University of Waterloo
Abstract:The primary goal of motion planning is to generate safe and efficient trajectories for vehicles. Traditionally, motion planning models are trained using imitation learning to mimic the behavior of human experts. However, these models often lack interpretability and fail to provide clear justifications for their decisions. We propose a method that integrates constraint learning into imitation learning by extracting driving constraints from expert trajectories. Our approach utilizes vectorized scene embeddings that capture critical spatial and temporal features, enabling the model to identify and generalize constraints across various driving scenarios. We formulate the constraint learning problem using a maximum entropy model, which scores the motion planner's trajectories based on their similarity to the expert trajectory. By separating the scoring process into distinct reward and constraint streams, we improve both the interpretability of the planner's behavior and its attention to relevant scene components. Unlike existing constraint learning methods that rely on simulators and are typically embedded in reinforcement learning (RL) or inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) frameworks, our method operates without simulators, making it applicable to a wider range of datasets and real-world scenarios. Experimental results on the InD and TrafficJams datasets demonstrate that incorporating driving constraints enhances model interpretability and improves closed-loop performance.
Abstract:Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning (ICRL) is the task of inferring the implicit constraints followed by expert agents from their demonstration data. As an emerging research topic, ICRL has received considerable attention in recent years. This article presents a categorical survey of the latest advances in ICRL. It serves as a comprehensive reference for machine learning researchers and practitioners, as well as starters seeking to comprehend the definitions, advancements, and important challenges in ICRL. We begin by formally defining the problem and outlining the algorithmic framework that facilitates constraint inference across various scenarios. These include deterministic or stochastic environments, environments with limited demonstrations, and multiple agents. For each context, we illustrate the critical challenges and introduce a series of fundamental methods to tackle these issues. This survey encompasses discrete, virtual, and realistic environments for evaluating ICRL agents. We also delve into the most pertinent applications of ICRL, such as autonomous driving, robot control, and sports analytics. To stimulate continuing research, we conclude the survey with a discussion of key unresolved questions in ICRL that can effectively foster a bridge between theoretical understanding and practical industrial applications.
Abstract:In federated learning (FL), the common paradigm that FedAvg proposes and most algorithms follow is that clients train local models with their private data, and the model parameters are shared for central aggregation, mostly averaging. In this paradigm, the communication cost is often a challenge, as modern massive neural networks can contain millions to billions parameters. We suggest that clients do not share model parameters but local data summaries, to decrease the cost of sharing. We develop a new algorithm FedLog with Bayesian inference, which shares only sufficient statistics of local data. FedLog transmits messages as small as the last layer of the original model. We conducted comprehensive experiments to show we outperform other FL algorithms that aim at decreasing the communication cost. To provide formal privacy guarantees, we further extend FedLog with differential privacy and show the trade-off between privacy budget and accuracy.
Abstract:Beam search is a standard tree search algorithm when it comes to finding sequences of maximum likelihood, for example, in the decoding processes of large language models. However, it is myopic since it does not take the whole path from the root to a leaf into account. Moreover, it is agnostic to prior knowledge available about the process: For example, it does not consider that the objective being maximized is a likelihood and thereby has specific properties, like being bound in the unit interval. Taking a probabilistic approach, we define a prior belief over the LLMs' transition probabilities and obtain a posterior belief over the most promising paths in each iteration. These beliefs are helpful to define a non-myopic Bayesian-optimization-like acquisition function that allows for a more data-efficient exploration scheme than standard beam search. We discuss how to select the prior and demonstrate in on- and off-model experiments with recent large language models, including Llama-2-7b, that our method achieves higher efficiency than beam search: Our method achieves the same or a higher likelihood while expanding fewer nodes than beam search.
Abstract:In coming up with solutions to real-world problems, humans implicitly adhere to constraints that are too numerous and complex to be specified completely. However, reinforcement learning (RL) agents need these constraints to learn the correct optimal policy in these settings. The field of Inverse Constraint Reinforcement Learning (ICRL) deals with this problem and provides algorithms that aim to estimate the constraints from expert demonstrations collected offline. Practitioners prefer to know a measure of confidence in the estimated constraints, before deciding to use these constraints, which allows them to only use the constraints that satisfy a desired level of confidence. However, prior works do not allow users to provide the desired level of confidence for the inferred constraints. This work provides a principled ICRL method that can take a confidence level with a set of expert demonstrations and outputs a constraint that is at least as constraining as the true underlying constraint with the desired level of confidence. Further, unlike previous methods, this method allows a user to know if the number of expert trajectories is insufficient to learn a constraint with a desired level of confidence, and therefore collect more expert trajectories as required to simultaneously learn constraints with the desired level of confidence and a policy that achieves the desired level of performance.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) can significantly be improved by aligning to human preferences -- the so-called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). However, the cost of fine-tuning an LLM is prohibitive for many users. Due to their ability to bypass LLM finetuning, tokenwise reward-guided text generation (RGTG) methods have recently been proposed. They use a reward model trained on full sequences to score partial sequences during a tokenwise decoding, in a bid to steer the generation towards sequences with high rewards. However, these methods have so far been only heuristically motivated and poorly analyzed. In this work, we show that reward models trained on full sequences are not compatible with scoring partial sequences. To alleviate this issue, we propose to explicitly train a Bradley-Terry reward model on partial sequences, and autoregressively sample from the implied tokenwise policy during decoding time. We study the property of this reward model and the implied policy. In particular, we show that this policy is proportional to the ratio of two distinct RLHF policies. We show that our simple approach outperforms previous RGTG methods and achieves similar performance as strong offline baselines but without large-scale LLM finetuning.
