a broad class of linear functionals. This lower bound refines the classical semi-parametric one, and makes connections to moduli of continuity in functional estimation. When $\mathcal{F}$ is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, we prove that this lower bound can be achieved up to a constant factor by analyzing a computationally simple regression estimator. We apply our general results to various families of examples, thereby uncovering a spectrum of rates that interpolate between the classical theories of semi-parametric efficiency (with $\sqrt{n}$-consistency) and the slower minimax rates associated with non-parametric function estimation.
Abstract:We study non-parametric estimation of the value function of an infinite-horizon $\gamma$-discounted Markov reward process (MRP) using observations from a single trajectory. We provide non-asymptotic guarantees for a general family of kernel-based multi-step temporal difference (TD) estimates, including canonical $K$-step look-ahead TD for $K = 1, 2, \ldots$ and the TD$(\lambda)$ family for $\lambda \in [0,1)$ as special cases. Our bounds capture its dependence on Bellman fluctuations, mixing time of the Markov chain, any mis-specification in the model, as well as the choice of weight function defining the estimator itself, and reveal some delicate interactions between mixing time and model mis-specification. For a given TD method applied to a well-specified model, its statistical error under trajectory data is similar to that of i.i.d. sample transition pairs, whereas under mis-specification, temporal dependence in data inflates the statistical error. However, any such deterioration can be mitigated by increased look-ahead. We complement our upper bounds by proving minimax lower bounds that establish optimality of TD-based methods with appropriately chosen look-ahead and weighting, and reveal some fundamental differences between value function estimation and ordinary non-parametric regression.
Abstract:We present and analyze the Krylov-Bellman Boosting (KBB) algorithm for policy evaluation in general state spaces. It alternates between fitting the Bellman residual using non-parametric regression (as in boosting), and estimating the value function via the least-squares temporal difference (LSTD) procedure applied with a feature set that grows adaptively over time. By exploiting the connection to Krylov methods, we equip this method with two attractive guarantees. First, we provide a general convergence bound that allows for separate estimation errors in residual fitting and LSTD computation. Consistent with our numerical experiments, this bound shows that convergence rates depend on the restricted spectral structure, and are typically super-linear. Second, by combining this meta-result with sample-size dependent guarantees for residual fitting and LSTD computation, we obtain concrete statistical guarantees that depend on the sample size along with the complexity of the function class used to fit the residuals. We illustrate the behavior of the KBB algorithm for various types of policy evaluation problems, and typically find large reductions in sample complexity relative to the standard approach of fitted value iterationn.
Abstract:This paper designs methods for decentralized multiple hypothesis testing on graphs that are equipped with provable guarantees on the false discovery rate (FDR). We consider the setting where distinct agents reside on the nodes of an undirected graph, and each agent possesses p-values corresponding to one or more hypotheses local to its node. Each agent must individually decide whether to reject one or more of its local hypotheses by only communicating with its neighbors, with the joint aim that the global FDR over the entire graph must be controlled at a predefined level. We propose a simple decentralized family of Query-Test-Exchange (QuTE) algorithms and prove that they can control FDR under independence or positive dependence of the p-values. Our algorithm reduces to the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) algorithm when after graph-diameter rounds of communication, and to the Bonferroni procedure when no communication has occurred or the graph is empty. To avoid communicating real-valued p-values, we develop a quantized BH procedure, and extend it to a quantized QuTE procedure. QuTE works seamlessly in streaming data settings, where anytime-valid p-values may be continually updated at each node. Last, QuTE is robust to arbitrary dropping of packets, or a graph that changes at every step, making it particularly suitable to mobile sensor networks involving drones or other multi-agent systems. We study the power of our procedure using a simulation suite of different levels of connectivity and communication on a variety of graph structures, and also provide an illustrative real-world example.