Abstract:Next-generation wireless networks are conceived to provide reliable and high-data-rate communication services for diverse scenarios, such as vehicle-to-vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellite networks. The severe Doppler spreads in the underlying time-varying channels induce destructive inter-carrier interference (ICI) in the extensively adopted orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform, leading to severe performance degradation. This calls for a new air interface design that can accommodate the severe delay-Doppler spreads in highly dynamic channels while possessing sufficient flexibility to cater to various applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of a promising chirp-based waveform named affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM). It is featured with two tunable parameters and achieves optimal diversity order in doubly dispersive channels (DDC). We study the fundamental principle of AFDM, illustrating its intrinsic suitability for DDC. Based on that, several potential applications of AFDM are explored. Furthermore, the major challenges and the corresponding solutions of AFDM are presented, followed by several future research directions. Finally, we draw some instructive conclusions about AFDM, hoping to provide useful inspiration for its development.
Abstract:Recently, deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has demonstrated its potential to tackle complex cooperative tasks, pushing the boundaries of AI in collaborative environments. However, the efficiency of these systems is often compromised by inadequate sample utilization and a lack of diversity in learning strategies. To enhance MARL performance, we introduce a novel sample reuse approach that dynamically adjusts policy updates based on observation novelty. Specifically, we employ a Random Network Distillation (RND) network to gauge the novelty of each agent's current state, assigning additional sample update opportunities based on the uniqueness of the data. We name our method Multi-Agent Novelty-GuidEd sample Reuse (MANGER). This method increases sample efficiency and promotes exploration and diverse agent behaviors. Our evaluations confirm substantial improvements in MARL effectiveness in complex cooperative scenarios such as Google Research Football and super-hard StarCraft II micromanagement tasks.
Abstract:Trilevel learning (TLL) found diverse applications in numerous machine learning applications, ranging from robust hyperparameter optimization to domain adaptation. However, existing researches primarily focus on scenarios where TLL can be addressed with first order information available at each level, which is inadequate in many situations involving zeroth order constraints, such as when black-box models are employed. Moreover, in trilevel learning, data may be distributed across various nodes, necessitating strategies to address TLL problems without centralizing data on servers to uphold data privacy. To this end, an effective distributed trilevel zeroth order learning framework DTZO is proposed in this work to address the TLL problems with level-wise zeroth order constraints in a distributed manner. The proposed DTZO is versatile and can be adapted to a wide range of (grey-box) TLL problems with partial zeroth order constraints. In DTZO, the cascaded polynomial approximation can be constructed without relying on gradients or sub-gradients, leveraging a novel cut, i.e., zeroth order cut. Furthermore, we theoretically carry out the non-asymptotic convergence rate analysis for the proposed DTZO in achieving the $\epsilon$-stationary point. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate and validate the superior performance of the proposed DTZO, e.g., it approximately achieves up to a 40$\%$ improvement in performance.
Abstract:Despite the remarkable success of Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) across various domains, understanding and enhancing their mathematical capabilities remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we conduct a rigorous theoretical analysis of LLMs' mathematical abilities, with a specific focus on their arithmetic performances. We identify numerical precision as a key factor that influences their effectiveness in mathematical tasks. Our results show that Transformers operating with low numerical precision fail to address arithmetic tasks, such as iterated addition and integer multiplication, unless the model size grows super-polynomially with respect to the input length. In contrast, Transformers with standard numerical precision can efficiently handle these tasks with significantly smaller model sizes. We further support our theoretical findings through empirical experiments that explore the impact of varying numerical precision on arithmetic tasks, providing valuable insights for improving the mathematical reasoning capabilities of LLMs.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning, agents collect state information and rewards through environmental interactions, essential for policy refinement. This process is notably time-consuming, especially in complex robotic simulations and real-world applications. Traditional algorithms usually re-engage with the environment after processing a single batch of samples, thereby failing to fully capitalize on historical data. However, frequently observed states, with reliable value estimates, require minimal updates; in contrast, rare observed states necessitate more intensive updates for achieving accurate value estimations. To address uneven sample utilization, we propose Novelty-guided Sample Reuse (NSR). NSR provides extra updates for infrequent, novel states and skips additional updates for frequent states, maximizing sample use before interacting with the environment again. Our experiments show that NSR improves the convergence rate and success rate of algorithms without significantly increasing time consumption. Our code is publicly available at
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce fastHDMI, a Python package designed for efficient variable screening in high-dimensional datasets, particularly neuroimaging data. This work pioneers the application of three mutual information estimation methods for neuroimaging variable selection, a novel approach implemented via fastHDMI. These advancements enhance our ability to analyze the complex structures of neuroimaging datasets, providing improved tools for variable selection in high-dimensional spaces. Using the preprocessed ABIDE dataset, we evaluate the performance of these methods through extensive simulations. The tests cover a range of conditions, including linear and nonlinear associations, as well as continuous and binary outcomes. Our results highlight the superiority of the FFTKDE-based mutual information estimation for feature screening in continuous nonlinear outcomes, while binning-based methods outperform others for binary outcomes with nonlinear probability preimages. For linear simulations, both Pearson correlation and FFTKDE-based methods show comparable performance for continuous outcomes, while Pearson excels in binary outcomes with linear probability preimages. A comprehensive case study using the ABIDE dataset further demonstrates fastHDMI's practical utility, showcasing the predictive power of models built from variables selected using our screening techniques. This research affirms the computational efficiency and methodological strength of fastHDMI, significantly enriching the toolkit available for neuroimaging analysis.
