Abstract:Distribution shift is a major obstacle in offline reinforcement learning, which necessitates minimizing the discrepancy between the learned policy and the behavior policy to avoid overestimating rare or unseen actions. Previous conservative offline RL algorithms struggle to generalize to unseen actions, despite their success in learning good in-distribution policy. In contrast, we propose to use the gradient fields of the dataset density generated from a pre-trained offline RL algorithm to adjust the original actions. We decouple the conservatism constraints from the policy, thus can benefit wide offline RL algorithms. As a consequence, we propose the Conservative Denoising Score-based Algorithm (CDSA) which utilizes the denoising score-based model to model the gradient of the dataset density, rather than the dataset density itself, and facilitates a more accurate and efficient method to adjust the action generated by the pre-trained policy in a deterministic and continuous MDP environment. In experiments, we show that our approach significantly improves the performance of baseline algorithms in D4RL datasets, and demonstrate the generalizability and plug-and-play capability of our model across different pre-trained offline RL policy in different tasks. We also validate that the agent exhibits greater risk aversion after employing our method while showcasing its ability to generalize effectively across diverse tasks.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning struggles in the face of long-horizon tasks and sparse goals due to the difficulty in manual reward specification. While existing methods address this by adding intrinsic rewards, they may fail to provide meaningful guidance in long-horizon decision-making tasks with large state and action spaces, lacking purposeful exploration. Inspired by human cognition, we propose a new multi-modal model-based RL approach named Dreaming with Large Language Models (DLLM). DLLM integrates the proposed hinting subgoals from the LLMs into the model rollouts to encourage goal discovery and reaching in challenging tasks. By assigning higher intrinsic rewards to samples that align with the hints outlined by the language model during model rollouts, DLLM guides the agent toward meaningful and efficient exploration. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the DLLM outperforms recent methods in various challenging, sparse-reward environments such as HomeGrid, Crafter, and Minecraft by 27.7\%, 21.1\%, and 9.9\%, respectively.
Abstract:Machine learning methods based on AdaBoost have been widely applied to various classification problems across many mission-critical applications including healthcare, law and finance. However, there is a growing concern about the unfairness and discrimination of data-driven classification models, which is inevitable for classical algorithms including AdaBoost. In order to achieve fair classification, a novel fair AdaBoost (FAB) approach is proposed that is an interpretable fairness-improving variant of AdaBoost. We mainly investigate binary classification problems and focus on the fairness of three different indicators (i.e., accuracy, false positive rate and false negative rate). By utilizing a fairness-aware reweighting technique for base classifiers, the proposed FAB approach can achieve fair classification while maintaining the advantage of AdaBoost with negligible sacrifice of predictive performance. In addition, a hyperparameter is introduced in FAB to show preferences for the fairness-accuracy trade-off. An upper bound for the target loss function that quantifies error rate and unfairness is theoretically derived for FAB, which provides a strict theoretical support for the fairness-improving methods designed for AdaBoost. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated on three real-world datasets (i.e., Adult, COMPAS and HSLS) with respect to the three fairness indicators. The results are accordant with theoretic analyses, and show that (i) FAB significantly improves classification fairness at a small cost of accuracy compared with AdaBoost; and (ii) FAB outperforms state-of-the-art fair classification methods including equalized odds method, exponentiated gradient method, and disparate mistreatment method in terms of the fairness-accuracy trade-off.