Abstract:In this paper, we consider two-player zero-sum matrix and stochastic games and develop learning dynamics that are payoff-based, convergent, rational, and symmetric between the two players. Specifically, the learning dynamics for matrix games are based on the smoothed best-response dynamics, while the learning dynamics for stochastic games build upon those for matrix games, with additional incorporation of the minimax value iteration. To our knowledge, our theoretical results present the first finite-sample analysis of such learning dynamics with last-iterate guarantees. In the matrix game setting, the results imply a sample complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-1})$ to find the Nash distribution and a sample complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-8})$ to find a Nash equilibrium. In the stochastic game setting, the results also imply a sample complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-8})$ to find a Nash equilibrium. To establish these results, the main challenge is to handle stochastic approximation algorithms with multiple sets of coupled and stochastic iterates that evolve on (possibly) different time scales. To overcome this challenge, we developed a coupled Lyapunov-based approach, which may be of independent interest to the broader community studying the convergence behavior of stochastic approximation algorithms.
Abstract:Policy gradient methods have become a staple of any single-agent reinforcement learning toolbox, due to their combination of desirable properties: iterate convergence, efficient use of stochastic trajectory feedback, and theoretically-sound avoidance of importance sampling corrections. In multi-agent imperfect-information settings (extensive-form games), however, it is still unknown whether the same desiderata can be guaranteed while retaining theoretical guarantees. Instead, sound methods for extensive-form games rely on approximating counterfactual values (as opposed to Q values), which are incompatible with policy gradient methodologies. In this paper, we investigate whether policy gradient can be safely used in two-player zero-sum imperfect-information extensive-form games (EFGs). We establish positive results, showing for the first time that a policy gradient method leads to provable best-iterate convergence to a regularized Nash equilibrium in self-play.
Abstract:We study best-response type learning dynamics for two player zero-sum matrix games. We consider two settings that are distinguished by the type of information that each player has about the game and their opponent's strategy. The first setting is the full information case, in which each player knows their own and the opponent's payoff matrices and observes the opponent's mixed strategy. The second setting is the minimal information case, where players do not observe the opponent's strategy and are not aware of either of the payoff matrices (instead they only observe their realized payoffs). For this setting, also known as the radically uncoupled case in the learning in games literature, we study a two-timescale learning dynamics that combine smoothed best-response type updates for strategy estimates with a TD-learning update to estimate a local payoff function. For these dynamics, without additional exploration, we provide polynomial-time finite-sample guarantees for convergence to an $\epsilon$-Nash equilibrium.
Abstract:LiteEFG is an efficient library with easy-to-use Python bindings, which can solve multiplayer extensive-form games (EFGs). LiteEFG enables the user to express computation graphs in Python to define updates on the game tree structure. The graph is then executed by the C++ backend, leading to significant speedups compared to running the algorithm in Python. Moreover, in LiteEFG, the user needs to only specify the computation graph of the update rule in a decision node of the game, and LiteEFG will automatically distribute the update rule to each decision node and handle the structure of the imperfect-information game.
Abstract:Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) are pivotal methodologies in reward learning, which involve inferring and shaping the underlying reward function of sequential decision-making problems based on observed human demonstrations and feedback. Most prior work in reward learning has relied on prior knowledge or assumptions about decision or preference models, potentially leading to robustness issues. In response, this paper introduces a novel linear programming (LP) framework tailored for offline reward learning. Utilizing pre-collected trajectories without online exploration, this framework estimates a feasible reward set from the primal-dual optimality conditions of a suitably designed LP, and offers an optimality guarantee with provable sample efficiency. Our LP framework also enables aligning the reward functions with human feedback, such as pairwise trajectory comparison data, while maintaining computational tractability and sample efficiency. We demonstrate that our framework potentially achieves better performance compared to the conventional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approach through analytical examples and numerical experiments.
