Abstract:Information design (ID) explores how a sender influence the optimal behavior of receivers to achieve specific objectives. While ID originates from everyday human communication, existing game-theoretic and machine learning methods often model information structures as numbers, which limits many applications to toy games. This work leverages LLMs and proposes a verbalized framework in Bayesian persuasion (BP), which extends classic BP to real-world games involving human dialogues for the first time. Specifically, we map the BP to a verbalized mediator-augmented extensive-form game, where LLMs instantiate the sender and receiver. To efficiently solve the verbalized game, we propose a generalized equilibrium-finding algorithm combining LLM and game solver. The algorithm is reinforced with techniques including verbalized commitment assumptions, verbalized obedience constraints, and information obfuscation. Numerical experiments in dialogue scenarios, such as recommendation letters, courtroom interactions, and law enforcement, validate that our framework can both reproduce theoretical results in classic BP and discover effective persuasion strategies in more complex natural language and multi-stage scenarios.
Abstract:To understand the complexity of the dynamic of learning in differential games, we decompose the game into components where the dynamic is well understood. One of the possible tools is Helmholtz's theorem, which can decompose a vector field into a potential and a harmonic component. This has been shown to be effective in finite and normal-form games. However, applying Helmholtz's theorem by connecting it with the Hodge theorem on $\mathbb{R}^n$ (which is the strategy space of differential game) is non-trivial due to the non-compactness of $\mathbb{R}^n$. Bridging the dynamic-strategic disconnect through Hodge/Helmoltz's theorem in differential games is then left as an open problem \cite{letcher2019differentiable}. In this work, we provide two decompositions of differential games to answer this question: the first as an exact scalar potential part, a near vector potential part, and a non-strategic part; the second as a near scalar potential part, an exact vector potential part, and a non-strategic part. We show that scalar potential games coincide with potential games proposed by \cite{monderer1996potential}, where the gradient descent dynamic can successfully find the Nash equilibrium. For the vector potential game, we show that the individual gradient field is divergence-free, in which case the gradient descent dynamic may either be divergent or recurrent.
Abstract:Effective communication is an essential component in collaborative multi-agent systems. Situations where explicit messaging is not feasible have been common in human society throughout history, which motivate the study of implicit communication. Previous works on learning implicit communication mostly rely on theory of mind (ToM), where agents infer the mental states and intentions of others by interpreting their actions. However, ToM-based methods become less effective in making accurate inferences in complex tasks. In this work, we propose the Implicit Channel Protocol (ICP) framework, which allows agents to construct implicit communication channels similar to the explicit ones. ICP leverages a subset of actions, denoted as the scouting actions, and a mapping between information and these scouting actions that encodes and decodes the messages. We propose training algorithms for agents to message and act, including learning with a randomly initialized information map and with a delayed information map. The efficacy of ICP has been tested on the tasks of Guessing Number, Revealing Goals, and Hanabi, where ICP significantly outperforms baseline methods through more efficient information transmission.
Abstract:Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) is a cornerstone optimization algorithm in deep learning, widely recognized for its flexibility with adaptive learning rates and efficiency in handling large-scale data. However, despite its practical success, the theoretical understanding of Adam's convergence has been constrained by stringent assumptions, such as almost surely bounded stochastic gradients or uniformly bounded gradients, which are more restrictive than those typically required for analyzing stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In this paper, we introduce a novel and comprehensive framework for analyzing the convergence properties of Adam. This framework offers a versatile approach to establishing Adam's convergence. Specifically, we prove that Adam achieves asymptotic (last iterate sense) convergence in both the almost sure sense and the \(L_1\) sense under the relaxed assumptions typically used for SGD, namely \(L\)-smoothness and the ABC inequality. Meanwhile, under the same assumptions, we show that Adam attains non-asymptotic sample complexity bounds similar to those of SGD.
Abstract:Adaptive optimizers have emerged as powerful tools in deep learning, dynamically adjusting the learning rate based on iterative gradients. These adaptive methods have significantly succeeded in various deep learning tasks, outperforming stochastic gradient descent (SGD). However, although AdaGrad is a cornerstone adaptive optimizer, its theoretical analysis is inadequate in addressing asymptotic convergence and non-asymptotic convergence rates on non-convex optimization. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and complete picture of AdaGrad. We first introduce a novel stopping time technique from probabilistic theory to establish stability for the norm version of AdaGrad under milder conditions. We further derive two forms of asymptotic convergence: almost sure and mean-square. Furthermore, we demonstrate the near-optimal non-asymptotic convergence rate measured by the average-squared gradients in expectation, which is rarely explored and stronger than the existing high-probability results, under the mild assumptions. The techniques developed in this work are potentially independent of interest for future research on other adaptive stochastic algorithms.