Abstract:Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization in machine learning is a burgeoning area of study. Its primary goal is to enhance the adaptability and resilience of machine learning models when faced with new, unseen, and potentially adversarial data that significantly diverges from their original training datasets. In this paper, we investigate time series OOD generalization via pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs). We first propose a novel \textbf{T}ri-level learning framework for \textbf{T}ime \textbf{S}eries \textbf{O}OD generalization, termed TTSO, which considers both sample-level and group-level uncertainties. This formula offers a fresh theoretic perspective for formulating and analyzing OOD generalization problem. In addition, we provide a theoretical analysis to justify this method is well motivated. We then develop a stratified localization algorithm tailored for this tri-level optimization problem, theoretically demonstrating the guaranteed convergence of the proposed algorithm. Our analysis also reveals that the iteration complexity to obtain an $\epsilon$-stationary point is bounded by O($\frac{1}{\epsilon^{2}}$). Extensive experiments on real-world datasets have been conducted to elucidate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:Learning representations on large graphs is a long-standing challenge due to the inter-dependence nature. Transformers recently have shown promising performance on small graphs thanks to its global attention for capturing all-pair interactions beyond observed structures. Existing approaches tend to inherit the spirit of Transformers in language and vision tasks, and embrace complicated architectures by stacking deep attention-based propagation layers. In this paper, we attempt to evaluate the necessity of adopting multi-layer attentions in Transformers on graphs, which considerably restricts the efficiency. Specifically, we analyze a generic hybrid propagation layer, comprised of all-pair attention and graph-based propagation, and show that multi-layer propagation can be reduced to one-layer propagation, with the same capability for representation learning. It suggests a new technical path for building powerful and efficient Transformers on graphs, particularly through simplifying model architectures without sacrificing expressiveness. As exemplified by this work, we propose a Simplified Single-layer Graph Transformers (SGFormer), whose main component is a single-layer global attention that scales linearly w.r.t. graph sizes and requires none of any approximation for accommodating all-pair interactions. Empirically, SGFormer successfully scales to the web-scale graph ogbn-papers100M, yielding orders-of-magnitude inference acceleration over peer Transformers on medium-sized graphs, and demonstrates competitiveness with limited labeled data.
Abstract:Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has garnered widespread attention in the field of Whole Slide Image (WSI) classification as it replaces pixel-level manual annotation with diagnostic reports as labels, significantly reducing labor costs. Recent research has shown that bag-level MIL methods often yield better results because they can consider all patches of the WSI as a whole. However, a drawback of such methods is the incorporation of more redundant patches, leading to interference. To extract patches with high diagnostic value while excluding interfering patches to address this issue, we developed an attention-based feature distillation multi-instance learning (AFD-MIL) approach. This approach proposed the exclusion of redundant patches as a preprocessing operation in weakly supervised learning, directly mitigating interference from extensive noise. It also pioneers the use of attention mechanisms to distill features with high diagnostic value, as opposed to the traditional practice of indiscriminately and forcibly integrating all patches. Additionally, we introduced global loss optimization to finely control the feature distillation module. AFD-MIL is orthogonal to many existing MIL methods, leading to consistent performance improvements. This approach has surpassed the current state-of-the-art method, achieving 91.47% ACC (accuracy) and 94.29% AUC (area under the curve) on the Camelyon16 (Camelyon Challenge 2016, breast cancer), while 93.33% ACC and 98.17% AUC on the TCGA-NSCLC (The Cancer Genome Atlas Program: non-small cell lung cancer). Different feature distillation methods were used for the two datasets, tailored to the specific diseases, thereby improving performance and interpretability.
Abstract:Task allocation is a key combinatorial optimization problem, crucial for modern applications such as multi-robot cooperation and resource scheduling. Decision makers must allocate entities to tasks reasonably across different scenarios. However, traditional methods assume static attributes and numbers of tasks and entities, often relying on dynamic programming and heuristic algorithms for solutions. In reality, task allocation resembles Markov decision processes, with dynamically changing task and entity attributes. Thus, algorithms must dynamically allocate tasks based on their states. To address this issue, we propose a two-stage task allocation algorithm based on similarity, utilizing reinforcement learning to learn allocation strategies. The proposed pre-assign strategy allows entities to preselect appropriate tasks, effectively avoiding local optima and thereby better finding the optimal allocation. We also introduce an attention mechanism and a hyperparameter network structure to adapt to the changing number and attributes of entities and tasks, enabling our network structure to generalize to new tasks. Experimental results across multiple environments demonstrate that our algorithm effectively addresses the challenges of dynamic task allocation in practical applications. Compared to heuristic algorithms like genetic algorithms, our reinforcement learning approach better solves dynamic allocation problems and achieves zero-shot generalization to new tasks with good performance. The code is available at