Abstract:In adversarial machine learning, neural networks suffer from a significant issue known as robust overfitting, where the robust test accuracy decreases over epochs (Rice et al., 2020). Recent research conducted by Xing et al.,2021; Xiao et al., 2022 has focused on studying the uniform stability of adversarial training. Their investigations revealed that SGD-based adversarial training fails to exhibit uniform stability, and the derived stability bounds align with the observed phenomenon of robust overfitting in experiments. This motivates us to develop uniformly stable algorithms specifically tailored for adversarial training. To this aim, we introduce Moreau envelope-$\mathcal{A}$, a variant of the Moreau Envelope-type algorithm. We employ a Moreau envelope function to reframe the original problem as a min-min problem, separating the non-strong convexity and non-smoothness of the adversarial loss. Then, this approach alternates between solving the inner and outer minimization problems to achieve uniform stability without incurring additional computational overhead. In practical scenarios, we show the efficacy of ME-$\mathcal{A}$ in mitigating the issue of robust overfitting. Beyond its application in adversarial training, this represents a fundamental result in uniform stability analysis, as ME-$\mathcal{A}$ is the first algorithm to exhibit uniform stability for weakly-convex, non-smooth problems.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has been an effective technique for aligning AI systems with human values, with remarkable successes in fine-tuning large-language models recently. Most existing RLHF paradigms make the underlying assumption that human preferences are relatively homogeneous, and can be encoded by a single reward model. In this paper, we focus on addressing the issues due to the inherent heterogeneity in human preferences, as well as their potential strategic behavior in providing feedback. Specifically, we propose two frameworks to address heterogeneous human feedback in principled ways: personalization-based one and aggregation-based one. For the former, we propose two approaches based on representation learning and clustering, respectively, for learning multiple reward models that trades off the bias (due to preference heterogeneity) and variance (due to the use of fewer data for learning each model by personalization). We then establish sample complexity guarantees for both approaches. For the latter, we aim to adhere to the single-model framework, as already deployed in the current RLHF paradigm, by carefully aggregating diverse and truthful preferences from humans. We propose two approaches based on reward and preference aggregation, respectively: the former utilizes both utilitarianism and Leximin approaches to aggregate individual reward models, with sample complexity guarantees; the latter directly aggregates the human feedback in the form of probabilistic opinions. Under the probabilistic-opinion-feedback model, we also develop an approach to handle strategic human labelers who may bias and manipulate the aggregated preferences with untruthful feedback. Based on the ideas in mechanism design, our approach ensures truthful preference reporting, with the induced aggregation rule maximizing social welfare functions.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have been increasingly employed for (interactive) decision-making, via the development of LLM-based autonomous agents. Despite their emerging successes, the performance of LLM agents in decision-making has not been fully investigated through quantitative metrics, especially in the multi-agent setting when they interact with each other, a typical scenario in real-world LLM-agent applications. To better understand the limits of LLM agents in these interactive environments, we propose to study their interactions in benchmark decision-making settings in online learning and game theory, through the performance metric of \emph{regret}. We first empirically study the {no-regret} behaviors of LLMs in canonical (non-stationary) online learning problems, as well as the emergence of equilibria when LLM agents interact through playing repeated games. We then provide some theoretical insights into the no-regret behaviors of LLM agents, under certain assumptions on the supervised pre-training and the rationality model of human decision-makers who generate the data. Notably, we also identify (simple) cases where advanced LLMs such as GPT-4 fail to be no-regret. To promote the no-regret behaviors, we propose a novel \emph{unsupervised} training loss of \emph{regret-loss}, which, in contrast to the supervised pre-training loss, does not require the labels of (optimal) actions. We then establish the statistical guarantee of generalization bound for regret-loss minimization, followed by the optimization guarantee that minimizing such a loss may automatically lead to known no-regret learning algorithms. Our further experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our regret-loss, especially in addressing the above ``regrettable'' cases.
Abstract:Many online platforms of today, including social media sites, are two-sided markets bridging content creators and users. Most of the existing literature on platform recommendation algorithms largely focuses on user preferences and decisions, and does not simultaneously address creator incentives. We propose a model of content recommendation that explicitly focuses on the dynamics of user-content matching, with the novel property that both users and creators may leave the platform permanently if they do not experience sufficient engagement. In our model, each player decides to participate at each time step based on utilities derived from the current match: users based on alignment of the recommended content with their preferences, and creators based on their audience size. We show that a user-centric greedy algorithm that does not consider creator departures can result in arbitrarily poor total engagement, relative to an algorithm that maximizes total engagement while accounting for two-sided departures. Moreover, in stark contrast to the case where only users or only creators leave the platform, we prove that with two-sided departures, approximating maximum total engagement within any constant factor is NP-hard. We present two practical algorithms, one with performance guarantees under mild assumptions on user preferences, and another that tends to outperform algorithms that ignore two-sided departures in practice.
Abstract:We consider two-player zero-sum stochastic games and propose a two-timescale $Q$-learning algorithm with function approximation that is payoff-based, convergent, rational, and symmetric between the two players. In two-timescale $Q$-learning, the fast-timescale iterates are updated in spirit to the stochastic gradient descent and the slow-timescale iterates (which we use to compute the policies) are updated by taking a convex combination between its previous iterate and the latest fast-timescale iterate. Introducing the slow timescale as well as its update equation marks as our main algorithmic novelty. In the special case of linear function approximation, we establish, to the best of our knowledge, the first last-iterate finite-sample bound for payoff-based independent learning dynamics of these types. The result implies a polynomial sample complexity to find a Nash equilibrium in such stochastic games. To establish the results, we model our proposed algorithm as a two-timescale stochastic approximation and derive the finite-sample bound through a Lyapunov-based approach. The key novelty lies in constructing a valid Lyapunov function to capture the evolution of the slow-timescale iterates. Specifically, through a change of variable, we show that the update equation of the slow-timescale iterates resembles the classical smoothed best-response dynamics, where the regularized Nash gap serves as a valid Lyapunov function. This insight enables us to construct a valid Lyapunov function via a generalized variant of the Moreau envelope of the regularized Nash gap. The construction of our Lyapunov function might be of broad independent interest in studying the behavior of stochastic approximation algorithms.