Abstract:Learning policies from offline datasets through offline reinforcement learning (RL) holds promise for scaling data-driven decision-making and avoiding unsafe and costly online interactions. However, real-world data collected from sensors or humans often contains noise and errors, posing a significant challenge for existing offline RL methods. Our study indicates that traditional offline RL methods based on temporal difference learning tend to underperform Decision Transformer (DT) under data corruption, especially when the amount of data is limited. This suggests the potential of sequential modeling for tackling data corruption in offline RL. To further unleash the potential of sequence modeling methods, we propose Robust Decision Transformer (RDT) by incorporating several robust techniques. Specifically, we introduce Gaussian weighted learning and iterative data correction to reduce the effect of corrupted data. Additionally, we leverage embedding dropout to enhance the model's resistance to erroneous inputs. Extensive experiments on MoJoCo, KitChen, and Adroit tasks demonstrate RDT's superior performance under diverse data corruption compared to previous methods. Moreover, RDT exhibits remarkable robustness in a challenging setting that combines training-time data corruption with testing-time observation perturbations. These results highlight the potential of robust sequence modeling for learning from noisy or corrupted offline datasets, thereby promoting the reliable application of offline RL in real-world tasks.
Abstract:A carbon market is a market-based tool that incentivizes economic agents to align individual profits with the global utility, i.e., reducing carbon emissions to tackle climate change. \textit{Cap and trade} stands as a critical principle based on allocating and trading carbon allowances (carbon emission credit), enabling economic agents to follow planned emissions and penalizing excess emissions. A central authority is responsible for introducing and allocating those allowances in cap and trade. However, the complexity of carbon market dynamics makes accurate simulation intractable, which in turn hinders the design of effective allocation strategies. To address this, we propose an adaptive mechanism design framework, simulating the market using hierarchical, model-free multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Government agents allocate carbon credits, while enterprises engage in economic activities and carbon trading. This framework illustrates agents' behavior comprehensively. Numerical results show MARL enables government agents to balance productivity, equality, and carbon emissions. Our project is available at \url{https://github.com/xwanghan/Carbon-Simulator}.
Abstract:In this work, we study potential games and Markov potential games under stochastic cost and bandit feedback. We propose a variant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with sufficient exploration and recursive gradient estimation, which provably converges to the Nash equilibrium while attaining sublinear regret for each individual player. Our algorithm simultaneously achieves a Nash regret and a regret bound of $O(T^{4/5})$ for potential games, which matches the best available result, without using additional projection steps. Through carefully balancing the reuse of past samples and exploration of new samples, we then extend the results to Markov potential games and improve the best available Nash regret from $O(T^{5/6})$ to $O(T^{4/5})$. Moreover, our algorithm requires no knowledge of the game, such as the distribution mismatch coefficient, which provides more flexibility in its practical implementation. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings and underscore the practical effectiveness of our method.
Abstract:In this work, we study the low-rank MDPs with adversarially changed losses in the full-information feedback setting. In particular, the unknown transition probability kernel admits a low-rank matrix decomposition \citep{REPUCB22}, and the loss functions may change adversarially but are revealed to the learner at the end of each episode. We propose a policy optimization-based algorithm POLO, and we prove that it attains the $\widetilde{O}(K^{\frac{5}{6}}A^{\frac{1}{2}}d\ln(1+M)/(1-\gamma)^2)$ regret guarantee, where $d$ is rank of the transition kernel (and hence the dimension of the unknown representations), $A$ is the cardinality of the action space, $M$ is the cardinality of the model class, and $\gamma$ is the discounted factor. Notably, our algorithm is oracle-efficient and has a regret guarantee with no dependence on the size of potentially arbitrarily large state space. Furthermore, we also prove an $\Omega(\frac{\gamma^2}{1-\gamma} \sqrt{d A K})$ regret lower bound for this problem, showing that low-rank MDPs are statistically more difficult to learn than linear MDPs in the regret minimization setting. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first algorithm that interleaves representation learning, exploration, and exploitation to achieve the sublinear regret guarantee for RL with nonlinear function approximation and adversarial losses.
Abstract:Communication lays the foundation for cooperation in human society and in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Humans also desire to maintain their privacy when communicating with others, yet such privacy concern has not been considered in existing works in MARL. To this end, we propose the \textit{differentially private multi-agent communication} (DPMAC) algorithm, which protects the sensitive information of individual agents by equipping each agent with a local message sender with rigorous $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differential privacy (DP) guarantee. In contrast to directly perturbing the messages with predefined DP noise as commonly done in privacy-preserving scenarios, we adopt a stochastic message sender for each agent respectively and incorporate the DP requirement into the sender, which automatically adjusts the learned message distribution to alleviate the instability caused by DP noise. Further, we prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium in cooperative MARL with privacy-preserving communication, which suggests that this problem is game-theoretically learnable. Extensive experiments demonstrate a clear advantage of DPMAC over baseline methods in privacy-preserving scenarios.