Abstract:Bayesian optimization (BO) is an integral part of automated scientific discovery -- the so-called self-driving lab -- where human inputs are ideally minimal or at least non-blocking. However, scientists often have strong intuition, and thus human feedback is still useful. Nevertheless, prior works in enhancing BO with expert feedback, such as by incorporating it in an offline or online but blocking (arrives at each BO iteration) manner, are incompatible with the spirit of self-driving labs. In this work, we study whether a small amount of randomly arriving expert feedback that is being incorporated in a non-blocking manner can improve a BO campaign. To this end, we run an additional, independent computing thread on top of the BO loop to handle the feedback-gathering process. The gathered feedback is used to learn a Bayesian preference model that can readily be incorporated into the BO thread, to steer its exploration-exploitation process. Experiments on toy and chemistry datasets suggest that even just a few intermittent, asynchronous expert feedback can be useful for improving or constraining BO. This can especially be useful for its implication in improving self-driving labs, e.g. making them more data-efficient and less costly.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning algorithms utilizing policy gradients (PG) to optimize Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) face significant challenges with sample inefficiency, hindering their practical applications. This inefficiency stems from two main facts: a focus on tail-end performance that overlooks many sampled trajectories, and the potential of gradient vanishing when the lower tail of the return distribution is overly flat. To address these challenges, we propose a simple mixture policy parameterization. This method integrates a risk-neutral policy with an adjustable policy to form a risk-averse policy. By employing this strategy, all collected trajectories can be utilized for policy updating, and the issue of vanishing gradients is counteracted by stimulating higher returns through the risk-neutral component, thus lifting the tail and preventing flatness. Our empirical study reveals that this mixture parameterization is uniquely effective across a variety of benchmark domains. Specifically, it excels in identifying risk-averse CVaR policies in some Mujoco environments where the traditional CVaR-PG fails to learn a reasonable policy.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) and causal modelling naturally complement each other. The goal of causal modelling is to predict the effects of interventions in an environment, while the goal of reinforcement learning is to select interventions that maximize the rewards the agent receives from the environment. Reinforcement learning includes the two most powerful sources of information for estimating causal relationships: temporal ordering and the ability to act on an environment. This paper examines which reinforcement learning settings we can expect to benefit from causal modelling, and how. In online learning, the agent has the ability to interact directly with their environment, and learn from exploring it. Our main argument is that in online learning, conditional probabilities are causal, and therefore offline RL is the setting where causal learning has the most potential to make a difference. Essentially, the reason is that when an agent learns from their {\em own} experience, there are no unobserved confounders that influence both the agent's own exploratory actions and the rewards they receive. Our paper formalizes this argument. For offline RL, where an agent may and typically does learn from the experience of {\em others}, we describe previous and new methods for leveraging a causal model, including support for counterfactual queries.
Abstract:Automation is one of the cornerstones of contemporary material discovery. Bayesian optimization (BO) is an essential part of such workflows, enabling scientists to leverage prior domain knowledge into efficient exploration of a large molecular space. While such prior knowledge can take many forms, there has been significant fanfare around the ancillary scientific knowledge encapsulated in large language models (LLMs). However, existing work thus far has only explored LLMs for heuristic materials searches. Indeed, recent work obtains the uncertainty estimate -- an integral part of BO -- from point-estimated, non-Bayesian LLMs. In this work, we study the question of whether LLMs are actually useful to accelerate principled Bayesian optimization in the molecular space. We take a sober, dispassionate stance in answering this question. This is done by carefully (i) viewing LLMs as fixed feature extractors for standard but principled BO surrogate models and by (ii) leveraging parameter-efficient finetuning methods and Bayesian neural networks to obtain the posterior of the LLM surrogate. Our extensive experiments with real-world chemistry problems show that LLMs can be useful for BO over molecules, but only if they have been pretrained or finetuned with domain-specific data.